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1、新目标大学英语综合教程第三册WELearn答案新目标大学英语:综合教程第三册U1Textbook StudyListening1)created2)standard of living3)comfortable4)enhance their career5)means of communication6)day-to-day purposes7)institutes8)devices9)work and everyday routine10)a click ofText B1:1)objective2)People show their love to their moms online on

2、 Mothers Day.2:1)subjective2)The influence of technology is admittedly an important factor, but it is also true that the Millennial Generation are more obsessed with individualism than ever.3:1)subjective2)Whether the pursuit of originality is the cause or consequence of our generations alienation,

3、the two are clearly linked and central to understanding it.4:1)objective2)It is reported that the Millennials are more indifferent and indifferent.Writing(范文示例)How to reduce the negative effects of TV programs on children? When TV sets enter every household, different programs have played a more and

4、 more important role in childrens mental and physiological growth. Some programs, say, cartoons and TV specials about animal life, are very helpful. They give much fun to the children and teach them an appreciation for all life. Besides, some other programs such as science fictions can arouse childr

5、ens interest and encourage creativity. Even some commercials such as those on anti-smoking campaigns can help the children judge what is good and what is not in their daily life. However, some programs also have negative effects on the children. First, many commercials may create childrens desire fo

6、r unnecessary products because they dont really know what they want. Second, spending too much time in front of TV will do harm to their eyes. Thirdly, many adult programs contain violence and sex, which are likely to lead to juvenile crimes when children grow up. Therefore, various measures should

7、be taken to reduce TV programs negative effects. Of course, parents should, first of all, limit the time that children spend on different programs. Secondly, program selection should be taken into account, and parental guidance is also necessary. Finally, government should pass some laws to forbid t

8、he violence in childrens programs.CET-Oriented StudyListening1、D2、C3、B4、B5、D6、CReading Comprehension7)B8)D9)C10)G11) H12) I13) K14)M15)N16)NParagraph Translation(翻译参考) College students born in the 1990s have been in an advantageous situation. With the development and progress of society, TV, compute

9、rs and Internet have come along with this “New Generation” and imperceptibly influenced their growth. Especially the development of Internet has influenced this group of young people physically and mentally to a great extent. Internet has great temptation on them, but too much reliance on it makes t

10、he new generation unable to get sound judgment so as to lose their ways when they face new things. Moreover, since we dont have good supervision system over Internet, the “New Generation” is likely to develop an incorrect outlook on life and values.Unit TestsUnit Test - I1-5: BABDC6-10: CBBBB11-15:

11、CDBBA16-20: BCBADUnit Test - II1-5: CADCB(6)E. Effects(7)A. abundant(8)D. delivery(9)B. efficiency(10)M. reminders(11)I. appointments(12)G. unavailable(13)H. vaccinate(14)K. involve(15)N. quantitative16-20: BDCBD21-25: BBDBAU2Textbook StudyListening1)typically2)exceptions3)the highest-quality4)a rea

12、ction to5)prohibited6)well-regarded7)seeks8)unique philosophy9)dedicated to10)well-rounded studentsText B1、pro2、con3、con4、conWriting(范文示例)American Fast Food: Why Is It So Popular in China? American fast food is now very popular in China. When you walk along the streets of any big city in China, it i

13、s very likely for you to find several kinds of popular American fast food restaurants such as McDonalds, KFC, Pizza Hut, etc. These fast food restaurants serve different kinds of food, and they particularly cater for the young people and kids. With the development of economy in smaller cities and to

14、wns, the number of American fast food restaurants in China is increasing dramatically. There are several reasons for the popularity of American fast food in China. First, the service is generally good. It is fast, so the busy young people like it; the employees are professional and friendly, so peop

15、le feel happy when they enjoy the food; the environment is clean and pleasant, so kids and young people like to stay there to have party or dating. Second, the food tastes good. It tastes different from typical Chinese food, and it excites Chinese taste buds. Thirdly, the packaging makes the food lo

16、ok appealing. For example, the colorful paper wrappings are pleasing and plastic utensils are clean and convenient. Last but not least, their promotions attract customers. They always provide discount and special prices. Their TV commercials and newspaper advertisements greet regular customers and c

17、atch new ones. People tend to try new things. When Chinese people go to an American food restaurant, they come to know more about western food and their different ways of catering and eating. Therefore, the popularity of American fast food is a result of both the food culture and the lifestyle it re

18、presents. CET-Oriented Study Listening1、B2、A3、A4、B5、A6、DReading Comprehension7)K8)L9)G10)I11)D12)H13)F14)J15)A16)CParagraph Translation(翻译参考) In the early 20th century, few things were more appealing than the promise of scientific knowledge. In a world struggling with rapid industrialization, scienc

19、e and technology seemed to offer solutions to almost every problem. Newly-founded colleges and universities devoted themselves almost entirely to scientific, technological and engineering fields. Many people believed that science and technology could not only solve the problems in their daily life a

20、nd work, but also reform politics, government and business. However, after World War II, the academic world turned to humanistic studies with new enthusiasm. Many scholars believed that humanities could help us understand what we should do and therefore avoid getting lost in our life.Unit Tests Unit

21、 Test - I1-5: BBCDA6-10: BBBAC11-15: BBDBB16-20: ADADDUnit Test - II1-5: BCADA(6)C. considerable(7)A. falling(8)D. disciplines(9)H. inevitably(10)N. underfunded(11)E. faculty(12)G. survive(13)M. thinking(14)I. impossible(15)K. world16-20: BCCCD21-25: BCDBAU3Textbook Study Listening1)ultimate2)foster

22、s3)swallowed4)Giving public credit5)Take informed risks6)meet your expectations7)lack8)appearance and manners count9)capacity10)Competence stimulates peopleText B1、F I have met many people who feel unfulfilled, overwhelmed, or stagnant because they are forsaking performance in one or more aspects of

23、 their lives. They arent bringing their leadership abilities to bear in all of lifes domains work, home, community, and self.2、NG 3、F Scoring four-way wins starts by taking a clear view of what you want from and can contribute to each domain of your life with thoughtful consideration of the people w

24、ho matter most to you.4、T5、T6、F You dont need a workshop to identify worthwhile experiments. The process is pretty straightforward.Writing(范文示例)Should foreign language instruction begin in kindergarten? There is a famous saying “The limits of my language are the limits of my world”. Indeed, the abil

25、ity to speak several languages is considered one of the hallmarks of a cultured person. From this perspective, foreign language instruction should begin as early as possible in order to achieve near-native fluency. The reasons behind this approach are both social and professional. Socially, learning

26、 a foreign language enables the young child to enter a wider cultural world. By learning to speak, think and understand a different language, the child develops greater cross-cultural awareness. This critical ability enables the child to make friends with, identify with and empathize with others who

27、 speak the additional language. Professionally, by learning a foreign language in kindergarten, the child expands his/her future career horizons. In todays increasingly globalized world, bilingual and multilingual individuals are in high demand. The child who achieves this fluency naturally and easi

28、ly at a young age already has an edge over others in the job market. In summary, numerous benefits flow from teaching a foreign language from kindergarten. The child will most likely grow up to thank those who made such a learning experience possible.CET-Oriented Study Listening1、D2、B3、C4、A5、B6、CRea

29、ding Comprehension(7)H(8)K(9)A(10)F(11)D(12)E(13)I(14)N(15)E(16)CParagraph Translation(翻译参考) China became a net oil importer in 1993, a shift that generated both domestic and international concern about Chinas oil security. In 2002, China imported 37% of its oil. By 2020, international observers pre

30、dict that oil imports will rise to 63%-70% of Chinas domestic consumption. Currently, oil prices in China are set by the government. They are referenced to world prices, but lag behind changes in world oil prices by a month, which encourages speculation. Liberalizing domestic prices and allowing pri

31、ce differences based on local supply and demand would greatly help oil companies adjust production slate and resource allocation.Unit Tests Unit Test - I1-5: CBADA6-10: DACDB11-15: ADACC16-20: BACBCUnit Test - II1-5: BABDD(6)E. of(7)M. contribute(8)O. thoughtful(9)J. expectations(10)N. carefully(11)L. how(12)C. doesnt(13)D. adjust(14)A. up(15)F. matter16-20: ABCDB21-25: AADBCU4Textbook Study Listening1)appeal2)break down3)intentional4)fulfill5)Creativity6)harmony7)entertainment8)influence9)obvious10)secondary toText B1、F2

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