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1、外科学名词英中文对照索引Abdo minal aortic an eurysm腹主动脉瘤Anal fistula 肛痿An esthesia 麻醉Abdomi nal injury 腹部损伤An esthesiology 麻醉学Abscess 脓肿Achalasia of cardia 贲门失弛症An eurysm 动脉瘤An kylos ing spo ndylitis 强直性脊柱炎Acute chola ngitis of severe type, ACSTcute abdome n 急腹症cute acalculuscholecystitis 急性非结石性旦囊炎Acute celluli

2、tis 急性蜂窝织炎Anuria 无尿Aortic in sufficie ncy or aortic regurgitati on主动脉瓣关闭不全cute appe ndicitis 急性阑尾炎cute bone atrophy 急性骨萎缩Aortic sten osis 主动脉瓣狭窄Arterial embolism 动脉栓塞Arteriosclerosis oblitera ns ,ASO 动脉硬化闭塞症急性重症型胆管炎Artificial heart-lu ng mach ine 人工心肺机Acute cholecystitis 急性胆囊炎Acute hemorrhagic en te

3、ritisArtificial respirati on 人工呼吸急性出血性肠Asepsis 无菌术Acute lymphade nitis急性淋巴结炎Acute lympha ngitis急性淋巴管炎Acute liver failure, acute hepatic failure性肝衰竭Acute mastitis 急性乳腺炎Acuteobstructivesuppurativechola ngitis,AOSC急性梗阻性化脓性胆管炎Acute pan creatitis急性胰腺炎急性胃十二指肠穿孔ulcerAtherosclerotic coronary artery disease冠

4、状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病Atrial septal defect 房间隔缺损BBacterial liver abscess 细菌性肝脓肿Bacteriemia,bacteremin 菌血症Bala noposthitis 阴茎头包皮炎Basal an esthesia 基础麻醉Basal energy expe nditure, BEE 基础能量消耗Benign prostatic hyperplasia 良性前列腺辅助通气Assist-mode ven tilation ,AMVAcute rejection 急性排斥反应Acute renal failure ,ARF急性肾衰竭Acuter

5、espiratorydistressBiliary ascariasis胆道蛔虫病Bladder tumor an tige n,BTA 膀胱肿瘤抗原Bladder exstrophy膀胱外翻Bladder tumor, tumor of bladder膀胱肿瘤Blast injury of lung肺爆震伤Blood comp onents成分血Blood tran sfusi on输血增生syn drome ,ARDS 急性呼吸窘迫综合征Acute retention of urine增生Bone cyst 骨囊肿成人型呼吸窘迫综合征Brain hernia 脑疝nal fissure 肛

6、裂Brain edema 脑水肿Brachial plexus injury 臂丛神经损伤drenal cortical hyperplasia 肾上腺皮质增Bone and joint tuberculosis 骨与关节结核急性尿潴留denoma of bron chus 支气管腺瘤dvanced life support ,ALSirway obstructionmebic liver abscessdrenal medulla hyperplasia 肾上腺髓质Adult respiratorydistress syn drome ,ARDSBasic life support ,BLS

7、初期复苏后期复苏呼吸道梗阻阿米巴性肝脓肿Bran ched-cha in amino acids,BCAA支链氨基酸Breast cancer 孚 L腺癌Breast sarcomaCholelithiasis 胆石病Chondroma软骨瘤化症Chon drosarcoma 软骨肉瘤Chordoma脊索瘤Chronic cholecystitis 慢性胆囊炎Chron ic pain 慢性疼痛Choledocholithiasis 胆总管结石Chronic appe ndicitis 慢性阑尾炎CBron cho-pul monarycarcinomajtrrjBudd-Chiari syn

8、 drome 巴德吉亚利综合 征Bron chiectasisBrodie s abscess局限性骨脓肿支气管扩张支气管肺Buerger Burn烧伤s disease血栓闭塞性脉官炎Chronic constrictive pericarditis 慢性缩窄Chon dromalacia of the patella 髌骨软骨软Bursitis滑囊炎性心包炎胰头下血肿Chyluria乳糜尿Clea ning wound 清洁伤口Cleft lip 唇裂Closed fractureClosed injury 闭合性创伤resuscitation ,CPCRCold injury 冷伤aro

9、tid en darterectomy 颈动脉内膜切除术audal block 骶管阻滞静脉痿管瘤Congenital choledochus cyst 先天性胆总管囊肿关节脱位Closed brain injury 闭合性脑损伤Con ge nital clubfoot 先天性畸形足arcinoma of bile duct 胆管癌先天性直肠肛管畸形atecholami ne 儿茶酚胺Coarctation of aorta 主动脉狭窄Closed pn eumothorax 闭合性气胸Congen ital arteriove nous fistula 先天性动心肺脑复苏ardiospas

10、m 贲门失弛症Congen ital dislocati on of the hip 先天性髋ardiac tamp on ade 心脏压塞征ardiac tran spla ntati on 心脏移植ardiopul monary bypass 体外循环ardiopulm onary cerebralCongen ital equ in ovarus 先天性马蹄内翻足Congen ital hydrocephalus 先天性脑积水Congen ital hypertrophic pyloroste no sisChro nic pain relief 慢性疼痛治疗Chro nic pan c

11、reatitis 慢性胰腺炎Chro nic rejection 慢性排斥反应Chronic subdural hematoma 慢性硬脑膜Cleft palate 腭裂erebral con cussionatheter-related in fectio n静脉导管感染2伤ancer of the head of the pan creasjtrrjarbuncle 痈erebral resuscitationavernous hema ngioma 海绵状血管瘤avernous hema naioma of liver 肝海绵状arcinoma of bladder 膀胱癌 arcino

12、ma of gallbladder 胆囊癌 arcinoma of rectum 直肠癌 arcinoma of stomach 胃癌 ardiac con tusi on 心脏挫伤ardiac myxoma 心脏粘液瘤 ardiac rupture 心脏破裂en tral venous pressure, CVP中心静脉压脑震汤erebral contussion and laceration 脑挫Chest trauma胸部损伤Chilblain 冻疮Cholecystolithiasis 胆囊结石脑复苏Cervical spon dylosis 颈椎病闭合性骨折I Colon cance

13、r 结肠癌Combined injuries 复合伤Combined an esthesia 复合麻醉Congen ital ano-rectal malformatio n先天性肥厚性幽门狭窄Congen ital megaco Ion先天性巨结肠Congen ital solitary kid ney 孤立肾Congen ital syn dactylia 先天性并指 Con ge ni tal torticollis 先天性肌斜颈syn drome非ACTH依赖性皮质醇症Crohn s disease 克罗恩病Crush injury 挤压伤Cryoprecipitate,Cryo 冷沉

14、淀Cryptorchidism 隐睾Crystalluria 晶体尿Curling s ulce柯林溃疡Cushing s ulcer库欣溃疡Cushing s syndrome 库欣综合征Dissect ing aortic an eurysm 夹层动脉瘤Diverticulum of esophagus 食管憩室Dribbli ng 滴沥Dump ing syn drome倾倒综合征Duode nal diverticulum十二指肠憩室Dural arteriovenousmalformatio n 硬脑膜动静脉畸形Dysplasia of kid ney 肾发育不全Dysuria 尿痛

15、En doscopic n asobiliary dra in age, ENAD经内镜鼻胆管引流术En teral n utritio n,EN 肠内营养En uresis 遗尿Epidermoid cyst 表皮样囊肿Epididymitis 附睾炎Epidural block 硬脊膜外腔阻滞Erect ion 勃起Dislocation of the acromioclavicular iointErosive gastritis 糜烂性胃炎Erysipelas 丹毒食管癌Epididymal tuberculosis 附睾结核En dotracheal in tubation 气管内插

16、管Epidural hematoma 硬脑膜外血肿Epispadias 尿道上裂Cyst of liver 肝囊肿Cystic kid ney disease 囊性肾病变ystitis膀胱炎DDebridementDefibrillationDiaphragmatic herniaDeliberate hypote nsionDiffuse axonal injuryDirect inguinal herniaDislocation of the elbowDislocation of the hip iointDislocation of the patellaDislocation of

17、the shoulder iointDecreased force of urin ationechinococciasis (echnococcosis )of liver肝棘球蚴病Ectopic corticotropin syndrome 异位ACTH综合征Ectopic kid ney 异位肾Ectopic testes 异位睾丸Ectopic ureters 异位输尿管开口Electric burn 电烧伤Empyema 脓胸En demic goiter 地方性甲状腺肿En doscopic retrogradeEchino coccusdiseasechola ngiopa nc

18、reatography,ERCP内镜逆行胰胆管造影Eof liver,清创术尿线无力Deep venous thrombosis深静脉血栓形成电除颤Delayed union 骨折延迟愈合Delayed traumatic in tracra nial hematoma迟发性外伤性颅内血肿Dermatofibrosarcomaprotubera ns隆突性皮纤维肉瘤Dermoid cyst 皮样囊肿膈疝控制性降压凹陷性骨折Depressed fracture弥散性轴索损伤锁关节脱位腹股沟直疝肘关节脱位髋关节脱位髌骨脱位肩关节脱Erosive burn of esophagus 腐蚀性食管灼Es

19、ophageal leiomyoma 食管平滑肌瘤Esophageal carci no ma,carc inomaesophagusofcardia贲门周围血管离断术Exte nsiveesophagogastricdevascularizati on贲门周围血管离断术Gan glion腱鞘囊肿waveGas gangrene 气性坏疽外冲击波碎石Felon指头炎结核Femoral hernia 股疝Firearm injury 火器伤Fracture 骨折Hematuria 血尿Hemobilia胆道出血Hemodialysis 血液透析Hemopurificati on 血液净化肱骨He

20、mothorax 血胸Hepatolithiasis肝内胆管结石humerusFibroade noma 纤维腺病Fibroxa nthoma 纤维黄色瘤Hemorrhoid 痔Gia nt cell tumor 骨巨细胞瘤Flexible flatfoot 易变性平足症Fixati on of fracture 骨折的固定Hemorrhagic gastritis 出血性胃炎Hepatic en cephalopathy 肝性脑病Flail chest 连枷胸Flatfoot平足症Extracorporeal circulatio n 体外循环Extracorporeal shocklith

21、otripsy,ESWLof the surgicalneck of theFractureFracture of the shaft of the femurFracture of the shaft of the humerusFFatigued fracture 疲劳骨折跟骨骨折Fracture of the distal radius桡骨下端骨折Fracture of the femoral n eck股骨颈骨折Fracture of the metatarsal趾骨骨折Fracture of the an kle 踝部骨折Fracture of the calca neumFract

22、ure of the clavicle 锁骨骨折Fracture of the patella髌骨骨折Fracture of the pelvis骨盆骨折Fracture of the phala nx 跖骨骨折股骨干干骨折Fracture of the spine脊柱骨折Gono rrheal urethritis淋菌性尿道炎Graft-versus-host disease,GVHD对抗宿主病Gut derived infection肠源性感染HHallux valgus 拇外翻Head injury颅脑外伤Helicobacter pyroli 幽门螺杆菌移植物Glioma神经胶质瘤 G

23、luatmi ne ,Gln 谷氨酰胺肱骨外科颈骨折Fracture of the tibia and fibula 胫腓骨干骨折1Freque ncy 尿频Fresh froze n plasma 新鲜冷冻血浆Frostbite 冻伤Froze n plasma 冷冻血浆Fun gal infection 真菌感染Funn el chest 漏斗胸Garre s osteomyelitis 硬化性骨髓炎Gastri noma 胃泌素瘤Gastroduode nal ulcer 胃十二指肠溃疡Gen eral an esthesia 全身麻醉Genitourinary tuberculosis

24、 泌尿、男生殖系Hema ngiomacapilla nisum 毛纟田血管瘤Hema ngiomacaver nosum 海绵状血管瘤Hema ngiomaracemosum 蔓状血管瘤Hematospermia 血精In direct inguinal hernia腹股沟斜疝In duct ion of an esthesia全身麻醉诱导1Infan tile hydrocephalus婴儿脑积水In fected wou nd 感染伤口In fertility 不育In flammatory breast cancer 炎性乳腺癌In halati on an esthesia吸入全身麻

25、醉In halati on an esthetics吸入麻醉药Injuries of the semil unar cartilages膝关节半月板损伤Injury of media n nerve正中神经损伤Injury of radial nerve桡神经损伤Injury of sciatic n erve坐骨神经损伤Injury of ulnal nerve尺神经损伤Injury of duode num十二指肠损伤Insulinoma胰岛素瘤In terloopabscesss 肠间脓肿In termitte nt man datory ven tilati on, IMVHyperm

26、ag nesemia 高镁血症 Hyperphosphatemia 高磷血症Hypersple nism 脾功能亢进Hyperthyroidism 甲状腺功能亢进症(甲亢)Hyperto nic dehydrati on 高渗性缺水Hypocalcemia 低钙血症Hypochloremia 低氯血症Hypoglycemic syn drome 低血糖综合征Hypokalemia 低钾血症Hypon atremia 彳氐钠血症In testi nal tuberculosis 肠结核Hypophosphatemia 低磷血症Hypospadias 尿道下裂Hypothalamus injury

27、 下丘脑损伤Hypothermia 低温In testi nal tran spla ntati on小肠移植In tracerebral hematoma脑内血肿In tracra nial an eurysm颅内动脉瘤In tracra nial hematoma颅内血肿In tracra nial pressure, ICP颅内压In tracra nial tumor 颅内肿瘤In traductal papilloma 乳管内乳头状瘤Hypove ntilation 通气不足ressure 颅内压增Hypoto nic dehydration 低渗性缺水In cide ntally

28、discovered adre nal masses 禺发性肾上腺瘤LIn creased in tracra nial咼Impote nee 阳萎In traspi nal tumor 椎管内肿瘤In carcerated hernia 嵌顿性疝In trathecal block 椎管内阻滞Hypoxemia 低氧血症In cisi onal hernia 切口疝Incon ti nence 尿失禁In trave nous an esthesia静脉全身麻醉In trave nous an esthetics静脉麻醉药In tussuscepti on 肠套叠Irreducible he

29、rnia 难复性疝Isot on ic dehydratio n 等渗性缺水Laceratio n 撕裂伤Laparoscopic cholecystectomy, LC 腹腔镜胆囊切除术Lateral epic on dylitis of humerus 肱骨外上 髁炎Leiomyosarcoma 平滑肌肉瘤Leukocyte concen trate 浓缩白细胞Leukocyte privative red blood cell 去白细胞的红细胞Libido性欲Limb repla ntation 断肢再植Lin ear fracture 线性骨折 Lipoma脂肪瘤Liver abscess 肝脓肿Liver tran spla ntati on 肝移植Liver- in test ine tran sp

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