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1、必修4知识点汇总必修4模块1知识点:arrest: 【课文原句】Police will arrest criminals by firing nets instead of guns. (Page 2) 【点拨】arrest在本句中为及物动词,意为逮捕,拘捕。如: After three years, the suspected criminal was finally arrested. 【上层楼】请在下列各句中体会arrest的词性和用法。 1. The beautiful woman arrested many peoples attention in the party. (v.吸引)

2、 2. With our efforts, the spread of H1N1 will finally be arrested. (v.阻挡,抑制) 3. A reward has been offered for providing information, which leads to the arrest of the murderer. (n.逮捕,拘捕) 【小试牛刀】请指出下面句子中arrest的词性及含义。 1. Although the police thought he was the most likely one, since they had no exact pro

3、of about it they could not arrest him. (2009年,湖南卷) 2. They placed her under arrest for using drugs. 3. The boy spends most of his time playing games; in other words, his attention is arrested by his games.Key:1. v.拘捕,逮捕 2. n.拘捕,逮捕3. v.吸引 limit 【课文原句】No smoking will be allowed within a future citys l

4、imits. (Page 2) 【点拨】limit在本句中为名词,意为(地区或活动的)范围。如: We were reaching the limits of civilization. 我们快到蛮荒地界了。 【上层楼】请在下列各句中体会limit的词性和意思。 1. The company would like to employ a cleaner, without an age limit. (n.限制, 界限) 2. After such a long journey, the horses were reaching the limit of their strength. (n.极

5、限) 3. The doctor suggested that he limit the amount of food he eat every day. (v.限制,限定) 【小试牛刀】请根据汉语提示用limit短语完成句子。 1. While he is a patient boy, he has been driven _(到了极限). 2. In order to stay safe, you must remember to drive under _. (限速) 3. The Education Department required that the class size of

6、primary and secondary schools be _ (被限制为) to 50 students. Key:1. to the limit 2. the speed limit 3. limited command 【课文原句】In the future all shopping will be done online, and catalogues will have voice commands to place orders. (Page 2) 【点拨】command在本句中为名词,意为命令,指令。如: The general gave the command that

7、all the soldiers should gather there before six oclock. 【上层楼】请在下列各句中体会command的其他词性和意思。 1. He is the most suitable person to talk with that customer. He has a good command of Spanish and knows our goods well. (n.掌握,运用力) 2. Do you have any idea where the United Nations Command is? (n.司令部, 指挥部) 3. For

8、the first time in years, she commanded her life. (v.控制) 4. The policeman commanded the murderer to put down his weapon. (v.命令) 5. His misery commanded everyones sympathy, and many people wept. (v.博得) 【小试牛刀】用command的正确形式填空。 1. The general _ his soldiers to defend the city. 2. We are supposed to ask h

9、im for help, because he has a good _ of English. Key:1. commanded2. command 经典短语透视 for sure 【课文原句】No one knows for sure, and making predictions is a risky business. (Page 2) 【点拨】for sure在本句中意为肯定地。如: If you pass all the exams this term, you will get what you want for sure. 【上层楼】sure所构成的短语、搭配比较重要,是重要考

10、点之一,请学习体会。 1. Make sure you turn off the gas and the lights before you leave your home. (确保;把弄清楚) 2. He is always sure of himself, which must be the key to his success. (自信;对有把握) 3. Remembering words is a hard job; however, to be sure, it is necessary for a language learner. (无可否认) 【小试牛刀】请根据汉语提示,用su

11、re短语的正确形式完成句子。 1. _ (弄清楚) of the time and place before you leave for the appointment. 2. _ (你确定) the news that Jay will come to our college? Key:1. Make sure 2. Are you sure of run out 【课文原句】In the future, care for the environment will become very important as earths natural resources run out. (Page

12、 2) 【点拨】run out在本句中意为用完了,用光了。如: The food they supplied to us soon ran out, and we were hungry again. 【上层楼】 1. 请在下列句子中体会run out的其他含义。 The agreement is due to run out at the end of the year. (过期) I have to withdraw some money, because I am running out of it. (用光, 用尽)观察上面给出的例句,可知,当 run out表示用光,用尽时,有两种表

13、达形式: 事物+ run out 人+ run out of + 事物 2. out短语用法辨析: The First World War broke out in 1914, and the Second World War broke out in 1939. (爆发) Its a sunny day, so we should bring our clothes out in to the sun. (把从室内搬出来) No sooner had she heard the bad news than she burst out crying. (突然起来) He carried out

14、 the plan in detail according to the requirements. (执行) I had worked on it for three days but I still couldnt figure it out. (弄明白) The students stood there, giving out shopping leaflets to passers-by. (分发) 【小试牛刀】根据句意选择适当的动词填空,注意时态的变化。wear, turn, put 1. The firemen quickly arrived at the scene and th

15、e fire was soon _ out. 2. We were worried about the experiment at first, but the result _ out all right. 3. I must buy him a new pair of shoes because the pair he has on has _ out. Key:1. put 2. turned 3. worn 热点语法聚焦 将来进行时态构成:shall / will be + 现在分词功能:1. 将来进行时态表示将来某个时刻正在进行的或持续的动作。如:What will you be d

16、oing at this time tomorrow?My father will be listening to the radio at seven oclock tomorrow morning. 2. 将来进行时态用来询问别人将来的计划、打算;也可表示缓和的命令或碰巧发生的事。如:Will you be at home this evening?Will you be giving a show soon?You will be coming here at six oclock. 3. 将来进行时态用来表示某种可能和推测,有我料想,我估计的含义。如:The teacher will

17、be telling us about the picnic plan next week. They wont be wanting this. These flowers will be coming out soon. Just wait and see them. 【小试牛刀】从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。1. At this time tomorrow _ over the Atlantic. (2003年,北京卷)A. were going to fly B. well be flying C. well fly D. were to fly2. Whats

18、 your plan for the weekend? I _ in the garden and my wife _ between 9:00 and 11:00.A. will work; shopsB. am working; is shoppingC. work; shopsD. will be working; will be shoppingKey:1-2 BD必修4模块2知识点:receipt【课文原句】You should check the cab has a business permit, and make sure you ask for a receipt.(Page

19、 12)【点拨】receipt在本句中意为收据,收条。如:I paid the bill but he forgot to give me a receipt.If you sign this receipt, Ill pay you the money. 【上层楼】请体会下列各句中receipt及其派生词、形似词的用法和含义。1. On receipt of the news, he left.(n.收到;接到)2. We got a warm reception. ( n.接待)3. Her calm reception of the bad news surprised her frie

20、nd. (n.接受)4. Our school held a reception for the foreign visitors. (n.招待会)5. I was on vacation last week and didnt receive your fax. (v.收到,接到)6. He was received as an honored visitor. ( v.接待;接见)【小试牛刀】英汉互译。1. 请开张收据给我。_2. I got a friendly reception from them._Key: 1. Please give me a receipt for it. 2

21、. 我受到了他们友好的招待。provide【课文原句】Public transport provides a cheap way to get around in Beijing.(Page 12)【点拨】provide在本句中为动词,意为提供。如:We provided food for the hungry children.【上层楼】请在下列各句中体会provide的用法。1. The sun provides us with light and heat.2. This hospital provides the best service for the sick. 观察以上例句可知:

22、provide作动词常用于provide sth. for sb.或provide sb. with sth.结构,意为为某人提供某物;相当于supply sb. with sth.;supply sth. to sb.;offer sb. sth.;offer sth. to sb.。【小试牛刀】根据汉语意思,用provide和其搭配的恰当形式完成句子。1. 公司将提供帐篷,但我们必须自带食物。The company _ tents, but we must bring our own food.2. 对儿子你不必有求必应。You neednt _ your son _ everything

23、 he wants.3. 该酒店为客人提供擦鞋服务。The hotel _ a shoe-cleaning service _ the guests. Key:1. will provide 2. provide; with 3. provides; for 经典短语透视be connected to【课文原句】This bus is connected to electric wires.(Page 11)【点拨】be connected to在本句中意为与相连。如:As long as you connect the wires to each other, the machine wil

24、l run. 【上层楼】表示与相连,与有(无)关系的短语还有很多,请在下列各句中学习体会。1. Does this case have anything to dowith that one? (与有关系)2. Health is closely connected with what you eat. (与有关系)3. What do you mean by relating this text to that one? (与联系起来)4. I swear I had nothing to do with that silly event. (与无牵连)get around【课文原句】Pub

25、lic transport provides a cheap way to get around in Beijing.(Page 12)【点拨】get around在本句中意为到处旅游;四处行动。如:My grandfather likes getting around in the city. 【上层楼】1. 请体会下列各句中短语get around的不同含义。Jack likes getting around all over the world. (到处旅行)Hes getting old and he doesnt get around any more. (四处走动)The new

26、s of their secret wedding soon got around. (传播;流传)2. 试学习其他get短语的用法。How are you two getting along/ on? (进展;相处)We must get down to it right now, or we may not be able to leave on time.(开始做某事);You have to get over the difficulty if you want to succeed. (克服)Why couldnt I get through just now? Were you t

27、alking on the phone with another person?(接通电话等)【小试牛刀】用适当的介词或副词填空。1. Ive been abroad three times this year. I got _ quite a lot.2. Its time that you got _ some reading, or the other students will leave you behind.3. He got _ as soon as he dialed the number.4. How are you getting _ with your English s

28、tudy? Key: 1. around 2. down to 3. through 4. on / along 热点语法聚焦 祈使句【事先体验】将下列各句翻译成祈使句。1. 把词典递给汤姆,好吗?_2. 在阅览室里不要弄出任何噪音。_3. 我们出去散步吧,好吗?_4. 收到他的信后一定要写回信。_ Key:1. Hand the dictionary to Tom, will you? 2. Dont make any noise in the reading room. 3. Lets go out for a walk, shall we? 4. Do write back when you receive his letter. 【点拨】一. 概念祈使句是用于表示请求、命令、劝告、警告、禁止等的句子。祈使句的主语通常省去。祈使句一般以现在时态表示将来的动作,句末常用!和.。如:Go and wash your hands. 去洗手。(命令)Be quiet, please.请安静。(请求)Watch your step. 走路小心。(警告)No parking.禁止停车。(禁止)二. 结构1. 肯定结构1)Do型祈使

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