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1、译林练习MQ(1B+60mm。200mm(-+23.5mm,-23mm)-WTPda1.tifMQ)HJ XCSection1.tif FL(!K2JZXC基础巩固.tifKH*2DHTHSTHZ. ZK(单词拼写HTWTST 1. KG*2ZK(#JP2The two children in this story have been through lots of bad CD#3(经历). JP 2. KG*2He CD#3(赚) nearly 30 000 a year. 3. KG*2She has won the CD#3(尊敬) of the whole team. 4. KG*2

2、He has CD#3(献身) his whole life to his motherland. 5. KG*2It was a(n) CD#3(普通的) piece of work. 6. KG*2She will not give up her dream without a CD#3(努力). 7. KG*2Dinner costs 80, and wine is CD#3(额外的). 8. KG*2Most children are CD#3(喜欢的) of playing toys. 9. KG*2It is simply a(n) CD#3(学术的) question. ZK)

3、10. ZK(Four books for your CD is a fair CD#3(交换). ZK)ZK) HTH. ZK(短语互译HTWTST 1. KG*2谋生JYWBCD#10 2. KG*2努力做某事DWCD#10 3. KG*2作为的交换DWCD#10 4. KG*2免费DWCD#10 5. KG*2be fond ofDWCD#10 6. KG*2look back (on)DWCD#10 7. KG*2as well asDWCD#10 8. KG*2word by wordDWCD#10ZK) HTH. ZK(完成句子HT HTK根据汉语意思补全句子。WTHT 1. KG

4、*2ZK(他倾力创作电影剧本。 He CD#3 his energies CD#3 CD#3 films. ZK) 2. KG*2ZK(她独自一人吃力地撑着一个家。 She s CD#3 CD#3 CD#3 CD#3 a family CD#3. ZK) 3. KG*2ZK(我们已经喜欢上了这座房子,不想离开。 We had CD#3 CD#3 CD#3 the house and didn t want CD#3 CD#3. ZK) 4. KG*2ZK(他们在法国有一栋房子,在西班牙还有一个 农场。 They own a house in FranceCD#3 CD#3 CD#3 a far

5、m in Spain. ZK) 5. KG*2ZK(我提出愿意粉刷厨房,条件是一辆新自行车。 I CD#3 CD#3 CD#3 paint the kitchen CD#3 CD#3 CD#3 a new bicycle. ZK)ZK) HTH. ZK(课文概述WTHT HTK根据你对课文的理解,完成下面的短文,每空只填一个单词。 Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting ZZ(Z1ZZ). In the British school, I could get up an hour

6、 later than ZZ(Z2ZZ) and I was very happy ZZ(Z3ZZ) the school hours. I ZZ(Z4ZZ) the assembly on the first day and the headmaster told us that the best way to ZZ(Z5ZZ) respect from the school was to ZZ(Z6ZZ) ourselves to study and achieve high grades. Miss Burke taught us English ZZ(Z7ZZ) . The homew

7、ork was not as heavy as what I ZZ(Z8ZZ) to get in my old school, but it was a little ZZ(Z9ZZ) for me. But my English improved a lot by using it. The JP2school life in the UK is very colorful, and I was veryJP ZZ(Z10ZZ) to experience this different way of life. 1. KG*2CD#3KG*22. KG*2CD#3KG*23. KG*2CD

8、#3KG*24. KG*2CD#3 5. KG*2CD#3KG*26. KG*2CD#3KG*27. KG*2CD#3KG*28. KG*2CD#3 9. KG*2CD#3KG*210. CD#3ZK) JZXC能力提升.tifKH*2DHTH. ZK(单项填空WTHT 1. KG*2ZK(We learn from the past, CD#3 the present and hope for success in the future. A. spendWBB. experience C. useDWD. feel ZK) 2. KG*2ZK(Tom CD#3 a lot of money

9、 this month and his wife was very happy with it. A. borrowedDWB. lent C. earnedDWD. affordedZK) 3. KG*2ZK(The new teacher soon won the CD#3 of his students. A. honourDWB. prize C. respectDWD. moneyZK) 4. KG*2ZK(They found all his time CD#3. A. devoted on teaching B. devoted to teaching C. devoting t

10、o teaching D. devoted to teachZK) 5. KG*2ZK(The film was only CD#3, there was nothing special about it. A. splendidDWB. average C. interestingDWD. strangeZK) 6. KG*2ZK(The new president is making a speech to his people, for whose free and peaceful life he will CD#3 in the future. A. devoteDWB. long

11、C. manageDWD. struggleZK) 7. KG*2ZK(These books can be kept CD#3. You may take whichever you like without any pay. A. for ever DWB. for fun C. for freeDWD. for fair ZK) 8. KG*2ZK(Guests at this hotel can use the swimming pool at no CD#3 cost. A. expensiveDWB. spare C. extraDWD. specialZK) 9. KG*2ZK(

12、He was CD#3 of drawing, singing and dancing in fact. A. much more fondDWB. much fond C. very fonderDWD. too more fondZK) 10. ZK(JP3When I CD#3 those days I realize I was unhappy.JP A. look forwardDWB. look after C. look throughDWD. look back onZK) 11. ZK(CD#3 it s difficult to learn maths well, CD#3

13、 you should never drop it. A. Though; butDWB. Though; 不填 C. Because; soDWD. Because; 不填ZK) 12. ZK(Mr Li is pleased CD#3 should be done has already been done. A. with whatDWB. that that C. by thatDWD. that whatZK) 13. ZK(After five days climbing on the mountain, they JP2reached CD#3 was the place the

14、y d been dream ing of. JP A. thatDWB. where C. whichDWD. whatZK) 14. ZK(CD#3 such English novels is really great fun. A. ReadDWB. To reading C. ReadingDWD. To readZK) 15. ZK(He s offered to give me an CD in CD#3 for the book. A. reviewDWB. thank C. agreementDWD. exchangeZK)ZK)BW(S(S6mm,-21mm,)MD5mmT

15、PZMa.TIF;S-+3mm,Z%KG21mmWT14.F5YY(BMYY)WTBW)BW(D(S6mm,-21mm)MD5mmTPYM1a.TIF;S-+3mm,Y%JY,22mmWT14.F5YY(BMYY)WTBW) HTH. ZK(阅读理解HTWTST The term magnet school(精英学校) is used more in the US than in any other nation in the world. These schools are public schools that have a specialized curriculum(课程). Othe

16、r countries that have similar kinds of schools, refer to them by different other names; for example in Britain such schools are called “specialist schools”. Children normally go to schools which are in their zone, as defined by school boards, but in the magnet school concept, students are drawn from

17、 outside the zoned boundaries. Perhaps this ability to attract bright students from across boundaries is the reason why these schools are called magnet schools. Magnet schools offer specialized courses which the regular schools do not and hence attract parents and children, thereby increasing the di

18、versity of students on the campus. This is the reason why they are the most sought after schools in the US. Magnet schools have their own set of rules and instructions that are tougher than those of other public schools. They also receive additional funding from outside and hence they are able to sp

19、end more on the students education, school supplies, teachers, programs, etc. Magnet schools appeared in the United States in the 1960s, as a way to deal with the racial and academic segregation(分离) in society. They intended to attract students from all races, communities and geographical areas with

20、out any discrimination(歧视). That is why the metaphor “magnet school” was coined. The main aim was to create a school that would attract even excellent students from poor and minority groups rather than forcing them to join and to thereby promote academic and racial desegregation. Over the last few y

21、ears, there has been a sharp rise in the number of students applying to these schools, but due to limited seats, magnet schools are now filtering(过滤) the process by conducting tests and admitting only 10% 20% of students who apply, namely those who score well in tests. 1. KG*2ZK(What can we learn fr

22、om the first paragraph? A. ZK(# Magnet schools can only be found in developed countries. B. There are similar schools to magnet schools in other countries. C. Magnet schools are the universal names used in the world. D. Magnet schools mainly exist in the US and Britain. ZK)ZK) 2. KG*2ZK(Why are magn

23、et schools so called? A. ZK(# JP2They can attract excellent students from other areas. JP B. They are managed at a higher level. C. They accept students with special talents. D. They have their own rules and instructions. ZK)ZK) 3. KG*2ZK(JP3Those who want to go to magnet schools CD#3. JP A. ZK(# ca

24、n enjoy free education B. have to pay more money C. have to go through strict tests D. can be mostly accepted ZK)ZK) 4. KG*2ZK(JPThe initial purpose of magnet schools was to CD#3. JP A. ZK(# accept the top students B. fight again racial discrimination C. help students from poor families D. promote r

25、acial and academic segregation ZK)ZK) 5. KG*2ZK(JP2We can infer from the last paragraph that CD#3. JP A. ZK(#the purpose of magnet schools remains unchanged today B. magnet schools are becoming more popular today C. at first students were forced to go to magnet schools D. magnet schools haven t serv

26、ed its purpose well ZK)ZK)ZK) HTHWTHZ. ZK(简答题HTWTST If you are in any major city in America, chances are high that you are not far from a Starbucks. In fact, you might be very close to several of these coffee stores. The company started in the West Coast city of Seattle, Washington, in 1971. Starbuc

27、ks was named after a character in the famous American novel Moby Dick by Herman Melville. Today, there are more than twelve thousand Starbucks around the world. Sales last year were almost eight billion dollars. The company believes in opening many stores in busy areas of cities. There are about thi

28、rty Starbucks stores in downtown Seattle. Recently, three new Starbucks stores opened in the area near VOA headquarters in Washington D.C. Starbucks sells more than just plain coffee. It started a whole coffee culture with its own special language and coffee workers called baristas. It sells many ki

29、nds of hot and cold coffee drinks, like White Chocolate Mocha and Frappuccino. It also sells music albums, coffee makers, food, and even books. But most of all, it sells the idea of being a warm and friendly place to sit, read or talk for people. Starbucks is a great success story. Many buyers are willing to pay as much as five dollars for a coffee drink. People we talked to said they go to Starbucks because they can depend on it to have exactly what they want and to be nearby. However, some people do not like the com

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