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1、英汉翻译技巧练习Istudent新英汉翻译技巧练习I一、词的翻译:3. 文化词语的翻译1. 要坚持“菜蓝子”市长负责制,“米袋子”省长负责制。It is necessary to persist in the system of the city mayors responsibility for the “market basket” and that of the provincial governors responsibility for the “rice bag”.2. 火灾事故发生后,厂里所有与事故有干系的工人都推诿扯皮,说错在别人不关自己的事儿。After the accide

2、ntal fire in the factory, all the workers involved kept passing the buck, saying it was someone elses fault not theirs.3. 实行“八七扶贫”攻坚计划。To carry out the plan to assist 80 million people in having sufficient food and clothing within seven years.4. 这幢乡村小学教学楼建了7年还未完工,是个典型的“半拉子”工程。Although it was started

3、 7 years ago, the teaching building in this country school remains unfinished, a typical never-to-be finished project.5. 拿到安家费,你就可以如愿给新家买台电脑了。Now that you have the settling-in allowance in hand, you can buy for your new home the computer youve always wanted to have.6. 企业吃国家“大锅饭”,员工吃企业“大锅饭”。The pract

4、ice of “eating from the same big pot” prevails in the relationship of the enterprise to the state and in that of the workers and staff members to their enterprises.7. 这两个人现在连话都不说,在大学时他们可是拜把兄弟,是最好的哥们儿。The two young men are hardly on speaking terms, but back in the university, they were sworn brothers

5、, the best friends.8. 他计划在自己的本命年骑摩托车飞跃黄河。He plans to cross the Yellow River on a motorcycle during the year of his animal sign.9. 鼻烟壶是中国传统民间工艺品,最早出现在17世纪中期。鼻烟壶的价值不在于其用途,而在于其内画艺术。Snuff bottle is a traditional Chinese folk craftwork, which first appeared in China in the mid-17th century. A snuff bottl

6、e is special not because of its practical use but the fact that its painted on the inside.10. 我们要培养出适应社会主义现代化建设需要的一代“四有新人”。We must bring forth a new generation of well-educated and self-disciplined people with lofty ideals and moral integrity, as it is necessary for our socialist modernization drive

7、.11. 已入狱的前市长悔恨地说:“我老婆吹了太多的枕边风给我,我才慢慢开始收取贿赂。”“My wife gave me too much pillow talk to persuade me into taking briberies,” regretted the former mayor who has been put into prison.12. 24岁的李乔明在狱中离奇死亡,而所谓的他在与其他狱友玩“躲猫猫”游戏时受伤致死的说法在网络上激起了众多质疑和热议。The mysterious death of Li Qiaoming, 24, who allegedly died of

8、 a head injury while playing a “hide-and-seek” game with fellow detainees, sparked wide discussion and doubts over the Internet.13. 冤家宜解不宜结,可是我不知道两家的世仇什么时候能结束。希望我这一代能看到那一天。I know its better to make friends than enemies, but I dont have an idea when the feud between the two families will end. I hope

9、it does in my generation.14. 城管执法机关约束性法令首次明确了城管执法人员权限和责任,要求执法人员保持“语言文明”、“举止端庄”,严禁城管执法人员滥用职权,谩骂、殴打当事人。The norms, written in the newly-made measures on how urban management officers should exercise their power and responsibilities, requires them to maintain “civilized language” and “dignified conduct”

10、 in the process of law enforcement, and bans any abuse of power or verbal and physical assault on others.15. 许多丁克一族一想到带孩子就不寒而栗。Many from so-called DINK families say they shudder at the thought of the pressures kids might bring.5. 词义的引申词义作抽象引申:1. There is a mixture of the tiger and ape in his nature.

11、他的天性既残暴又狡猾。2. Every life has its roses and thorns.每个生命都充满了美好与荆棘。3. She sailed into the room, 她仪态万方(或步态优雅)地走进房间。4. We must keep our powder dry.我们必须随时准备战斗,时刻保持警惕。5. John can be relied on. He eats no fish and plays the game.约翰值得信赖,因为他忠诚而守规矩。词义作具体引申:1. Do you see any green in my eye? 你觉得我好骗吗?2. The batt

12、lefield became something holy. It was not touched.这个战场成为一个圣地,依然保持当年的旧观。3. The Great Wall is a must for most foreign visitors to Beijing.对于来北京的大多数外国游客而言,长城是个必游之地。4. What aids there were to enlighten labor were immemorial.用以减轻劳动量的工具很久以前就存在了。6.增词:1. The crowds melted away. 人群渐渐散开了。2. As he sat down and

13、 began talking, words poured out他一坐下来就滔滔不绝,侃侃而谈。3. He sank down with his face in his hands.他跌坐下去,双手掩面。4. Mary washed for a living after her husband died of acute pneumonia.玛丽的丈夫死于急性肺炎之后,她就以洗衣为生。5. To wash before meal. To wash after getting up. To wash before going to bed.饭前要洗手,起床后要洗漱,睡前要洗澡。6. First

14、you borrow, then you beg.头一遭借钱,下一遭就讨饭。7. This typewriter is indeed cheap and fine. 这部打字机真是价廉物美。8. He is a complicated manmoody, mercurial, with a melancholy streak.他是一个性格复杂的人喜怒无常,情绪多变,有时还有点忧郁。9. He allowed the father to be overruled by the judge, and declared his own son guilty.他让法官的职责战胜了父子之间的亲情,最终宣

15、布自己儿子有罪。10. Newsmen went flying off to Mexico.记者们纷纷飞到墨西哥去了。11. The lion is the king of animals. 狮子是百兽之王。12. All the rules of the military discipline must be strictly observed.条条军规必须严格遵守。13. Once they had a quarrel.他们曾吵了一架。14. Herb gave her a sly look.赫伯偷偷看了她一眼。7. 重复:1. China is the cradle of ancient

16、 and modern cultures.中国既是古代文化的发源地,也是现代文化的摇篮。(中国是古代和现代文化的发源地?)2. Wood can not conduct electricity, nor can glass.木头不能导电,玻璃也不能导电。3. You can do translation work very well, if you care to.如果你专心翻译的话,你可以把翻译工作做得很好的。4. Grammar deals with the structure of language, English grammar with the structure of Engli

17、sh.语法讲的是语言结构问题,英语语法讲的是英语结构问题。5. We shall need to apply our scientific and technological resources to literally every aspect of our society, to our commerce, our industry, our medicine, our transportation.我们必须把科学技术资源切实地应用到社会上的每一个方面,应用到商业上,工业上,药物上和交通等方面。8. 综合练习翻译下列句子:1. He never read a book in his lif

18、e and still writes a schoolboy hand.他这辈子从没读过一本书,所以写起字来依然像个小学生似的。2. Mr. Hunter suddenly failed, and all hands in the mill were turned off.亨特先生突然破产,工厂的所有员工都被辞退了。3. Dont do your own thing, or you will meet with failure.别一意孤行,否则你会失败的。4. With old plaster-casting, the bone takes longer to knit and crippli

19、ng effects from muscle inactivity result.用打石膏的老办法,骨骼愈合的时间更长,还会因为肌肉不能活动导致残疾的后果。5. Hans was too obviously flattering the gentlemen by saying he was the most courageous man he had ever seen.汉斯说那位先生是自己见过的最勇敢的人,这显然是在拍他的马屁。6. Mr. Brown felt greatly flattered when he received the invitation to deliver a le

20、cture.布朗先生受邀发表演讲,倍感荣幸。7. She fell asleep.她睡着了。8. The city fell to the enemy.这座城市沦陷了。9. Dont walk along the top of the wall; you might fall.别沿着墙顶上行走,你可能会摔下来。10. Her face fell when I told her the news.当我告诉她这个消息时,她的脸沉了下来。11. The ripe fruit fell from the tree.成熟的果实从树上掉了下来。12. Interest rates fell sharply

21、 last week.上周利率急剧下跌。13. A prayer was said in memory of those who fell in the war.举行祷告时为了纪念那些在战争中阵亡的将士们。14. A careful study of the original text will give you a better translation.仔细研究原文,你会翻译得更好。15. Those small factories are also lavish consumer and waster of raw materials.那些小工厂还在极大地消耗和浪费原材料。16. I am

22、 anxious about his health.我很担心他的身体(健康)。17. I was encouraged by our president.我受到校长的鼓励。18. His whole family were religious.他全家都是虔诚的教徒。19. This issue is of vital importance.这个问题至关重要。20. Independent thinking is an absolute necessity in study.独立思考在学习中是必须的。21. It produces a great quantity of oil which ca

23、n be made into food for human consumption. 它产出大量油可以制成食物供人类食用(消费)。22. Scientists are confident about the formation of coal科学家们确知煤是怎样形成的。23. Scarcity of deer in some areas of Texas is attributed to the screw-worm.德克萨斯州某些地区的羊群之所以稀少是由于螺旋锥蝇造成的。24. They waited a long time before Mussolini suddenly stepped

24、 out on the balcony and raised a hand in salute.他们等了很长时间,墨索里尼突然走出来站在阳台,举手敬礼。25. Despite the great gains in industry, agriculture remained the nations basic occupation.尽管在工业方面取得了很大进步,但农业仍然是该国的基础产业。26. Our place in the flows of global capital is equally central.我们在全球资本流动方面也居于中心地位。27. For the internati

25、onal community the most striking consequence of these changes is that China has grown to be the worlds eleventh largest economy, and is set to grow further.对国际社会而言,这些变化所带来的最引人注目的结果就是中国已跃居世界第十一大经济体并且会更强。28. 如蒙早日寄来样品或产品册,不胜感激。It would be appreciated if samples or brochure/catalogue could be forwarded

26、to us soon,.29. 鄙人当尽力而为。Yours truly will try his best.30. 老王说他没着了。Lao Wang said he was at the end of his tether.31. 我们要培养出适应社会主义现代化建设需要的一代“四有新人”。We should bring forth a new generation of well educated and well discipline with lofty ideal and moral integrity to meet the demands of socialist moderniza

27、tion drive (或as/which is necessary for socialist modernization drive).32. 坚持一个中国的原则,是实现和平统一的基础和前提。Adherence to the one-China principle is the basis and premise for peaceful reunification.33. 但我的事现在搞得满城风雨、人人皆知了。There has been much publicity about my case.34. 这种人闹什么东西呢?闹名誉,闹地位,闹出风头。What are these peop

28、le after? They are after reputation, after status, and want to be in the limelight.35. 太阳出来了,月亮下去了。The sun is up while the moon is down.36. 他熟悉这种晶体管放大器的性能吗?Is he familiar with the functions/performance of the transistor amplifier?37. 这块表一个月的误差从不超过一秒钟。The watch never varies more than one second in a

29、month.38. 只有研究这些材料的特性才能更好地利用它们。Only when we study their features can we use these materials better.39. 打得赢就打,打不赢就走。Fight when you can win and move away when you cannot.40. 他到过的国外地方,我在半个世纪以前就到过了,如伦敦、巴黎、罗马、佛罗伦萨等欧洲城市。Overseas, he has been to such places as London, Paris, Rome, and Florence in Europe, w

30、hich I had visited half century ago.二、正反译法:1. He knew he was mortally ill.他知道自己病得不轻。2. The first bombs missed the target.第一批炸弹没有击中目标。3. Such a chance was denied me.我没有得到这样一个机会。4. We can safely say so.我们这么说错不了。5. His refusal is not final.他的拒绝还有回旋的余地。6. This failure is the making of him.这次失败成就了他。7. We

31、 believe that the younger generation will prove worthy of our trust.我们相信年轻一代是不会辜负我们信任的。8. He was 75, but he carried his years lightly.他75岁了,但并不显老。9. My guess is as good as yours.我俩的猜测差不了多少。10. The decision is to come.决定尚未作出。11. Dont lose time in posting this letter.抓紧时间寄这封信。12. The significance of t

32、hese incidents wasnt lost on us.我们并没忽略这些事的重要性。13. He saw at once that Phil was not all right.他一眼就看出菲尔不对劲。14. The conclusion we reached in Britain is that change simply cannot sensibly be put off.我们在英国得出的结论是变革是大势所趋。15. Let bygones be bygones.既往不咎。16. Haste makes waste.欲速则不达。17. Be careful! Mind my right arm! 小心点!别碰到我的右臂!18. She told me, as I departed, that shed hate to be in my position. 我离开的时候她告诉我,她可不愿意接替我的位置。19. Cease-fires in the Mideast have an un

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