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高考英语全国通用版优编增分二轮书面表达 第一节精校解析Word版.docx

1、高考英语全国通用版优编增分二轮书面表达 第一节精校解析Word版第1节提升作文档次的技巧 让文章靓丽起来一、增加细节的5大策略在英语书面表达中,增加细节内容的描述是必不可少的。在信息提纲类写作中,考生一定不能简单地翻译或者仅仅完成所给的条目的指定内容;在看图作文中更不能只是对图片内容轻描淡写,否则很有可能造成内容不充实、字数要求不达标或者结构不连贯等问题。适当增加细节内容,能够使习作流畅、丰满,达到应有的表达效果。1列举具体的实例进行补充说明(1)我们青少年应尽我们所能保护环境和拯救地球。We teenagers should do what we can to protect the env

2、ironment and save the earth.We teenagers should do what we can to protect the environment and save the earth.For example,we can use recyclable bags instead of plastic ones,refuse to use single-use products,plant more trees and save water and energy.(2)我要花一些时间和父母在一起。Ill spend some time staying with m

3、y parents.Ill spend some time staying with my parents,chatting with them and doing some housework.(3)我想找一个像我一样喜欢旅行的笔友。Id like to seek a pen pal who is interested in traveling just like me.Id like to seek a pen pal who is interested in traveling just like me.If possible,we can travel together or shar

4、e traveling experiences.(4)我是一个充满活力的健康男孩,我非常喜欢体育运动。Im a healthy boy full of energy so I like sports very much.Im a healthy boy full of energy so I like sports very much,especially outdoor activities.Whenever I have time,Ill go hiking or mountain climbing with my classmates.题组过关1根据括号内提示完成句子1The Inter

5、net is playing a more and more important part in our daily life.We can not only read news from home and abroad(我们不仅仅能阅读国内外的新闻),but also get information,send emails and attend on-line schools.2Laura is a standard American style.She speaks perfect American English(她说一口完美的美式英语),and thats why I am crazy

6、 about her.3However,it seems people are unaware of the negative effects of mobile phones on communication.For example,many people begin to pay less attention to face-to-face communication(比如,很多人越来越不重视面对面的交流)4However,every coin has two sides,so does the Internet.For example,being lost in the Internet

7、 may affect our study and work(比如,沉溺于因特网也许会影响我们的学习和工作)2增添与所写信息相关的神态、动作、心理描写以及背景渲染等内容(1)我有时去村西的小河游泳。I went swimming in the river of the west of the village now and then.I went swimming in the river of the west of the village now and then.The water in the river is very clear.(背景渲染)Weather permitting,I

8、 went swimming in the river of the west of the village now and then.(相关背景)(2)我发现了一些不良行为。I found some bad behavior.I found some bad behavior.Some people scribbled on the wall;some played soccer on the lawn and some people threw rubbish everywhere.(相关行为描述)(3)晚饭后,这位男士走向了卧室。After supper,the man went to

9、his bedroom.After a rich meal,the fat man slowly made his way to his bedroom.(神态、动作)题组过关2根据括号内提示完成句子5Considering the activity is of great value/is meaningful(考虑到这项活动很有意义),we intend to design a uniform suited to our own class.6Ill try my best to make your uncle happy here.I am eagerly looking forward

10、 to his visit to our city(我热切地期盼着他来我们城市参观)7Many teenagers dont pay any attention to their health,especially during the holiday.They spend too much time watching TV(他们花费太多的时间在看电视上),playing games and chatting on the Internet all night.8Looking back to my stay in Britain,I felt very happy and satisfied

11、(我感到非常高兴和满意)9In the summer vacation,I am longing to get/have a part-time job(我渴望得到一份兼职工作)3增加相关信息的时间、地点等内容(1)我要和父母一起去超市购物。Im going to do some shopping with my parents in the supermarket.Im going to do some shopping with my parents in the supermarket and wont be back until about 500 in the afternoon.(

12、增加时间)(2)我已经带来了你让我归还的这两本书。I have taken with me the two books you asked me to return.I have taken with me the two books you asked me to return to the City Library.(增加地点)题组过关3根据括号内提示完成句子10Yao Ming,who was born in Shanghai on September 12,1980(1980年9月12日出生于上海),started playing for the Shanghai Sharks as

13、a teenager.11The Chinese Silk Road,which starts from todays Xian and finally finishes at the east coast of(开始于今天的西安,并最后达到的东海岸) the Mediterranean Sea,is well-known to the world.12Today I paid a visit to one of the greatest cities in Asia,Beijing in China(在亚洲,中国的北京)13I was attracted by the beauty of t

14、he city the moment/immediately/as soon as/directly(一就) I arrived here at 6 oclock in the morning by plane.4适当增加与所给信息相关的原因、结果、条件、让步、手段、目的、地点等内容(1)假设你是李华,你的英国笔友Henry最近来信询问你高考后的暑假安排。请根据下面要点写一封回信,说明你的计划,并简述理由。1.休息;2.读书;3.参加社会活动。I need a good rest.Ill do some reading.I need a good rest because I do feel

15、tired after the hard work of all these years.Of course,Ill do some reading for fun,and for knowledge as well.(因果关系)Ill take part in some social activities.If I have free time,Ill take part in some social activities.(条件状语)If possible,Ill take part in some social activities.(条件状语)If possible,Ill take part in some social activities so that/in order that I can know more about the society.(结果状语)(2)Tracy来电话说咖啡屋(Bolton Coffee)见面取消。Tracy called,saying that she couldnt meet you at Bolton Coffee.Tracy called,saying that she couldnt meet you at Bolton Coffee as she has something important to

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