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1、九年级英语讲义unit6uint8复习 九年级英语讲义unit6-uint8复习 Unit 6 When was it invented?一、重点短语1. look up to 钦佩;仰慕2. encourage sb. to do 鼓励某人做3. be used for. 用来做4. the style of the shoes 鞋子的样式5. think of 想出6. be invented 被发明7. think about 考虑;思考8. in our daily lives 在我们的日常生活中9. at that time 在那时10. spread to. 传播到11. by a

2、ccident 偶然;意外地12. it is said that. 据说13. fall into 掉人14. for some time 一段时间15. be used to do sth. 被用来做某事16. not. until 直到才17. take place 发生18. even though 即使19. drop into 掉人20. advise sb. (not) to do sth 建议某人(别)做某事21. by mistake 无意中22. in history 在历史上23. divide. into 把.分成24. stop. from doing sth. 阻止

3、做某事25. the number of. 的数量二、 重点句型1. Theyre used for.它们是用来2. I think it was invented in 1876. 我认为它是在1876年被发明的。3. It is said that a Chinese ruler called Shen Nong was the first to discover tea as a drink. 据说,一个名叫神农的中国统治者是发现茶叶并 把其作为饮料的第一人。5. In England, tea didnt appear until around 1660. 在英国,茶叶直到大约1660

4、年才出现6. When he was a college teacher, he was asked to think of a game that could be played in the winter.当他是大学老师时,他被要求想出一种能在冬天玩的运动。7. Basketball has not only become a popular sport to play, but it has also become a popular sport towatch.篮球不仅成为一项受人欢迎的运动,而且成为了一项受欢迎的观赏运动。三、 交际用语1. When was the telephon

5、e invented?的? I think it was invented in 1876.我认为它是在1876年被发明的。Unit7. Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes一、重点短语1. sixteen-year-olds 十六岁的孩子们2. have a chance 有机会3. be allowed to do sth. 被允许做某事4. choose ones own clothes 选择某人自己的衣服5. go to the shopping center 去购物中心6. Drivers license 驾驶

6、证7. be worried a bout= worry about 担心8. have part-time jobs 做兼职工作9. get their ears pierced 穿耳洞10. sing to sb. 给某人唱歌11. stay by my side 与我待在一起12. run through 跑过13. keep. away from 避免接近;远离14. give sb. a hug 给某人一个拥抱15. make ones own decision(s) = make the choice(s) oneself 做出自己的决定16. learn. from. 从学到17

7、. give sb. chances 给某人机会18. move out 搬出19. lift up 举起20. regret doing sth. 后悔做过某事23. fail a test 考试失败24. take the test 参加考试25. be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格26. have nothing against 不反对27. end up 最终28. achieve one s dream(s) 实现某人的梦想29. keep off 保持关闭状态30. get in the way 挡的路;妨碍31. be serious about 对严肃32.

8、care about 担心;关心33. no way 绝对不行;一点也不二、 重点句型1. Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. 应该允许十六岁的孩子开车。2. Sixteen-year-olds should not be allowed to work at night. 不应该允许十六岁的青少年晚上工作。3. Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 应该允许青少年选择自己的衣服。4. He needs to spend time with friends. 他需

9、要和朋友们一起度过时间。5. When I was tired and hungry, she gave me food and warm arms to sleep in.当我又累又饿时,她给我东西吃,又给我温暖的怀抱入眠。6. Only then will I have a chance to achieve my dream. 只有那时我才有机会实现我的梦想。7. We have nothing against running! 我们没有理由反对(他)跑步!三、 交际用语1.-I dont think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to driv

10、e. 我认为不应该允许十六岁的孩子开车。I agree. They arent serious enough. 我同意。他们还不够严肃认真。2. Do you think teenagers should be encouraged to make their own decisions? 你认为青少年应该被鼓励自己做决定吗?一No,I don t agree with this. Teenagers are too young to make their own decisions.不,我不同意。青少年年龄太小不能自己做决定。3. Teenagers should not be allowe

11、d to have part-time jobs. 青少年不应该被允许做兼职。 I disagree. They can learn a lot from working. 我不同意。他们可以从工作中学到很多东西。4. 一Do you think we may be allowed to take photos if we don t use a flash?如果我们不用闪光灯的话,你认为我们可以被允许拍照吗?If you don t use a flash, then it may be OK. 如果你们不用闪光灯的话,可能可以吧。5. What is your dream job? Do

12、your parents support your dream? 你理想的工作是什么? 你的父母支持你的梦想 吗?Unit 8 It must belong to Carla.一、重点短语1. hair band 发带2. attend a concert 听音乐会3. the music hall 音乐大厅4. anything valuable 任何有价值的东西5. the rest of my friends 我的其他朋友 6. belong to 属于7. at the picnic 在野餐的时候8. pick up 捡起9. in our neighborhood 在我们家附近10.

13、 each other 互相11. something unusual 一些不同寻常的东西12. call the policemen 报警13. something strange 一些奇怪的东西14. run away 逃跑15. create fear 制造恐惧16. make noise 制造噪音17. in the laboratory 在实验室18. try to do sth. 努力做某事19. take a shower 洗澡20. express a difference 表达不同之处21. historical places 历史古迹22. not only. but al

14、so.不但.而且.23. point out 指出24. stop sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事25. at work 在上班二、 重点句型1. It must belong to Carla. 它肯定是属于卡拉的。2. It must be Carlas. She loves volleyball. 它一定是卡拉的。她喜欢排球。3. I attended a concert yesterday so it might still be in the music hall. 我昨天去听了音乐会,因此它可能仍然还在音乐大厅里。4. So it can t be stol

15、en. 所以它不可能被人偷了。5. I think somebody must have picked it up. 我认为肯定有人已经捡走它了。6. Ill call them now to check if anybody has it. 现在我要给他们打个电话核实一下是否有人捡到了。7. At first, I thought that it might be a dog, but I couldnt see a dog or anything else, either. So I guess it cant be a dog. But then, what could it be? 最

16、初,我认为那可能是一条狗,但是我看不到狗,也没看到别的东西。所以我猜那不可能是条狗。但它可能是什么呢?8. There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood,but what is it?一定有什么东西闯入了我们附近的地方,可那是什么呢?三、 交际用语1. Whose volleyball is this? 这是谁的排球?It must be Carla s She loves volleyball. 它一定是卡拉的。她喜欢排球。2. 一Whose hair band is this? 这是谁的发带?-It could

17、 be Meis hair band. Or it might belong to Linda. They both have long hair.它可能是梅的发带。或者它可能属于琳达的。她们两个都是长头发。3. What did you see that night? 那天晚上你看到了什么?Im not sure,but it can? t be a dog. It was bigger.I think it might be a bear or a wolf.fr我不确定,但是那肯定不是一条狗。它比狗要大。 我想那可能是一头熊或者一匹狼。4. Why do you think the ma

18、n is running你认为那位男士为什么跑步?He could be running for exercise.他可能为锻炼而跑步。5. That s the phone. 电话响了。Hmm. I wonder who it could be. 嗯,我想知道是谁打来的。6. I hear water running in the bathroom. 我听见浴室里的水在流。-It must be Carla. She was thinking of taking a shower. 那肯定是卡拉。她刚想过要洗澡的。 初中英语被动语态复习之被动语态 一、被动语态概述 语态是动词的一种形式,用以

19、说明主语与谓语动词之间的关系。英语的语态共有两种:主动语态和被动语态。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。被动语态是动词的一种特殊形式,一般说来,只有需要动作对象的及物动词才有被动语态。汉语往往用被、受、给等词来表示被动意义。 如:He opened the door.他打开了这扇门。(主动语态)The door was opened.这扇门被打开了。(被动语态) 二、被动语态的构成 被动语态由助动词be+及物动词的过去分词构成。被动语态的时态变化只改变be的形式,过去分词部分不变。疑问式和否定式的变化也如此。 1、被动语态的时态较常见的八种,现以动词clean为例

20、列表说明:2、被动语态的句式变化:以一般现在时和动词invite为例,列表说明被动语态的句式变化: 3、含有情态动词的被动语态情态动词的被动语态结构为:情态动词+be+过去分词;其时态及句型的变化仅由情态动词完成,be+过去分词部分不变。如: Tables can be made of stone.桌子可由石头制造。Tables could be made of stone at that time. 那时桌子可由石头制造。(一般过去时)Can tables be made of stone? 桌子能用石头制造吗?(疑问句) 三、主动语态变为被动语态转换图示:1、主动语态变为被动语态的步骤:

21、(1)将主动句的宾语变为主语: 注意:如果主动句的宾语是代词,需将其由宾格变为主格。如:Tom killed him. He was killed by Tom. (2)将动词改为be+过去分词。注意: They held a meeting yesterday. A meeting was held by them yesterday.他们昨天开会了。 (3)将主动语态的主语改为be放在谓语动词后。注意:如果原主语是代词,则应由主格变为宾格。He sang a song. A song was sung by him. 2、主动语态变为被动语态的注意事项: 含有双宾语,即直接宾语(常指事物)

22、和间接宾语(常指人)的句子,每个宾语都可变为被动语态的主语,即其被动语态有两种形式。但多以间接宾语作主语。Jack told us the truth.杰克告诉了我们真相。We were told the truth by Jack.The truth was told (to) us by Jack.四 被动语态的基本用法1.需要强调动作的承受者时,用被动语态。Magazines and newspapers in the reading-room mustnt be taken away.阅览室的杂志和报纸都不能带走。2.不知道或者没有必要指出动作的执行者时,应使用被动语态。He was

23、wounded many times during the Anti-Japanese War.他在抗日战争期间多次负伤。The problem has to be dealt with right now.这个问题必须马上处理。3.当说话人需要强调客观时,用被动语态。It is said that the temperature tomorrow will be 40.据说明天的气温将要达到摄氏40度。It is hoped that they will be successful.希望她们会获得成功。五、各种时态的被动语态举例(以动词do为例) 1一般现在时(am/ is/ are +do

24、ne)English is spoken by lots of people in the world. 世界上的许多人都说英语。Class meeting is held every Thursday. 每周四都举行班会。The classroom is cleaned by the students every day. 学生们每天都打扫教室。 2一般过去时(was/ were +done)The cup was broken by the boy. 杯子被那个男孩打碎了。He was saved at last. 他最终获救了。My bike was stolen. 我的自行车被偷了。

25、3一般将来时与过去将来时(will/ shall be +done; would/should be +done)A speech will be given this afternoon. 今天下午有一个演讲。A new road will be built next year. 明年要修一条新马路。I thought thousands of people would be helped. 我认为将有数千人得到帮助。 4现在进行时与过去进行时(am/ is/ are being +done; was/ were being +done)The machine was being repai

26、red at this time yesterday. 昨天这时,机器正在被修理。The problem is being discussed now. 问题正在被讨论。A bus is being pushed by the passengers. 路人正在推一辆公共汽车。 5现在完成时(have/ has been + done)Two hundred trees have been planted by now. 到现在为止,已经种了二百棵树了。The book has been read many times by me. 这本书已经被我读了许多遍了。6过去完成时(had been+d

27、one)They said they had been invited to the party. 他们说已经被邀请参加晚会了。She found the house had been destroyed by the storm. 她发现房子已经被暴风雨摧毁。He had been tortured by the illness for many years before he died. 他在去世前已经被疾病折磨很多年了。六、下列动词(词组)没有被动式:1、系动词无被动语态:以主动形式表示被动之意常见的系动词有: be动词 起来(7个):look/seem/appear, feel(感觉,

28、摸起来), sound, smell, taste e.g. She seems/appears happy. It smells terrible. (逐渐)变得/变成:become, grow, get, turn, come, go e.g. His wish has come true. People often went hungry in the old days. The tree is growing tall. 保持:keep, stay e.g. We must keep quiet in the reading room.2、happen, take place, bre

29、ak out, belong to ,cost, take3、不及物动词sell, wash, read , write, open, close, shut, lock, wear等,常用主动形式表示被动意义。、An accident was happened yesterday.()昨天发生了一起事故。 An accident happened yesterday.、The flower smells sweet.这花闻起来很香。、The watch looks good.这表看起来很好。、This book sells well.这本书畅销。、The kind of cloth wash

30、es well. 这种布很容易洗。、The article reads well. 这篇文章读起来很好。 、The supermarket opens at 8:00 in the morning. 超市在早上八点钟营业。、The door wont close/shut. 这门关不上。 、The door locks easily. 这门容易锁。 、This material wears well (wont wear). 这种材料耐久(不耐久)七含有双宾语的句子的被动语态有一些动词如give, buy等,后面常跟两个宾语-直接宾语和间接宾语;通常直接宾语指 物,间接宾语指人;指物或指人的宾语都可以作为被动句子的主语。例如:例:She gave me a book.= She gave a pen to book. I was given a book by her. A book was given to me by her. My father bought me a MP3.= My father bought a MP3 for me. I was bought a MP3 by my father. A MP3 w

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