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1、外贸英语口语对话购物外贸英语口语对话:购物Buying a Set of China 买一套瓷器 Professional Terms 专业术语 china n. 瓷器 attractive a. 吸引人的 cosmetics n. 化装品 counter n. 字谷,柜台 What can I do for you? 我能为你做点什么? May I have a look at that set of China? 我可以看看那套瓷器吗? Yes, of course. The white one? 固然可以,是白色的那一套吗? Yes, It is really attractive ,W

2、here is it made? 是的。它看起来真美丽,是哪儿产的? It is made in Jin De-zen, the capital of chinaware. 是瓷都景德镇产的。 It”s very nice, I”ll take it .Put it in a gift box. please. 看起来真不错, 我买了。请放在礼品盒里。 Fine. 好吧。 How much does it cost? 多少钱? Eighty yuan .Will there be anything else? 八十元。还要别的东西吗? No, thank you, That”s all .He

3、re is one hundred yuan. 不要了,感谢,就这么多。给你一百元。 And here is your change, twenty yuan. 这是零钱,二十元。 Thanks.Could you tell me where the Cosmetics Counter? 感谢。请问化装品柜台在哪儿? Yes, It is on the next floor up.Take the elevator over there and you”ll see it on your right. You can”t miss it. 在楼上。坐那儿的电梯上去,你就会发觉它就在你的右边。你

4、不会看不见的。 Thanks again. 再次感谢 You”re welcome. 不用谢 Dialogue 2 I want to Buy Some Chinese Arts And Crafts. 我想买些中国工艺品 Professional Terms 专业术语 souvenir n. 纪念品 relative a. 相关 cloisonn a. 景泰蓝制的 painting n. 绘画 pracelet n. 手镯 creamy a. 含乳脂的 cashier n. 出纳员 Can I help you? 你要买什么? I”m going to back to Britain.and

5、 I”d like to buy some real Chinese souvenirs for my friends and relatives. 我就要回英国去了,我想为我的亲戚和朋友买一些真正的中国纪念品。 I was told that I should buy some Chinese arts and craffs. 有人告知我该买一些中国工艺品 Here we”ve got different kinds of typical Chinese arts and craffs, such as cloisonn,porcelains, lacqueware ,jadeware st

6、one ,carvings, root carvings, bambooworks ,China painting ,etc. 我们这儿有很多不同种类的典型的中国工艺品,诸如景泰蓝、瓷器、漆器、玉器、石雕、根雕、竹器、中国画等。 You can look around and see if there is anything you like. 你可以处处看看,看看有没有你喜爱的东西。 How much does this jade bracelet cost? It looks nice . 这个玉镯多少钱?看起来不错。 One hundred and fifty yuan. 一百五十元。

7、I think that is too dear, Can you come down a bit? 太贵了。能廉价些吗? That”s our rock bottom price. It cannot be further lowered. 这可是了,不行能再廉价了。 One hundred and fifty yuan , you can”t be wrong on that . 一百五十元,这个价你不会吃亏的。 Ok, I”ll take it. 好吧,我买了。 Anything else? 还要别的东西吗? Yes, I”d like a china vase, and prefera

8、bly something with a creamy white background. 是的,要。我想要个花瓶,底色为乳白色的。 How about this one? 这个怎么样? It looks beautiful How much is it then? 看起来很美丽。要多少钱? Five hundred yuan. 五百元。 That”s rather more than I was thinking of giving. 这可比我的价高。 Can you sell it for four hundred yuan? 四百元你卖吗? Ok, Let”s call it a dea

9、l. 好吧,成交了。 How much do they come to? 总共多少? Five hundred and fifty yuan. 五百五十元 Now where should I pay? 在哪儿交钱? At the cashier”s desk over there. 在那边的收银台 Thanks. 感谢 notes 笔记 Chinese souvenirs 中国纪念品 Cloisonn 景泰蓝 Porcelains 瓷器 Can you come down a bit? 你能廉价一点吗? That”s our rock bottom price. 这是我们的。 It cann

10、ot be further lowered. 这不行能再廉价 You can”t be wrong on that. 这个价你不会吃亏的。 And preferably something with a creamy white background. 是底色为乳白色的。 That”s rather more than I was thinking of giving. 这可比我要出的价高。 Call it a deal 成交 The cashier”s desk. 收银台 Tips On Reception of Foreigners 外事接待留意事项 Bargaining 讨价还价 Usu

11、ally when a customer buys something ,he wants to pay at a low price, but the seller prefers a high price, 通常顾客购物时总是想出低价,而卖方则想卖出高价, so the commercial srategy for a seller is to ask for a high price and give in slowly, whereas a buyer should try his best to bargain with the seller 所以对于卖方来说,的商业策略便是叫同高价

12、,然后渐渐让步,而对于买方来说,他必需尽力与卖方讨价还价。 He can find faults with the goods even if he is quite satisfied with them,he must still pretend to be unsatisfied with them,so that he can successfully make the price decine to its minimum. 他可以挑剔商品的毛病,尽管他对商品特别满足,他还是必需假装对它们不太满足,这样他能胜利地使价格降到最低点。 In the course of bargainin

13、g, the seller usually makes the starting offer ,and tries to convince the buyer that his price is reasonable for a variety of reasons, 在讨价还价的过程中,卖方通常最先出价,并竭力说服买方信任,由于种种缘由,他的价格是特别合理的, such as because the quality is super ,or because the material cost has increased etc. 比方说,由于他的质量上乘,或者由于本钱价上涨了等等。 The

14、buyer would then make a counter-offer by pointing out that the starting offer is not reasonable because it is too expensive, or because the quality is not up to standard. 然后买方进展还价,并反映出这个出价不合理,由于价格太高,或者由于质量不合标准等。 He can even threaten to call the deal off. 他甚至还可以威逼要取消这笔交易。 Both sides can continue to h

15、aggle and suggest some other price until agree on the price. 双方可以连续讨价还价,并不断报出新价,直至最终就价格达成协议 Here is another piece of advice for the buyer. 这里再给买方一则忠告。 Usually the department stores are full of different kinds of goods. 通常商场里商品不行琳琅满目。 How are you going to know how to get your money”s worth when you s

16、hop? 购物时怎样才能买到“货真价实”的商品呢? Perhaps the best advice for you is: Don”t worry,. 或许给你的忠告便是:别焦急。 You can visit various stores and determine the quality of the merchandise, and try to copare the prices. 你可以多逛几家商场,弄清商品的质量,并比拟商品的价格。 In short ,you have to explore and examine the goods carefully before you buy. 简而言之,在购物前,你得认真检查这些商品。 In this way, I”m sure you can get a good buy. 这样我确定你肯定能买到划算的东西。

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