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1、英语外刊选读复习提纲1219英语外刊选读复习提纲题型1. 新词、热词翻译(20%)2. 回答问题(30%)3. 段落翻译 (20%)4. 概要写作(30%)Part I Hot word Translation (102=20)1. 末日谣言 (doomsday rumor)2. 价格欺诈 (price gouging)3. 员工福利保障体系(employee benefits system)4. 气候融资 (climate financing)5. 养老保险 (endowment insurance)6. 婚姻保险 (marriage protection insurance, marria

2、ge policy, concubine-proof policy)7. 停火协议(cease-fire agreement)8. 流浪儿童 (street children)9. 留守儿童 (left-behind children)10. 文化逆差 (cultural deficit)11. 党的建设 (party building)12. 中国特色社会主义 (socialism with Chinese characteristics)13. 中华民族的伟大复兴 (the great renewal/rejuvenation of the Chinese nation)14. 民生 (p

3、eoples livelihood)15. 差额选举 (competitive election)16. 等额选举 (single candidate election)17. 政治体制改革 (political structure reform)18. 科学发展观 (Scientific Outlook on Development)19. 政治局 (the Political Bureau)20. 集体供暖 (collective heating)21. 分户采暖 (household-based heating)22. 党代会 (the National Party Congress)2

4、3. 音乐付费下载 (paid music download)24. 国考 (National Civil Servant examination)25. 高原反应 (altitude sickness)26. 版税收入 (royalty income)27. 加班费 (overtime pay)28. 安全隐患 (hidden danger)29. 土地交易 (land deal)30. 航空母舰 (aircraft carrier)31. 预期贷款 (overdue loan)32. 不良贷款 (non-performing loan)33. 坏账 (dead loan)34. 恢复营业

5、(resume operation)35. 领海基线 (territorial sea baseline)36. 新农合医保体系 (new rural cooperative medical care system)37. Kidult (kid+adult) 表面看上去已经成年、但心里不想长大的人。38. 走光 (wardrobe malfunction)39. 腰部赘肉 (muffin-top)40. 蹭网族 (Wi-Fi squatter)41. 重启一代 (the reset generation)42. 草根领袖 (grasstop)43. 自拍照 (selfie)44. 多层三明治

6、一代(club-sandwich generation)指同时要照顾父母、孩子以及孙辈的一代人。45. 解困来电 (escape call)46. 软福利 (soft welfare)47. 蜗婚 (living apart together)指离婚后还住在一起的人。48. 自产绿色食品 (100-foot diet)49. AA制 (Dutch treatment)50. 安家费 (settle-in allowance)Part II Questions based on the articles (215=30)1. Who is generation X, and how to coa

7、ch them?2. Give a brief introduction to Steve Jobs.3. What are the differences between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party in America?4. Why did Obama win the election for second term?5. Travel can help mend a fractured world. Do you agree or disagree, and why?6. What are the five shifts a

8、nd their consequences in global rebalancing?7. What are the Symbols of “old, new, borrowed, blue and silver sixpence” in the western wedding custom (something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue and a silver sixpence in your shoe)?8. Why are the campus romances unrequited?Part III

9、 paragraph Translation (120=20)1. A new study, published in the latest issue of the Journal of Consumer Research, shows that an occurrence known by marketers as the “left-digit effect” drastically influences the choices that people make while buying various items. Simple experiments have proven that

10、 too little attention is paid to the digit on the right hand side of a price tag. For instance, people would rather buy something that is priced at $3.99 than those priced at $4.00. In actual stores, this is encouraged, as producers and managers have the final two numbers of the price printed with m

11、uch smaller fonts than the first one or two. Shoppers pay a disproportionate amount of attention to the leftmost digits in prices and these leftmost digits impact whether a products price is perceived to be relatively affordable or expensive,” the study says.2. Reset generation refer to young people

12、 who, when a situation becomes difficult or burdensome, quit and start over again in a different situation. This phrase was inspired by the reset feature that comes with most video or computer games. Choosing this feature gives the player a fresh start and is most often employed when the player gets

13、 into a mess from which he or she cant or wont escape. The word reset means that these young people simply choose to reset their play buttons by changing jobs, partners or friends, instead of trying to cope with and learn from their difficulties a standard pattern for older generations.3. Sweet-word

14、s bribery refers to endearing or flattering words, instead of cash and gifts, that some people use to win over the heart of their boss or someone who might be useful, in order to get what they want. Sweet-words bribery is buried in daily communications and dont have any hard evidence as direct bribe

15、ry based on materials does.4. Mother-in-law syndrome is the idea that Chinese mothers-in-law are driving up the price of real estate by refusing to allow their daughters to marry men who are not homeowners. Men are pouring all their savings in real estate market as a means of improving their chances

16、 of finding Mrs. Right, or any Mrs. for that matter. A study shows that 30 to 48 percent (or $8 trillion worth) of the real estate appreciation in 35 major Chinese cities is directly correlated with Chinas sex-ratio imbalance and a mans need to acquire wealth (property) in order to attract a wife.5.

17、 City hopping describes the situation that some young Chinese are forced to give up jobs in large cities like Shanghai and Beijing and try to settle down in second-or-third-tier cities because of harsh competition at work and increasing living costs. For example: Instead of job hopping, an increasin

18、g number of young Chinese are thinking of city hopping, that is, leaving big cities and finding a place in small cities.6. Escape call is a planned call or beep from a co-worker that allows you to feign an emergency in order to escape a particularly boring or meaningless meeting, or from a friend th

19、at helps you escape from an unsatisfying, even embarrassing blind date. Reasons for the call can be various, such as a neighbor calling about a leaky pipe; a mother informing that a sister just had a baby; or a boss saying he needs help immediately.7. The lawnmower parent comes as well-intentioned p

20、arents increasingly try to trim the problems from their childrens lives. Instead of hovering over their children closely monitoring them as helicopter parents are said to, lawnmower parents get out in front of their children to try and clear the way for them. They try to remove obstacles that childr

21、en might need to negotiate. Constant monitoring, over scheduling and protecting children from their own problems can come at a cost. Overprotection may be contributing to the rising prevalence of anxiety disorders among children.8. Social bubble (or interpersonal bubble) describes the situation in w

22、hich people seem to have a wide range of social connections, but when it comes to real friendship, few remain in the circle. Following the wave of financial bubble and real estate bubble, social bubble is showing up among office workers in recent years. Your office drawer is filled with name cards w

23、hose owners might be total strangers to you. There are many contacts in your instant messenger that you may never start a conversation with or whose name has slipped from your memory. You may have many “friends” in your cell phone contact list, but there is no one you can talk to when you are upset.

24、9. Marriages in modern society are like French fries produced on restaurant assembly lines, coming and going in the twinkle of an eye. There is flash marriage and flash divorce. Young men and women may get married soon after their first date, and then file for divorce not long after the wedding. Mar

25、riage is treated like a game. Getting married and divorced is just like having a meal in a fast-food restaurant, thats where the term “fast-food marriage” comes from. With an increasing number of fast-food marriages, we may see fewer long-lasting marriages, like golden and silver weddings, in the fu

26、ture, but more broken families and lonely hearts.Part IV Summary Writing (130=30)Passage OneAttitude Is EverythingJerry was the kind of guy you love to hate. He was always in a good mood and always had something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, If I were

27、any better, I would be twins!He was a unique manager because he had several waiters who had followed him around from restaurant to restaurant. The reason the waiters followed Jerry was because of his attitude. He was a natural motivator. If an employee was having a bad day, Jerry was there telling t

28、he employee how to look on the positive side of the situation.Seeing this style really made me curious, so one day I went up to Jerry and asked him, I dont get it! You cant be a positive person all of the time. How do you do it?Jerry replied, Each morning I wake up and say to myself, Jerry, you have

29、 two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in a bad mood. I choose to be in a good mood. Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim or I can choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it. Every time someone comes to me complaining, I can ch

30、oose to accept their complaining or I can point out the positive side of life. I choose the positive side of life.Yeah, right, its not that easy, I protested.Yes, it is, Jerry said. Life is all about choices. When you cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice. You choose how you react to si

31、tuations. You choose how people will affect your mood. You choose to be in a good mood or bad mood. The bottom line: Its your choice how you live life.I reflected on what Jerry said. Soon thereafter, I left the restaurant industry to start my own business. We lost touch, but I often thought about hi

32、m when I made a choice about life instead of reacting to it.Several years later, I heard that Jerry did something you are never supposed to do in a restaurant business: he left the back door open one morning and was held up at gunpoint by three armed robbers. While trying to open the safe, his hand, shaking from nervousness, slipped off the combination. The robbers panicked and shot him.Luckily, Jerry was found relatively quickly and rushed to the local trauma cent

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