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1、物管处日常中英文物管处:一、能够帮我把这份文件发到台湾吗?Could you help me to fax this to Taiwan? 很抱歉。咱们那个地址的机不能够发国际。 Sorry, this fax-machine is not for international.二、我想要借用一下梯子? May I borrow this ladder/stepladder?3、请帮我把这份文件复印3份。 Please give me three copies of this paper for me, thank you!4、最近有一段时刻不在家,能够把钥匙托管在物业吗? We will be

2、 out for some days. Shall we put our keys here?五、能够请物业帮忙接收一下快递吗? Could you receive the EMS for me? 好的,请先签一下委托书。 Ok, please sign this letter of attorney.维修用语:一、咱们家的净水器出水小,能够请师傅过来维修一下吗?Theres something wrong with our water cleaner/purifier. Could you ask somebody to have a look?二、厨房里的水槽下方漏水。There is w

3、ater leaking from somewhere in the kitchen.3、次卧窗户漏水Water leaking in the guest room4、客厅墙面有裂痕/发霉Theres a fissure/mildew in the wall of our living room.五、北阳台天花涂料脱落The painting on the ceiling of the north balcony is falling off.六、厨房水槽上水龙头松动The tap/water faucet in the kitchen is loosen.7、客卫洗手间马桶堵塞The clo

4、sestool in the guests washing room is blocked up.八、客卫台盆龙头漏水 The tap/water faucet in the guest washroom is leaking.九、主卧灯不亮The light in the main bedroom couldnt be switched on.家里是不是备有灯泡?是不是需要咱们提供?Do you have any spare bulb at home?Do you need our light bulb?家里没有。师傅上来的时候带过来吧。No, I dont have. Please bri

5、ng some.10、物管处吗?那个地址是*幢*室,家里此刻没有电?Is that management office? This is Unit *, Block *. There is no electricity now. We are in dark.您好!您家的电费最近交了吗?Yes. What can I do for you?(回答第一句的业主来电)Did you pay the electricity bill?已付过。Yes, I did.那好,请您在家稍等,咱们请师傅上门帮您查看。Ok. Please wait for a moment. Ill ask our worke

6、r to come and have a check.1一、家里热水炉坏,没有热水We couldnt get hot water from the hot-water stove. Maybe there is something wrong with it.1二、空调不能制暖/制冷,制冷/制热成效不行Air conditioner is not good. There is no hot/cold air.13、我想要挂一幅画/装一盏灯。 I have a picture/painting to hang up./ I want to hang up a picture/painting

7、好的。只是这是要预约的。周一至周五9点至下午5点半安装。我帮您看一下时刻。*月*日*点能够吗?Ok. But you should make a reservation. Nine . to 5:30 . from Mon. to Fri. xxxxxxx(?月?日),is that OK?好的OK. Thats right.保洁效劳:一、我想要预约一下打扫。I want to make a reservation to have my house cleaned. 好的,请问您是要全套保洁仍是需要钟点效劳?Ok. What kind of cleaning do you want? The

8、whole set or part-time service? 那是怎么收费的呢?How much is the fee/price? 全套保洁是按你屋子的大小计算,钟点效劳是15元/小时。The whole set service is according to your house. The part-time service is 15 RMB per hour.二、我想要找人打扫一下厨房。Is there anyone could help me clean the kitchen?3、我想要请你们擦一下窗户。 Id like to have someone clean my wind

9、ows.好的。擦玻璃是按平方计算价钱的。3元/平方。Ok. 3 RMB or one square meter.会所效劳:一、我想预定一下网球场/篮球场?I want to book the tennis/basketball court. 好的,网球场*元/场,篮球场*元/场。二、我想要预定烧烤区BBQ 好的。请问何时?What time do you want/prefer? *月*号*点至*点。 好的。请问需要柴炭跟固体酒精吗,仍是您自备?Do you need our wood coal or solid alcohol? 需要的。价钱是多少呢?Yes. How much? 柴炭*,固

10、体酒精*。3、我想要用健身房,门此刻开着吗?I want go to the gym room. Is it open? 没有,我此刻上去帮你开。Not yet. I am going to open it right now.4、请帮我叫一辆出租车。Please call a taxi for me. 好的,请稍等。Ok. Please wait for a minute. 您好,这是出租车的车牌号,请您到门口等待。Hello. This is the number of the taxi. You could wait outside the main gate. Itll come so

11、on.五、我想要借这本书?Can I borrow this book? 好的,请您在那个地址记录一下,并按时归还。Sure/Of course. Please register here, and return it in time.车辆治理:一、您好,您的车停在了他人的车位上,请您挪一下车位好吗?Hello/excuse me. This place is others. Would you parking on your own place? Thank you very much!二、很抱歉,您的车位治理费/停车费到期了,请您及时缴纳。I am sorry to tell you, y

12、ou should renew your parking fee. Thank you!3、这是临时停车卡,请您出门时将该卡归还,并缴纳临时停车费。This is the IC card for temporary parking. Please return it when you are leaving. And pay the parking fee. Thank you!经常使用词语:一、大门entrance door/gate 二、大厅hall 3、刷卡 swipe card 4、电梯 lift/elevator五、单元 unit 六、主卧 master bedroom 7、客厅 l

13、iving room 八、客卧 guest bedroom九、阳台 balcony 10、厨房 kitchen 1一、水槽 basin 1二、龙头 faucet13、浴缸bathtub 14、马桶 closestool 1五、塞子 plug/stopper1六、电费 electricity fee17、水费 water expense 1八、吊灯 ceiling lamp 1九、筒灯down-light20、射灯 spot light2一、空调 air conditioner 2二、滤网filter screen/strainer23、灯泡 lamp/bulb 24、地暖 floor heat

14、er 2五、开关 switch 2六、插座 socket27、网络 internet 2八、门锁 gate lock 2九、门吸 door stopper 30、滤芯 filter 3一、玻璃 glass3二、地漏 floor drain 33、地板 (wooden)floor 34、烤箱 oven 3五、浴霸 room heater3六、 telephone 37、超市 super market 3八、衣橱 wardrobe/clothespress 3九、书房study room 40、抽屉 drawer 4一、电池 battery 4二、异味 smelly 43、国内national44

15、、国际 international 4五、发票 invoice 4六、地址 address 47、邮局 post office4八、异味 smelly/strange smell 4九、漏水 water-leaking 50、梯子 ladder 5一、窗帘curtain5二、家具furniture 53、断掉 break off 54、松动 loosen 5五、烧烤 barbeque5六、租户 tenant 57、复印 copy 5八、诊所 Clinique 5九、业主 house owner60、预定 reservation/book 7一、现金 cash 7二、保安 security gu

16、ard 73、教练 coach74、结账 check-out 7五、收据 receipt 7六、投诉 complaint 77、记录 register7八、签名 signature 7九、取消 cancel 80、裂痕 crack 8一、淋蓬头shower8二、热水炉 hot-water stove 83、煤气灶 gas stove 84、煤气费 gas bill8五、物业费 property management fee 8六、淋浴房 shower room 87、洗手间 wash room 8八、储藏室 storage room 8九、热水炉 90、机顶盒 set-top box/unit

17、 9一、窗把手window handle9二、门把手 door handle 93、踢脚线 skirting 94、微波炉 microwave oven9五、更衣室 dressing room 9六、健身房 gym 97、跳操区 gym area 9八、阅览室 reading room9九、网球场 tennis court 100、篮球场 basketball court 10一、材料费 material expense10二、人工费 labor cost 103、维修费 maintenance cost 104、保洁费 cleaning cost10五、停车场 parking lot 10六

18、、地下室 basement 107、信誉卡 credit card10八、螺丝刀 screwdriver 10九、可视对讲 video door phone110、紧急按钮 emergency push button 11一、有线电视 cable TV 11二、吸油烟机 range hood113、营业时刻 business hours 114、乒乓球室 table-tennis room11五、多功能教室 multi-function room 11六、燃气报警器 gas alarm117、儿童游乐室childrens playhouse 11八、临时停车费 (temporary) park

19、ing fee 11九、车位治理费 management fee of the parking space六、情景对话(一)业主报修主卫灯坏,顺便提到客卧窗台漏水上次来修过了,这次下了雨又漏了。关键词:主卫 灯坏 客卧 窗台 漏水 范例:A: Hello. May I help you?B: Yes. The light in our bathroom doesnt work.A: Ok. Ill ask my colleague to come and have a check. What time is convenient for you?B: XXXXX.A: OK. Ill cont

20、act you before they come. B: By the way. There is another problem. The window in our guests room is leaking again because of this rain. Would you have a check together?A: OK. No problem. Anything else?B: No. Thank you!A: Youre welcome! Bye-bye!B: Bye!与业主预约的那天,维修人员上门效劳。C: May I come in?B: Come in, pl

21、ease!C: I am the maintainer from Lakeshore Garden management office. I heard that you have something to repair. Where is it?B: OK. Thats great. This way, please.(维修完毕.)C: Excuse me, sir/madam. I finished it. Please have a check.B: Enn. It is OK now. Thank you very much!C: You are welcome./Thats all

22、right. (若是是有偿效劳)C: Excuse me. The cost of the materials is (A为客服人员,B为业主,C为维修人员)附: 各部门英语名称客服部 Service Department 会所 Club House 行政人事部 Administration & . Dept. 财务部 Finance Dept.工程部 Maintenance Dept. 质量治理部 Quality Control Dept. 保安部 Security Dept. 环境部Environment Dept.一月 January 二月 February三月 March 四月 Apr

23、il五月 May 六月 June七月 July 八月 August九月 September 十月 October十一月 November 十二月 December二、礼拜礼拜一 Monday 礼拜二 Tuesday礼拜三 Wednesday 礼拜四 Thursday礼拜五 Friday 礼拜六 Saturday礼拜日 Sunday三、关于时刻的几个名词/量词天 day 周 week 月 month 年 year时 hour 分 minute 秒 second四、序数词第一 first 第二 second 第三 third 第四 forth 第五 fifth 第六sixth 第七 seventh

24、 第八 eighth 第九 ninth 第十 tenth五、部份节日New Years Day Spring Festival Womens Day Arbor day April fools Day Labors day Dragon boat festival Childrens day Mid-autumn day National Day Christmas Day二、小区内经常使用名词1. 会所 house club2. 治理处 management office3. 乒乓室 table-tennis4. 篮球场 basketball court5. 网球场 tennis court

25、6. 洗手间 washing room / wc / toilet7. 游泳池 swimming pool8. 烧烤区 barbeque9. 幼儿园 kindergarten10. 儿童游乐室 childrens playing house11. 门 door12. 窗 window一、表示时刻的几组概念今天 today 明天 tomorrow 昨天 yesterday二、季节春 spring夏 summer秋 fall/autumn冬 winter三、经常使用的一些形容词好 good fine专门好 great cool好热 hot好冷 cold凉爽 cool四、几个简单的句子1. Toda

26、y is Thursday. Its half past 2 . now.今天是礼拜四。此刻时刻是下午2点半。2I like spring.我喜爱春天。3. Where is the management office?物管处在哪里?Go straight. 往前走 turn left向左转 turn right 向车辆治理:一、 您好,您的车停在了他人的车位上,请您挪一下车位好吗?Hello/excuse me. This place is others. Would you park on your own place? Thank you very much!二、 很抱歉,您的车位治理费/停车费到期了,请您及时缴纳。I am sorry to tell you, you should renew your parking fee. Thank you!3、 这是临时停车卡,请您出门时将该卡归还,并缴纳临时停车费。This is the IC card for temporary parking. Please return it when you are leaving. And pay the parking fee. Thank you!

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