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1、高级英语6词汇Peasant 英 pez()nt 美 pznt CET4 TEM4 n. 农民;乡下人1 (especially in the past, or in poorer countries) a farmer who owns or rents a small piece of land peasant farmers a peasant family peasant revolts 2 ( informal , disapproving ) a person who is rude, behaves badly, or has little education PHRASESpe

2、asant household庄户,农户 intellectual 英 ,ntlektl; -tjl 美 ,ntlktul CET4 TEM4adj. 智力的;聪明的;理智的n. 知识分子;凭理智做事者adjective example bank 1 usually before noun connected with or using a persons ability to think in a logical way and understand things intellectual curiosity an intellectual novel 2 ( of a person ) w

3、ell educated and enjoying activities in which you have to think seriously about things Shes very intellectual. intellectualism noun uncountable ( usually disapproving ) intellectually adverb intellectually challenging noun example bank a person who is well educated and enjoys activities in which the

4、y have to think seriously about things PHRASES Intellectual property知识产权;著作权intellectual property right知识产权;智慧财产权intellectual development智力发展intellectual ability智能world intellectual property organization世界知识产权组织(略作WIPO)intellectual curiosity求知欲intellectual support智力支持proprietary intellectual propert

5、y rights自主知识产权intellectual power智力intellectual products智力产品;精神产品intellectual activity智力活动intellectual work脑力劳动intellectual enquiry知识探索;知识探求 feudal 英 fjud()l 美 fjudl CET6+ TEM4adj. 封建制度的;领地的;世仇的adjective usually before noun connected with or similar to feudalism the feudal system PHRASESfeudal societ

6、y封建社会feudal system封建制度feudal hierarchy封建等级制度inherit 英 nhert 美 nhrt CET4 TEM4vt. 继承;遗传而得vi. 成为继承人verb example bank 1 transitive , intransitive (sth) (from sb) to receive money, property, etc. from sb when they die She inherited a fortune from her father. He will inherit the title on the death of his

7、uncle. 2 transitive sth (from sb) to have qualities, physical features, etc. that are similar to those of your parents, grandparents, etc He has inherited his mothers patience. She inherited a passion for music from her grandfather. an inherited disease 3 transitive sth (from sb) if you inherit a pa

8、rticular situation from sb, you are now responsible for dealing with it, especially because you have replaced that person in their job policies inherited from the previous administration I inherited a number of problems from my predecessor. PHRASESinherit cost 隐含成本depict 英 dpkt 美 dpkt CET4 TEM4vt. 描

9、述;描画verb example bank 1 to show an image of sb/sth in a picture sb/sth (as sb/sth) a painting depicting the Virgin and Child sb/sth doing sth The artist had depicted her lying on a bed. 2 to describe sth in words, or give an impression of sth in words or with a picture sb/sth The novel depicts Frenc

10、h society in the 1930s. sb/sth as sb/sth The advertisements depict smoking as glamorous and attractive. depiction noun uncountable , countable They object to the movies depiction of gay people. PHRASESFurther Depict 进一步深入刻画depict truly 正确描述detail depict 细节刻画Depict Character 刻画人物形象shape depict 形状描述de

11、ficiency 英 df()ns 美 dfnsi CET4 TEM4n. 缺陷,缺点;缺乏;不足的数额 复数 deficiencies noun example bank 1 uncountable , countable (in/of sth) the state of not having, or not having enough of, sth that is essential Vitamin deficiency in the diet can cause illness. a deficiency of Vitamin B 2 countable (in/of sth) a f

12、ault or a weakness in sth/sb that makes it or them less successful deficiencies in the computer system PHRASESiron deficiency缺铁;铁缺乏iron deficiency anemia缺铁性贫血mental deficiency心智缺陷;智力缺陷;精神不健全acquired immune deficiency syndrome艾滋病;获得性免疫缺陷综合症deficiency disease营养缺乏病oxygen deficiency缺氧nutrient deficiency

13、营养不足;养分缺乏vitamin deficiency维生素缺乏;维生素缺乏症nutritional deficiency营养不良 spontaneous 英 spntens 美 spntens CET4 TEM4adj. 自发的;自然的;无意识的adjective example bank 1 not planned but done because you suddenly want to do it a spontaneous offer of help The audience burst into spontaneous applause. 2 often doing things

14、without planning to, because you suddenly want to do them 3 ( technical ) happening naturally, without being made to happen spontaneous remission of the disease 4 done naturally, without being forced or practised a tape recording of spontaneous speech a wonderfully spontaneous performance of the pie

15、ce spontaneously adverb We spontaneously started to dance. The bleeding often stops spontaneously. PHRASESspontaneous combustion自燃spontaneous abortion自然流产;自发性流产spontaneous ignition自燃spontaneous recovery自然回复(恢复);自然痊愈intuition 英 ntj()n 美 ,ntun CET6 TEM8 n. 直觉;直觉力;直觉的知识noun example bank 1 uncountable t

16、he ability to know sth by using your feelings rather than considering the facts Intuition told her that he had spoken the truth. He was guided by intuition and personal judgement. The answer came to me in a flash of intuition. 2 countable (that) an idea or a strong feeling that sth is true although

17、you cannot explain why I had an intuition that something awful was about to happen. PHRASESintuition thinking直觉思维intellectual intuition智的直觉;理智的直观mysticism 英 mstsz()m 美 mstszm n. 神秘;神秘主义;谬论noun uncountable the belief that knowledge of God and of real truth can be found through prayer and meditation r

18、ather than through reason and the senses Eastern mysticism There is a strong element of mysticism in his poetry. sensitivity 英 senstvt 美 snstvti n. 敏感;敏感性;过敏noun example bank to peoples feelings 1 uncountable (to sth) the ability to understand other peoples feelings sensitivity to the needs of child

19、ren She pointed out with tact and sensitivity exactly where he had gone wrong. to art/music/literature 2 uncountable the ability to understand art, music and literature and to express yourself through them She played with great sensitivity. being easily upset 3 uncountable , countable , usually plur

20、al a tendency to be easily offended or upset by sth Hes a mixture of anger and sensitivity. She was blind to the feelings and sensitivities of other people. of information/subject 4 uncountable the fact of needing to be treated very carefully because it may offend or upset people Confidentiality is

21、important because of the sensitivity of the information. to food/cold/light, etc. 5 uncountable , countable , usually plural ( technical ) the quality of reacting quickly or more than usual to sth food sensitivity allergies and sensitivities Some children develop a sensitivity to cows milk. The eyes

22、 of some fish have a greater sensitivity to light than ours do. to small changes 6 uncountable the ability to measure very small changes the sensitivity of the test interposition 英 ntpz()n n. 干涉,介入;插入,放入 PHRASESdiplomatic interposition 外交干预interposition treatment 介入治疗shrinkage 英 rkd 美 rkd TEM8n. 收缩;

23、减低noun uncountable the process of becoming smaller in size; the amount by which sth becomes smaller the shrinkage of heavy industry She bought a slightly larger size to allow for shrinkage. feeble 英 fib()l 美 fibl CET6 TEM4adj. 微弱的,无力的;虚弱的;薄弱的adjective example bank 1 very weak a feeble old man The he

24、artbeat was feeble and irregular. 2 not effective; not showing determination or energy a feeble argument/excuse/joke a feeble attempt to explain Dont be so feeble! Tell her you dont want to go. feebleness noun uncountable feebly adverb He shook his head feebly. PHRASESfeeble solution 弱解conference fe

25、eble 非常薄feeble current 弱电流feeble shadow 微弱影象prophet 英 prft 美 prft CET6 TEM4 n. 先知;预言者;提倡者 noun example bank 1 countable (in the Christian, Jewish and Muslim religions) a person sent by God to teach the people and give them messages from God 2 the Prophet singular Muhammad, who founded the religion o

26、f Islam 3 countable a person who claims to know what will happen in the future 4 countable (of sth) a person who teaches or supports a new idea, theory, etc William Morris was one of the early prophets of socialism. 5 the Prophets plural the name used for some books of the Old Testament and the Hebr

27、ew Bible see prophet of doom at doom prophetic 英 prfetk 美 prftk adj. 预言的,预示的;先知的adjective example bank 1 correctly stating or showing what will happen in the future Many of his warnings proved prophetic. 2 like or connected with a prophet or prophets the prophetic books of the Old Testament propheti

28、cally adverb essentially 英 sen()l 美 snli adv. 本质上;本来adverb when you think about the true, important or basic nature of sb/sth There are three essentially different ways of tackling the problem. The pattern is essentially the same in all cases. Essentially, what we are suggesting is that the firm nee

29、ds to change. He was, essentially, a teacher, not a manager. The article was essentially concerned with her relationship with her parents (= it dealt with other things, but this was the most important) . solidity 英 sldt 美 sldti n. 坚硬,坚固;体积;固体性noun uncountable the quality or state of being solid the strength and solidity of Romanesque architecture Her writings have extraordinary depth and solidity. the solidity of his support for his staff The line and shadows give the painting a sense of solidity. caution 英 k()n 美 kn CET6 TEM4n. 小心,谨慎;警告,警示vt. 警告noun example bank 1 uncountab

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