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1、摩登家庭 第2季第2集字幕对白中英文对照看美剧学英语How could we dont have the same number of containers and lids? 怎么盒子和盖子的数量不对应呢Why would they ever get separated? 它们怎么会分开呢Built-up resentment, money issues, 可能感情不和 也可能经济问题met a younger lid. 还可能跟年轻的盖子跑了Mom, wheres my science homework? 妈妈 我的科学作业哪去了Uh, its over there on the tabl

2、e. 就在那边的桌子上So, Alex, honey, whats going on? 艾丽克斯 宝贝 最近怎么样Anything exciting? 有啥新鲜事吗No. 没有- Any boys? - No. -有喜欢的男孩吗 -没有Im feeling a little bit disconnected 我觉得我和艾丽克斯之间from Alex right now. 有代沟了Last week, I picked up her cellphone, 就在上周thinking it was mine. 我错拿了她的手机And I accidentally read a few flirty

3、text messages 无意中看到几条暧昧短信that were probably from a boy in her class, 如果是她班上的某个男生干的which is fine. 那也就罢了Or theyre from a drifter. 就怕是哪个混混发的Come on, isnt there something 来嘛 你就真没啥you want to share with your mommers? 要告诉你马马的吗Yeah. Dont call yourself Mommers. 有 别自称马马He blew his lid when she tried to conta

4、in him. 盒子想上盖子 盖子爆发了Okay. What do you think? 你觉得这件怎么样时间轴:向日葵的星 后期&特效:WiLL 总监:君君 爱爱 翻译:扣扣 大卫熊 四月海 东方 Vkvicky 校对:夏沫心时间轴:向日葵的星 后期&特效:WiLL 总监:君君 爱爱 -I like it. -But you dont love it. -我喜欢 -但不是特别喜欢No, I do. I love it. 谁说的 我爱死它了- As much as you loved the other one? - Ooh. -和刚才那件比 -天Okay. Mm. 好吧The house i

5、s on fire. I only have time to grab one shirt. 房子着火了 我只来得及拿一件衬衫Which one do I take? 我选谁The correct answer is take Lily. 带上莉莉才是正解After that. 那之后呢Uh, okay, the blue one. 好吧 拿蓝色的那件Because the gray one washes me out. 因为我穿灰色的显胖No, no. Cam, you - you cant go wrong here. 不不不 别误会 小卡Everything youve tried on

6、 looks great. 你不管穿什么都美翻了I love you in both of them. 两件都好搭你Oh, youre so nice to me. 还是你疼我Mitchell has a problem with public displays of affection. 米奇尔不喜欢在公众场合亲热Um, I remember once at a new years eve party, 我记得有一年的新年派对上stroke of midnight, he high-fived me. 零点钟声一响 他和我击掌庆祝Two problems with that - 两个问题On

7、e, gays dont high-five. 首先 同志不击掌Two, gays dont high-five. 其次 同志不击掌Im home! 我回来啦Mmm, what smells so good? 烧什么呢这么香Im making chunchullo, a traditional Colombian dish, 我在做圈圈肉 哥伦比亚名菜呢for dinner with the family tonight. 为了今晚的家庭聚餐准备的Chunchullo. 圈圈肉What is that - like, uh, tacos? 那是啥 跟玉米卷差不多吗Yes, like tacos

8、. 对 就跟玉米卷似的No, it isnt. 才不是呢- Its the small intestine of a pig. - Oh, Geez. -这是猪肠做的 -我的老天爷Why cant we eat regular food like normal people? 我们就不能像其他人一样吃正常点儿吗I told you, Jay. 我跟你说过滴 杰My grandmother, who rests in peace, 我那远在天国的奶奶has been coming to me in my dreams, 曾经托梦给我telling me that Im losing touch

9、with my roots. 告诫我不要忘本See, this is awkward, 你看 这下尴尬了because my dead uncle joe told me to have steak tonight. 因为我死了的叔叔告诉我今晚该吃牛排No, no, no, Jay. Have some respect. 不不不 杰 放尊重点My grandmother can hear you. 我奶奶能听见你滴What do you mean, she can hear us? 什么意思 她能听到我们吗Well, in our culture, 是这样滴 在我们的文化里we believe

10、 that the dead are all around us. 我们相信死者的灵魂就在我们身边Shes right, Manny. 她说的对 曼尼She could be right here, 可能现在她就在你背后her bony fingers reaching out from the grave. 从坟墓里伸出她那瘦骨嶙峋的手指Yeah, keep it up, Jay. 厉害哦 杰 继续忽悠呀Theres already one dead person in this room. 这房子里已经有一个死人了You want to make it two? 你也想死是哇Im sorr

11、y. Ive got a printer to install. 我错了 我去装打印机Oh, Gloria, have your grandmother 歌洛莉亚 麻烦让你奶奶run me up an iced tea in about 10 minutes. 十分钟后给我拿杯冰红茶来Yeah, she has a better chance of making that work than you! 是啊 她要活着滴话干得比你好Why dont you save us the stomping and the swearing and call Phil? 你打电话给菲尔啊 省得一会你搞砸了

12、又叫又骂Hes good at that stuff. 他这方面比较牛Better than me? 能有我牛Phils not better than me at anything, 菲尔任何方面都没我牛Except maybe making that stupid sound with his mouth. 他也就只会怪叫啥的A what, what 咋 咋样You spit on me. 你口水喷我脸上了Haley, honey, um, I need you to do something for me. 宝贝海莉 来帮我个忙Ugh. Mom, my arm hurts. 啊 妈 我手

13、痛Why dont you find out what it is 你都不知道我找你啥事before you start making up excuses to get out of it? 着急编瞎话干嘛Okay, what is it? 好吧 说吧I need you to talk to your sister. 我要你去和你妹妹谈谈I think that theres something going on with her and a boy. 我觉得她和某个男孩子有暧昧So? 然后So, I am your mother, and it is my job to make sur

14、e 然后 我是你们的妈妈that you girls dont get involved with a predator. 确保你们不被坏蛋给剥皮吃了Okay, mom, stop watching Dateline. 得了吧 妈妈 别再看新闻联播了And why cant you just talk to her? 你自己怎么不去和她谈I have tried to talk to her. 我试过了I - she wont talk to me. You know that. 她不会跟我开口的 你懂的Thats because you get so weird every time a b

15、oy comes near us. 因为一有男孩接近我们你就变得神经质I-I just dont want you girls to - 我只是不想你们这些女孩子- To make the same mistakes that you did? - No! -重蹈你的覆辙吗 -不是No. 当然不是Mom, Im not an idiot. 老妈 我又不傻I pick up on things. 我看得出来And I dont think that you were the good girl 你可不是你口中描述的you pretend you were. 那种好女孩Wow. That is s

16、o untrue. 天哪 你大错特错了I was a very good girl. Mm. 你不知道我以前有多乖Your kids dont need to know 孩子不需要知道They need to know who you wish you were, 他们只需了解你想要的完美形象and they need to try to live up to that person. 还必须以你为榜样Theyre gonna fall short, 他们可能达不到这个标准but better they fall short of the fake you 但参照人物是虚构的完美的你than

17、the real you. 肯定比真实的你强Which is why we dont hide anything. 所以我们从不隐瞒Thats the opposite of what I just said. 你说的和我的刚好相反I was not listening. 我溜号了Ill say it again - I love you in paisley. 我还得说一遍 我喜欢你穿这件佩斯利Oh, let me lock the door and draw the curtains. 不如先关好门 拉好窗帘What does that mean? 你什么意思-It doesnt mean

18、 anything. -Good. -什么意思都没有 -很好You know exactly what it means. 你当然知道我什么意思You wont kiss me in front of other people 你不在别人面前亲我because youre ashamed of who you are. 是因为你不能正视自己And, yes.I went there. 没错 我就是戳你痛处了Okay, you cant say, Yes, I went there, 你不能拿戳我当乐事when you go there all the time. 还企图用过去式And, by

19、the way, Im the one who makes speeches on airplanes 再说了 每次飞机上有人对咱们另眼相待every time someone looks at us weird. 可都是我站出来教育他们Im the one who gives my dad hell 我爸爸说你是我朋友的时候when he refers to you as my Friend. 也是我跟他挑明挖烂了理论Thats different. Thats confrontation. 那不一样 那是正面冲突But you know what takes real strength?

20、但你知道什么才最需要勇气吗Whining? 抱怨吗-Affection. -Oh, this is insane. -是表达爱意 -受不了了Buying a shirt - its not a kiss-worthy moment. 买衬衫有什么可亲的Oh, I didnt know there was an official list. 我不知道这还有官方规定Please, tell us - what is on the list? 求你 告诉我 什么时候能亲Ill tell you whats not on the list - 我告诉你什么时候不亲吧Finding jalapeno-s

21、tuffed olives, 吃了夹辣椒的橄榄making the light on maple, 给枫树挂灯泡的时候every time we see a V.W. 看到大众车的时候也不亲You dont like Kiss-buggy? 你不喜欢玩亲亲甲壳虫看到大众甲壳虫车就亲亲Its not a real game! 那根本就不是游戏It - its just another way for you to be needy. 那不过是你黏人的一种方式I - and I dont appreciate you making me feel bad 你可别想把我搞得很内疚because I

22、cant live up to your impossible standards. 因为我可达不到你那离谱的标准Nobody kisses at a bowling alley! 没人在保龄球馆接吻I almost got a turkey! 我差点打出三击全中Yello? 侬好Oh, hey, Jay. Just a sec. Ill go get Claire. 你好 杰 等下 我找克莱尔去Oh, actually, its you Im calling. 其实我找你What was that? 什么声音The cat. Theres a cat. Whats up? 是猫 有只猫 什么

23、事Well, Glorias been missing her grandmother. 歌洛莉亚很想念她的外婆Ive been trying to get this old picture of her printed, 我一直想打印出一张她的照片but I cant get this new printer to - 但是新的打印机 我.Ill be right there. 我马上到Luke, grandpa needs us! 卢克 外公需要我们Hells yes, I was glad to get the call. 接到电话 我当然很高兴Jays always around he

24、re fixing things, 杰总来我家修东西cracking jokes about my Delicate hands 嘲笑我柔弱的双手or my gag response to the smell of paint. 还有我一闻油漆就吐Look who needs me now 看看谁来求哥了Mr. Hot-dog fingers who cant press Print 手好粗先生每次想按打印键without hitting three extra keys. 他那胖手都会多按好几个按钮Yeah! 真菜Youre in my house now, Jay! 你可是在我的主场 杰T

25、-technically, well be in his house, 准确的说 我要去他的地盘迎战but well be in my area. 但是他的地盘of his house. 哥做主So, I hear you have a boyfriend. 我听说你有男朋友了- No, I dont. - Who is he? -哪有 -他是谁- Im not talking to you about this. - Oh, come on. -我才不告诉你呢 -说吧Youre finally interesting. Just tell me. 你总算有点八卦可挖了 快说呗Hes not

26、my boyfriend. 他不是我男友Its Jeremy Reed. 他叫杰里米瑞德Its - hes just this boy that I - 不过是个男孩 我.- Love? - No! -爱他 -没有Well, have you guys kissed yet? 你们接吻了吗No! 没有Well, what are you waiting for? 那你等什么呢Im not waiting. Im 13. 我没等 人家才13岁And youve never kiss boy? 你还没亲过男生How old were you? 你初吻什么时候Like 11. 11岁的时候吧And

27、it was beautiful. 唯美极了I was in Jackson Kaners carpeted garage. 是在杰克逊肯纳家铺了地毯的车库里- 11? - Yeah. -11岁 -是啊So you better get on it, 你最好也抓紧or else hes gonna think youre a lesbian. 要不然他会觉得你是拉拉Hes not going to think Im a lesbian. 他才不会认为我是拉拉I thought you were. 我就以为你是You totally have the sandals for it. 你那凉鞋很拉

28、拉Lets see this bad boy. 我们来看看出了什么问题Oh, a P-750. Nice unit. P-750型 不错I would have sprung for the 840, 要是我 会选840那款But I get it - 但是我知道not everyone can handle that kind of horsepower. 不是谁都能玩转这种高级货的I thought maybe the cordless phone was interfering, 我以为是无线电话干扰了信号so I unplugged it. 我就给它拔了Good idea. Maybe

29、 we should run downstairs 好主意 也许我们应该下楼and unplug the toaster while were at it. 把面包机也拔了Oh, snap, dad. 幽默啊 老爸Toaster. 面包机Were kidding. 开玩笑A cordless phone is 5.8 gigahertz. This is wi-fi. 无线电话是5.8千兆赫 这个是无线网络Its a totally different spectrum. 用的不是一个频谱Walk with me? 跟我来Heres a little trick that Ive found

30、pretty useful with Claire. 教克莱尔使用电器的时候 我发明了个小诀窍The computer and the printer must talk, talk, talk 电脑和打印机必须要交流 流 流command-p Makes the picture walk, walk, walk command+p苹果快捷键 图片就出来了 了 了How come its not working? 好像没反应啊It should be. 不应该啊Okay. 好吧Uh, that should be printing. 应该开始打印了So. 应该是.Hey, Phil, Im g

31、onna get a beer, beer, beer 菲尔 在打的你头头头之前Before I hit you in the head, head, head. 我要先喝杯啤酒酒酒Hey. What are you doing here? 嘿 有事吗Hi, Jeremy. I want to ask you something. 杰里米 我有问题想问你- Sure, ask - Wait, dont talk yet. -好 问 -等等 你先别出声Here is the thing. 是在这么回事Weve texting for a while, and its been nice, 我们短信已经发了一段时间了 这样挺好but I feel like its leading to something else, 但我感觉我们不止于此and I dont know

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