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1、牛津英语七年级预备课程Unit1教案牛津英语七年级预备课程Unit1教案The First LessonTeaching contentUnit 1 welcome and listeningTeaching aims and demandsKnowledge aims: 1. learn the new words2. learn how to greet each other when meeting Ability aims: 1. Communicative ability, teach students to greet suitably at different times of

2、a day.2. Cooperative ability, direct students to do lots of oral practice of greetings.Teaching difficulties and importance 1. Pay attention to the spelling of these words: bye, hello, right , Mr, and Mrs.2. How to greet suitably at different times of a day and greet in different ways.Teaching tools

3、 Projector, Students book and WorkbookTeaching stepsPre-teaching1.Teach the new wordsAsk the students to read all of the new words before teaching. One students reads five words, so that the teacher can find out their mistakes in phonetics and then correct.2. Ask all students to read all of the new

4、words, so that they are familiar with them before going into the text.3. The teacher neednt lead them to read the new words, because those are words which students have already learned in the primary school, and they are all very easy and usual words.4. As for the spelling of the new words, there ar

5、e some in which students always have difficulty, such as, bye (bey), hello (holle), right (right), Mr, and Mrs. Step 1. Warm-up and PresentationMake Ss recall the greetings which they learned in the primary school by doing some common and easy greetings with students, leading to the subject of this

6、unit.Step 2. Welcome to this unit1. Ask students to read the four dialogues of this part for twice, and get ready for the following questions to check if the students understand the meaning of the dialogues:Who is Andy? Who is Millie? Who is Lily? Who is Nick? Who is Miss Fang? When they meet,what d

7、o they say? When they meet in the morning, what do they say? When they part(分别), what do they say?2. Teach students some similar words and similar sentences of the four dialogues, and at the same time ask them to replace all of the names in the dialogues with the thoses of their classmates. Therefor

8、e, students can make another four dialogues of their own and of different patterns but of the same meaning.For example, Hi= Hello, Good morning= Good morning to you, Good bye= Bye-bye, Bye, See you, see you around, see you later3. Pair work and a show timeStep 3 Listening1. Pre- listening. There is

9、a clock on the wall in Picture 1 of Part A, so ask Ss for the correct time. After that the teacher guides the students to observe the times of the other three dialogues in this part and teaches the different ways of greeting. 2. Ask students to do the listening exercises on the tape and tick the cor

10、rect answer.3. Do some post-listening work. Guide students to replace all of the names in the dialogues with the names of their classmates and use some similar words and similar sentences to make another dialogue of their own, so that Ss can know the different ways of greeting.For example, Good afte

11、rnoon= Good afternoon to you, How are you = How are you doing, Im fine= Im OK, OK, Fine, Good, Great, hi= hello, And you= What about you, Thank you= Thanks4. Pair work and a show time5. Summary, ask Ss to find and learn these different ways to greet each other. 1). You know each other: Hi, good morn

12、ing / afternoon; How are you?2). You dont know each other: Hello, whats your name?3). You dont know each other, but you know each others name: Hello, youre -, right?Step 4 Further knowledge and ability1. How are you?的回答一般是肯定,它的不同回答有:Fine, thank you. / Im fine, thank you. / Not bad, thank you. /Im OK

13、/very well / All right./ Just so-so.身体状况确实不好,我们可以说:Not so good / Terrible / I dont feeling very well.2. 对女性和男性的称呼如下:对男性我们一律称Mr. so and so,对未婚女性我们称Miss so and so, 而对已婚和不明婚姻状况的女性分别称Mrs. so and so, 和 Ms so and so.,并将Mr. Mrs.或Miss,Ms放在姓之前。4. 26个字母中有Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu 5个元音和21个辅音。Step 5. do the workbookSt

14、ep 6. Homework1. Write a dialogue between two students who dont know each other. 2. Sing a song “Hello!”The Second LessonTeaching contentUnit 1 Speaking, The alphabet and ListeningTeaching aims and demandsKnowledge aims: 1. review new words 2. Letters A-N, the correct order of them, and their writin

15、g methods 3. Phonetic symbols of Letters A-N, the words which they represent Ability aims: 1. Communicative ability, teach students to greet suitably at different times of a day.2. Cooperative ability, direct students to do lots of oral practice of greetings.Teaching difficulties and importance 1. H

16、ow to greet suitably at different times of a day and greet in different ways2. the correct order of Letters A-N, their writing methods3. Students have great difficulty in the following two sentences:You are Nick, right?Are you Nick?Youre Jill, right? 该句的回答跟一般疑问句的回答相同。如果符合事实情况就说Yes, I am.,反之,就是No, (I

17、m not.) Im xxx.Teaching tools Projector, Students book and WorkbookTeaching StepsStep 1. Revision 1. review new words of both their spelling and their sound.2. The teacher has some dialogues with some students in different situations Step 2. Speaking1. Ask the students read the dialogues in this par

18、t, and correct their mistakes in phonetics.2. Direct them to play the role in order to be familiar with the structure of the dialogue.3. Guide students to replace all of the names in the dialogues with the names of their classmates and use some similar words and similar sentences to make another dia

19、logue of their own.For example, Whats you name?= May I know your name? Can you tell me your name?4. Pair work and give students chances to show their dialogues.5. The most difficult pointSs make mistakes easily in the following two sentences which have the same meaning:You are Nick, right? 和 Are you

20、 Nick?They are always puzzled with the order of “YOU” and “ARE”Youre Jill, right? 该句的回答跟一般疑问句的回答相同。如果符合事实情况就说Yes, I am.,反之,就是No, (Im not.) Im so and so.In order to overcome the obstacle, the teacher has to ask Ss to do lots of repeating work orally and do much copy work. Besides, do exercise to rear

21、range the order of the sentence.Step 3. Reading1. Ask students to read the dialogue in this part by themselves twice and get ready for these questions: Whats the name of the girl? Whats the name of her mother? Whats the name of the woman? What do they say when the woman meets the girl? 2. Guide stud

22、ents to replace all of the names in the dialogues with the names of their classmates and use some similar words and similar sentences to make another dialogue of their own.For example, Whats you name?= May I know your name? Can you tell me your name?3. Pair work and give students chances to show the

23、ir dialogues.Step 4. The alphabet1. Teach students the sound of Letters A-N , the correct order of them , and their writing methods.2. According to the pictures, direct students to learn some words beginning with these letters, that is their phonetic symbols:apple; ball; cat; dog; egg; fish; girl; h

24、at; ice-cream; juice; kite; like; mouse; nosePay attention to their spelling.3. Introduce these abbreviations: UK, CD, a.m, cm, mm, kg, ID, KFC, NBA, LG, BBC, CCTV, CBA, VOA, and ask Ss about their meaning. Tell them to pay attention to whether capital letters are needed.4. Guide students to find mo

25、re abbreviations, and ask some students to show them on the blackboard. There are MBA, LG, BBC, ABC, AD, BC, BA, BEC, CAAC, CBA, CBC, OK. Step 5 Task, a guessing gameStep 6 Do the workbookStep 7 Homework1. Copy the new words and all dialogues of Unit 1, and prepared for dictations2. Ask Ss to find m

26、ore abbreviations.Unit 9 Signs 教材分析一本单元在全书中的地位、作用分析在前面八个单元学完名词的单复数、谓语的单复数、祈使句、there be 结构、表示位置关系的介词、人称代词的主宾格、形容词性物主代词、名词性物主代词的基础上,本单元继续学习基本语法:情态动词can和must. 因为情态动词的句型转换和句中有be的句子一样,相对比较简单,就是疑问句把情态动词提前,否定句加not,学生比较容易理解掌握,为下一个单元学习第一种句型转换需要借助于助动词的,也是第一种时态的“一般现在时”打基础。二本单元的教学重点1情态动词can和must的用法情态动词can和must的

27、用法并不难,就是后面跟动词原型,没有人称和数的变化。2学习一些重要的动词词组,如:watch TV, listen to music, fly kites, ride a bike, smoke, use a book, bring my bag here3学习几个重要的交际用语:Great! Lets go. Why not? Why cant I bring my dog here? 和I see.4学习一些有关交通规则的常识,并尽量用英语表述。三本单元的教学难点1要向学生讲明,can的含义不止一种,用法都是后面跟动词原型,没有人称和数的变化:1)表示请求和许可,例如:Can I brin

28、g my bag here? You cant play football here.2)表示某人做事的能力,例如:I can swim.2. must的否定回答特别不容易掌握。如果用must提问,肯定回答说Yes, you must. 否定回答要说No, you neednt.不能用must的否定形式mustnt, 因为mustnt表示“不许”,含义接近于cant3在Speaking部分,会碰到这个语法:否定句中并列成分之间用or连接,如果后一句也有not,那么才用and连接。四建议解决重点难点的方法1. 对于情态动词can和must的用法,要求学生对Welcome部分和Speaking部分

29、都做模仿对话,不但口头做,而且回家作业,布置书面编写对话。或者,给出can和must,叫学生进行想象造句。2利用Reading课文进行问答,也可以加深对情态动词can和must用法的了解。课文了解之后,用多媒体设备,只给出Reading部分的图片,不允许看书,叫学生复述课文。3利用班规、校纪,进行师生问答,可以对情态动词达到学以致用的效果。4Speaking的替换部分,课本提示了四个词,并且还有四个图片。在做模仿对话之前,可以叫学生用can或cant对提示的词和图片先造句。结果肯定学生会造出You cant eat and drink这样的句子来,教师借机教授,否定句中并列成分之间用or连接,

30、如果后一句也有not,那么才用and连接。然后叫学生运用这个语法,对提示的词和图片造出更完美的句子,并运用到接下来的模仿对话中。5对于must的否定回答的处理:再三强调,如果用must提问,肯定回答说Yes, you must. 否定回答要说No, you neednt.要求学生做笔记、多读背,并且教师多提问要学生回答,最后,多做练习题,加以熟练。Unit 10 My school day 教材分析一本单元在全书中的地位、作用分析通过前面九个单元基础语法的学习,本单元学习第一种时态“一般现在时”终于现身了,这个时态的含义、用法和结构,一直是学生的心腹大患,正因为如此,后两个单元的语法专题仍然是

31、一般现在时,意图是不断加以复现、巩固。二本单元的教学重点1. 掌握句型:(1) What time is it ? (2) What day is it today? (3) When is your lesson ?(4) What time do you ?2学习时刻的不同表示方法。3学习一般现在时的用法和结构,了解频率词的概念和最常用的频率词,并学会用一般现在时简单表述自己在一天中的活动。三本单元的教学难点1一般现在时的表示“现在经常做的动作”,这是它和其它时态最大区别,常和频率词连用。2一般现在时态,谓语的形式要根据主语而变化,规则是:主语单数,谓语加s,主语复数,谓语用原形,I和you,用原形。3一般现在时的一般疑问句和否定句,肯定回答和否定回答也是难以学会的内容。4关于时刻的不同表示方法,如:seven thirty相当于

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