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The Domestication and Foreignization of Cultural Images英语专业硕士论文30.docx

1、The Domestication and Foreignization of Cultural Images英语专业硕士论文30 文化意象的归化与异化 The Domestication and Foreignization of Cultural Images独创性声明本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作和取得的研究成果,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢之处外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得 天津大学 或其他教育机构的学位或证书而使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。学位论文作者签名: 签字

2、日期:2009 年3月20日学位论文版权使用授权书本学位论文作者完全了解 天津大学 有关保留、使用学位论文的规定。特授权 天津大学 可以将学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,并采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存、汇编以供查阅和借阅。同意学校向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和磁盘。(保密的学位论文在解密后适用本授权说明)学位论文作者签名: 导师签名:签字日期: 2009年 3月20日 签字日期: 年 月 日摘要本文旨在探讨文化意象的翻译。翻译不仅仅是语言的转化,而且是文化信息的转换,其内容来自于文化,因此在英汉互译中成功地转换文化意象是非常关键的。本文基于对大量典型文化意象的翻译


4、有辩证地研究这两种用于文化意象转换的翻译策略才会有利于翻译研究的深入发展。本文以下述形式展开:第一部分:引文简要介绍了文化翻译的背景和文化意象翻译的研究,以及文化意象翻译的意义和必要性,从而导入文化意象翻译的两个策略:归化和异化。第二部分:说明“文化”、“意象”和“文化意象”这三个术语产生的背景及内涵,以及英汉文化意象的差异和分类,揭示了文化意象的差异影响其翻译。 第三部分:对文化意象的翻译现状、目标进行了细致的分析研究。介绍了归化、异化翻译策略及其历史背景和理论依据,考察了在文化意象翻译上归化与异化的关系,阐明决定异化与归化策略的不同因素,其中包括译者的文化认知、翻译的目的和源文本类型。 第

5、四部分:详细阐述了在文化意象翻译过程中异化与归化的实际应用及其具体方法和依据。第五部分:结语。归化和异化两种翻译策略是矛盾辨证的统一体。在文化意象转换过程中也应以异化为主,以归化作为补充;必要时,两者应当结合使用。关键词:文化意象;意象转换;归化;异化;翻译策略ABSTRACTThis thesis attempts to make a study of the translation of cultural images. Translation is not only the transformation of linguistic form from one language to an

6、other, but also the transformation of cultural information because the content of a language comes from its culture. Successful transformation of cultural images is crucial to successful C-E/E-C translation. The thesis is developed on the analysis of the translating practice of a number of typical c

7、ultural images. It mainly discusses the problems of the transformation of cultural images in translation theory from a cultural perspective. It aims to answer two questions: (1) What are the reasons of cultural images transformation in the C-E/E-C translation? (2)How is cultural images transformatio

8、n carried on in the C-E/E-C translation? With the attempt to better solve the problems, theorists have come up with many translation strategies that have aroused heated debates, among which domestication and foreignization are the most typical pair. This thesis will study the two translation strateg

9、ies for cultural image translation, clarify their relationship and come up with keys to scientific choice in translation practice. From the analysis, it can be concluded that the two translation strategies of domestication and foreignization have their respective features and applicable values. They

10、 also have their respective advantages and disadvantages. It is lop-sided and unscientific to overemphasize one strategy from a static and absolute viewpoint. We should not only study the advantages and disadvantages of these two translation strategies, but also analyze their respective values of ap

11、plication so as to reach a balance in the final translation work. In most cases, it is beneficial to the prosperity of translation studies to hold a dialectical view towards translation strategies for the transformation of cultural image.Accordingly, the thesis is laid out as follows. Chapter One gi

12、ves a brief introduction to the background of cultural translation, the previous studies on the transmission of cultural images and the necessity and significance of the study of cultural image translation, bringing about two translation strategies of foreignization and domestication in the transfor

13、mation of cultural images.Chapter Two begins with the background of the emergence of “culture”, “image” and “cultural image” and their connotations. It further deals with cultural image classifications and the differences between Chinese and English in cultural images, revealing that the differences

14、 influence the translation of cultural images. Chapter Three analyzes the research status and the goal of cultural image translation. Two strategies of foreignization and domestication are introduced, and their background and theoretical bases are provided. After clarifying their relationship and th

15、e different factors that determine the application of domestication and foreignization, it is concluded that the translators cognition of cultures, translation purpose and type of the source text play the major roles in image translation.Chapter Four makes a specification of the application of domes

16、tication and foreignization of cultural images, embodying diverse methods and their justifications.Chapter Five concludes that foreignization and domestication are a dialectical unity of contradictions. We maintain “foreignization first, domestication second” is applicable and feasible in the transf

17、ormation of cultural images. An integration of the two strategies is a necessity in some cases.KEY WORDS: cultural images; image transformation; domestication; foreignization; translation strategiesContentsCHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 11.1 Background Information 11.2 Previous Studies on Translation of Cul

18、tural Images 21.3 Necessity and Significance of the Study 3CHAPTER 2 CULTURE AND IMAGES 52.1 Definition of Culture and Images 52.1.1 Definition of Culture 52.1.2 Definition of Images 62.1.3 Definition of Cultural Images 92.2 Classification of Cultural Images 102.2.1 Corresponding Cultural Images 112

19、.2.2 Semi-corresponding Cultural Images 122.2.3 Non-corresponding Cultural Images 162.3 Differences between Chinese and English in Terms of Cultural Images 172.3.1 Differences Due to Living Environments 182.3.2 Differences Due to History 192.3.3 Differences Due to Religious Beliefs 202.3.4 Differenc

20、es Due to Modes of Thinking 21CHAPTER 3 TRANSLATION STRATEGIES FOR CULTURAL IMAGES: DOMESTICATION AND FOREIGNIZATION 233.1 Definition of Domestication and Foreignization 243.1.1 Definition of Domestication 243.1.2 Definition of Foreignization 253.2 Foreignization vs. Domestication 253.3 The Relation

21、s between Domestication and Foreignization 273.3.1 Principles for the Choice of Domestication and Foreignization 273.3.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Domestication and Foreignization 293.3.3 Factors for the Application of Domestication and Foreignization 30CHAPTER 4 APPLICATION OF DOMESTICATION A

22、ND FOREIGNIZATION TO CULTURAL IMAGES 324.1 Foreignization and Its Justification 324.1.1 Transliteration 324.1.2 Literal Translation 344.1.3 Borrowing 364.1.4 Literal Translation with Explanation 374.1.5 Literal Translation with Annotation 394.2 Domestication and Its Justification 404.2.1 Free Transl

23、ation 414.2.2 Simplification 444.2.3 Substitution 464.2.4 Paraphrasing 46CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION 495.1 Summary of This Study 495.2 Findings and Discussions 505.3 Limitations and Suggestions 51BIBLIOGRAPHY 53ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 57Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Background InformationLanguage is a body of words

24、and the system for their use common to a people who are of the same community or cultural tradition (Random House Dictionary of the English Language, 1987, 2nd ed.). There is a close relationship between translation and culture just as between language and culture. Since the 1980s of the last centur

25、y, an emerging theory of cultural value referred to as the cultural perspective in translation has gradually become one of the focuses in the field of translation research. In 1990, Susan Bassnett and Andre Lefevere, the two leading scholars in translation studies, who firmly believed that neither t

26、he word, nor the text, but the culture becomes the operational unit of translation as “momentous”, announced that the “cultural turn” in the field of translation had been under way for some time. (Bassnett and Lefevere, 1990:5) This marks a cultural turn for the field. Since then, the cultural turn

27、has been actually recognized in the field of translation.In China, before the appearance of the cultural translation theory, the linguistic perspective was the dominant in the translation theory and practice. But people have begun to realize the deficiency of it. In the course of finding the way out

28、, some scholars offer warm welcomes to the coming of the cultural perspective and propose to do translation studies in the broad context of cultural studies. With this change, the translators and the researchers in China and abroad can see the great challenges as well as the great opportunities. Als

29、o new researches on the translation strategies and translation theories will mushroom in the translation field. However, transmission of images is much more complicated than that of texts, as images are related to the lingual, cultural and social elements of a community.1.2 Previous Studies on Trans

30、lation of Cultural ImagesCultural images are incarnation of national wisdom and the cream of historical culture. Different peoples produce their own special images due to differences of living surroundings, cultural traditions and other factors. Quite a lot of these images have close relationships w

31、ith legends and totems. “In the years of historical development, cultural images appeared in peoples language, distributed in literary works, idioms, proverbs, and so on. They formed different kinds of cultural symbols with fixed and unique cultural connotations and some of them created rich and far

32、-reaching associations” (Xie Tianzhen,1999:180).Up to now, quite a few scholars have published books and papers for the discussion of the translation of cultural images, and their studies are mainly developed from the following three aspects.1. The translation of cultural images is discussed from the perspective of transmission strategies. By analyzing the transmission of some idioms, proverbs and allusions, some scholars propose transmission strategies such as literal transmissi

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