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1、英语专业八级真题完整答案及详细解析word版TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2011)GRADE EIGHT TIME LIMIT: 195 MINPART I LISTENING COMPREHENSIONSECTION A MINI-LECTUREIn this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked

2、, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Some of the gaps may require a maximum of THREE words. Make sure

3、the word(s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may refer to your notes while completing the task. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. Now, listen to the mini-lecture.Classifications of CulturesAccording to Edward Hall, different cultures result in different ide

4、as about the world. Hall is an anthropologist. He is interested in relations between cultures.I. High-context culture A. feature - context: more important than the message - meaning: (1)_ i.e. more attention paid to (2) _ than to the message itself B. examples - personal space - preference for (3)_

5、- less respect for privacy / personal space - attention to (4)_ - concept of time - belief in (5)_ interpretation of time - no concern for punctuality - no control over timeII. Low-context culture A. feature - message: separate from context - meaning: (6)_ B. examples - personal space - desire / res

6、pect for individuality / privacy - less attention to body language - more concern for (7)_ - attitude toward time - concept of time: (8)_ - dislike of (9)_ - time seen as commodityIII. Conclusion Awareness of different cultural assumptions - relevance in work and life e.g. business, negotiation, etc

7、. - (10)_ in successful communicationSECTION B INTERVIEW/CONVERSATIONIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the

8、 interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.Now, listen to the interview.1. According to Dr. Harley, what makes language learning more difficult after a certain age?A. Differences between two languages. B. Declining capacity to learn syntax. C. Lack of time

9、 available. D. Absence of motivation.参考答案: BTIP:答案选B。Harley博士提到有研究表明,语言特别是句法方面的学习在12岁以后更难。2. What does the example of Czech speakers show?A. Its natural for language learners to make errors. B. Differences between languages cause difficulty.C. There exist differences between English and Czech. D. Di

10、fficulty stems from either difference or similarity.参考答案: DTIP:答案选D。Harley博士提到有研究发现学习英语的捷克人会在相同的捷克语和英语句法上犯错,因此证明了语言学习者的困难也可能来自相似性。3. Which of the following methods does NOT advocate speaking?A. The traditional method. B. The audiolingual method.C. The immersion method.D. The direct method.参考答案: ATIP

11、:答案选A。因为其他三种方法都要求或强调口语,而传统方法强调语法教学。4. Which hypothesis deals with the role of language knowledge in the learning process?A. The acquisition and learning distinction hypothesis.B. The comprehensible input hypothesis.C. The monitor hypothesis.D. The active filter hypothesis.参考答案: CTIP:答案选C。当Harley博士在解

12、释monitor hypothesis时,他提到monitor会使用语法规则,电台主持人向他确认是否这意味着学习者运用语言知识确保所说和所写的正确无误,Harley博士的回答是肯定的。5. Which of the following topics is NOT discussed during the interview?A. Causes of language learning difficulties.B. Differences between mother tongue and a second language. C. Theoretical conceptualization

13、of second language learning.D. Pedagogical implementation of second language teaching.参考答案: BTIP:答案选B。其他三项在对话中均有提及,D项没有提及。script: Woman: Good morning, Dr. Harley! Thank you very much for coming on our radio talk. We know that youre an applied linguist specializing in second language acquisition.Dr.

14、Harley: Right!Woman: So, today, um, well look at this issue. Now, first, Dr. Harley, could you please tell us what is second language acquisition? Dr. Harley: Well, second language acquisition is . happens when a child or adult has already become competent at a language. And then, um, they attempt t

15、o learn another.Woman: OK, most people think, including me, it is difficult to learn another language. What are the reasons? Why is it so?Dr. Harley: Well, there are a number of reasons for this. Huh, first, there have been research studies. They have shown that some aspects of language learning esp

16、ecially syntax are more difficult beyond a certain age, say, after around 12 years of age.Woman: So, age plays an important role in language learning?Dr. Harley: Yes. But thats not the only reason.Woman: Oh, is that so?Dr. Harley: Yes, for example, huh, time and interest. All children and adults oft

17、en have less time and motivation to learn a second language.Woman: Mm Dr. Harley: Another is related to the similarities and differences between ones mother tongue and a second language. We find the learners will experience difficulty when their mother tongue and the second language theyre learning

18、differ. In general, the more idiosyncratic a feature is in a particular language relative to other languages, the more difficult it will be to acquire.Woman: Perhaps this is the key issue. Differences between languages cause language learning problems. Dr. Harley: Well, this may be one of the issues

19、 here. But this cannot be the whole story, as not all differences between languages cause difficulty. Let me give you an example.Woman: OK.Dr. Harley: Research has found that many errors by Czech speakers learning English were made on syntactic constructions in which the two languages do not differ.

20、Woman: Oh, really? The picture is more complicated than weve imagined. Dr. Harley: Definitely yes. Each language learning situation is different. So reasons vary a lot from case to case.Woman: Now, Dr. Harley, since learning a second language is a difficult process, you know, in one way or another,

21、are there any methods so far, effective methods to teach a second language? Dr. Harley: There again, no method is absolutely effective in all situations. Some may prove effective, others may not. I mean all depending on specific conditions. But generally speaking, there are a number of methods that

22、have been used to teach a second language.Woman: Could you mention a few? Dr. Harley: For instance, theres the traditional method. This method is based on translation from one language to another. And it emphasizes grammar teaching. And then you have direct methods which focuses on conversational sk

23、ills and all teaching must be carried out in the second language.Woman: Oh, I see. Any other methods?Dr. Harley: Yes, for example, the audio-lingual method. This method emphasizes speaking and listening before reading and writing.Woman: How interesting!Dr. Harley: Then you have the immersion method.

24、 This method teaches learners exclusively through the medium of the second language.Woman: How?Dr. Harley: Well, it simply means that you cannot speak mother tongue. Everything must be done in the language youre learning. To me, the most natural method of learning a new language is what I call subme

25、rsion. That is, to go to that country and be surrounded exclusively by speakers of that language.Woman: Thank you very much Dr. Harley for introducing some of the language teaching methods. Now lets move on to something a bit theoretical. Since second language acquisition and teaching are a fascinat

26、ing area for researchers, are there any theories to explain second language acquisition? Dr. Harley: Yes, many theories and models have been put forward by researchers so far. Today, Id like to mention the five hypotheses proposed by Steven Krashen.Woman: OK. Dr. Harley: The five hypotheses form wha

27、t he calls the Monitor Model of second language learning.Woman: What does it mean?Dr. Harley: OK, the first hypothesis is the Acquisition and Learning Distinction Hypothesis. According to Krashen, children acquire their first language largely unconsciously and automatically. But adults could only le

28、arn a second language consciously and effortfully. And adults could indeed acquire the second language, at least in part.Woman: Right. Then whats his second hypothesis? Dr. Harley: His second hypothesis is the Natural Order in Acquisition Hypothesis. Basically, he means that the ordering which learn

29、ers acquire syntactic rules is the same in both languages.Woman: Oh, thats something really new to me. Dr. Harley: The third hypothesis is the Monitor Hypothesis, which is central to his theory. Here again, we come across the distinction between acquisition and learning. According to this hypothesis

30、, the acquisition processes create sentences in the second language, right? But learning enables the development of a monitoring process to check and edit this output. The monitor uses knowledge of the rules. Thats why, as I said just now, learning is a conscious process.Woman: This means in learnin

31、g you use knowledge of the language to make sure what you say or write is correct. Is that so?Dr. Harley: Yes. His fourth hypothesis is the Comprehensible Input Hypothesis. In order to move form one stage to the next, the learner must understand the meaning and the form of the input. This emphasizes

32、 the role of comprehension. And finally, the Active Filter Hypothesis. This suggests attitude and emotional factors are also important in second language acquisition.Woman: I guess Krashens model has provided a useful framework for second language learning. Dr. Harley: Yes, it indeed has. And it has also proved to be one of t

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