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1、物流外文文献翻译外文文献原稿和译文原 稿Logisticfrom e Engs wod logist”, th orinal intentf the miirloiticsupport, in the secod sde afterWorldWrI has been wdlyusedin th comicfiel ogistc aageen Aocaon of tenteSts is dfied as thelostcs, gisics is o meet theneed f conus rawatrials, intrmeiteproucs, inrodt ad rlated informa

2、tn to theconsme rom the beginni tote effective f n storae, pleentationand ntolof the proesof 。 Loscsconsst f four y cmpnents: th rea flow, al rae, and anagmen to cordiate he flw of nfration.Th prmary funio logistics isto ceatetmea spae effectveness oth efctvesof he man wys to orcomtespace thh h stor

3、age dstance.Tir-arty loistiinthe logistic hnnel servicesrvided boker, midemen inth om of te cntract whinaerin eri f me rqredto prvde logstiservicesinwho or n par Is a thirparty ogisics panies fr the exer cutomer anagement, conrol andoeratioofe ovision oflogisticseriscopa.Accordin osatisti, curetly u

4、se in Europe te proportion of hrdpar logistiservices for percent,he UnitedStates s abot5,andte demand s silgrwng; 2peren i uropandth United Sttes 33% o nonthrprt ogics servees are actvey consierig te f thirdpy ogistics sics As a thirprty logisiso improve the sped oftrialow, rhosin ost ndiancialsang

5、i thcs efecive mansofpasers-b, ha meicany atractedgeat attenion。 is, the advantags ofusigathidparogistic Tes of trdpary ogistis terprises cield anbnefis,mainl rlected n: , fus core bunes Mafaurers c use a third-partylogitic cmanies o achievematriution o resources, limite huan andiancial ore oncenrat

6、e o heir cre energy, to us o he dvlopmto aic kis, delop ew prct in th wod cmetition, ad enhact r mpitien f enterpri.2, costsvi Prfessiona se of hirdparty lgists proirs,thepofesinal advantge masspductioandcst advantage, byprovidng te linkapacittilization toahie cost saving,so thtenterpe an befit from

7、 t separato f e cost structue。 Mufctuing enterpris with te expnsio maktingservice topatcip in anydgrof dpth, would giv r t a substantial increase in cost, ony e use f profeonl svicespoided by pbc servi, iorer to miniizeaiionallose。iversiy o Tenesse in acordace withhenited tates, United ngdom the nie

8、d States EL ompny EMST & YOUNG onsulting firmco-organizdasurvey: lot of carg tha enable tem toue hirrty lgitcslogstc cst declined by n verage of 1。18percent, th average fow godfr7。1dayso 3. day, sock 82 oer。 3, dtion of inetor Tirdparty ogiticservice priers wth ellplaed logstics d timeldelivryeans,t

9、 minimizeinventor,impove a fl f the trprie to aiecot dvantage。 4, enhace ecorpora ia Tidpartyogistics srviceprvidrsadcstomersis a strategc prtnerhi, te use of thd-pary logisics prider of comprehensive faciliies ad trainedtaffon te whoe suppl chain to ahieve cmpetcontrl, rducng themplity of losics, t

10、hugh thir own netwo to he irove cutomr svce, not oly t estabih heiron ba imae,ut also customer i he compettio. econd, The purpseof h eetaon fogistics aemenThe urposeof the implmnation f logistics managemet is t theloes pssle ttalcostf cdions to achv he establih el fcusmer er, o sevic adntages anseek

11、 cot vantagesof dynamic equibrium,ad thu creat compett entprisesnhe streic dantae Acrdng to thigoa, lgitics managmento solve th bascprblem, iply put, iste rht rodutstft the numbe and the righpric ath rgh time d uitabl sit availablo customr.Logistcsanagementsytemta se methos t solv the prblm。Mdern Lo

12、gistics nomlysiderd by te trnor, stae, pckaig,handling, procssing icrculation, distrbiandinormation cnsitute pat oall. have er own par f the origl functio,interests an concpts. Syte aproc i the use f modern anagment methods and men teclog so thll aspctsofinoion sharng in gneral, allthe iksa an itera

13、t ytem o organzaioand anageent, so that thsystmcnb as low as possble nd the nditiono e tota ost, rovehee Comptiive dvantage o custoersvice. Ssespproac tat he stem i ot teffectivns ther vaos ocal links-efete simple sum。Systm means hat, rs acertain spet of eolem and wan t allof the actrafectin th anal

14、ysind valuatin。 romhiide of hlogiscs sstem is not imly thepursitof theirownnvaisras f lwes cost, beca telogistics f thli etweenthe bnitsof muul infuence, thtenency o muu nstait, there s heturn of the relionshpbewe vulerabilit. or example, too uchempsn pkaginmateris savigs, t ould cuse daageuse their

15、 sy toranspot an andln ots inreased。 Therefre,e ysm prac srees theneedto caryout htotalct nalsis, and tooid theecnd betffct and igh te costofte aalyis,soastoachive the lowestst, whl eeti the esablisheee f ctomer s rvie urpose.Trd, Cisnerprissi se of third-party logsic poblems i Whie thrd-par lgitics

16、 copanyhasma advtge, but ot mn eeprie ll be more outsoucngof theogtics usiness, he eaos bol dn to: 1, resince chane Many compnies do notanthe way throuh h lotis outsurcigerts t hnge the rren mde。 Inprtiuar,some stateonedenterprises, we relow ill lso mean that th dismisal of outsouriga renumbro emply

17、ees,whic h maagers tateownednterrses wouldena rgreat rsk2, lac of waeness Fo thirdrlgistics enerprise gneraly lowev of awaeess, lac o awrenf eterprieuppl hanmangeenti the enterrise the geat rol i te compeiti. 3, fear f osing ontolsa rslt ofheimplemetion supply cain mpanes enncing the comptitenessof

18、the imptan roletat mnycpaneswould rather ava ll butcmpletelogitics epartent ahe do not refr tese functioswi e hande ovr t othes, hemaieaos it isworied tht if they lose heral oiscs apabiltes, customers wll be ehgandover-rliane on ter tird-part ogistics compaes。4, the lostcs osouring hastswn compexiSu

19、ply cailogistcs busess and ompanies ae usually othe eres, suc as finance, mrt or roductinof itegdlgstcs utsouringite with complexty.O a numf prctical uines,icldghe intrtion f ransport an storge mayladto orgazaional, dmnistraive and impemtatoproblems。 Inadition, thecomny itnal information systeminteg

20、ratinfatures, maki e loiss buiess o hidparlgistcs comaes have become vedfficut to ore。5, to measre theeet fogitic oturcib manyatrsAccrately easurete coof inormaion teholgy, logisticand humanrsorces morediffutI iffiul o etermin thelogistcs otsourcing compane n theend be be t ing thcost ofow manyotent

21、ia good thing. Iaditio,al theuninessof hempan bines a cororatespy hai opertinal capability, is lly t consideret be inernato teexterl ulc infmation,i s ificult toauraelympart ner-cmpny spply chn pratin cpability. Altouh om mauftuers ae been aarefheuseofidparty ogstic cmpaniecnbrg a lot fgoo thing, bu

22、 in practicl aictions aeoten diided in svral steps, ate sae tchoosea numbe of logistis service prvier as partrs norder tvo the bus y a logtis service providebrogt bout b epndenceFouth, Cas thirdprty ogistis ompanies in edeeen fteolm encounterdA ucssful logstics company,he operaor must ha arger scale

23、, th eablishe ofeffective reginl coeae ara,witharng ommandnd onrlcenter withhehigstandard of inegate cncal,fincial resoces and bunes straty. nathird-pa logisticscomanie in te velmen o te polms encountee ca be summaizas follows:,peratig model A rsent, most the words larst logii ompanietake te headfic

24、e n branc system, elied hdquarers-stylelogisticsopeain totae o the implmentato of vricl business anageent. The establishmento amoden ogstics etepriseshvestrng, fexibl comman and ctol cetero r the entire logtisopeon nd oordintion。 Rel us b a mod ogitc cente, a prot center, bsiess ognization, h frmewor, te insttiona fr of ery mach wit a cetr。 Chnaslogisics eneprises n the opertin modeofthe poblems of orign logistc entrpis in he anaement moel shoul be from th domtogsic eterprss。,te lack of stoaeor transportcapacityThe prr fu

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