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1、河北专接本英语历年真题附答案河北省2002年专接本综合考试试卷. 在下列每组单词中,有一个单词的划线部分与其它单词的划线部分读音不同,找出该单词。(10分)1.A. sail B. tail C. chair D. failure2.A. seize B. freight C. receive D. ceiling3.A. rice B. wild C. mice D. dig4.A. tool B. food C. loose D. wood5.A. snow B. flow C. cow D. throw6.A. public B. bullet C. sugar D. full7.A.

2、measure B. observe C. pleasure D. television8.A. row B. own C. how D. bowed9.A. warm B. harm C. park D. shark10.A. pen B. fresh C. fever D. envelop. 词汇与结构。下列每小题各有选项,请根据句子含义选择最佳答案。11. The conference _ a full week by the time it ends.A. has lasted B. lasts C. will have lasted D. is lasted12.I wish you

3、_ me yesterday .A. tell B. could tell C. had told D. would tell13. She insisted that what she had done _ right.A. was B. is C. be D. had been14.By no means _create or destroy energy.A. we can B. can we C. we could D. shall we15.It was not such a good meal _she had expected.A. as B. what C. than D. l

4、ike16.She didnt break the bad news to her mother _ that she might break down.A. so B. for fear C. in order D. because17.He will never forget the days_ he spent with his grandma.A. when B. where C. on which D. which18.The speaker,_ for her splendid speeches, was warmly received by theaudience.A. havi

5、ng known B. being known C. knowing D. known19.The suspect was _ with attempting to smuggle drugs.A. charged B. accused C. challenged D. scolded20.He wrote a letter to the company to apply for that _position.A. wanted B. vacant C. unemployed D. useless21.Doctor Kissinger was a key _in the establishme

6、nt of the SinoUS relationships during 1970s.A. role B. figure C. feature D. personality22.The majority of Chinese businesses will undergo a structural _ in the new century.A. resolution B. reform C. solution D. evolution23. The university authority _a new dean for the school of management.A. assigne

7、d B. appointed C. adopted D. granted24. The special committee is _the case in which some officials are involved inbribery.A. looking into B. looking for C. seeing to D. seeing through25.If you encounter any difficulty during your stay in the hospital, you may inform the medical _about your problems.

8、A. stuff B. staff C. colleague D. faculty26.People dump garbage into this lake, which _pollution of the water.A. adds up to B. leaves behind C. leaves alone D. adds to 27. In the driving class, Jack made slow but _improvement.A. steady B. static C. stable D. still28. A lot of people worked long hour

9、s because high unemployment meant that they could easily be _.A. distributed B. appointed C. transferred D. replaced29. The film star wore dark glasses so that no one would _him.A. know B. reach C. recognize D. realize30. Dont have him for a friend. Hes _ a criminal.A. anything but B. but for C. not

10、hing but D. rather than. 在下列各句的四组划线部分中找出错误的一组。31.The major advantage of a large corporation was that it can A Braise large sums of money to engage in efficient largescale C production. D32. A heat exchanger is a device in which heat taken from a hot A B Cliquid or gas in order to warm a cold place.D

11、33.Some animals have been regardless by nearly all societies as A Bvaluable economic resources. C D34.Alike light waves, microwaves may be reflected and A B Cconcentrated .D35.He was born in a small village in the year 1980 .A B C D36.Mary and her sister have little of common except that they A B Cs

12、hare the same interest in bowling.D37.If one reads a great many articles in Elementary English, you will A B become familiar with the problems of the beginning teacher of C Dreading .38.Either of these young ladies are perfectly qualified to teach A B C DGreek, Latin and French .39.I cant get my car

13、 started. Something must have gone wrongly A B C Dwith the engine.40.We were pleased to have the opportunity to watch such talented A Bdancers to perform a highly acclaimed new ballet . C DIV.完形填空.请根据短文内容,从四个选项中选择最佳答案.(20分) It was Sunday .The trains 41. A gentleman was walking along the platform 42

14、for a place. In one of 43 he saw a vacant seat. But a small suit-case was 44 on it and a stout gentleman was sitting 45 to it. “Is this seat vacant?” asked the gentleman . “No it is my 46,” answered the stout gentleman, “He 47 just coming -this is his suit-case.” “Well,” said the gentleman , “I will

15、 sit here till he 48.”Five minutes 49 the train started , 50 nobody came . “Your friend 51 late,” said the gentleman , “He 52 his train , but he need not 53 suit-case.” And 54 these words he 55 the suit-case and threw it 56 the window . The stout gentleman got up and 57 to catch the suit-case, but i

16、t was 58 late . It was his suit-case and he had taken 59 seat for his own 60. 41. A. were crowded B. crowded C. were crowd D. had been crowded 42. A. look B. looking C. looked D. and looked 43. A. car B. the car C. cars D. the cars 44. A . lay B. laying C. lying D. lied 45. A. next B. the next C. ne

17、arby D. closed 46.A. friend B. friends C. friends D. friends 47.A. has B. is C. was D. will be 48. A. come B. came C. comes D. will come 49. A. ago B. later C. after D. before 50. A. and B. but C. so D. because 51. A. has B. will C. is D. was 52. A. has missed B. has lost C. has caught D. was missin

18、g 53. A. lose his B. to lose the C. losing the D. missing 54. A. said B. with C. at D. hear 55. A. took B. fetched C. get D. taking 56. A. out of B. out C. at D. to 57. A. tried B. has tried C. trying D. try 58.A. so B. fairly C. very D. too 59.A. second B. the second C. a second D. an other 60. A.

19、comfortable B. comfort C. discomfort D. comfortlessV. 阅读理解. 请根据短文内容,从四个选项中选择最佳答案.(30分)Passage 1 In an age when waste today means a lack tomorrow, making use of every available resource becomes more and more important. As coal is being used in greater and greater amounts to produce electricity, large

20、r amounts of ash, by-product are produced: a heavy bottom ash and a fine-as-powder fly ash that is filtered and captured by precipitators. About 10 to 15 percent of the coal by-product is bottom ash which is used like sand on icy city streets and highways and also on highways as paving material . It

21、 is the fly ash , however, that is receiving the greater amount of attention. Fly ash may be used as an additive to concrete in the construction of dams ,bricks, and can replace up to 20 percent of the cement used in concrete . As a by-product of burned coal, fly ash requires no additional expenditu

22、re of energy to be produced, while cement production requires great amounts of energy.In addition to using fly ash as a concrete additive, the technology is available to extract the main mineral components-aluminum, silicon, and magnets, Today, extracting these components is a very expensive process

23、, but the time may come when it is cheaper to extract these products from ash than to mine new products.61. What can be used as a material to pave roads? A. The coal by-product B. Additive C. Fine-as-powder fly ash D. Both B and C 62. What is a by-product of burned coal? A. Aluminum, silicon, and ma

24、gnets B. Paving material C. Fly ash D. A concrete additive63.Fly ash can partly take the place of_ A. paving material B. cement C. concrete D. the coal by-product64.According to the passage, what attracts mans greater attention?A.Fly ash.B.The available technology.C.The construction of dams, bricks

25、,and roads.D.Extracting aluminum, silicon , and magnets from ash.65.What can be extracted from fine-powder fly ash? A. Aluminum, silicon and magnets B. Additive C. Paving material D. Cement Passage 2 The wind died down and the Great wall at Mutianyu was bathed in warm sunshine and clear blue sky. Th

26、is length of wall is much less crowded than the wall at Badaling. The local guide told us we could reach the wall by cable car or climb a thousand steps. I took the easy way with the older group members. The younger Americans headed for the steps. Ivers jogged the whole way to the top and reported a

27、 count of 112 more steps than the guide had said. We waited at the bus for climbers. Finally they came ,but Ben was missing. Hes back there telling stories to some Chinese. 66. This happened_A. on Badaling B. at some part of the Great WallC. in a bus D in Beijing City 67. From the passage we know th

28、at_A.There are fewer people at the part of the Great Wall.B.All the travelers there are Americans.C.Mr. Ben was missing and was never found.D.The weather was very bad at that time. 68. There are _ ways to get to the top of the Great Wall.A. one B. two C. three D. not any 69. In the passage, the loca

29、l guide_.A.counted the steps correctlyB.reported 112 fewer steps than what Ivers countedC.had nothing to do but tell liesD.asked them to take cable cars 70. The travelers_.A. may be a group of young Chinese B. must be womenC. must be young pioneers D. may be a group of foreigners Passage 3 A strong

30、vocabulary can be a valuable asset, both in college and later in you career. Considerable research evidence suggests the students who are most successful in school are those with the largest vocabularies. Other research ties job advancement to vocabulary level .In one study, successful business exec

31、utives were found to have the highest vocabulary of any occupational group.Your vocabulary is also an important personal characteristic upon which people form their first, but lasting, impression of you. Your vocabulary reveals a lot about you and is particularly important in job interviews, oral class presentations, discussion group classes, and papers and exams that you write. How would you rate your vocabulary? Many students ans

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