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1、英语周报八年级九年级新目标实验版 第5期 总第3013期出版日期:2010.7.29 定稿日期:2010.4.20责编:李俊玲 交稿时间:第4版预习导纲 What would you do if ?目标展示认知目标词汇cover, deep, correct, burn, knee, hurt, offer, refuse, helpful句子What would you do if you cut yourself by accident?情感目标通过虚拟、假设的方式告诉学生如何应对意外或突发事件造成的伤害以及怎样用正确的方式处理生活中遇到的棘手问题。课文探究语篇探究本文选自著名医生Mart

2、in Robinson的新书What would you do if? 这是一本关于生活小常识的书,内容通过虚拟、假设的问答形式告诉大家如何应对生活中遇到的突发事件或棘手问题。浏览全文,然后试着完成下面各题。I. 根据ACCIDENTS的内容,从下面四幅图中找出与所提问题相对应的图画。1. What would you do if you cut yourself by accident? 2. What would you do if your grandmother fell downstairs and wasnt moving? _ 3. What would you do if yo

3、u burned yourself by accident? _ 4. What would you do if you injured your knee while running? _A. B. C. D. II. 根据PROBLEMS的内容,选出正确答案。( )1. What does Martin advise you to do if your friend offers you cigarettes at a party?A. To stop my friend from smoking by offering him candies. B. To tell my friend

4、to ask his doctor for advice before smoking.C. To refuse and talk to my friend about the dangers of smoking.D. To ask my friend to drink a lot of water instead of smoking. ( )2. What advice doesnt Martin give on meeting an “internet friend”?A. Telling parents about it. B. Agreeing to meet in a publi

5、c place.C. Not going alone. D. Refusing to meet each other.( )3. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Keeping medicine away from children is necessary.B. Its impossible to meet an “internet friend”.C. Dont be excited, or youll get pimples.D. Drink less water when we get pimples. 结构探究本文是采用列举法来安排结构的。首先通过

6、Martin Robinson医生的书What would you do if ?引出话题;然后列举了从书中摘选的我们在日常生活中经常遇到的两类情形 和_,并通过 引导的虚拟条件状语从句的应用以及对话问答的语言表达形式,使我们对文章的中心思想一目了然。细节探究1. 仔细阅读PROBLEMS部分,找出含if从句的两个复合句,把它们写在下面的横线上。(1)_ (2)_2. if对于同学们来说,并不陌生,我们学过它既可以引导条件状语从句,又可以引导宾语从句。那么请同学们想一想在上面这两个句子里的if分别是什么意思?它引导的又是什么从句?请把答案写在下面的横线上。句子(1)中if的意思是“_”,它引导

7、的是_从句;句子(2)中if的意思是“ ”,它引导的是_从句。随堂导练我来尝试I. 根据句意及首字母提示补全下列单词。1. Bob felt sad because Jane r to lend him some money.2. The farmer had to dig a d_ well to get water.3. “The medicine will be h to your health,” the doctor said.4. You can find the book on the s_.5. Tom o the girl a sandwich and she thanked

8、 him.II. 根据句意及所给汉语提示写出所缺单词。1. Would you mind waiting for me _(楼下)?2. She used to go shopping at the _ (附近的) mall.3. I think your answer to the question is _(正确的).4. Alice was terrified, so she (覆盖) her eyes with her hands.5. The hot water hurt both of his _(膝盖) badly just now.III. 根据汉语句子,完成下列英语句子,每空

9、一词。1. 如果我是你,我会把药藏到孩子们找不到的地方。If I _ you, I _ _ medicine _ children.2. 她的新书什么时候出版?When will her new book _ _?3. 我们在机场不期而遇。We met at the airport _ _.4. 如果你觉得累,可以停下工作休息一会。If you feel tired, you can _ _ and have a rest.5. 你能告诉我急救室在哪里吗?Could you tell me _ the _ room is?IV. 根据题后要求完成下列句子,每空一词。1. If I were y

10、ou, Id go there by train. (对划线部分提问) _ _ you go there if _ _ me?2. The boy decided to offer me his seat. (改为同义句) The boy decided to _ his seat _ me. 3. You should press the cut hard with a clean cloth if you cut yourself. (对划线部分提问) _ _ I do if I cut myself?4. The little girl works very hard. (改为感叹句)

11、_ _ the little girl works! 5. You should stop smoking because its bad for your health. (改为同义句) You should _ _ smoking because its bad for your health. 写作导引上期佳文共赏同学们,上期“话题习作”中布置的任务你们完成得怎么样呢?下面是两位同学的习作,请欣赏。ATo: tomsmith594From: liugangSubject: Our school rulesDate: July 22Dear Tom,Im glad to answer th

12、e questions youve asked. There are a lot of rules in our school. First, dont be late for class. The teachers will be angry with us if were late. So you should come to school earlier. Second, show our respect to our teachers and dont fight in school. Third, listen to teachers carefully and dont do ot

13、her things in class. Fourth, dont bring anything dangerous to school. Fifth, boys mustnt wear long hair and girls mustnt wear earrings.Im looking forward to seeing you. Good luck!Yours,Liu Gang 江苏 黄力胜BTo: tomsmith594From: liugangSubject: Our school rulesDate: July 22Dear Tom,Im glad to answer the qu

14、estions youve asked. There are a lot of rules in our school. Here Ill tell you some of them.First, we must get to school on time every day. If were late, we must say sorry to our teachers. Second, we must show our respect to the teachers and get along well with our classmates. Third, we must listen

15、to teachers carefully and finish our homework. Fourth, we must wear uniforms at school. Fifth, we arent allowed to bring anything dangerous to school.Hope to see you soon! Yours,Liu Gang 广西 王文琴【点评】第一篇习作内容完整,层次分明。首先小作者按要求点明了邮件的主题,其次在第二段具体写出了五条校规。为了使文章层次清楚,小作者准确地使用了first, second, 等表顺序的过渡词,最后作者礼貌地表达了欢迎

16、对方来本校学习的愿望。邮件中的祈使句运用得体、自然。第二篇习作的小作者同样开门见山地提出了学校有很多校规,他给对方介绍的只是其中的几条。过渡句Here Ill tell you some of them.用得自然、流畅。其次,第二段采用了不同的句型,如:We must;We arent allowed to等来呈现学校的校规。最后,小作者在结尾处也是礼貌地表达了早日见到对方的愿望。这一点虽然习作中没有明确要求,但在邮件(或信件)往来中,这些表达必不可少,所以请同学们把这两个小作者的结尾语抄写下来,记在心中,在以后的信件或邮件类习作中能够恰当运用。上期习作重组同学们,看了例文与点评之后,你是否发


18、标题一定要简洁、明了。谋篇布局发言稿的一开始就要明确地告诉读者假如你是英语角主持人,你要做哪些事情,比如活动的时间安排、参加人员的范围、活动方式等。另外一定要在发言稿的开头或结尾部分表明自己很想当英语角主持人这一意愿。遣词造句1. 习作中会用到哪些词句呢?请想一想,补充到下面的横线上。host, invite, welcome, chance, organize, give a speech, party, competition, _2. 下面的句子非常经典,如果你在习作中能用到这些句子,你的习作会更加精彩。(1) If I were a host of the English Corner

19、, I would (2) Thats it. Thanks a lot! (3) Give me a chance and Ill give you a surprise.(“佳文共赏”与“习作重组”见下期)本版供稿人:山东 杲丽丽 河北 王月娥上期4、5、6版参考答案第5-6版Unit 4 What would you do?Class _ Name _ Full marks: 120 Your marks: _ 听力测试(共20分)I. 听句子,选择正确的应答语。( )1. A. I dont agree with you. B. Its nothing serious.C. You s

20、hould take a long walk before going to bed.( )2. A. Id help those people in need. B. I went to Beijing by plane. C. Because I dont have money.( )3. A. Im not sure if she can come. B. I dont want to stay there. C. If I were you, Id wear a dress.( )4. A. Thats all right. B. Thats a good idea. C. Im so

21、rry.( )5. A. About eight. B. At seven oclock. C. This Saturday.II. 听短对话,选择正确答案。( ) 6. What does the boy advise the girl to do? A. To take part in some sports. B. To talk to friendly people.C. To talk to her parents.( )7. What does Jim think his sister is like? A. Shes quiet and shy. B. Shes creative

22、 and lovely. C. Shes active and outgoing.( )8. What does Doctor Li advise the girl to do? A. To have enough sleep. B. To drink lots of water. C. To take some medicine.( )9. How does Mike think it is to meet an “Internet friend” alone?A. Interesting. B. Silly. C. Dangerous.( )10. How does David feel?

23、 A. A little nervous. B. A little excited. C. A little surprised.III. 听长对话,选择正确答案。听第一段对话,回答第11-12小题。( )11. What did the girl do last night?A. She went shopping. B. She watched TV. C. She went to a party.( )12. What would John do if he had a lot of money?A. Hed give the money to Haiti. B. Hed put the

24、 money in a bank.C. Hed give the money to schools.听第二段对话,回答第13-15小题。( )13. What is Bill doing these days?A. Practicing for a big speech. B. Studying for a big exam.C. Running for a sports meeting.( )14. How does Bill feel when he thinks about the big exam?A. He cant fall asleep. B. He feels bored. C

25、. He feels afraid.( )15. What does Bills mother advise him to do?A. To run for ten minutes. B. To take a long walk. C. To listen to light music.IV. 听短文,根据短文内容完成表格(每空不超过两个单词)。ProblemsAdviceFeeling stressedFinding time to (16) as possible as you canGetting short-sighted(近视的)Doing homework or reading i

26、n a (17) way(18) each otherMaking more friends and understanding each otherFeeling tired of studyPlaying computer games just for a (19) Getting fatSpending some time (20) every day书面测试(共100分)V. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的正确答案。( )21. Id like to invite Helen _ the club.A. join B. to join C

27、. joins D. joining( )22. There are few _ in the fridge. Lets go and buy some carrots and cabbages.A. fruit B. meat C. eggs D. vegetables( )23. Dont worry. Mr Smith will come and help you._ he doesnt come?A. Why B. What C. How about D. What if( )24. My sister asked _ permission _ use my new bicycle.A

28、. me, for B. mine, toC. my, to D. my, for( )25. My mother often says to me “You cant use others things _.”A. with permission B. with pleasureC. without permission D. without pressure( )26. Bob _ play basketball _ read at home.A. would like, better B. would like, thanC. would rather, than D. would rather, to( )27. Whose pencil case is this?

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