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1、外研版小学六年级下册英语教案全册英语学科第 一 单元达标教学计划表学 校年 级六范 围Module 1-3 任课教师教材分析Simon, Daming及Simon的爸爸在快餐厅点餐。Daming以为“hot dog”是狗,惹出一段小笑话。西蒙、大明及妈妈在将去郊游野餐。天气突变,下起雨来。他们躲到树下。顽皮的鸭子来吃他们的三明治。Daming给Lingling写信,描述他们的野餐经历。教学目标能够用英语点餐,会询问价钱并表述价钱。本模块重点学习描述自己想要的东西及点餐购物会话。主要句型结构是:What do you want? I want a . How much is it? Its ce

2、nts/ dollars.用一般将来时描述天气及将要发生的事情。本模块重点复习一般将来时。主要句型结构是:When are you going to ? We are going to at . Look. Its going to .谈论过去发生的事情。复习一般过去时;同时将过去时与过去时进行比较:I had. I took There was There were is/are ing. 学习本模块四会词句。鼓励学生认真学习,用英语尝试描述自己的一次郊游,并给朋友写一封关于上次郊游的信。教学重点能够听说的单词和短语: menu dish能够听说认读的单词和短语:waitress have

3、a seat restaurant能够听说读写的单词和短语:rice meat soup hot dog cola juice milk tea dollar cent enjoy your meal能够听说认读的单词和短语:sandwich later能够听说读写的单词和短语:soon dry naughty rain snow sunny windy only first today tomorrow能够听说读写的单词和短语:start, wet, ate, was, had, went, wanted, ran, rained, were, took, photo, funny, qui

4、ckly, wet, get wet, angry, angry with shine, talk about, sea能够听说读写的语句:I had a very funny day.I took some photos.There was a big lake and there were lots of ducks.Were having our picnic.教学难点能够听说读写的语句:What do you want? I want a hot dog, please. How much is it? Its thirteen dollars and twenty-five cent

5、s. What do you want to eat? 能够听说读写的语句:When are we going to eat? Were going to eat at half past twelve. Look. Its going to rain soon.灵活掌握并运用本模块所学习的重点单词和句型。尝试用英语描述一次郊游。课时安排每周三课时,每个模块四课时,本单元四周完成。达标命题人达标结果分 析 备注第一模块教材分析题目Module 1 I want a hot dog.题材(主要)内容西蒙、大明及爸爸在餐厅点餐。大明把热狗当成真狗,惹出一段小笑话。教学目标语言知识目标功能能够用英语

6、点餐,会询问价钱并表述价钱。语法(结构、句子)本模块重点学习描述自己想要的东西及点餐购物会话。主要句型结构是:What do you want? I want a . How much is it? Its cents/ dollars.词汇1、能够听说的单词和短语: menu dish2、能够听说认读的单词和短语: waitress have a seat restaurant3、能够听说读写的单词和短语: rice meat soup hot dog cola juice milk tea dollar cent enjoy your meal语言技能目标语句能够听说读写的语句:What

7、do you want? I want a hot dog, please. How much is it? Its thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents. What do you want to eat?学习策略积极与他人合作,鼓励学生主动用所学的语言表达和交流。文化意识了解东西方食文化的差异。情感态度培养学生热爱生活的美好情感。任务能够用英语点餐及描述食品价钱。到西餐厅实践一次。课 时 教 学 案学校: 姓 名学 科英语年级班六课 题Module 1 Unit 1 I want a hot dog,please.课 时4-1课时教学目标教学目标1.要

8、求学生在听课文录音时能辨别出单词:rice meat hot dog cola dollar cent enjoy your meal 2.学习用一般现在时进行描述:What do you want? I want a hot dog, please. How much is it? Its thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.3.能够用英语点餐,会询问价钱并表述价钱。4.能模仿录音朗读课文。5.积极与他人合作,鼓励学生主动用所学的语言表达和交流。教学重点本课块重点学习描述自己想要的东西及点餐购物会话。难点理解文章,从而能准确的朗读单词、句子和课文。方

9、法谈话法、情景教学法手段录音机、图片 板书Module 1 Unit 1 What do you want to eat? I want a hot dog, please.How much is it? Its thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.反思学生能够理解文本,并能自己将文本内容当堂进行角色扮演,重点词句也能准确运用。教 学 活 动教学任务学生活动教师活动设计意图Step1 Warming-upStep2 Presentation and drills.Step3 PracticeStep4 Summary and Homework (小结与

10、作业)1. Greetings: T:Hello,boys and girls. How are you?2. Free talk:What is the weather like today? What day is today?What date is today?3. Chant and say:Noodle and rice.4. Say the food you know.1: Can you tell me what are Chinese food? And what are western-style fast food?Chinese food: dumplings, noo

11、dles, tea, rice.Western-style fast food: bread, hamburger, hot dogs, cola, milk.2: Can you tell me what are they? S1: hamburgerT: Can you guess how much it is?S2: Its about 3 yuan.T: Down, down, downS3: Its about 4 yuan.S4: Its about 3 yuan and 7 jiao.1Watch the CD-Rom for the second time ,and answe

12、r the qustion“How much are they?”2Listen again, open the books and circle the words about food and drinks. 3Read by yourself then role play in your groups.1.Listen and imitate the dialogue for 3 times.2.Copy the words and sentences for 2 times.3.Read the text in role.4.Learn to say in English when y

13、ou go into a restaurant and have a meal.Teaching new words:hot dog,cola.The teacher should show some pictures of some kinds of foods:For example: dumplings, noodles, bread, hamburger, hot dogs, cola, tea, milk shake, rice.The teacher should bring out three kinds of food: hamburger, cola, hot dogThen

14、 teach cola and hot dog1. 将本课的挂图贴到黑板上,播放录音呈现课文内容。学生看图,听一听对话。听完第一遍录音后,老师提出一些问题,How many food are there in the dialogue?What does Simon/Daming/Dad want to eat?2.Help the students finish the practice.课前齐唱节奏欢快的英语歌曲,进行简短的日常对话,既调节情绪、活跃气氛,又使学生快速进入英语学习状态,并激活学生已有的知识,为进行新课教学做好铺垫。通过听录音,让学生清楚今天要学的语言知识是在什么样的语境下进

15、行的,并且给出一个问题,让学生带着问题有目的地听,做到有的放矢。达标检测必做题Listen and find ,Listen and say选做题课堂活动用书课 时 教 学 案 姓 名学 科英语年级班六课 题Module 1 Unit 1 I want a hot dog课 时4-2课时教学目标教学目标1.100% of the Ss will be able to understand the general idea of the dialog.2.95% of the Ss will be able to listen, speak and read the new words corr

16、ectly:rice meat hot dog cola dollar cent enjoy your meal 3. 90% of the Ss will be able to listen, speak and read the sentences correctly and use them freely:What do you want? I want a . How much is it? Its cents/ dollars.4.能够用英语点餐及描述食品价钱。教学重点能够运用课文词表中出现的单词难点能够运用What do you want? I want a . How much

17、is it? Its cents/ dollars.及Unit 1的课文。方法交际法、任务教学法手段录音机、图片、VCD板书Module 1 Unit 1 What do you want? I want a . How much is it? Its cents/ dollars.反思学生能在原文本的基础上自己重新编写对话来表演,在这个过程中偶尔会出现小的语法错误,但不影响整个对话。同时,学生对于价钱的询问上学生对于数字也比上节课敏感了。教 学 活 动教学任务学生活动教师活动设计意图Step1 Warming-upStep2 Presentation and drills Step3 Pra

18、cticeStep4Summary and Homework (小结与作业)1.Free talkT: If youre hungry, what do you want?S: I want a hamburger, please. How much is it?T: Its 3 dollars and 75 cents.S: Ill take it. Here you are.T: Thank you. Enjoy your meal.2.Then make the similar dialogue with another foods.1.T: Now I have a fast food

19、 restaurant, if youre hungry or thirsty, you can come here and buy some food or drinks.2.完成课堂活动用书练习1的内容,让学生以小组为单位完成课堂活动用书练习2,在听录音前,请学生将活动中的两幅图看清楚,并且想想看:如果你是该服务生,该如何请顾客点餐;如果你是顾客你应该怎样点餐。然后听录音,两人一组练习,随后请几个小组进行展示。1.Finish activity book完成课堂活动用书练习3,分小组进行练习。两个人一组,分别扮演对话中的服务生和顾客。请学生仔细观察ABUnit1练习3中的图片,并说说图片的

20、内容,老师给予指导。 小组合作,把搜集到的一些关于英美等欧洲国家快餐的情况,小组介绍和交流。自己动手做表格,对同学老师进行调查,把老师学生最喜欢吃的快餐和饮料及相关价格统计出来,看看排在前三位的是什么。利用课余时间继续进行采访,了解周围快餐店,评出“最佳快餐店”。1.Role play the dialogue.2. Finish activity book exercise 3.Finish the homework.The teacher should show some pictures of some kinds of foods:For example: dumplings, noo

21、dles, bread, hamburger, hot dogs, cola, tea, milk shake, rice.1. Im the waitress.W: Can I help you? What do you want?S:I want a hot dog, please.W: And to drink?S:A cola for me, too.W: Thats a hot dog and a cola.S: How much is it?W: Its ten dollars.2.带领学生完成课堂活动用书练习1,通过练习帮助学生理解课文内容。完成这个练习时,先请几位同学起立向全班

22、提问,其他同学回答。然后两人一组进行回答。播放课件,学生在扮演前先看一下,让学生更好的理解语境。然后老师将餐馆中的图片贴在黑板上,请学生表演到餐馆就餐,先请全班学生分组练习,再展示几组。向学生提问:How about LiJie?What does he want to eat?学生应回答He wants noodles and fish.Homework:1.Listen and imitate the dialogue for 3 times.2.Copy the words and sentences for 2 times.激趣导入为新课做好铺垫,充分联系巩固所学。本环节通过操练让学生

23、理解语言,掌握语言。角色扮演则给学生创造了一个仿真的情境,强化了所学语言。这个小练习放在操练阶段有助于缓解学生的疲劳,保持高涨的热情。在完成任务的过程中,学生们充分运用了他们所学的语言,达到了学以致用的目的,提高了实际语言运用的能力,而且激发了他们的兴趣,增强了他们的合作意识,为日后更好地学习英语树立了信心。达标检测必做题Practice 课堂活动用书选做题同步用书练习 课 时 教 学 案姓 名学 科英语年级班六课 题Module 1 Unit 2 What do you want to eat?课 时4-3课时教学目标教学目标巩固学习一般现在时:What do you want to eat

24、?要求学生在听课文录音时能辨别出单词:soup juice milk tea教学重点能够访说和运用下列句子了解某个建筑或景点。What do you want to eat? I want some . 难点能够访说和运用下列句子点餐。运用What do you want? I want a . How much is it? Its cents/ dollars. 点餐方法情景教学法、演绎法、归纳法手段卡片、贴纸、录音机、CD-ROM板书Module 1 Unit 2 What do you want to eat?What do you want to eat? I want some s

25、oup. 反思在上一单元的基础上进一步学习What do you want?这个句型的拓展句型,学生能明白want to后面跟动词原形。教 学 活 动教学任务学生活动教师活动设计意图Step 1Warm upStep2 Presentation and drills.Step3 PracticeStep 4Summary and Homework (小结与作业)1.Greeting with the students and make a free talk with students. T:I want some noodles. What do you want to eat?S: I w

26、ant bread and eggs.2.Watch the video and answer the questions:He wants to eat some meat.And he wants a hot dog with lots and lots of cheese.3. watch again and imitate the dialogue.4.Pratice in pairs.1.look at the picture of part 2,then describe the video ,answer the again

27、 and imitate the gilogue.4.practice in pairs ,then have a show.1. listen ,choose and write.2. Listen and say. Then sing the song :What do you want to eat?1. Listen and repeat the dialogue 2 times.2. Copy the words 4 times.1. Greeting with the students and make a free talk with students2.Play the CD-

28、Rom, and ask the following questions: What does the boy want to eat? What does the boy want to drink?3.Play the video again.4.教师在教室内巡回走动,给予适当的帮助与指导。1.Help the students describe the the video again ,and ask the question: what does dad want to eat ?what does Lingling want?3. play the vi

29、deo again, let the students imitate the video and help students finish it.2. Listen and say. Then sing the song :What do you want to eat?1.what have you got today?2.Listen and repeat the dialogue 2 times.3.opy the words 4 times.Review some word about food and drinks : bread, milk,Hamburger

30、, sandwiches,Juiceto prepare for the next step.规定时间内阅读课文,迅速捕捉信息,有效提高阅读能力。情景对话练习,提高综合运用语言能力。达标检测必做题Listen and repeat ,Look and say选做题课堂活动用书课 时 教 学 案 姓 名学 科英语年级班六课 题Module 1 Unit 2 What do you want to eat?课 时4-4课时教学目标教学目标1.能够运用课文词表中出现的单词。2.能够运用What do you want? I want a . How much is it? Its cents/ dollars.描述以及课文活动1的内容。

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