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1、必修五unit4教学案白水中学 英语 科教(学)案1年级:高二级 编写人:高莉芳 审核人:李文帮 编制时间:2012.10课题Unit4 Warming up Pre-reading班级授课(完成)时间教师(学生)教学目标知识与技 能1. 知识目标:了解什么是急救,以及急救相关知识及相应的急救措施。2. 熟记重点有关急救方面的单词,重点短语, 3通过话题讨论掌握日常急救知识和提高口语表达能力过程与方 法自主性学习、小组讨论、合作探究情感态度与价值观培养学生遇到危机情况用自己学到的急救知识去帮助他人的意识重点难点让学生谈论报社各工作人员的工作类别和所负责任。学生自学反馈新知导学1.重点单词del

2、ighted_ admirable_unusual_ assist_ profession_ eager_acquire_ assess_inform_ accuse_deliberately_ guilty_demand_ publish_submit_ update_deadline_ meanwhile_2.Lead in.From where can we get information ?How many different kinds of jobs do newspapers have?备注合作探究If you are offered a chance for a job at

3、China Daily, you will need to do some research to find out what kind of jobs they have.Now discuss in groups and link the words to the phrases which have the same meanings.photographer A.interviews people or finds out about events from onlookersreporter B.prints the newspapereditor C.takes photograp

4、hs of important people or eventsprinter D.makes sure the writing is clear, and accurate; checks factsdesigner E.lays out the article and photographs备注当堂检测.单词拼写。1. Something _(不寻常的) was about to happen.2. You have _(故意地) acted against my wishes.3. A _(记者) is someone who keeps a diary or journal.4. Th

5、e police _ (控告) him of bribing others.5. Jim went to answer the phone. _(同时),Pete started to prepare lunch.6. If you are unable to meet this _(最后期限),please let me know as soon as possible.7. The school has just _(更新) all its important equipment.8. Many of the performers were of _(专业的) standard.9. In

6、 my opinion, his brave deeds are _(值得赞扬的).10.She won the game easily, to the _ (快乐) of all her fans.单项填空。(重点班必做)1. As he had nothing to tell, he refused to give any _ to _. A. review; journal B. interview; journalistsC. report; journey D. speech; journalism2. He _ himself in collecting stamps. A. oc

7、cupies B. takes C. teaches D. finds3. - Do you have enough to _ all your daily expenses? - Oh yes, enough and to spare.A. cover B. spend C. fill D. offer4. Some people like to keep a _ . They write about what they did, what happened, and what they thought every day. A. journey B. journal C. journali

8、st D. journalism备注教(学)后反思白水中学 英语 科教(学)案2年级:高二级 编写人:高莉芳 审核人:李文帮 编制时间:2012.10课题Unit4 Reading 班级授课(完成)时间教师(学生)教学目标知识与技 能1.学习这部分的重要单词和词组。2.了解报社各工作人员的工作类别及报社工作者所具备的条件。3.培养学生略读、细读课文的能力。过程与方 法通过自主性学习、小组讨论、合作探究,要求学生理解课文大意,并初步掌握一些重点单词和短语。情感态度与价值观1. 培养学生对新闻工作的兴趣。2. 培养学生小组合作探究的精神。重点难点1. 培养学生的阅读能力。2. 让学生谈论报社工作。

9、学生自学反馈新知导学. Fast reading1. Where did the conversation happen? Who were talking?.2. What was Zhou Yangs first job at China Daily?.Careful reading1.True or False(1)Zhou Yang can go out on a story immediately.(2) Zhou Yang neednt take a camera with himself.(3) To acquire all the information needed, it

10、is the most important for a journalist to ask many questions. (4) A trick of the trade is to get the facts straight by recorder.(5) When covering a story, a journalist needs to take a notebook and camera.2.根据课文内容选择正确答案。(1) Zhou Yang will never forget his first assignment at the office of a popular E

11、nglish newspaper because_.A. his first assignment was quite a failure.B. Hu Xin was very strict with him even though he was a new reporter.C. his new boss Hu Xin asked him to go out on a story by himselfD. his discussion with his new boss, Hu Xin, was to strongly influence his life as a reporter.(2)

12、 Who will take the pictures when Zhou Yang goes out on a story for the first time?_A. Zhou Yang himselg.B. A professional photographer.C. Hu Xin.D. A more experienced reporter.(3) Which of the following is NOT included in Hu Xins list of dos and donts?_A. Dont be rude.B. Dont talk too much yourself

13、but make sure you listen to the interviewee carefully.C. Dont miss your deadline.D. Dont laugh at the people being interviewed.备注合作探究The writer mainly tells us about _.A. the qualities needed to become a good reporter.B. the skills to become a professional photographer.C. being careful in the new en

14、vironment.D. how to have a good interview.备注当堂检测1.翻译下列短语。put sb. as_ have a good nose for_ inform sb. of/about sth._ depend on_ defend sb. against_ so as to(do sth)_ concentrate on _ accuseof _ take notes _ keep (sth) in mind_2.根据课文内容填充下表。QuestionsAnswers Suggestions How to work in a teamFirstly, yo

15、u should work as an _,then you can _ a story and _the article yourself.Besides, youll have a professional _ with you to take photographs. How to get an accurate storyYou need to be _ and ask as many different questions as you can.Whatt more ,you must use research to _ yourself of the missing parts o

16、f the story.Dont miss your _ ,dont be rude, dont talk too much, but make sure you listen to the _ carefully.How to protect a story from accusationsIf the interviewee agrees, you can use a _ to get the facts straight, which can offer the _ to support your story.3.根据课文内容填充短文。(重点班必做)To the reporters,it

17、s _for them to take a camera because they have _ with them. The reporters should be _ and they must have a _ for a story.They know how to _the information they need.While interviewing, they wont _, they wont _ themselves , and they should _ the answers carefully .They will listen to the _ facts and

18、ask new questions. There is a trick of the_,that is ,with the permission of the interviewee, they would use _ which could keep the evidence to help _their story.备注教(学)后反思白水中学 英语 科教(学)案3年级:高二级 编写人:高莉芳 审核人:李文帮 编制时间:2012.10课题Unit4 Learning about language班级授课(完成)时间教师(学生)教学目标知识与技 能1.要求学生掌握delighted, assi

19、st, concentrate, acquire, assess, inform accuse,demand,以及本篇阅读中的其它单词、短语。2.要求学生学会分析长难句,为后面的学习打好基础。过程与方 法通过自主学习、小组讨论、合作探究,要求学生完成对知识点的掌握以及灵活运用这些单词、短语。情感态度与价值观鼓励学生很有激情地掌握本课时的内容,同时培养学生的小组合作与探究的精神。重点难点1. 要求学生掌握delighted, assist, concentrate, acquire, assess, inform accuse, demand.2. 要求学生学会分析长难句。学生自学反馈新知导学1

20、. assist vt. _ assist sb. in doing / to do sth. / with sth. 帮助某人做某事assistant n. C _ adj. _ eg. He often assists her with housework. He asked us to assist him in carrying out the plan. 2. concentrate vt. & vi._ concentrate (ones attention/mind/efforts/thoughts )on (doing) sth.=focus/fix ones attentio

21、n on sth 专心于某事(全神贯注于某事、集中注意力于某事)eg. I cant concentrate (on my studies) with all that noise going on. We must concentrate our efforts on improving education.3.acquire vt._ acquire a knowledge of/a habit of/a degree/a skill/a bad reputation eg. We must work hard to acquire a good knowledge of English.

22、 The college acquired a reputation for very high academic standards.4. inform vt. _ inform sb. of/about sth. 通知某人某事 inform oneself of/about sth. 了解/熟悉某事物 inform sb. that 告知某人 eg. I informed my parents of the date of your arrival yesterday. We regret to inform you that your application has been rejec

23、ted. After the soldiers informed themselves of the fact, they tried their best to save the drowning young man in the sea.5. accuse vt. _ accuse of = charge of 因指责或控告 eg.He was accused of murder by the police.6. demand vt. _ demand sth of / from sb. 向某人要某物demand (of sb.) to do sth 要求(某人)做某事demand+tha

24、t主语+(should) do 要求 n. C 要求,请求 U满足需要,需求meet the demand for 满足的需要Satisfy ones demands 满足某人的要求 in demand 有需要的 on demand 一经要求Eg. She demanded too high a price of me. He demanded that he (should) be told everything.It is impossible to satisfy all your demands.备注合作探究1. Never will Zhou Yang forget his firs

25、t assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper.2. Youll find your colleagues very eager to assist you.3. Not only am I interested in photography, but I took an amateur course at university.4. Only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know.5.

26、 Here comes my list of dos and donts: dont miss your deadline; dont be rude; dont talk too much yourself but make sure you listen to the interviewee carefully.备注当堂检测一:根据句意和汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式(每小题2分) 1.Building such a skyscraper is not an easy job; we must have enough _(专业的) engineers.2.It was by accide

27、nt that he broke the valuable vase. He didnt do that _ (故意地). 3.He _ (获得)a knowledge of computers by careful study. 4.She doesnt want to take her new boyfriend home in case her parents dont _ (同意). 5.The handsome man over there is Mr Rain, one of my _(同事). 6.You should give the house a _(彻底的) cleani

28、ng. 7.But the evidence proved him _(有罪的). 8.So far this month we have _(学完) ten lessons. 9.Visitors to the museum are not allowed to take _(照片). 10.He is a _(有天赋的) musician an promised to be a famous musician.二、 短文改错(重点班必做) There is a small island in the Pacific Ocean, that is near 8 miles long and 8 miles wide. It was once called The Pleasant Island b

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