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Unit7Food festival.docx

1、Unit7 Food festivalUnit 7 Food festivalTopic1 Were preparing for a food festival Section A 课型:新授 编写 审核:初二备课组 Class:_ Name: _【学习目标】: 1、掌握that引导的宾语从句的用法。 2、讨论筹钱的方式。【学习重点】: The object clauses with “that”。【学习难点】: The way to raise money.【学习过程】:一、课前预习: A. 本课四会词1、任务/工作_ 2、成功 , 胜利_3、触,碰,触觉_ 4、想象,设想_5、放,设置 _

2、 6、瞎的,失明的_7, 汤 _ 8,奶酪_9、曲奇饼干_ 10、薄煎饼_11、张贴画 ,广告 _ 12, 与 取得联系_13、摆放餐具_ 14、尽最大努力_B. 在文中找到,划出并背诵下面的短语 -自学指导,重点掌握1, 了解_2.,出生_3. 创办了“解放儿童”这个组织 _4. 举办美食节_5.筹钱_6.向老师求助_7.制作海报_9.和取得联系_10.在网上_11.得到更多的信息 12. 认真考虑_13.尽某人最大的努力做某事 _14.使成功_15.会是什么样的?_16. 为做准备_17.沏茶_18.是的,我认为是这样_19.不,我认为不是这样_20.摆放桌子_21.生病住院的儿童_22.

3、煲汤 _23, 一个12岁的加拿大男孩_二. 读1a ,做 1b。三在文中划出下面的句子并翻译。1.Do you know about Craig Kielburger ? 译:_区别:know about-_ / know-_练习: (1) I know he r that she is our monitor. 译:_ (2) He wants to know more about Chinese culture. 译:_2.But he was born in Canada . 译:_点拨:be born-出生(多用_时态) 练习: (1)He was born _ 1:00_ Apri

4、l 1st . (2) They were born _ Austria. (3)Tom was born _ winter. (填介词)3. Shall we have a food festival to raise money for his school? 译:_思考:have的意思是_,可以用_替换。 不定式to raise money在句中作_ 语模仿:为了庆祝第25个教师节,我们学校将在下周举办一场音乐会。a. Our school_ _ _ _ to celebrate the _ _ _next week. 为增强体质,他们每周进行一次篮球比赛。 b. To _ _ _, t

5、hey _ _ _ _ each week.4.I will turn to our teachers. 译:_点拨:turn to sb. = ask sb. for help _拓展:turn 还有转弯,变得,依次,轮流等含义短语:take turns to do sth. = do sth. in turn-轮流做某事 It is ones turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事练习: a.“No Left Turn” means “Dont _ _ here”. 译:_b. In spring, many trees are _ _. 译:_ c. Its our duty _

6、 _ _ _clean the classroom. 译:_d.They gave their suggestions _ _ at the meeting. 译:_e. _ _ _ _ give a speech, Tom. 译:_f. My English is very poor, I need to _ _ our teacher. 译:_g. The temperature is so high that the food is easy _ _bad. 译:_h. The boss asks us _ _ _ _ clean the office. 译:_5.I will thin

7、k about how to organize the food festival. 译:_点拨:think about 考虑 链接:think over_ think of_ 练习:a. -Dad, will you buy me a new bile? -I dont know. I am going to _ _ it. b.The question is so difficult for me. Id like more time to _ it _. c. What do you _ _ your new neighbor?6.Lets try our best to make it

8、 successful. 译:_点拨:try ones best= do ones best 后接动词不定式-尽某人最大的努力。拓展:try doing sth.-尝试着做某事四、译句子1. -我们来举办一次美食节为“解放儿童”筹款怎么样? -好主意!_2. 我向我们老师寻求帮助。_3. 我将通过网络和他联系以获取有关他的更多信息。_4. 我在考虑如何组织美食节。_5. 让我们尽最大努力使它成功!_Unit 7 Food festivalTopic1 Were preparing for a food festival Section A 练习课型:新授 编写 审核:初二备课组 Class:_

9、 Name: _课后作业: 一 , 根据汉语提示完成句子。1.IknowZhaoWei .ButIdont _ _ _ _ _(了解)her.2.Weshould_ _ _ _(考虑)howtohelpthem.3.Lets _ _ _ _ _(尽力学习) Englishwell.4.We_ _ _ _ _ _(做海报)forthefoodfestivallastnight.5.Howshallwe_ _ _ _(筹钱)forthepoorchildreninthevillage?6. He sometimes _ _ (泡茶) and talks with his friends in th

10、e living room.7. She is _ _ _ (尽最大的努力) to improve her English 8. My mother says she will teach me to _ _ (做饼干).9. Youd better _ _ (向求助) our monitor.二、选择( )1. Tomorrow I will get in touch _ my friends _ the Internet. A. at, in B. with, on C. to , on ( )2. He tried his best _ English well. A. to learn

11、 B. learn C. learning ( )3.I think _ she will be here soon. A. when B. while C. hat ( )4.He is my good friend and I _ him. A. know about B. know of C. know ( )5._ I turn to our teachers when Im in trouble? A. Will B. Shall C. Would ( )6.Im a new comer. So I ask the driver _ go there. A. how to B. wh

12、ere to C. when to ( )7. This morning Diana invited _ to _ birthday party. A. I; her B. I; hers C. me; her ( )8. The armed police (武警) tried their best _ people in the accident A. save B. to save C. saving ( )9. Your task is _ the books to the study. A. take B. bring C. to take ( )10 . He is my good

13、friend and I _ him. A. know about B. know of C. know ( )11. What would you like to cook _ the food festival? A. on B. of C. for ( )12 When you have problem, you can _ Mr. Fu. He can help you. A. turn to B. turn on C. turn off 知识点击- that 引导的宾语从句: that引导的宾语从句,表示陈述一件事,即由陈述句转化而来。如:HesaysHeislisteningtot

14、heweatherreportHesays(that)_ _theweatherreport(他说正在听天气预报)。1主句的谓语动词是think,hear,hope,wish,remember,forget,know,say,guess等时,常接that引导的宾语从句。如:Ihope(that)_soon(我希望他很快好起来)。点拨:I/We think, believe后面从句如果是否定句,连成宾语从句时否定要前移 I think we can have a food festival on our playground on Sunday.否定句:_2主句由“连系动词形容词”构成的“系表”


16、过去时态的某种形式(一般过去时,过去进行时,过去将来时,过去完成时)。如:Hesaid(that)_(他说他买了本新字典)_注:如果从句表达的是客观事实、真理、自然现象、名言、警句、格言、谚语等等,尽管主句用一般过去时,从句也要用一般现在时。如:Hesaidthat_( 他说时间就是生命)* * * 4.引导词that本身的省略与不省略(1)可以省略-连词that引导宾语从句,只起连接主、从句的作用,它本身无意义,在口语或非正式文体中常省略。如:Hesays(that)heisastudent译:_(2)不能省略-从句的主语是that时,that不省略。如:Weknowthat thatisa

17、ninterestingstory译:_that引导的宾语从句中若再有复合句时,that不能省略。如:Ithinkthatifyouhavelostthelibrarybook ,youmustpayforit译:_主、从句之间有插入语时,that不能省略。如:Itsayshere inthenewspaper thatEnglishisgettingmoreandmoreimportant译:_( )1. Theteachertoldthechildrenthatthesunround. A.wasB.isC.wereD.are()2. Ibelievethatourteam_thebask

18、etballmatch. A.winB.wonC.willwinD.wins 三、将下面的句子连接成为含有宾语从句的复合句。(1) TheseflowersarefromGuangdong.Hesaid.Hesaid_theseflowers_fromGuangdong.(2) Lighttravelsfasterthansound.Myteachertoldme.Myteachertoldme_light_fasterthansound.Unit 7 Topic1 Section B 课型:新授 编写 审核:初二备课组 Class:_ Name: _【学习目标】: 1、继续学习that引导的

19、宾语从句。2、了解不同国家的代表食物。【学习重点】: The object clauses with “that”。【学习难点】: Some typical foods in different countries.【学习过程】:一、自主学习 A. 学习任务一:背诵并默写本课新单词及词组。1 西方的,西部的_ 7住址,地址_2 印度人的_ 8 曲奇饼干_3 俄罗斯的_ 9咖喱食品_4 希腊的,希腊人_ 10 油炸的_ 5 意大利的_ 11. 寿司_ 6 非洲的,非洲人_ 12 匹萨_ B. 学习任务二: 在文中找到、划出并背诵下面的短语。1.喜欢吃甜食_2.西方食物_3.中国炒米饭_4.而且,

20、另外_5.那太好了_6.筹到很多钱_7.决定帮助你_8.不用谢_9.为美食节做准备_10.没有时间做. _11.很遗憾_12.没关系_13.稍后给你发邮件_C. 单词训练 1 kangkang thinks Chinese _(炒的) rice is easy to cook.2 In _(西方的) countries, sweet food is popular.3 Can you sing ?4 He says he will make _(俄罗斯的) black bread for us. 二、在文中划出下面的句子并翻译。1. Whats more, Im sure that fried rice and dumplings will be popular. 译:_分析:be sure + (that)

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