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1、高中英语牛津译林版必修unittheworldofoursensegrammarandusage教案牛津高中英语教学设计教材:牛津高中英语(模块三)高一下学期文档内容:教学设计教案单元:Unit 1 The world of our senses板块:Grammar and usage课堂设计指导思想:本课语法为名词性从句。教学目的为帮助学生了解什么是名词性从句;学会连词that,if,whether的正确使用。语法课的设计应摒弃教师一讲到底,罗列语法规则的陈旧教学方式,把语法的运用放置于情景中。这样学生就会身临其境学习语法,生动、有趣,教学效果好。Teaching aims:1. Make

2、sure the students understand what the noun clauses are.2. Students should know the different use of noun clauses.3. Learn to use conjunctions: that, if/whether.Teaching procedures:Step 1. Introduction to noun clauses (ppt 4-5)What is noun?What is the use of noun?What is noun clause?(by reading some

3、sentences): At lunch, the weatherman reported that the mist would become a thick fog in the afternoon. She wondered if the buses would still be running. The truth is that the fog is too thick for the bus to run that far. What surprised me most was that the old man couldnt see anything.【设计说明】从课文中挑选出四

4、句名词性从句,经过两课时的课文阅读及语言点教学,学生对这些句型结构已有清晰的理解,以此导入名词性从句的教学显得比较自然。Step 2. Presentation (ppt 6-9)1. Ask students to read Part 1 on page8 so that they will know that a noun clause can be used as the subject of a sentence. More sentences can be given to the students.1) That he will succeed is certain .2) Whe

5、ther he will go there is not known .3) What he said is not true .4) Where he hid the money is to be found out .Have students read the sentence in which it is used as an preparatory subject:Whowillgomakesnodifference.= Itmakesnodifferencewhowillgo.Thatshewasabletocomemadeusveryhappy.=Itmadeushappytha

6、tshewasabletocome.2. Ask students to read Parts 2 so that they will know that a noun clause can be used either as the object of a verb or a preposition in a sentence.1) They know that the habit will kill them.2) He asked how much I paid for the violin.3) He made it clear to the public that he did an

7、 important and necessary job.4)I find it necessary that we should do the homework.Ask students to read the two sentences in which it is used as an preparatory object.3. Ask students to read Part 3 so that they will know that a noun clause can be used as the predicative after the link verb be.1)The q

8、uestion is whether we can rely on him. 2)Thats because we were in need of money at that time.3)He looked as if he was going to cry.4)Thats why I was late.4.Explain to students what apposition means. Then have the students read Part 4.1) The news that he failed in the exam surprised his parents.2) Wo

9、rd came that we would have two days off next week.3) There is no possibility that our team will lose the game.4) Ill keep the promise that I will help you out when you are in trouble.【设计说明】充分利用教材的英语讲解,帮助学生对名词性从句的结构有进一步的了解。同时通过翻译句子,补全句子等练习,强化学生对名词性从句的感性认识。Step 3. PracticeAsk the students to read the

10、article on page 9 and to describe the main idea in their own words. Make sure that they know what they need to do and that they can identify all the noun clauses.【设计说明】通过阅读Pleasant smells reduce pain,指导学生在理解文本的基础上,找出该文中所含的11句名词性从句,并要求说出名词性从句的类型。Step 4. Presentation (ppt 10-13)Noun clauses beginning

11、with that or if/whether.1.Ask the students to read Part 1, which is about using that to introduce a noun clause.2. Have students read Part 2, which is about using if or whether to introduce a noun clause.When do we use if/whether to introduce a noun clause?When can we only use whether bet not it?【设计

12、说明】通过阅读教材归纳的规则,加之教师中文释义,学生对that, if, whether的用法进行操练。Step 5. Practice (ppt 14-24)1. Ask students to finish exercises on page11.2. Do some exercises.【设计说明】在以上“明理”的基础上,设置操练,让学生学会运用。Step 6. Assignment (ppt 25)Finish C2 on page 92 of the workbook.【设计说明】课后的复习巩固,是语法教学必不可少的环节。学案:Language points of Module3 U

13、nit 1 The world of our senses Part I Welcome to the unit Part II Reading1. When Polly left home that morning, the city was already covered in a grey mist. 波莉离开家的那天早晨,这座城市已笼罩在灰白色的雾气中。cover vt 遮盖,掩盖;占地(面积);走过,行走(路程);读完;采访;(钱)够用;包括,涵盖She covered her face with her hands. 她以手掩面。拓展:be covered with 由所覆盖 co

14、ver up 掩饰,隐匿under (the) cover of 在.掩护下;以.为借口 from cover to cover 从头至尾under the same cover 在同一封信或同一邮包中2.step out into the fog =walk faster into the fog 加快脚步进入浓雾中3. wonder vt. (1) 对 感到疑惑,想要知道+ 疑问词引导的句子或不定式 (2) 礼貌地提问或请人做事时说 I wonder ifvi 对感到惊讶 (at/ about) n. (Its ) no wonder (that). 难怪I wonder what we

15、will do next = I wonder what to do next. 我不知道下一步该做什么。No wonder youre that/so tired, youve been walking for hours. 难怪你那么累,你一直走了好几个小时。4. Once out in the street, she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop. 一出来到大街上,她就很快地朝她平常等的汽车站走去。Once out in the street 相当于 Once she was out in the street 引导时间状语从句。在从

16、句主语与主句主语一致时,从句可省略主语。例如:Once published (publish), this dictionary will be very popular.Once seen (see), it will never be forgotten. Once seeing(see) Jim, I will inform him of the news.Words of similar use: if; when; while; unless etc.When brushing(brush) your teeth , dont leave water running all the

17、time.If brushed (brush) three times a day, teeth can remain healthy. First aid, if properly done (do), can save a persons life. I wont go to the party unless (I am) invited(invite).5. The truth is that it is too foggy for the bus to run that far.=The truth is that the fog is so thick that the bus ca

18、nt run so far. 事实上是雾太浓了,车不能开那么远。 句中第一个that引导的是表语从句。例如:The reason he did not come is that he was ill. 他没来的原因是他病了。 第二个that (或this) 在此处等于so,意思是“那么”(或“这么”),修饰形容词或副词。例如: Can hard work change a person that much? 艰辛会使人变化那么大吗?You see, afog this bad is rare.(Page3 Line53) 你听我说,这么糟糕的雾很少见。6. As Polly observed

19、the passengers on the train, she had a feeling that she was being watched by a tall man in a dark overcoat. Line 14-15observe: vt. 观察 observe sth./sb.; observe that The teacher _ _ _ _ _ _老师发现一些学生睡着了。 observe (see, watch, notice) sb. do sth. 观察某人做某事(强调过程,动作的结果) sb. doing sth. 观察某人做某事 (强调动作正在进行)obser

20、ver: n. 观察者observation: n. 观察,观察力 in a dark coat表示“穿着黑色外套”。“in+服饰或颜色”可以表示人的穿戴。The man in a uniform is a detective. _。Do you know _? 你认识那个穿红衣服的女孩吗?7. While the rest of the passengers were getting out, she glanced at the faces around her.a. The doctor prescribed some pills and told her to get/have a w

21、eeks rest. n. 休息b. Parents rest their hope on their children. Vt 依靠;寄托c. Well eat some of the bread and keep the rest for breakfast. n.剩余的人,物再:The rest of his life was spent in prison. 他的余生在狱中度过。The rest of the books are on the shelf. 剩余的那些书在架子上。the rest 作主语时,谓语动词由of 后的名词(单、复数)决定glance: vi. glance a

22、t 看一眼,瞥一眼The man glanced nervously at his watch. 男子紧张地瞥了一眼他的手表。【辨析】glance at 很快地看一眼,瞥一眼 glare at 怒视 stare at 凝视,盯着看 n. give/take/have a glance at (朝)一瞥8. The tall man was nowhere to be seen. 哪儿也看不到这个高个子男人了。to be seen是动词不定式的被动形式,在此作定语。通常不定式的逻辑主语是动作的承受者时,且动作的施动者不明确时,不定式要用被动语态。例如:The meeting to be held

23、 is of great importance. 明天要开的会很重要。These are the books to be distributed among the students. 这些是要发给学生的书。nowhere无处;任何地方都不。例如:The missing wallet is nowhere to be found. 丢失的钱包任何地方都找不着。Nowhere else could we find the missing wallet. 我们任何其他地方都找不到丢失的钱包。9.L2122 As she walked along the narrow street, she hea

24、rdthe sound of footstepsapproaching, L 23 Suddenly Polly felta rough handbrush her cheek, andL 25 She could feelher heartbeating with fear.L32 Polly found herselfstaring up at the face of an old man with a beard. 上述四个句子中划线部分的结构都为:动词 + _ + _,分别由现在分词 (如approaching,beating,staring ) 或者_(如brush) 充当_。 (

25、你能说它们之间的区别吗?)10. Polly set off towards Park Street. 波莉向花园街走去。Line20-21set off 动身,出发(常与for连用);引爆,使爆炸;引起,激发Panic on the stock market set off a wave of selling. 股票市场上人心惶惶,掀起了抛售浪潮。set about doing sth开始着手做某事 set an example to 为.树立榜样set out to do sth开始做某事 set aside 存储,留出set up 建立,成立 set foot on 踏上,涉足 set

26、fire to 点燃,点火11. but by the time she reached the corner of the street, the footsteps were gone.By the time they get here, well _ have finished _ (finish) the work. By the time l got to the station,the train _ had _ already _ gone _(go).By the time I finished eating, he _ was _already _ asleep _(asle

27、ep).小结:by the time + 一般过去时,主句用过去完成时,表示主句动作发生在从句动作之前。by the time + 一般现在时从句,主句用将采完成时,表示主句动作将先发生。当主句的谓语有表状态的be动词时,主句通常不用完成时态。拓展:表示时间的短语可作为连词用的还有:every time,the instant,the moment,the day,the year,next time,the first (second,third.)time等以及副词immediately,instantly,directly等。12她能感到由于害怕自己的心在砰砰乱跳。She could f

28、eel her heart beating with fear.with表示原因 如:冷得发抖shake with coldbeatv.跳动;击打;拍打;打败 n.心跳节拍 过去式beat,过去分词beatenHes still aliveI can feel his heart beating(心跳).Occasionally the master beat the desk (敲着桌子) with his heavy ruler as he cried,“Silence, please silence!”He beat me (赢了我)at chess.beat down 打倒 beat

29、off 击退,打退 beat sb. to death 打死 13. A minute before, she had wished for someone to come along. Now she wanted to run, but fear held her still. 刚才她还盼望着能有人朝她这里走来。现在她想到的是跑掉,但是因为恐惧,她一动也不能动。和a minute before连用的时态是过去完成时,如果是a minute ago则和一般过去时时态连用wish for 意思是盼望/期盼Its no use wishing for the impossible (期望不可能的

30、事).hold vt. 使保持特定位置或状况 Hold your head up ( 抬起你的头来) for three minutes; it will help you relax. The man held the door open (让门敞开) as he noticed an old woman came up behind him. still (1)adj. 静止的,不动的Keep still while I fasten your shoe. 当我替你系鞋带时,你不要动。The sea was calm and still. 海上风平浪静。(2)adj. 寂静的,无声的The

31、 room was still at the end of the speech. 演讲结束时,室内一片寂静。辨析still, calm,quiet, 与silentstill 静止的,不动的,指没有运动或动作的状态;calm 平静的,沉着的,指无风浪或人的心情不激动;quiet 宁静的,安静的,指没有声音,不吵闹或心里没有烦恼焦虑;silent 寂静的,沉默的,不发音的,指没有声音或不讲话。Tell the children to keep calm. 告诉孩子们沉着些。(指不慌张,冷静)She kept silent about the matter. 她对这件事保持沉默。(指什么也不说)Ask the boys to keep quiet. 让孩子们保持安静。(指不要吵闹)The officer asked the Swedish t

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