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译林牛津8 A课本U8 U8.docx

1、译林牛津8 A课本U8 U8译林牛津8 A Unit 8Natural disasters【教材内容解析】1. Comic strip(1) Didnt you hear the rain? (P. 92)这是一个否定疑问句,表示一种惊讶或者不快,否定疑问句意为“难道不吗?”Arent you afraid of your father?Dont you know you should finish your homework on time?(2) Who will mop up the water if I go home without you? (P. 92)mop此处用作及物动词,意

2、为“用拖把擦干净”,mop up意为“擦干、抹去”。They are mopping up the floor.2. Welcome to the unit(1) Earthquake kills thousands of people. (P. 93)thousands of表示“成千上万的”,后接可数名词复数形式,hundred, thousand, million, billion和具体数字连用时,用单数形式,只有与介词of连用,表示大约数字时,才能用复数形式。Hundreds of birds are flying the sky.There are two thousand stud

3、ents in my school.(2) Coach crashes into tree. (P. 93)crash这里用作不及物动词,意为“碰撞、撞击”,crash into意为“撞上”。The car crashed on the bend.I crashed into a tree and hurt my knee.(3) Flood washes away village. (P. 93)wash away表示“冲走”,代词作宾语只能放在两者之间,名词作宾语可以放在中间也可以放在后面。The flood washed them away.The rain washed away th

4、e rubbish on the street.(4) Lightning starts big fire in classroom building. (P. 93)start此处用作及物动词,意为“引起、发起”,作不及物动词,表示“出发、动身、开始”。We love peace and we dont want to start a war.School starts at 8 oclock.When will you start off?(5) Did you hear about the fire at a school in the UK last week. (P. 93)hear

5、 about意为“听说”,相当于hear of,hear from意为“收到的来信”。I never heard about/of that place.I heard from my elder brother last week.3. Reading(1) At first, I felt a slight shake. (P. 94)shake此处用作名词,表示“摇动、晃动”,还可以作动词,表示“摇动、振动”,shake hands with sb.“与某人握手”。He gave the tree a shake.We usually shaking hands when we meet

6、 someone for the first time.(2) People screamed in fear. (P. 94)in fear意为“惊恐地”。The thief shook in fear to see the police.When they heard the strange noise last night, they looked at me in fear.(3) Some ran out of the building. I tried my best to run out too, but I couldnt. (P. 94)run out意为“跑出去”,run

7、out of“从跑出去”,另外,run out还可以表示“用完、用光”,run out of“把用完”。The girl ran out of the shopping mall when she heard the noise.Time is running out. We must hurry up.If you run out of your money, you can ask me for some.try ones best to do sth. 意为“尽最大努力做某事”,相当于do ones best to do sth.。We should try/do our best to

8、 learn English well.(4) Outside, people were running in all directionswhile pieces of glass and bricks were falling down. (P. 94)in all directions表示“四面八方、在各个方向”,与in every direction同义。After the gunshot, the birds are flying in all directions.while作连词,意为“当时候”,表示两个动作同时进行,也可以表示对比,意为“而”。My father was rea

9、ding a book while my mother was washing her hair.Will you please look after my dog while I am away.(5) Then the walls began to come down too. (P. 94)come down此处意为“倒塌”,也可以表示“下来、下降、下跌”。When did the bridge come down?The rain comes down in torrents.Meat is coming down in price.(6) I could not see anythi

10、ng at all. (P. 94) all意为“根本不、一点也不”。I dont like Beijing opera at all.(7) .and I did not know if anyone else was near me. (P. 94)if此处用作动词,意为“是否”,引导宾语从句。I dont know if it will rain tomorrow.【拓展】if表示“如果”时,引导条件状语从句,这时主句一般用将来时,从句用一般现在时表示将来。If it is fine tomorrow, well have a picnic.I dont know if he

11、 will come tomorrow. If he comes, Ill call you.(8) I felt nervous and my heart was beating fast. (P. 94)nervous作形容词,表示“紧张不安的”,be nervous about“对感到紧张”。Most of the students are nervous about the coming exam.beat作动词可以表示“(心脏、脉搏)跳动、敲打、打败”。After running, your heart usually beats faster.My brother likes be

12、ating the drum.We beat Class 1 at basketball.(9) “I am trapped,” I said to myself. (P. 94)say to oneself意为“对自己说、自言自语”。He likes saying to himself.(10) A moment of fear went through my mind.(P. 94)go through表示“穿过、穿越”。They went through a park to their school.【拓展】through, over和across辨析through表示从物体内部空间穿过

13、;over表示从物体上方越过;across表示从物体表面穿过 。The sun shines through the window.The plane flies over the city.He runs across the playground.(11) .but I told myself to calm down since I was still alive. (P. 94)calm此处用作动词,意为“使平静、使镇定”,calm down“冷静、平静”。Listening to music can make you calm down.He is out of control. Y

14、ou should calm him down.since此处意为“既然、由于、因为”,表示众所周知或者显而易见的原因,相当于as。Since everyone is here, lets start the class meeting.alive作形容词,表示“活着的、现存的”,常作表语,作定语时,需后置。That fish was still alive without water for two hours.(12) I shouted for help, but no on came. (P. 94)shout for help意为“喊救命”,相当于scream/cry for hel

15、p,shout用作动词,表示“呼喊、叫喊”,shout at sb. “朝某人大喊”。Listen, someone is shouting for help.Dont shout at others. It is impolite.(13) Hours later, as I was trying to find my way out.(P. 94)find ones way out表示“找出路”。The factory was on fire suddenly and the workers were trying to find their way out.(14) Timmy was

16、asleep when the earthquake started. (P. 96)asleep意为“睡着的”常作表语,fall asleep“入睡”。Please dont wake her up. She is fast asleep.4. Grammar(1) Sandy, I saw you and your parents standing on the side of the road. (P. 97)on the side of the road“在路边”,on both sides of the road“在路的两边”,也可以说成on each/either side of

17、the road。The man is standing on the side of the road, waiting for the bus.Therere many trees on both sides of the road.(2) My dads car broke down because of the cold weather. (P. 97)break down表示“出故障、坏掉”,是不及物动词短语,不能用于被动语态中。We were all late for school yesterday because our school bus broke down on the

18、 way.The printing machines are always breaking down.【拓展】break的相关短语break into 强行闯入 break in打断、插嘴 break out爆发 break away from脱离(3) When a shorter action happened at the same time as a longer action.(P. 98)at the same time“同时”。They put up their hands at the same time.5. Integrated skills(1) Try to get

19、out as soon as possible. (P. 99) possible意为“尽可能”相当于 one can,两个as中间用形容词或者副词原级。My mother asks us to come home as early as possible.You should study as hard as you can.(2) Cover your mouth and nose with a wet towel to protect yourself from thick smoke. (P. 99)protect.from/against.意为“保护免受”。The

20、 farmer thought up all ways to protect plants from frost.What can women do to protect themselves from heart disease.(3) Stay away from a window. (P. 100)stay away from意为“远离、不靠近”,相当于keep away from。That dog may bite you. Please keep away from it.6. Study skills(1) toothache (P. 101)toothache意为“牙疼”,too

21、thache是tooth和ache的合成词,类似的还有headache, backache, stomachache。I had a toothache yesterday.7. Task(1) I nearly fell over. (P. 102)nearly作副词,意为“几乎、将近”。Nearly three weeks has passed.【拓展】nearly与almost的辨析一般情况下,两者可以互换,但是almost可用于any以及no, none, nobody, nothing, never等否定词之前,但nearly一般不这样用;nearly前可用very, pretty,

22、 not等词修饰,但almost之前不能用这些词。Almost any man can do it.Almost no one came to the party.Its not nearly so difficult as you think.【重点短语和句型归纳】一、重点短语1. thousands of 成千上万2. wash away 冲走3. in all directions 四面八方4. come down 崩塌5. all 一点也不6. catch fire 着火7. find ones way out 找到出路8. because of 因为,由于9. as.a

23、s possible 尽可能.10. break down 出故障,坏掉11. mop up 擦干,抹去12. hear about/of 听说13. in fear 处于恐慌中14. run out 跑出去;用光15. say to oneself 自言自语16. go through 穿过17. calm down 冷静;平静18. shout for help 喊救命19. find ones way out 找出路20. be trapped 被困21. at the same time 同时22. learn from 从中学习23. on fire 着火24. stay away

24、from 远离25. crash into 撞上26. cover.with.用覆盖27. protect.from.保护免受二、重点句型1. try ones best to do sth. 尽力做某事2. keep+宾语+宾补 使怎么样3. see sb. doing sth. 看到某人正在做某事4. ask sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事5. have to do sth. 不得不做某事6. when.did, .was/were doing 当时候,正在7. while.was/were doing, .did 当正在,这时8. while. was/were doing

25、, .was/were doing 正在,而正在【语法讲解】(一)when, while和as 的用法区别(1)when “当.时候”, 可指时间点/时间段, 从句中的谓语动词可用延续性动词/非延续性动词. 这些动词可以表示动作/状态. 从句中的动作既可和主句的动作同时发生, 也可在主句动作之前或之后发生.I came to this school when I was 14 years old.The students were talking noisily when the teacher came in.(2)While “在.的时候, 在.期间”, 他总是指一个时间段, 从句中的谓语

26、动词必须是延续性的, 它强调主句的动作与从句的动作同时发生或主句的动作发生在从句的动作过程中. I was cooking supper while he was playing the piano.The teacher came in while the students were talking noisily.(3) as 引导时间状语从句, 作”当.的时候”解, 有”随着.”之意, 与while 的意义相近, 强调两个动同时发生; 或某事一发生, 另一事立即发生.He shouted aloud as he ran along.【提醒】 固定句型结构 (1). 过去进行时(主句)+

27、while + 过去进行时(从句) (2). 一般过去时(主句)+ while + 过去进行时(从句) (3). 过去进行时(主句)+ when + 一般过去时(从句) (4). 一般过去时(主句)+ as + 一般过去时(从句)(二)过去进行时(1)过去进行时的概念 过去进行时表示在过去某个时间或某个时间段正在进行的动作.(2). 过去进行时的用法1)表示过去某一时刻正在进行的动作.What were you doing at 7 p.m. yesterday?2.)表示过去某一时间段内一直正在进行的动作We were watching TV from seven to nine last

28、night.(3). 过去进行时中常用的时间状语:at that time, at 9 last night, the whole morning, all day yesterday, from nine to ten last evening等;也可与时间状语从句连用,: when I saw him, while he was walking; 还可以通过上下文的暗示:We were having an English class at that time.He was playing with his classmates at 4: 30 yesterday afternoon.Were you doing your homework when your father got home?Dad was cooking while Mum was washing clothes.

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