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1、浙江杭州市江干区中考英语二模试题及答案 2019年杭州市江干区初中毕业升学模拟考试(二)第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节(共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给(A、B、C 和 D) 的四个选项中选出最佳选项。ARestaurants in the USASteves PizzaSo many pizza stores in South Beach, but ask a Miami Beach local (当地人) where to get the best pizza and theyll tell you about Steves. t

2、his is New York-style pizza, handmade with care and good ingredients ( 佐 料 ). New stores of Steves are opening in non-tourist areas in Miami. Opening hours :11 am-13 amCattlemans SteakhouseThis place is the east of the city, but local people would probably drive 200 miles to eat here. The food is go

3、od, and the scenery is even better. Come early around the grounds of Indian cliffs ranch, where you will see everything from rabbits to buffalo (水牛), then catch the sunset either before or after your meal. Opening hours: 5 pm-10 pmAbsolute Baking & CafThe screen door is always swinging open at this

4、town hot spot with big breakfasts. Try the green chili on eggs its made from scratch, as are the organic breads. Lunch includes salads, big sandwiches and local grass-fed beef burgers. Dont miss a square of soft, fresh carrot cake. Opening hours: 7 am- 2 pmWalts WharfEverybodys favorite for fresh fi

5、sh (some drive in from LA), Walts packs them in on weekends. You cant order your dinner( though theyre accepted for lunch ), but its worth the wait for the seafood and steaks in the many-windowed ground floor or upstairs in captains chairs. Opening hours: 11 am-3:30 pm16. According to the passage, S

6、teves Pizza_. A. has new stores all over MiamiB. lies on Miami BeachC. serves the best pizza in MiamiD. is open only in the daytime17. Which restaurant serves both breakfast and lunch?A. Steves Pizza. B. Walts Wharf. C. Cattlemans Steakhouse. D. Absolute Baking & Cafe. 18. The passage is probably ta

7、ken from_. A. a science reportB. a history bookC. a travel magazineD. a movie posterBTEXT AHello listeners ! This is Penny Lam on Radio KID, I am bring you the midday news . Earlier today, Jai Smith a Year 4 student, was badly hurt at school. I have Jais friend. San Jones on the phones. She saw the

8、accident . Sam, can you tell our listeners what went on at school today?Well, we were doing our fun run. Jai was running really fast at the end of the race and not looking where he was going. Then bang! He hit the ground. It was lucky I didnt fall on top of him! There was blood everywhere!TEXT BYest

9、erday, a badly injured ten-year-old child was rushed to hospital after an accident in a fun run at a local school. The fun run event is part fitness program being run at Clara College to improve the health of children at the school. The event began on the playground, went into a park at the back of

10、the school, and finished under trees near the school office block. Late in the race, Jai Smith, a student at the school, fell down because of a rock.I was just running as fast as I could even while I was passing the finishing line, and just fell over the rock, Jai told our reporter Jack. A teacher a

11、t the scene(现场) said, We had checked the whole racing course for the run just before the gun went off. It looks like a rock was put there just after we checked. “Young jai had a good chance of winning before he was hurt,” he said.Who put the rock at the end of the race? Whose responsibility( 责任 )? T

12、eachers at the school may be asked to give a report to the police. 19. How many people are interviewed according to the passage?A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four20. Which of the following is the right of the events?a. A rock was found on the way. b. Jai fell on the ground. c. The teachers checked the r

13、acing course. d. Sam was interviewed by the reporter. A. c- b- a- d B. a- b- c- dC. b- c- a- d D. d- b- a- c21. Whats the main reason for the accident?A. There were too many rocks on the racing course. B. Sam fell on the top of Jai when Jai was on the ground. C. The teachers didnt check the racing c

14、ourseD. Jai Smith ran too fast to watch his step at the end of the race. 22. Which of following would be the best title for the news?A. Who put the rock on the way in the race ?B. How did the accident happen in the race?C. How do students keep safe in the fun run?D. Who should be responsible for the

15、 accident?CAbout 10 years ago, I started a job as a trainer. In one of my first classes, the head trainer told us a very encouraging story. He began by drawing a man standing in the middle of a circle. To make it more interesting ,he drew things like a house, a car, and a few friends inside the circ

16、le. He asked the question, “can anyone tell me what this is? ” in a long silence, one guy decided to throw out, “the world?” the trainer said,” thats close. Actually, this is your comfort zone. Inside your circle, you have all the things that are important to you. Your home, your family, your friend

17、s and your job. People feel that inside this circle they are safe from any danger.” Can anyone tell me what happens when you step out of this circle?” a strong silence came over the room. The same guy finally started, “You are afraid.” Another guy said, “You make mistakes.” The silence continued and

18、 the trainer smiled and said, “When you make mistakes, what can the result be?” The first guy shouted, “You learn something.”“Exactly, you are learning.” The trainer turned to the board and drew an arrow( 箭头) pointing from the man to the outside of the circle. And he went on, “When you leave your Co

19、mfort Zone you put yourself out there, in front of the world that you are not comfortable with. The end result is what you have learned something that you did not know and you slowly become a better person.” He turned again to the board and drew a bigger circle around the first one, and added a few

20、new things like friends, a bigger house, etc.23. According to the passage, the Comfort Zone is probably_. A. a house which can offer us safetyB. a circle which we can stay insideC. a group of people who bring us pleasureD. a place we can live a comfortable life24. If we step out of the first circle,

21、 we may_. A. have fewer friendsB. be more afraid to talkC. learn something moreD. feel safer and happier25. The find drawing on the board might be_. A. B. C. D. 26. The best ending of this passage could be_. A. To keep safe, please stay inside the Comfort ZoneB. If you want to get more, youd better

22、stay in the Comfort ZoneC. Step out of the Comfort Zone, and you can be a better person.D. You can make more friends if you leave the Comfort ZoneDWhere is the worlds happiest place? The answer is Denmark, according to the 2016 World Happiness Report. Denmark is neither the richest nor the biggest c

23、ountry. So, what makes its 5.7 million people so happy?The country is famous for its welfare system (福利体系) , that includes heath care and education. Bu besides that, the main reason Danish people are so happy is because of their lifestyle. Have you heard of the word “hygge”? In English, it can be tr

24、anslated into comfort. But hygge is more than that-having a tasty meal with family, talking with friends under the sunshine on weekends, enjoying music ,or having a movie night. All these things can be called hygge, which is Danish peoples everyday life. Danish people also have a healthy habit-ridin

25、g bikes In Denmarks capital, Copenhagen, bikes are used about 50 percent of the time on the way to school or work. Biking is not only helpful to protect the environment . It is also good for peoples heath. Just 30 minutes of biking ever day adds about one to two years to a persons lifetime. Trust is

26、 also important for Danish people. They trust others and people they dont even know. In Aarhus, the second biggest city of Denmark, you can see people buy flowers even when the owner isnt there. People just put money in the empty flowerpot. Trust helps make people happy. “The Danish have no great ex

27、pectations about what they will do or what will happen to them, Kaire Christensen, a university teacher said, They are happy with what they have. 27. what does the underlined word “that” in paragraph 3 refer to?A. good education. B. health careC. welfare system D. small population28. Which of the fo

28、llowing can be a “hygge” style ?A. Working hard at weekends. B. Enjoying music with friends. C. Staying up late studying at night. D. Spending a lot of time on business meals. 29. Besides hygge, what else helps Danish people feel happy?A. They have high expectationB. There is a nice environment with

29、out pollution. C. People trust each other, including the strangers. D. It is a must to ride bikes to work or school everyday. 30. what does the passage main about?A. The welfare system in Denmark. B. The happy lifestyle in Denmark. C. The happiest place in Denmark. D. The expectations in Denmark. 第二

30、节(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)下面文章中有五处 ( 第 31-35 题 ) 需要添加首句。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E 和 F)中选出符合各段意思的首句。选项中有一项是多余选项。A desert is a very dry land where there is hardly any rain. In the day. It can be so hot that you could fry an egg on the ground. But during the night it is sometimes so cold that water would turn in

31、to ice. 31_. But some have mountains, rocks, or lakes that have dried up in the heat. The Sahara Desert in Africa is mostly sand. The Australian Desert has red sand. 32_. But there is water deep under the ground and some plants have roots that go very deep to find it. Other plants have roots that sp

32、read out a long way so they can take in the rain as soon as it falls. Camels are living in the deserts. They store water- inside their bodies.33_. They have to be very good at seeing and hearing because most of them only come out at night. This is why many desert animals have extra big eyes or ears.34_. But they always m

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