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1、自学考试公共课第二篇网络助学平台测试题汇编阶段测验一一、单项选择题1. Sarah hopes to become a friend of shares her interestsA. anyone BwhomeverC. whoever Dno matter who2. Charles Smith, was my former teacher, retired last year A. which B. who C. mat D. as 3. Two-thirds of his property lost in the fire.A. was B. wereC. are D. have be

2、en4. Look at this group of people beach volleyballA. played B. is playedC. playing D. is playing5. It rained hard yesterday, prevented me from going to the park.A. that B. whichC. as D. it6. The meeting nest week will be of great importanceA. to be held B. heldC. holding D. is held7. After months of

3、 voyage, Columbus arrived in later proved to be a new continent.A. where C. whichB. which D. that8. He would have given you more help,if he so busy.A. have not been B. had not beenC. not have been D. not had been9. It is Shakespeare Theatre you are doing to watch the play The Merchant of Venice?A. w

4、here B. thatC. which D. as10. The new discovery be of great service to mankind.A. is bound to B. is bound forC. be bound to D. be bound for11. for you laziness, you could have finished the assignment by now.A. Had it not been B. It were not C. Werent it D. Had not it been12. At any rate I did not su

5、cceed myself understood by you.A. making B. madeC. to make D. in making13. We are all concerned her safety.A. about B. madeC. of D. with 14. It me three years to draw the beautiful horses.A. took B. paidC. spent D. cost湖南自考网:15. The boy complained a pain in his stomach.A. with B. forC. in D. of二、完形填

6、空Last evening 1 was watching the evening news on television. The news was about a prize for scientific discovery: I forgot what it was. The announcer, l name was Ralph story, reported something that caught my 2 . “All great discoveries.” he said “are made by people between the ages of 20 and 30. 3 a

7、 little over 30 myself 1 wanted to disagree with him. Nobody wants to think that he is past the age of making any discovery. The nest day I 4 to be in the public library and spent several hours looking up the 5 of famous people and their discoveries. Ralph was right.First I looked at some of the sci

8、entific discoveries. One of the earliest discoveries, the famous experiment that proved that bodies of different weight fall 6 the same speed, was made by Galileo when he was 26. Madame Curie started her research that turned to a Noble prize when she was 28. Einstein was 26 when he published his wor

9、ld-changing Theory of Relativity. Well,enough of that. Yet I 7 if those “best years” were true in other fields.Then how about the field of 8 ? Surely it takes the wisdom of age to make a good leader. Perhaps it does,but look when these people started their careersWinston Churchill was elected to the

10、 House of Commons at the age of 26. Abraham Lincoln began the life of a country lawyer and was elected to the government at what age? Twenty-six.But why dont best years come after thirty? After thirty, I 9 ,most people do not want to take risks or try new ways. Then I thought of people like Shakespe

11、are and Picasso. The former was writing wonderful works at the ripe age of fifty, 10 the latter was enjoying trying new ways of painting when he was ninety! Perhaps there is still hope for me .1. Awith Bfor Cin Dof2. A. mind B. notice C. attention D. thought3. A. As B. Being C. Not D. Beyond4. A. ha

12、ppened B. wanted C. missed D. managed5. A. names B. ages C. addresses D. education6. A. by B. at C. in D. with7. A. believed B. trusted C. wondered D. society 8. A. agriculture B. politics C. industry D. society 9. A. believe B. know C. guess D. agree10. A. since B. because C. if D. while 三、阅读理解 “Fi

13、ngers were made before forks”en a person gives up good manners,puts aside knife and fork, and dives into his food,someone is likely to repeat that saying The fork was an ancient agricultural tool, But for centuries one thought of eating with itNot until the eleventh century, when a young 1ady from C

14、onstantinople brought her fork to Italy did the custom reach EuropeBy the fifteenth century the use of the fork was widespread in ItalyThe English explanation was that Italians were opposed to eating food touched with fingers, seeing all mens fingers are not all alike clean, English travelers kept t

15、heir friends laughing while describing this ridiculous Italian custom.Anyone who used a fork to eat with was laughed at in England for the next hundred years. Men who used forks were thought to be womanish, and women who used forks were thought to be womanish, Not until the late 1660s did using a fo

16、rk become a common custom.1.The custom of eating with a fork was A. brought to Europe from America.B. accepted when forks were first invented.C. brought to Europe from ConstantinopleDthought of by the Italians.2. By the fifteenth century, forks were used A. all over Italy. B. only in Constantinople.

17、 C. by the kings and queens of Europe . D. in Englan.3.To English travelers in Italy, the use of forks seemed Aclever B. necessary Cgood manners Dridiculous 4. The English thought that Italians used forks in order to A. imitate the people of the East B. keep their food clean C. impress visitors with

18、 their good mannersD. amuse the English5.The use of forks became common in England A. at the same time as in ItalyB. earlier than in any other European countyC. about 600 years after forks came to Europe.D. earlier than in Constantinople 四 单词拼写1.发起,倡导 v. i 2媒介 n.m 3.憎恨n.h 4.随便地ad.c 5.运河n.c 6混合,混合物n.

19、m 7演出v.p 8.命令,指挥v.c 9国籍,民族n.n 10.非法的a.i 五、词形转换1. Knowledge is experience (general).2Your parents give you the hard-won money, so you must spend it in an (economy) way.六、汉译英1对于动物研究是否与人体健康有关,人们持不同态度。2许多有成就的人早在取得这些成就之前确实幻想过这些成就。七、英译汉The mind is the source of all human potentialThe ability to reason and

20、 to learn from experience is called intelligenceIn our culture,the ability to reason involves figuring things outThis is essential in the problemsolving situations with which people in modem societies are confrontedIn decision making,intelligence is shown in the ability to get and apply information

21、to solve a problem。No matter how much you are achieving now, there are still flesh and untried areas of your mind to be estimated through reading,study, thought,conversation,and exploration of your environmentSchool performance is the single most important factor in developing mental ability for cer

22、tain tasks .阶段测验二一、单项选择题1Never before so rapidly developing as it is today.A. has our country been B. our country has been C. has been our country D. our country hasnt been2. Although Tom is satisfied with his academic achievement, he wonders will happen to his family lifeAit Bthat Cwhat Dthis3. Sin

23、ce we have a focused subject ,we should not talk .Aat once B. at hand C. at intervals D. at random4. , he had no time to rest. A. As he was tired B. If he was tired. C. Tired as he was D. Now that he was tired5I understood from her that you undertook other important work .A. as well B. as too as C.

24、as also as D. as good as6. He found difficult to study maths.A. it B. that C. as D. too 7. It rained hard yesterday, prevented me from going to the park.A. that B. which C. as D. too8. is known to all,China will be an powerful country in 20 or 30 years time.A. That ;advancingB. This;advancedC. As ;

25、advancedD. It;advancing9. This type of desk and chair can be adjusted the height of students at different ages. A with B for C. to D. in 10.Some persons gain goal and direction from their tensions; others under pressure.Afall out B. fall apart Cfallback on D. fall in with11He his poor judgment Jet L

26、ag.Ablamedfor CblamedonBblamedto Dblamedat12. In the original test,a11 the animals in a test group are given a substance half of them dieAunless B. until C1est Dprovided13. We are interested in the weather because it us so directly-what we wear,what we do and even how we feel A. benefits Baffects C.

27、 guides D. effects 14. He talked a lot about things and persons they remembered in the schoolAwhich Bthat Cwhom DwhatBWere itnot15. for the free ticket,I would not have gone to see film SO oftenAIf it is not B. Were it not CHad it not been D. If they were not二、完形填空It is commonly believed that school

28、 is where people go to get education 1 ,it has been said that today children interrupt their education to go to school . The 2 between schooling and education suggested by this is important.Education is 3 , compared with schooling. Education knows no edges. It can take place 4 ,whether in the shower

29、 or on the job, whether in a kitchen or on a tractor. It includes both the 5 learning that takes place in schools and the whole universe of learning out of class. 6 the experience of schooling can be knows in advance, education quite often produces surprises. A chance talk with a 7 may lead to a per

30、son to discover how 8 he knows of another country. People obtain education from 9 on. Education, then, is a very 10 and unlimited term. It is lifelong experience that starts long before the starts long before the start of school ,and one that should be a necessary part of ones entire life.1AThen B.

31、However CThus D. Therefore2Adifference B. important Cuse D. problem 3Aunexpected B. endless C. countless D. simple 4. A. anywhere B. anywhere else C. somewhere D. somewhere else 5. A. part-time B. public C. standard(普通的) D. strict 6. A. if B. Because C. So D. Though 7. A. neighbour B. friend C. foreigner D. teacher 8. A. wonderful B. well C. greatly D. little 9. A. babies B. grown-ups C. women D. men 10. A. long B. broad C. narrow. D. short 三阅读理解Most Americans would have a difficult time telling you, specifically

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