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1、全国卷高三英语二轮复习专题二阅读七选五讲义专题二 阅读七选五 段首、段尾题的思考点(一)主题句一、 段首主题句典例(2018全国卷片段).But good news is that therere really only three kinds of decisions you need to make about color in your home: the small ones, the medium ones, and the large ones. 38 . Theyre the little spots of color like throw pillows, mirrors an

2、d baskets that most of us use to add visual interest to our rooms. Less tiring than painting your walls and less expensive than buying a colorful sofa, small color choices bring with them the significant benefit of being easily changeable.Medium color choices are generally furniture pieces such as s

3、ofas, dinner tables or bookshelves .The large color decisions in your rooms concern the walls, ceilings, and floors .DSmall color choices are the ones were most familiar withEIts not really a good idea to use too many small color pieces解析选D本空是一个主题句。上一段提到了由“小、中、大”三种规模物品的颜色选择,而下文依次讲述的是“中、大”两种规模物品的颜色选择

4、,故本段介绍的是“小规模物品的颜色选择”,所以D项为本段的主题句。增分技巧(1)如果空格出现在段首,它通常是段落主题句。认真阅读空格后内容,根据段落一致性原则,推断出该段的主题句。(2)关注与下文的关系。着重阅读空格后面的第一、二句,确定相关信息词,然后在选项中查找与之相关的内容。阅读时要学会瞻前顾后,以确定答案。二、 段尾主题句典例(201610月浙江高考片段)How to Have a Successful Teenage LifeEveryone wants to succeed in their life, dont they?Even as a teenager, you can a

5、chieve success in your life; it really isnt that hard. 31 Do well in school.No matter how boring it is now, education will help you be a productive member in society.Try your best for excellence in school;listen to the teachers, do your homework, study, and get good grades.Doing so will help you get

6、 into a better university,which will enable you to have a bright future. 32 Do good in your community (社区). Volunteering can not only improve your communitys status, but could make you happier .BSchool sets you up on the right track!FHere are some important points that you may find helpful.解析31选F第31


8、题的关键。分析文章的层次包含两种形式:一种是分析整篇文章的层次,另一种是分析每个段落内部的层次。一般来说,高考英语文章,无论是整篇文章,还是每个独立的语段,在行文逻辑上,通常采用的是“总分”或“总分总”结构。铺阴影的题目为段首、段尾的主题句ASome people are naturally more creative than others, but that doesnt mean you dont have some creative ideas locked away in your mind.You simply have to draw them out.Take some tim

9、e out to think.Sometimes were so caught up in getting things done that we dont have time to be creative; this goes for work and home life. 2 Its extremely important to make time to simply stop and think.Just a couple of hours of free time each week could help you unlock your creative side.Sit down w

10、ith no distractions, or go for a long walk and let your mind wander. Half the battle with being creative is to gain confidence to let your creativity shine through.If youre a painter, paint more.Writers should write more. Study techniques or analyze the work of other creative people you admire.By im

11、proving your practical skills, youll feel more confident in using them in more creative ways.Copy others, and then make it better. 4 If you admire someones work, youre bound to want to copy it and learn from it.Painters may find it useful to copy their favorite artists work in order to improve their

12、 technique. 5 The original (原创的) artworks help them develop their own creativity, and in future they will be better practiced at creating something truly original.APractice makes perfect.BThats where your creativity lies.CTry some of these techniques for unlocking your creative side.DThere is no har

13、m in taking someone elses idea and adapting it.EBut they can then take it a step further by using their own style.FWe have tasks to complete, deadlines to make and housework to get done.GMaybe youd like to start your own business or create a new invention.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章在发掘我们的创造力方面给出了一些方法。 1选C下文的三段

14、介绍了三个发掘创造力的技巧,故本句起承上启下的作用。2选F本空的内容是对前一句“Sometimes were so caught up in getting things done that we dont have time to be creative; this goes for work and home life.”的进一步阐述,具体说明了工作和家庭生活中忙碌的内容。3选A该空为本段的中心句。俗话说:“熟能生巧”,只有不断地实践、练习,你的创造力才会显现出来。4选D把别人的一些想法拿来改造也是无害的,此处是对前一句内容的进一步阐述。5选E本句承接前后两句的内容,模仿可以提高技艺,在模

15、仿的过程中加入自己的风格,就会提高创造力,最终达到原创的效果。BSetting goals can help you stay on top of your studies and earn good grades, but its important to set the right kinds of goals.Setting unrealistic goals could set you up for disappointment and depression, while setting goals that are too easy will not challenge you to

16、 your full potential. 6 Here are some ideas that can help you.Make your goal as specific as possible.Having a clear goal will help you stay driven and know how far youve come.So, instead of just saying your goal is to get through your math class, figure out what you hope to accomplish. 7 You need to

17、 keep this in mind.Ensure that your progress is measurable. 8 Thats why you should always set goals with clear, measurable progress marks. Even a good goal could be difficult to achieve without a clear action plan.When you set your goal, make sure you include actionoriented (行动导向) steps as part of y

18、our goal development. Its important to dream big, but its also important to know what you can accomplish with the materials you possess and the time youre given.Dont bite off more than you can chew (咀嚼), and dont give yourself a too easy task either.AMake sure your goal is realistic.BSetting proper

19、goals is not an easy thing.CDetermine what type of goal you want to set.DDecide on practical steps to accomplish your goal.EHow will I know when Ive accomplished my goal?FDo you want to become better at math or earn a good grade?GWhenever you set a goal, you need to keep track of your efforts every

20、step of the way.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章就如何制定恰当的学习目标给出了建议。6选B制定恰当的学习目标不是一件容易的事,所以这里给出几条建议。7选FF项通过举例说明要明确目标,“You need to keep this in mind.”中的this指代F项中提到的具体的学习目标。8选G选项中的“keep track of your efforts every step of the way”与该空前后的“progress is measurable”和“measurable progress marks”相一致。9选D根据该段中的“a clear action pla

21、n” “actionoriented steps”可知,该段旨在说明制定学习目标时要确定切实可行的行动方案。10. 选A根据后文可知学习目标不能太难,也不能太容易,故可判断该段旨在说明学习目标要切合实际。CNo one loves hearing about their disadvantages, but accepting criticism (批评) politely can help you grow as a person.Heres how to do it.Be objective (客观的) about criticism.Next time when you get a ba

22、d remark, dont immediately begin to challenge the other persons opinion. 11 Give yourself a chance to really take in the information and evaluate it.Even if you decide that the other person is true, it may be hard to take.In your discomfort, you may feel the urge to defend yourself.But its best to a

23、void getting into an argument.Naturally, if you agree that things should change, it already makes the situation less heated, though the pain is still there. 13 Be open to the idea of change.Most of us are pretty stubborn. 14 We may ignore criticism because we wish to avoid having to change, because

24、it makes us feel bad, or because we feel it is not helpful.Ask questions.If youre open to using criticism as a chance for improvement, you will likely need more information. 15 In this case, talk with the person who criticized you and ask how you can do better.Even though you dont agree with their a

25、dvice, thank them and promise to consider it.AAvoid unnecessary argument.BYou may begin to challenge the other persons opinion.CWatch out for your words to avoid unpleasant situations.DWe refuse to change even though thats what we need most.EYou can start by saying you see the point, or that you are

26、 wrong.FInstead, take a moment to consider whether the criticism is accurate.GThe criticism should come from a supportive place rather than simply out of envy.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章告诉我们应该如何对待他人的批评。11选F根据本段的小标题“Be objective (客观的) about criticism.”可知,本段的主旨为:客观对待批评。本空前的内容告诫我们面对别人的负面评价,不要马上反驳对方。本空和下一句告诉我们正确的方

27、法:花点时间想一想对方的批评是不是准确,给自己一个机会真正理解对方的话,客观评估是否言之有理。12选A根据本段的内容尤其是本段中给出的建议“But its best to avoid getting into an argument.”可知,本段的小标题应为“避免不必要的争论”。13选E本空是对前一句的进一步阐述。如果你认同改变,那么就已经缓解了紧张的局面。本空就是认同改变、缓解局面的首要方法:承认你明白了对方说的,或者说你错了。14选D本段的三句话共同说明了一个存在的问题:我们不愿意去改变。而本段的小标题告诫我们:要接受改变。15选G由本空后的“In this case”可知,这种情况指的就

28、是:对方批评的初衷应该是善意的而不是出于嫉妒。在这样的前提下询问对方的建议。 段首、段尾题的思考点(二)过渡句一、 段首题过渡句典例(2016全国卷片段).There are three main types of cryptography.37(E.You can hide a message by having the first letters of each word spell it out.) For example, the first letters of “My elephant eats too many eels” spell out the hidden message

29、 “Meet me.” 38 You might represent each letter with a number, for example.Lets number the letters of the alphabet, in order, from 1 to 26.If we substitute a number for each letter, the message “Meet me” would read “13 5 5 20 13 5.”.COnly people who know the keyword can read the message.GAnother way

30、to hide a message is to use symbols to stand for specific letters of the alphabet.解析选G本空属于上下过渡句。上一段提到:有三种主要类型的密码学并介绍了第一种密码类型,本段介绍的是第二种类型,再根据空格后的内容可知,此处选G。由叙述顺序也可知道G项中的Another way是一种提示。增分技巧在某段第一句设空的内容也有可能为承上启下的句子,这就需要考生做到瞻前顾后,既熟悉上一段结尾的内容,又结合下一段的内容,分析所选的答案是否能够将两段内容连贯起来。二、 段尾题过渡句典例(2017全国卷片段)If anyone

31、had told me three years ago that I would be spending most of my weekends camping, I would have laughed heartily.Campers, in my eyes, were people who enjoyed insect bites, illcooked meals, and uncomfortable sleeping bags.They had nothing in common with me. 36 The friends who introduced me to camping thought that it meant to be a pioneer .BThings are going to be improved.DI was to learn a lot about camping since then, however.解析选D本题为段尾题。空格前一句说“他们与我没有共同之处”,空格后一段讲述了作者的一次野营,前后之间存在转折关系,所以此处需要填一个承上启下的转折句,这与D项中的however相呼应。增分技巧若段尾句与前文之间是转折关系,此时要注意在选项中查

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