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华为供应商社会责任考察检查表Supplier CSR Audit Checklist.docx

1、华为供应商社会责任考察检查表Supplier CSR Audit Checklist1、童工和未成年工 Child labor and young worker 1.1*供应商是否以任何形式招用年龄低于当地法规要求的童工?包括临时工、派遣工和学生工,是否因雇佣童工被处罚、投诉或媒体负面报道?Does the supplier employ child labor below the age defined by local law in any form including temporary worker,dispatched worker or student worker? Is the

2、re any evidence identified on punishment,complaint or negative media exposure resulted from using child labor?员工年龄文件审核worker age document review1.2供应商是否懂得有关禁止童工的法规要求并采取有效的程序鉴别童工?Does the supplier understand the legal requirements of child labor and implement effective hiring procedure to detect pote

3、ntial child labor?访谈招聘专员/interview recruiter招聘程序/Recruitment procedure1.3供应商是否根据法规要求制定书面的童工补救程序并向全体员工传达?Does the supplier have a written procedure for remediation of possible child labor according to national laws and communicated to all workers?书面童工补救程序及实施记录written procedure for remediation of poss

4、ible child labor 1.4供应商是否保留所有员工名册及招工记录(包括员工身份证明或其他年龄文件的复印件、教育及雇佣经历等内容),包括临时工、未成年工、学生工和派遣工?Does the supplier maintain employment records of all workers,including temporary workers,young workers,student and dispatched workers? Does each employment record include the copies of ID card or other age docu

5、ment,and education and employment history?员工总数XXX名,临时工XX名,未成年工XX名,学生工XX名,派遣工XX名Total No. of total workers:No. of temporary worker,young worker,student worker and dispatched worker1.5供应商是否依据法规要求制定未成年工、学生工、派遣工的保护制度,建立并定期刷新未成年工、学生工、派遣工名单,包括学生工和派遣工中的未成年工?Does the supplier have an appropriate young worke

6、r/student workers、dispatched workers protection program according to national laws and update the name list of young workers including student workers and dispatched workers?X年X月制定未成年工保护制度young worker protection program dated on XX1.6供应商是否采取有效措施保护未成年工,包括未成年工标识、定期体检、限制加班、禁止夜班工作或危险作业?Does the supplier

7、 take adequate steps to protect young workers such as pre-work health examination,overtime control,restriction of night work and hazardous work?未成年工人数X名,体检X名Number of young workers and pre-work health examination1.7供应商是否依照法规要求使用学生工/实习学生/学徒工,包括鉴别年龄、签订书面协议、合理支付报酬,购买保险等?是否因不当使用学生工被处罚、投诉或媒体负面报道?Does the

8、 supplier use any apprenticeship/student worker according to national laws including verification of age,signing agreement,paying reasonable wages,providing necessary insurance,etc.? Is there any evidence identified on punishment,complaint or negative media exposure resulted from use of student work

9、er or apprenticeship?职业学校学生实习管理规定(the regulation on vocational school student work practices)(教职成20163号)学生工/实习学生/学徒工人数及其协议X名,Number of apprenticeship/student worker and agreements总得分Subtotal合规性Compliance %2、强迫劳动 Forced labor2.1*供应商是否使用监狱劳工或强迫劳动,是否禁止供应商和分包商使用监狱劳工或强迫劳动?供应商是否承诺不使用奴役劳工或参与人口贩卖,包括以剥削为目的,通

10、过威胁、强迫、压制、诱拐或欺诈的手段来运输、窝藏、招聘、转让或接收 非自愿人士? 是否限制人身自由或扣留身份证明文件? Does the supplier use prison/forced labor or use prison labor/forced labor as supplier or subcontractor? Is the supplier committed not to use slave labor or engage in human trafficking including transporting,harboring,recruiting,transferrin

11、g or receiving vulnerable persons by means of threat,force,coercion,abduction or fraud for the purpose of exploitation?Or restrict the freedom of workers or retain workers identification papers? 文件审核document review管理层访谈management interview2.2所有员工(包括临时工、学生工和派遣工)是否自愿接受雇佣?员工是否依据法规要求及时签署了劳动合同并得到合同副本?Are

12、 all workers including temporary workers,student workers and dispatched workers employed voluntarily with legal required labor contracts given to workers?现有XX名工人签署劳动合同Number of worker signed labor contract2.3供应商是否直接或通过第三方收取员工的押金,包括工作服押金、伙食押金、培训押金或介绍费作为雇佣条件? Does the supplier require a deposit as a c

13、ondition of employment by itself or third party including uniform deposit,meals deposit,training deposit or recommendation fee?员工访谈/worker interview2.4供应商是否扣留员工的部分工资、福利或财产,以迫使员工继续工作?Does the supplier keep part of workers salaries,benefits or properties to potentially force them to work continuously?

14、文件审核document review员工访谈/worker interview2.5员工是否可以在依据合约或法规要求提前通知后解除雇佣关系?Are workers free to terminate their employment after reasonable notice in accordance with the agreement or legal requirement ?工人提前XX天申请辞职XX days early notification for resignation2.6供应商是否强迫员工加班?员工是否有权在完成标准的工作时间后离开工作场所?Does the su

15、pplier force workers to work overtime? Do workers have the right to leave the workplace after the standard working hours? 文件审核document review员工访谈/worker interview2.7供应商是否限制员工使用厕所和饮水等基本需求的自由,比如采用离岗证不合理地限制频率和时间?Does the supplier restrict the freedom of basic needs of access toilets or drinking water s

16、uch as unreasonable limitation of frequency or length of time with a leaving card ?XX名工人使用一个离岗证how many workers sharing a leaving card2.8供应商是否通过保安员限制员工正当的自由?保安员是否接受过反强迫劳工、人道对待等方面的培训?Does the supplier restrict workers freedom through security guards? Do the security guards complete trainings on anti-

17、forced labor and humane treatement?外聘保安公司名称:现有XX名保安(外聘/内聘分别X名)有上岗证,XX名没有上岗证Number of security guards with licenses总得分Subtotal合规性Compliance %3、歧视和惩戒Discrimination and Discipline3.1*供应商是否使用暴力,包括体罚、辱骂或性骚扰,是否禁止非法搜身或异性搜身?Is there evidence of harsh and inhumane treatment,including corporal punishment,thre

18、at or verbal abuse or sex harsh,illegal body search or body search by opposite gender?3.2供应商是否承诺禁止歧视并有明确的政策,并告知所有经理和员工?Does the supplier commit and have a clear policy on non-discrimination communicated to all managers and workers?X年X月制定禁止歧视政策clear policy on non-discrimination dated on xx3.3供应商是否存在对

19、员工进行的可能带有歧视性目的的医学检查,如怀孕测试、乙肝、艾滋病等?Does the supplier require workers or candidates to be conduct medical tests or physical exams that could be used in a discriminatory way? eg,pregnancy test,hepatitis B test,Aids test.体检计划及其记录health check program and records3.4供应商是否因为种族、肤色、年龄、性别、性取向、族群、残疾、怀孕、宗教信仰、政治派

20、别、工会会员、或婚姻状况等因素在发放工资、升迁、奖励、培训机会等聘用或雇佣行为中歧视员工?Does the supplier discriminate against workers in hiring and employment practices based on race,color,age,gender,sexual orientation,ethnicity,disability,pregnancy,religion,political affiliation,union membership or marital status? 文件审核document review员工访谈/w

21、orker interview3.5供应商是否根据法规要求和女工的特殊需要采取有效的措施保护女工?Does the supplier have appropriate program to protect female workers according to legal requirements and the special needs of female workers?文件审核document review员工访谈/worker interview3.6供应商是否依据法规要求制定劳动纪律和规章制度,并向全体员工传达?罚款及其他惩戒措施是否合理合法?Does the supplier e

22、stablish disciplinary rules according to national laws and communicate to all managers and workers? is money penalty or other disciplinary fair and legal?X年X月制定劳动纪律和规章制度,罚款最高XX元disciplinary rules and money penalty terms总得分Subtotal合规性Compliance %4、结社自由和沟通 Freedom of association and communication4.1*供

23、应商是否禁止任何媒体危机和严重的群体性事件,包括非正常死亡(自杀、他杀、坠楼、猝死等)、集体劳资纠纷或罢工、群体性打架斗殴、集体中毒或其他群死群伤事件?Does the supplier forbid media crisis or collective events? Is there any evidence identified on punishment,complaint or negative media exposure resulted from abnormal worker death,collective labor dispute,strike or slow-down

24、,collective poisoning or other criminal incident?网络检索记录/internet search4.2供应商是否尊重结社自由和集体谈判权?是否有员工组织并有定期活动,供应商是否提供必要的活动设施?Does the supplier respect the freedom of association and rights of collective bargaining? Is there any workers organization with regular activities? Does the supplier provide nece

25、ssary facilities for worker activities?员工组织及活动记录workers organizations and activity records4.3供应商是否建立与员工沟通的渠道,包括但不仅限于:工会、员工代表、意见箱、沟通热线等,来定期收集员工的意见或投诉,并及时处理和回复,且保留记录?Does the supplier regularly collect workers suggestions or complaints and keep records? Does the supplier timely reply workers suggestio

26、ns and complaints?文件审核document review员工访谈/worker interview4.4供应商是否建立员工合理化建议运作机制?Does the supplier establish mechanism for workers to raise rational proposal or suggestions and provide appropriate incentives?文件审核document review员工访谈/worker interview4.5供应商是否定期分析员工离职情况及其成本和原因?是否对标当地和行业离职率并采取必要的措施?Does t

27、he supplier analyze labor turnover and its cost and root causes? Does the supplier benchmark against the turnover rate of the region and industry to take necessary improvement actions?过去12个月度离职率分别X%,主要原因是XX,详见tab 7 worker turnover,last 12 month turnover rate4.6供应商是否定期开展员工访谈、员工满意度和不满意度调查以识别改善机会?Does

28、the supplier have regular worker interview and conduct worker satisfaction and dissatisfaction survey to identify improvement opportunities?最近员工满意度调查记录Latest worker satisfaction survey record总得分Subtotal合规性Compliance %5、工时工资 Working hours and wages5.1*供应商支付给所有员工的基本工资(包括试用期)是否达到当地最低工资标准?Does the suppl

29、ier pay workers including probation period at least local minimum wages for regular work ? 最低工资标准XX元/每月,工厂最低工资标准为XX元/每月local minimum wage XX/month,factory minimum wages XX.5.2供应商是否根据当地法规和生活工资水平制定详细的工时、工资和福利政策,并传达给所有员工?Does the supplier develop a detail policy on working hours,wages and benefits in a

30、ccordance with local laws and local living wages standard and communicate to all managers and workers?详细工时、工资和福利政策detail policy on working hours,wages and benefits5.3供应商是否准确记录所有员工的工作时间?供应商是否保留所有员工过去一年完整一致的工时工资记录?How does the supplier register each workers working hours completely? Does the supplier

31、maintain complete and consistent working hours records and payrolls of all workers of last 12 months?12个月工时工资记录保持,工时工资记录完整complete and consistent working hours records and payrolls of all workers of last 12 months5.4供应商是否依据法规要求安排员工的工作和休息时间,每天加班不超过3小时,每周工作时间(含加班)不超过60小时?Does the supplier organize worki

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