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1、秋英语必修第二册北师大版新教材SectionLesson3Section Lesson 31DiscussionDo you think the Internet helps or harms friendships? Why?The_answer_is_open.2PredictionRead the titles and predict what the blog posts are probably about.The_blog_posts_are_mainly_about_the_relationship_between_the_Internet_and_friendship.1Fir

2、st readingRead the two blog posts and find out the topic sentence of each argument.Blog Post One:Argument 1:Talking_online_is_no_replacement_for_facetoface_contact.Argument 2:The_Internet_can_make_people_selfcentered.Argument 3:Online_relationships_may_not_be_what_they_appear_to_be.Blog Post Two:Arg

3、ument 1:The_Internet_makes_communication_much_more_convenient.Argument 2:The_Internet_has_also_made_communication_more_fun.Argument 3:Online_communication_can_actually_bring_people_closer_to_each_other.2Second readingRead the two blog posts carefully and choose the best answer.(1)What enable us to d

4、evelop lifelong friendships?ACommunicating through a screen.BSocial skills developed through direct contact.CTalking online.DAdvice from some parenting experts.(2)Friendships are built on _Athe basis of trust Bonline communicationConline popularity Dthe number of likes(3)The Internet can develope fr

5、iendship through the following Except _Amaking communication more funBbringing people closer to each otherCmaking communication much more convenientDspending too much time on the Internet(4)Which one is a traditional way of communicating?AA smartphone. BA computer.CA phone call. DA tablet.答案(1)B(2)A

6、(3)D(4)C3Third readingRead the two blog posts carefully and fill in the form below.HarmsHelpsRelationship Between Internet and FriendshipCommunicating through a screen makes it more_difficult for children to concentrate or show kindness to others.You can stay in touch with friends wherever you are o

7、r what you are doing.Instead of having proper conversations with their friends,some people are only concerned with their online popularityYou can share photos, videos, news stories and websites with your friends online.Going online can be particularly dangerous for people who are easily influenced o

8、r too trusting.Whenever someone needs help,friends can immediately provide useful suggestions or information.Friends should focus more on facetoface communication, and less on online communication.The Internet brings people closer and makes communication more convenient.网络流行词汇1投票:poll2引用:quote 3帖子置顶

9、:sticky4头像:avatar5签名:signature6网友见面:user eyeD 7即时通讯(聊天)软件:instant messenger (IM)8博客圈: blogosphere9冲浪: surf10个人资料:personal profile如何找主题句和支持性细节句A topic sentence states the general idea or the main point of a text or paragraph.Supporting details give more information about that idea.1Read the text to g

10、et a general idea of what it is about.2Identify one sentence in the text that states this general idea.This is the topic sentence.3Read the text again.Look for extra information that supports the topic sentence, eg., examples, reasons.These are the supporting details.语言现象感知.单词理解体会句中加黑单词的词性和含义1Images

11、 really cannot replace a reallife smile or hug.adj.现实生活的2How many“likes” did I get?n.点赞3In addition, a lot of the content posted on social media is shallow or trivial.vt.发帖子;adj.肤浅的4Nowadays, your friends are just a click away.n.单击.词块积累写出下列词块的含义1facetoface contact面对面交流2communicate through a screen通过

12、屏幕交流3show kindness to others与人为善4lifelong friendships终生的友谊5online popularity网络流行6maintain healthy relationships保持健康的关系7stay in touch with friends和朋友保持联系8on the move 在移动中9bring people closer to each other使人们更亲近10provide useful suggestions提供有用的建议Discussing:1Look at the sentence from Para.2 in the firs

13、t blog post,“It is these skills that enable us to develop lifelong friendships.” What does “these” refer to? Do you agree with the statement? Why?_The_answer_is_open.2In the second blog post, what does Eileen KennedyMoore mean when she says that online friends“fill holes reallife friends cant”? Give

14、 your reasons._The_answer_is_open.句式欣赏1动名词短语作主语Communicating through a screen makes it more difficult for children to concentrate or show kindness to others.2强调句型It is these skills that enable us to develop lifelong friendships.3现在分词短语作状语Using a smartphone, a tablet or a computer, you can be in cont

15、act at home and also when you are on the move.单词语境记忆根据英汉提示写出单词的适当形式1He forced himself to focus(关注)his thoughts on work.2The companys market share is 48 percent(百分比)in the marketplace.3The true concept of mobile phones has disappeared, and now we have smartphones(智能手机)4Gardening is a very _rewarding(

16、有益的)pastime.5They put their arms around each other and hugged(拥抱)6In addition (add) to an album, I gave him a pen and a pencil.7The argument (argue) among the two parties was blown up by the press.8Creative (create) thinking is the soul and the core of human beings creation activities.9Lack of cash

17、is a limiting (limit) factor.10Would you _briefly (brief) introduce yourself?.短语语境填空根据汉语提示写出适当的短语1Eating too much sugar will do_harm_to/be_harmful_to(对有害) kids teeth.2We are_ all concerned_with(担心) her safety.3In_addition(另外), he sometimes uses my things without permission.4In_my_opinion(在我看来), what

18、 he said is not true at all.5People should focus_on(关注)collaborative learning rather than individual learning.句式语境仿写1First, talking online is no replacement for facetoface contact.首先,网上聊天不能代替面对面的接触。仿写做早操对你的健康有好处。Doing_morning_exercises is good for your health.2Online relationships may not be what th

19、ey appear to be.网络关系可能不是看上去的那样。仿写他已经成为了他10年前想成为的。He has become what_he_wanted_to_be ten years ago.3The Internet has also made communication more fun.互联网也已经使交流变得更加有趣。仿写我们将会使我们的国家越来越美丽。We will make_our_country_more_and_more_beautiful记单词.一言串记多义词The little boy was always working hard to be the focus of

20、the teachers attention.But this time the noise made it hard for him to focus on his study.这个小男孩总是努力学习想成为老师关注的焦点。但是这次噪音让他无法集中注意力学习。.词缀助记派生词1形容词后缀:ing,ivereward(v.)rewarding(adj.)create(v.)creative(adj.)2名词后缀:tion,ageadd(v.)addition(n.)percent(n.)percentage(n.)3副词后缀:lybrief(adj.)briefly(adv.).合成词一族per

21、centpercentsmartphonesmartphone句型公式1动名词短语作主语2what引导的表语从句3“make宾语宾补”结构1harm vt.& n伤害,损害harmful adj.有害的Do you think the Internet helps or harms friendships?(教材P14)你认为互联网有助于友谊还是有害于友谊?合作探究体会harm及其派生词的用法和意义Your smoking can do harm to/be harmful to the health of your children.你吸烟会危及孩子的健康。There is no harm

22、in apologising to him first.先向他道歉没有什么坏处。It is harmful to your health to drink too much.过量喝酒对你的身体有害。自主发现do harm to.损害There is no harm in doing sth 做某事是个好主意(或没有坏处)be harmful to 对有害巩固内化完成句子She has got into the bad habit of reading in the bed,which_is_harmful_to/does_harm_to_her_eyes她养成了在床上阅读的坏习惯,这对她的眼睛

23、有害。Playing computer games will not only do_harm_to your physical health,but it is_also_harmful_to your mental health.So there_is_no_harm_in advising you to give it up.玩电脑游戏不仅对身体健康有害,还对精神健康有害,因此建议你放弃玩电脑游戏是没有害处的。2replace vt.取代;接替;把放回原处 Firstly,talking online is no replacement for facetoface contactima

24、ges really cannot replace a reallife smile or hug.(教材P15)首先,网上交谈不能取代面对面接触,图像真的无法取代现实生活中的微笑或拥抱。合作探究体会replace的用法和意义It is generally believed that teachers will never be replaced by/with computers in class.人们普遍认为课堂上电脑永远不会取代老师。John is ill and I want to know who is going to take the place of him/take his

25、place.约翰病了,我想知道谁将代替他。自主发现replace sth with/by sth用替换take the place of sbtake ones place 代替;替代巩固内化(1)单句语法填空They replaced their beloved old car with/by an expensive new sports car.(2)同义句转换No one can replace her father in her heart.No one can take_the_place_of_her_father in her heart.No one can take_her

26、_fathers_place in her heart.3concentrate vi.专注,专心;集中注意力concentration n集中;专心According to a parenting expert, Denise Daniels, communicating through a screen makes it more difficult for children to concentrate or show kindness to others.(教材P15)据育儿专家丹尼斯丹尼尔斯说,通过屏幕交流使孩子更难集中精力或善待他人。合作探究体会concentrate的用法和意义P

27、laying computer games can give us some relaxation after school, but as students we must concentrate on our studies.放学后玩电脑游戏能使我们放松,但是作为学生,我们必须集中精力学习。He concentrated his mind on studying the history of Loulan.他专注于研究楼兰的历史。自主发现concentrate on (doing) sth专心(做)某事concentrate ones mind/attention on 集中注意力于;致力

28、于;专心于巩固内化单句语法填空/完成句子Many firms are concentrating on increasing their markets overseas.The confusing matters make him unable to_concentrate (concentrate) on his study.It was up to him to_concentrate_on_his_studies and make something of himself.是否能专心学习并取得一定成就要靠他自己。When driving, a driver should concent

29、rate_his_attention_on_the_road开车时,司机应专注于路况。4content n内容;目录;容量;满足 adj.满足的;满意的 vt.使满足In addition, a lot of the content posted on social media is shallow or trivial.(教材P15)另外,在社交媒体上发布的很多内容都是肤浅的和琐碎的。合作探究体会content的用法和意义Andy is content with the toy.It is the best he has ever got.安迪对这个玩具很满意,这是他得到的最好的玩具。Tha

30、t rich man is tired of city life,so he is content to live in the country.那位富人厌倦了城市生活,所以他愿意生活在乡下。We should never content ourselves with book knowledge only.我们永远不要仅仅满足于书本知识。自主发现feel/be content with对满足/满意be content to_do sth 满足于做某事content oneself with 满足于巩固内化单句语法填空The Smiths are content to_live (live)a simple life.She contented herself (her) with what she had achieved.My friend is quite content with his new job.The contents (content) of his suitca

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