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大学英语综合教程教案Book 1 Unit 4.docx

1、大学英语综合教程教案Book 1 Unit 4Book One Unit FourNew Words and Expressions in Text A:1. driveway: n. 住宅旁私家车道2. mow: I) v. mau cut down (grass or grain) with a scythe or a mechanical device用长柄镰或机械装置割倒(草或谷物),割-mow the grass割草-mow the lawn修剪草坪 II) n.干草堆, 谷堆3. comprehend: vt. understand fully4. lawn: n. (c)草地,草

2、坪5. turn away: 1) (+sb.)refuse to help (sb.) or to allow (sb.) to enter a place拒绝帮助;不让进入-Hes my son after all, I cant just turn him away when he is in trouble.-The lecture hall was already full and many of the students were turned away. 2) (不及) turn in a different direction so as not to face sb./sth

3、. (使)转脸而不免对某人或某物,不理睬,拒绝看-She turned away in disgust. 她感到厌恶而把脸转开-You shouldnt turn away from all your old friends.6. weed: I) v. 除去的杂草;除草-weed the garden给花园除杂草 II) n. (u, 以复数形式出现)杂草,野草-A weedy garden is one full of weeds.7. assume: vt. 1) suppose; take as true before there is proof; take for granted

4、(在未证实前)假设;以为-I assume you always get up at the same time. 我想你总是在同一个时间起床。-He is not such a fool as you assumed (=supposed)him to be. 2) take up; undertake担任的职务;承担-assume new duties担任新的职务-assume office 就职-assume the presidency担任首相职务-assume responsibility承担责任-assume the debts 承担债务 3) take upon sth. not

5、 genuine or sincere 假装, 冒充-assume a look of innocence装作无辜的样子-assume a new name用新名字,用化名8. compliment: I) vt. (+sb. (on sth.) praise赞扬; 称赞-I complimented him on his skill. - David complimented Mary on her new job. 大卫祝贺玛丽找到新工作。-praise sb. for sth. II) n. (c) 1) an expression of praise, admiration, or c

6、ongratulation赞美的言词或行为; 恭维;称赞-They paid him a high compliment. 他们非常恭维他。- fish for compliments故意要别人说赞扬话 2) (pl) (formal) greetings问候;道贺;致意-Extend my compliments to your parents. 代我向你父母问好-give/present/pay/send ones compliments to请向.致意/问候9. work out: 1) (及) plan制定出,拟出, 想出-I will work out our schedule.-w

7、ork out a plan/a new constitution/ a solution-Well leave it to the committee to work out details of the plan.-Mary worked out a beautiful design for a sweater. 2) (及) understand; figure out理解,弄清,看出-Finally I worked out that the parcel had been sent to Paris by mistake.-No one can work out how the fi

8、re started.-I cant work out the meaning of this poem. 3) (不及) solve; be, turn out in the end 解决, 结果为,进行情况良好-Things will work out if you will just be patient.-If the traffic plan works out, it will be used in other cities too. 4)calculate算出, 估计出,解(题)-work out the problem-My mother allowed me to take

9、the trip, but asked me to work out the total cost first.10. weekly: I) a. happening once a week or every week每周的;一周一次的-His story was published in a weekly newspaper 21st Century English. -weekly wage周工资 II) adv.一星期一次, 每周地 III) n. 周刊, 周报-Publishers Weekly 美出版商周刊11. clean up: (及) 1) make clean and tid

10、y打扫,清除-Ill go shopping with you as soon as Ive cleaned up the kitchen.-I hate cleaning up after a party. 2) get rid of criminal and immoral elements, etc.清除罪犯和不道德分子等,整顿-The major has decided to clean up the city. (e.g. end corruption, etc.) 市长已决定要整顿市政(如清除贪污等)12. helpful: a. giving help; useful makin

11、g a situation better or easier; always willing to help people有帮助的;有用的-Sometimes it is helpful to make a list of everything you have to do.-Any information would be helpful in determining what happened to her.-She is such a pleasant and helpful child.13. do with: 1) (used in questions with what) deal

12、 with (怎样)对待处理, 办 (译法较活)-What do you do with such rude boys?-What are we going to do with the huge rock lying in the middle of the road?-I cannot remember what I did with my purse/ his letter. 2)(前面与could, can连用)需要,想要-I could do with a cup of tea/ a wash. 3) (前面与could, can连用)有就行了,凑合用-Youll have to d

13、o with what youve got; there isnt any more. 4) (和cant连用) 受不了,不能,不便-I cant do with her illness/ his temper/ loud music.-I cant do with visitors this week, as weve got decorators in the house. 5) (和have to连用)有关系,有联系-He has to do with all sorts of people.-Her job has to do with telephones. -have sth. t

14、o do with和有关系-have nothing to do with和没有关系14. determination: n. (u) (+infinitive to do) the ability to continue trying to achieve what you have decided to do even when this is difficult决心; 决定; 坚决, 执著-He showed great determination by continuing to play after hurting his foot.-Her determination to do

15、well made her keep on studying.determine: vt., vi. 1) (+to do sth.; +on/upon sth.) decide firmly, resolve, make up ones mind 下决心,决定-He has determined to prove/ on proving his friends innocence.-We determined to start early/ determined on an early start. be determined to dodetermined: 坚决的, 毅然的,决意的-a

16、determined woman-in a determined manner决然-a determined look 坚决的表情 2) decide; fix precisely 确定-determine the meaning of a word-determine a date for a meeting15. personnel: n. 1) (u) (used with a singular or plural verb) the department in a large company or organization that deals with employees, keep

17、s their records, and helps with any problem they might have; human resources 人事部门-Personnel has/have received your application form.-Her first job after graduation was in Personnel at Microsoft. 2) (used with a plural verb) all the persons working in an organization, in the army, etc. 全体人员,全体职员-All

18、personnel in this company are entitled to medical insurance.-A modern army needs highly skilled personnel.16. apprentice: n. 学徒17. capacity: n. 1) (u,可接a) (+for; +infinitive to do) the ability to understand or do sth. 能力,才能, 理解力,学习力-Not everyone has a capacity for languages.-Those math problems were

19、 beyond my capacity.-I dont think its within a five-year-old boys capacity to spread computer viruses.-He has a mind of great capacity. (a mind well able to grasp ideas 他的理解力极强 2) (u,可接a) ability to hold, contain, get hold of容纳力,能量,容量-The hall has a seating capacity of 500. (has seats for 500 people

20、)-The theatre was filled to capacity. (was quite full)剧院客满18. micrometer: n. 测微计,千分尺19. precision: n. the quality of being exact精密;精确(性)20. turn down: (sb./ath.) refuse to consider (an offer, a proposal, or the person who makes it) 拒绝 (提议,建议,提议的人)-He was offered the job but he turned it down because

21、 it involved too much traveling.-Look, I am offering you a free mealyou are surely not going to turn me down?21. graduate: I) v. (+from) grant or be granted an academic degree or diploma: (使)毕业(获得毕业证书被授予学位或毕业证书),(使)毕业-He graduated in history from an American college. 他毕业于一所美国学院的历史专业。-He graduated wi

22、th honors. 他以优异成绩毕业。-The university must graduate more science students. 该大学要有更多的理科学生毕业。-He was has been graduated from Oxford in the class of 1978. 他是牛津大学1978届毕业生。 II) n. (c) one who has received an academic degree or diploma毕业生(得到学位或毕业证书的人),(尤指大学)毕业生- high school graduate 美高中毕业生-a graduate of a co

23、llege大学毕业生,研究生-a graduate student研究生 III) adj. 1) possessing an academic degree or diploma毕业了的, 持有学位或毕业证书的 2) of, intended for, or relating to studies beyond a bachelors degree研究生的, 属于、从事或有关学士学位以上的研究的-graduate courses研究生课程22. skilled: a. 1) (+in/at) having skill; trained,; experienced熟练的,有技巧的, 有经验的

24、-The IT (information technology) industry demands skilled labor (u., workers as a class劳工).-The personnel manager is pressing for (迫切要求)skilled workers.-She was skilled in dealing with all sorts of people. 2) needing skill技术性的,需要技能的-skilled work23. grinder: n. 磨工24. grind: (p.t & p.p: ground) vt. 磨,

25、磨碎,碾碎25. instrument: n. (c) 1) implement, apparatus, used in performing an action, esp. for delicate or scientific work 工具,器械,仪器 (尤指精细工作或科学上所用者)-an instrument for writing书写工具-optical instrument光学仪器-surgical instrument外科器械-equipment: (u) (collective n.)(大型的、成套的)设备 2)乐器-musical instrument乐器26. for sal

26、e: intended to be sold; available to be bought待售-Reluctantly my parents put a “For Sale” sign on the house.-Her former home is for sale at $495,000.27. wreck: n. 1) (c) sth. such as a ship, car, plane, or building which has been destroyed, usu. in an accident 残破物;(尤指失事船只、飞机等的)残骸-We thought of buying

27、 the house as a wreck, doing it up (束起, 重新整修, 收拾齐整, 疲乏, 包好), then selling it.-The wreck of the plane could be clearly seen on the hillside. 2) (u) ruin or destruction, esp. of a ship by storms毁灭,破坏,(尤指船遭受暴风雨袭击所造成的)船难;失事-the wreck of ones hopes/plans: (fig.) 希望/计划的破灭28. call on/upon sb.: visit (sb.)

28、for a short time拜访-Id like to call on my former professor while I am on business in Beijing.-He wanted to call on his girlfriend after work, and then to see a movie with her. call on/upon sb (to do sth.): appeal to, invite, require sb. (to do sth.) 恳求,要求,邀请,号召29. banker: n. 银行家;银行高级职员30. loan: I) vt

29、. (+sb. sth.; +sth. to sb.) lend (sth.)借出,贷-He had kindly offered to loan me all the books required for the examination.-Our school library loans books, CDs and videotapes. II) n. 1) (c) a sum of money that you borrow贷款-The president wants to make it easier for small businesses to get bank loans.-I

30、am trying to get a loan from the bank to buy a house. 2) (u) (used in singular) (+of) the act of lending 借, 贷-May I have the loan of your ladder?-I asked him for a loan of his car to have a short trip with my family.-He is in need of a loan of the reference books for a few days.31. character: n. 1)

31、(u) the particular collection of qualities that make sb. a particular kind of person(人的)品德;品质;性格, 个性-The chief flaw in her character was impatience.-He has a strong but gentle character 他有坚强但温柔的性格-a character actor 性格演员(性格描写的演员)-a character sketch性格描写-a man of character有个性的人, 有骨气的人-bad character口坏蛋, 坏人 2) (c) a mark or symbol used in a writing system字-a Chines

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