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打印七下uint7 Its raining 3.docx

1、打印七下uint7 Its raining 3 课题 Unit 7 Its raining! 主备教师:张丽 审核组长: 审核领导: 教学内容:本单元谈论的话题是谈论天气,并围绕这一主题展开听、说、读、写等多种教学活动,通过对本单元的学习,学生们可以掌握询问描述天气的基本词汇及对天气的提问,并能学会准确地表达对某种天气的喜好并说明原因。学会做天气预报,学会描述在不同的天气背景下做什么。通过以上活动,使学生能够在实践中体会到学习英语的乐趣,更积极地运用目标语言,培养学生在实际生活中综合运用所学语言的能力。教学目标:1. 知识目标:A、学习重点词汇:raining ,sunny,cloudy,sn

2、owing,windy,hot,cool,warm,humid和部分现 在分词; B、学会描述天气状态的形容词及现在分词,并会用特殊疑问句、一般疑问句的用法及回答; C、学会描述人们在各种天气里的感受。2能力目标:A、学会谈论自己对不同天气的喜好及原因;B、学会在不同的天气里所做的事情;C、学会通过询问天气展开对话,提高与人交际的能力;3情感目标:A通过完成任务,使学生学会关心他人,增强与他人沟通的意识; B、通过学习培养学生互相合作、互相学习的团队精神。教学重点,难点:重点:A学习并掌握词汇raining ,sunny, cloudy, snowing, windy, hot, cool,

3、warm, humid;B熟练掌握现在进行时的用法。C、学会表达对不同天气的不同态度及原因。难点:学会描述人们在不同天气里所做的各种活动。教学课时:6 periods学情分析: The First Period 教学过程教师活动Step I Warning upT:I am meeting my parents at the airport. I am looking at the teacher. I am doing my homework. I am spelling his name. I am watching TV. I am taking a test. Step 1a Matc

4、hing wordsT:Look at the pictures on page 31 in your book. Hows the weather in picture a? Step 2b Listening and WritingSentences about the weatherT:Hows the weather down there in Shanghai? Step 1c Pairing and speaking T:Hows the weather in Beijing? T:Hows the weather down there in New York? T:Hows th

5、e weather in Lund? Step SummaryStep Homework学生活动I am having my late dinner. I am playing with my cat. I am playing sports on the playground. I am coming home soon. I am buying a bike in the bike shop. I am seeing my friends here.S: Learn the new words. Write the letter of each city next to one of th

6、e words.1. raining a 2. windy e 3. cloudy d 4. sunny b 5. snowing cS: Its raining, as usual! 个性化设计Unit 7 Its raining!板书设计:教学反思:The Second Period 主备教师:张丽 审核组长: 审核领导: 教学内容:学会做天气预报,学会描述在不同的天气背景下做什么。通过以上活动,使学生能够在实践中体会到学习英语的乐趣,更积极地运用目标语言,培养学生在实际生活中综合运用所学语言的能力。教学目标:1. 知识目标:学会描述天气状态的形容词及现在分词,并会用特殊疑问句、一般疑问句

7、的用法.2能力目标:A、学会谈论自己对不同天气的喜好及原因;B、学会在不同的天气里所做的事情;3情感目标:通过完成任务,使学生学会关心他人,增强与他人沟通的意识;教学重点,难点:重点:熟练掌握现在进行时的用法。难点:学会描述人们在不同天气里所做的各种活动。教学课时:6 periods教学过程教师活动学生活动个性化设计Step I RevisionHi, everyone! Hows the weather? What are we doing? What are you doing? First lets go to page 32. Lets look at the grammar focu

8、s. Step 2a Listening and numbingNow turn to page 32 and look at the pictures in 2a. What are the people doing? Step 2c2b Listening and matching Good we have finished the first task. But who does the activity? Listen to the tape again and match the names with the activities. Take a quiz. (小测验)Step 2c

9、 Pairing and speakingNow in pairs read the conversation in the speech bubbles aloud. Step Home workS: Ok. Its raining.Im watching TV.Theyre studying.Hes playing basketball.Shes cooking.Great!Students share their answers.Students listen then share their answers.(2- 3- 4- 1)Ask and answer using the ta

10、rget language.板书设计:教学反思:The Third Period 主备教师:张丽 审核组长: 审核领导: 教学重点,难点:重点:熟练掌握现在进行时的用法。难点:学会描述人们在不同天气里所做的各种活动。教学课时:6 periods教学目标:1. 知识目标:学会描述天气状态的形容词及现在分词,并会用特殊疑问句、一般疑问句的用法.2能力目标:A、学会谈论自己对不同天气的喜好及原因;B、学会在不同的天气里所做的事情;3情感目标:通过完成任务,使学生学会关心他人,增强与他人沟通的意识;教师活动学生活动 个性化设计Step I RevisionHi, everyone. We have l

11、earned many adjectives so far. Can we make a list of them and put them in order? Step 3a Looking and matching Look at the chart in 3a on page33. There are four faces on the right. Do you know the meanings of them? Look at this face. Is it happy? What about the other faces? Step 4 Game Find the diffe

12、rences!There are two pictures. One is on page 81, and the other is on page 82. In pairs each of you looks at one picture, and tell the other about it. Step Homework 形容词分类red, yellow, green, blue, black, whitefine, good, nice, interesting, boring, great, not bad, terrible, pretty goodbig, small, shor

13、t, long(1.c 2.b 3.d 4.a)A: How is it going?B: Great!A: Hows the weather there?B: Its snowing.A: How is it going?In my picture, Uncle Ed is sleeping. In my picture, Uncle Ed is cooking. In my picture, Aunt Betty is playing football. In my picture, Aunt Betty is watching TV. fine, good, nice, interest

14、ing, boring, great, not bad, terrible, pretty good板书设计:教学反思The Fourth Period 主备教师:张丽 审核组长: 审核领导: 教学内容:学会做天气预报,学会描述在不同的天气背景下做什么。通过以上活动,使学生能够在实践中体会到学习英语的乐趣,更积极地运用目标语言,培养学生在实际生活中综合运用所学语言的能力。教学目标:1. 知识目标: 学会描述人们在各种天气里的感受。2能力目标: 学会在不同的天气里所做的事情;3情感目标:通过学习培养学生互相合作、互相学习的团队精神。教学重点,难点:重点:熟练掌握现在进行时的用法。难点:学会描述人

15、们在不同天气里所做的各种活动。教学课时:6 periods教 学 过 程教师活动学生活动个性化设计Step RevisionHello, class. Hows the weather today? Is it cloudy? Is it windy? Is it sunny? Is it raining? Is it snowing? Tell me how the weather is today.Step 1a MatchingNow open your book and turn to page 34. Look at the words in 1a and read them alo

16、ud. Then try to match each word with one of the pictures.Step11b Pairing and speaking Read the dialogue in the speech bubbles. Ask and answer about the weather in each picture with your partner. Ill ask some pairs to act out the dialogues.Step 2a Listening and writingNow lets listen to a conversatio

17、n between Sam and Maria. Maria is calling to say happy birthday to Sam. Step 2b Listening and writing Step HomeworkShare their answers.Its cloudy. Its windy. Its snowing right now. Its sunny. A: Hows the weather in picture ?B: Its hot.A: Hows the weather in picture a?B: Its snowing.A: Hows the weath

18、er in Picture b?B: Its sunny.A: Hows the weather in PiS: .it going?Maria pretty goodSam greatWhat are you doing?Maria Im visiting my grandmotherSam Im having a party.Hows the weather?Maria Hot and humid and sunny.Sam Terrible. ColdAnd raining.板书设计:教学反思:The Fifth Period主备教师:张丽 审核组长: 审核领导:教学内容:学会做天气预报

19、,学会描述在不同的天气背景下做什么。通过以上活动,使学生能够在实践中体会到学习英语的乐趣,更积极地运用目标语言,培养学生在实际生活中综合运用所学语言的能力。教学目标:1. 知识目标: 学会描述人们在各种天气里的感受。2能力目标: 学会在不同的天气里所做的事情;3情感目标:通过学习培养学生互相合作、互相学习的团队精神。教学重点,难点:重点:熟练掌握现在进行时的用法。难点:学会描述人们在不同天气里所做的各种活动。教学课时:6 periods教学过程教师活动学生活动个性化设计Step RevisionReading aloud to the recording helps you develop a

20、nd improve English skills.Step 3a Reading and Now read the text on your own. While reading try to cut/ the sentence into thought groups, study all the predicates, circle all the linking words and underline all the expressions. Step 3b Reading and filling Look at the kids in the pictures of France. S

21、tep 3c Imaging and writing Now you work for CCTVs Around China show. Write about the weather and the people in your hometown. Self check3. Filling in the chartStep homeworkS:Ok S:Learn the new words. Student read .Student make these pieces into a message, then read it to the whole class.Useful expre

22、ssions from the texthank for , join CCTVs Around The World show, be in Australia, a beautiful, sunny day, on vacation, take photos, lie on the beach, look at , a group of people, play beach volleyball, look cool, be surprised, play in this heat, a very interesting place, be really very relaxedIts in

23、 winter in France. The weather is (1) windy and (2) cold. People are wearing (3) coats and scarves. But everyone is having a good time. Friends are (4) eating/drinking/meeting in restaurants. In a (5) park, a musician is (6) playing the guitar and some boys (7) are playing football. One man is (8) t

24、aking a (9) photo. A: Whats the weather like? B: Its sunny.A: What is he doing? B: Hes playing the guitar.Weather ActivitiesA .sunny Playing the guitarB. Windy WalkingC .Cold CookingD .Hot Writing a letterE. rainy Playing football板书设计:课后反思:The sixth period主备教师:张丽 审核组长: 审核领导:教学内容:学会做天气预报,学会描述在不同的天气背景

25、下做什么。通过以上活动,使学生能够在实践中体会到学习英语的乐趣,更积极地运用目标语言,培养学生在实际生活中综合运用所学语言的能力。教学目标:1. 知识目标: 学会描述人们在各种天气里的感受。2能力目标: 学会在不同的天气里所做的事情;3情感目标:通过学习培养学生互相合作、互相学习的团队精神。教学重点,难点:重点:熟练掌握现在进行时的用法。难点:学会描述人们在不同天气里所做的各种活动。教学课时:6 periods教学过程教师活动学生活动个性化设计Step RevisionHello, class. Hows the weather today? Is it cloudy? Is it windy

26、? Is it sunny? Is it raining? Is it snowing? Tell me how the weather is today.Step 1a MatchingNow open your book and turn to page 34. Look at the words in 1a and read them aloud. Then try to match each word with one of the pictures.Step11b Pairing and speaking Read the dialogue in the speech bubbles

27、. Now lets listen to a conversation between Sam and Maria. Maria is calling to say happy birthday to Sam. Listen carefully and write the answers Maria and Sam give to the question “Hows it going?” in the chart in 2a. Step 2b Listening and writing Step HomeworkShare their answers.Its cloudy. Its wind

28、y. Its snowing right now. Its sunny. A: Hows the weather in picture ?B: Its hot.A: Hows the weather in picture a?B: Its snowing.A: Hows the weather in Picture b?B: Its sunny.A: Hows the weather in PiS: .it going?Maria pretty goodSam greatWhat are you doing?Maria Im visiting my grandmotherSam Im having a party.Hows the weather?Maria Hot and humid and sunny.Sam Terrible. ColdAnd raining.板书设计:教学反思:

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