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1、morphologysyntax形态学句法学morphology-syntax-形态学-句法学Chapter 3&4 summary于梦婷 翻译方向班 2014417791 Chapter 3 Morphology -one of the scope of linguistics is instructed in chapter 3. Morphology refers to the part of the grammar that is concerned with word formation and word structure. Different rules apply to cla

2、ssify words. First one is part of speech(词性). Second one is meaning expressed. Third one is different classes. Nouns Verbs lexical words(content words) Adjectives open class wordsWords can be divided into Adverbs Conjunctions Prepositions grammatical words(functional words) Articles closed class wor

3、ds PronounsLinguists define word as the smallest free form found in language. A free form is simply an element that does not have to occur in a fixed position with respect to its neighboring elements;in many cases, it can even appear in isolation. For instance, The boys left. The plural marking -s i

4、s not a free form.The most important component(部分) of a word structure is the morpheme(词素, 形态素) t he smallest unit of language that carries information about meaning or function. Free and bound morpheme Morpheme Allomorphs (语素变体) We can set out to analyze the internal structure of words from three a

5、spects.1、free and bound morphemes2、Root,affix and stem 3、Derivational and infectional morphemes Although there are lots of rules of formation,we can see it morphologically since learning morphology. 1、inflection(屈折法) -ing -ed -er -est -s -s 2、compounding(复合构词法)3、derivation(派生法)4、conversion(转化法) 1)cl

6、ipping(拆分) 2)initials and acronyms(首字母缩写)5、abbreviation(缩写法) 3)blending(混合)6、back formation(反成法)7、neologism(coinage新语)8、borrowing(借用法)Chapter 4 Syntax,a branch of linguistics that studies the rules that govern the formation of sentences is introduced in chapter 4. First,sentence types must be master

7、ed. simple sentence According to their structure coordinate sentence complex sentence SV/SVO/SVC According to the linear order of constituents SVA/SVOO/SVOC/SVOASecond,there are various approaches to syntactic studies. the traditional approach the structural approach the generative approach the func

8、tional approach Parts of speech1、the traditional approach Function of words categories Concord and government (一致性与普通语法) tense and aspect(时和体)2、the structural approachsyntagmatic and paradigmatic relations(组合关系与聚合关系)endocentric and exocentric constructions(向心结构与离心结构) Immediate constitute analysis (直

9、接成分分析法)3、the generative approach Category refers to a group of linguistic items which fulfill the same or similar functions in a particular languages. A fundamental fact about words in all human languages is that they can be grouped together into a relatively small number of classes,called syntactic

10、 categories,which can generally substitute for one another without loss of grammaticality. 1、The most central categories to the syntactic study are the word-level categories. Here word level categories are divided into two kinds: Nouns(N)Major lexical categories Verbs(V) Adjective(A) Preposition(P)

11、Determiner(Det) Degree words(Deg)Minor lexical categories Qualifier(Qual) Auxiliary (Aux) Conjunction(Con)2、 Syntactic units that are built around a certain word category are called phrases,the category of which is determined by the word category around which the phrase is built. The most commonly r

12、ecognized and discussed phrasal categories are noun phrase(NP),verb phrase(VP),adjective phrase(AP)and prepositional phrase(PP). Phrases can consist of just one word. Phrases that are formed of more than one word usually contain : head Specifier -left side of the head Complement -right side of the h

13、ead3、 Grammatical mechanism that regulates the arrangement of elements that make up a phrase is called a phrase structure rule.Eg.the book on the desk NP(Det)N(PP) The XP rule: XP(specifier)X(complement) XP Specifier head complement4、 specifier Phrase element complementsPhrase elementComplementizers

14、 Miss Hebert believes that modifierPhrase element 5、 The S rule: SNP VP Linguists take an abstrct category inflection(dubbed “infl”)as their heads,which indicates the sentences tense and agreement. Inflp NP infl VP6、1)yes-no question Eg. Will the train arrive? First step: CPC S NP Infl VP Det N will

15、 V The trian arriveSecond step: CPC S NP Infl VP Det N will V The trian arrive Inversion Third step: CPC SInfl NP Infl VPwill Det N will V The trian arrive 2)do insertionEg. Do birds fly? CPC S NP Infl VP N Nonpst V Birds fly CPC S NP Infl VP N do V Birds fly CPC SInfl NP Infl VPwill N e V Birds fly3)wh movement Eg. What languages can you speak?What languages can you_speak_? A B CP C S Infl NP Infl VP can N e V NP you speak eeg. Who win the game? CPNP C S NP Infl VP NP e Pst V Det N win the game

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