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1、第三方检测机构SMQ的营销策略研究第三方检测机构SMQ的营销策略研究 专业硕士学位论文 THESIS OF MASTER DEGREE 论文题目: 第三方检测机构 SMQ 的营销策略研究 (英文):Research on marketing strategy of the third party testing institution SMQ 作 者: 刘 晖指导教师: 江 林 教 授 2008 年 3 月 20 日论文题目: 第三方检测机构 SMQ的营销策略研究(中文)Research on marketing strategy of the third (外文)party testing

2、institution SMQ所在院、系、所 :商学院专 业 名 称:工商管理 指 导 教 师 姓 名、职 称 :江林 教授第三方检测机构, 产品检测认证, 论 文 主 题 词 :营销策略学 习 期 限 : 2006 年 9 月至 2008 年 6 月论文提交时间: 2008 年 3 月1独 创 性 声 明本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写的研究成果,也不包含为获得中国人民大学或其他教育机构的学位或证书所使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献已在论文中作了明

3、确地说明并表示了谢意。签名: 刘晖 日期: 2008-4-30关于论文使用授权的说明本人完全了解中国人民大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:学校有权保留送交论文的复印件,允许论文被查阅和借阅;学校可以公布论文的全部或部分内容,可以采用影印、缩印或其他复制手段保存论文。签名: 刘晖 导师签名:江林日期:2008-5-42摘 要 随着我国加入WTO,产品的检测认证已经纳入了我国入世承诺的完全开放的范围,从2006年开始我国逐渐开放国内产品检测认证市场,不但国外的老牌知名检测机构纷纷进入中国,而且国内的民营资本也开始进入这一市场,市场竞争日趋激烈。我国的检测机构面临着巨大挑战,如果不进行改革,我国

4、检测机构的生存和发展将来就会面临严峻的挑战。这就要求我国检测机构不仅仅在体制上有所创新,在组织结构和人员上有所改革,更应该以市场为导向在市场营销策略方面有所改革和创新,才能够应对新的竞争形势。通过市场竞争机制,优胜劣汰,昀终形成有市场竞争实力的检 测技术机构。因此对我国第三方检测机构进行市场营销策略的研究就是一个非常有意义和价值的课题。 本文旨在从市场营销的角度,探讨从事第三方产品检测认证服务的深圳计量质量检测研究院(以下简称SMQ)的市场营销策略。SMQ从事的是仪器设备的计量校准业务和产品的检测认证业务,由于两类业务具有很大的不同,本文只涉及产品检测认证业务的市场营销策略。 本文首先引入了与

5、市场营销策略规划相关的服务营销的 7PS 组合,品牌营销等营销理论。接着从整个产品检测认证行业分析入手,对检测认证行业的特点,供需关系以及市场环境进行分析,指出中国产品检测认证行业市场潜力巨大,且增长速度快。在明确了产品检测认证行业的现状和发展趋势的基础上,本文通过对SMQ面临的问题和营销现状分析,并运用SWOT方法对其内部优势和劣势,外部机遇和威胁进行了彻底细致诊断,指出了 SMQ 的发展方向和市场营销策略规划的必要性。由于产品检测认证行业属服务业,在完成对整个产品检测认证行业分析和对 SMQ 的全面诊断的基础上,针对 SMQ 存在的问题和营销现状,本文以服务营销 7PS 组合为主线,从品牌

6、策略、定价策略、渠道策略、促销策略、人员策略、过程策略、有形展示策略等方面为 SMQ 提出了具体市场营销策略。昀后本文为了有效确保营销策略的实施,本文提出了相应的实施建议。因此从市场营销的角度对 SMQ 进行实证研究具有实际指导意义并且对我国的第三方检测机构具有重要借鉴和启示。 由于产品检测认证行业的特殊性,为了使得营销策略更好的指导实践,本3文对产品检测认证行业的特点进行了分析,得出了产品检测认证行业具有政府色彩较浓,专业化程度高,第三方性和公正性,服务范围广,标准层出不穷等特性。 为了评估环境变化对营销策略规划的影响,本文对产品检测认证的法规逐步健全,经济高速发展,社会需求增大和技术壁垒的

7、增强等外部环境以及市场需求旺盛,但竞争相当激烈进行了仔细分析,并运用波特竞争力模型对影响SMQ营销策略制定的五要素进行了分析。通过上述分析,得出目前我国产品检测认证行业市场潜力巨大,而且快速增长。在对外部环境分析的基础上,本文结合 SMQ 的实际情况指出 SMQ 目前昀大的问题即面临着国际知名的产品检测认证机构和国内民营检测认证机构的激烈竞争,如何在市场中寻求生存。并结合服务营销 7PS 组合对 SMQ 目前的营销现状进行了分析。接着运用SWOT模型对SMQ进行了彻底的诊断,指出在充满机遇与挑战的产品检测认证行业里, SMQ面临着国内外检测机构的剧烈竞争,但也拥有巨大的发展机遇。一方面 SMQ

8、 在政府的支持,市场认可,综合技术强等方面的拥有优势,另一方面也在市场能力薄弱,业务模式落伍以及组织机构臃肿等方面存在劣势。SMQ应该及时把握外部环境中各种有利因素,充分发挥自身优势,抢占专业市场。同时设法克服自身的劣势,规避外部环境中的各种竞争对手的威胁。 基于上述分析,本文提出了 SMQ 的市场营销战略:以坚持“检测立院、科技兴院、人才强院”的战略,建设“国内顶尖、国际一流” ,在检测领域昀受欢迎的实验室。营销目标:通过提供优质的差异化服务,为客户创造价值,提高客户的忠诚度和满意度。由此明确了 SMQ 进一步发展的营销战略和策略。在此基础在,以 7PS 为主线,提出了打造专业的服务品牌形象

9、,实施产品组合和创新策略,建立多元化的渠道,实施多种方式促销,加强人员的专业技能和服务技能,实施科学有效的业务流程,加强专业的有形展示等具体的市场营销策略。从而为从事第三方产品检测认证服务业的机构提供了比较完整的营销策略规划。 任何营销策略能否达到预期的效果,除了策略本身以为,还取决于该策略的恰当执行和科学的营销管理作保障,为此本文昀后从构建全员营销理念,调整组织架构,建立和完善营销队伍三方面提出了相应的实施建议。并从实施“走4出去”战略,打造检测机构品牌,进行营销战略和策略研究三方面为我国第三方检测机构如何应对竞争越来越激烈的市场提出启示。关键词:第三方检测机构, 产品检测认证,营销策略 5

10、Abstract With Chinas entry into WTO, product testing and certification has already been wide-open coinciding with Chinas promise. Since 2006 China has gradually opened its product testing & certification market domestically. Consequently, not only foreign well-known testing institutions have landed

11、on in China, but private capitals start to be the share of this increasingly fierce market. Thus Chinas testing institution has confronted with tremendous challenge and its survival and development will suffer rigorous test without any reformation. In this way, Chinas testing institution is required

12、 to be not merely innovative in system, organizational structure and personnel but also in marketing strategy to survive the new competitive situation. By means of the market competition mechanism, the superior win and the inferior wash out, eventually the testing institution of market competitive s

13、trength will be established. Therefore, the research on the market strategy of Chinas thirdparty testing institution is highly meaningful and valuableThis paper aims to explore the marketing strategy of Shenzhen Academy of Metrology and Quality Inspection SMQ as the third party testing institution f

14、rom the perspective of marketing. More specifically, it will investigate the marketing strategy of product testing & certification owing to two diverse types of service such as instrument calibration and product testing & certification offered by SMQThis paper initially introduces various marketing

15、theories relevant to marketing strategy such as service marketing 7PS, brand marketing. Then, with the analysis of the entire product testing industry, explores its features, supply and demand relation as well as market environment and points out the great potential and rapid increase pace of produc

16、t testing &certification industry in China. Moreover, the paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of SMQ, thoroughly examines its opportunities and threats and demonstrates the direction where it develops and the necessity of marketing strategy& planning through the analysis of problems and

17、current marketing situation confronted by SMQ based on the current state and 6development trend of product testing and certification industry. In addition, led by service marketing 7PS, this paper aims at the existent problems of SMQ and brings forward the specific marketing strategy for SMQ in term

18、s of brand strategy, pricing strategy, channel strategy, promotion strategy, personnel strategy, process strategy, entity display strategy etc. Finally, the paper makes the relevant suggestions to ensure the effective implement of marketing strategy and thus sheds some enlightenment on the empirical

19、 studies about the third party testing institution development in ChinaOn account of its particularity and for better practical application, this paper analyzes the features of product testing & certification industry and comes up with its findings that this industry is characterized by closely rela

20、ted to government, high level specialization, the third party, fairness, broad service scope, endlessly emerged standards etcTo assess the effect of environmental change on marketing strategy & planning, this paper in detail examines the vigorous but fierce market demand and exterior environment inc

21、luding gradual improvement of product testing & certification regulations, rapidly economic development, augment of social demand and enhanced technical barrier and analyzes the effect of Michael Porters five factors of SMQ marketing strategy with the conclusion that at present Chinas product testin

22、g & certification industry is of great potential and rapid increaseBased on the analysis of exterior environment, the paper indicates how SMQ to survive when confronted with world famous and domestic private product testing & certification institutions and examines its current state by adopting serv

23、ice marketing 7PS. With the thorough examination of SMQ by SWOT, it points out that SMO is faced with fierce competition domestically as well as great opportunity of development in the industry filled with opportunity and challenge. On the one hand, SMQ possesses the advantages such as government su

24、pport, market recognition, and strong comprehensive technique; on the other hand, it is of disadvantages including weak market capability, out-dated business pattern and overstaffed organizationTherefore, SMQ should seize all kinds of favorable factors in time, exert its own 7advantages to occupy th

25、e market and in the meantime overcome its shortcoming for avoiding the outer threatOn the basis of analyses above, this paper puts forward the marketing strategy of SMQ: adhere to the principle that academy should be based on testing, succeeded in science & technology, strengthened by talents to bui

26、ld the best and high class laboratory home and abroad. The marketing objective is to create value for clients, enhance clients loyalty and satisfaction by offering diverse service of high qualityTherefore, the further development of SMQ marketing strategy is specified. Led by 7PS, specific marketing

27、 strategies such as designing professional brand image, implementing product integration and innovation, establishing diversified channels, carrying out various sales promotions, improving staff professional and serving skills, actualizing scientific and effective business procedure and reinforcing

28、entity display are brought forward to provide the third party testing & certification institution with comparatively integrated marketing strategyWhether any marketing strategy can achieve its expected effects depends on the appropriate implementation and guarantee of scientific marketing management

29、 aside from strategy itself. Therefore, the relevant suggestions are put forward from the three aspects as construction of crew marketing concept, adjustment of organizational structure and perfection of marketing team. In addition, the paper sheds some enlightenments on how the third testing & cert

30、ification institution deal with increasingly fierce market by application of exploring market abroad, establishment of testing institution brand and researches on marketing strategy & planningKey words: the third party testing institution, product testing& certification, marketing strategy 8第1 章 绪论.

31、 1 1.1 研究背景和意义 1 1.1.1 研究背景1 1.1.2 研究意义1 1.2 研究方法和思路 2 1.2.1 研究方法2 1.2.2 研究思路2 第2 章 相关理论综述 4 2.1 服务营销理论. 4 2.1.1 服务营销的定义4 2.1.2 服务营销的特点4 2.1.3 服务营销的 7PS组合5 2.2 品牌营销理论. 6 2.2.1 品牌营销概述 6 2.2.2 品牌营销的四策略. 6 第3 章 产品检测认证行业分析 8 3.1 产品检测认证行业的基本情况 8 3.2 产品检测认证行业的特点 10 3.2.1 政府色彩较浓. 10 3.2.2 专业化程度高. 10 3.2.3 第三方性和公正性11 3.2.4 服务范围广11 3.2.5 标准层出不穷.11 3.3 产品检测认证行业供求分析11 3.3.1 需求分析 12 3.3.2 供给分析 13 3.4 产品检测认证行业的环境分析. 14 3.4.1 法规逐步健全. 14 3.4.2 经济高速发展. 15 3.4.3 社会需求越来越大15 3.4.4 技术壁垒日益增长16 3.5 产品检测认证行业竞争环境的结构分析 16 3.5.1 进入威胁的分析 16 3.5.2 供应商分析17 3.5.3 替代品的威胁分析17 3.5.4 购买者

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