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1、高中英语冠词练习题高中英语冠词练习题一选择题(共60小题)1Jane did _ good job in the exam and as _ reward,her parents took her to Beijing last September()Aa; the Ba; a C不填; a D不填; the2My mother asked me to repeat _ telephone number _ second time so that she could write it down()Athe; a Ba; the Ca; a Dthe; the3Customers can use

2、 _ information on the side of the packet to help have _ healthier diet()Athe; the B/; the Cthe; a D/; a4_ Chinese pianist Lang Lang becomes the first Chinese to be named International Artist of the YearYesThis is _ historic moment for him()A/; the BA; the CThe; a DA; a5Could you tell me the way to _

3、Johnsons,please?Sorry,we dont have_Johnson here in the village()Athe; the Bthe; a C/;the Dthe;/6I cant remember when turning point occurred exactly,but it might be summer morning when I was in New York()A不填;a Ba; a Cthe; a Da; the7I found myself talking to Zhu Jun!Not Zhu Jun from CCTV,of course,but

4、 someone with the same name()A不填;the Bthe; a Cthe; 不填 D不填;a8The worried lady madesecond thorough search of her pockets before finding purse on the table()Aa; the Ba;a Cthe; the Dthe; a9From the top of the mountain,you can see at least _distance of 10 kilometers on_sunny day()Aa; the Bthe; a C不填;the

5、Da; a10Thank you for sending us _ fresh vegetables of many kindsYou have done us _ great service()A/; a Bthe; a C/;/ Dthe;/11Rather than going into _ office,a lot of people are connected to _ Internet and now work from home()A/,the Ban,an Cthe,an Dan,the12Dan Brown,_author of The Da Vinci Code,is _v

6、ery famous American writer()Aa; the Bthe; the Cthe; a Da; a13We had_really dry July last yearI cant remember_summer when it rained so little()Aa; a Ba;/ C/; the Dthe; a14wwwsdagovcn,which has _food and drug channel with clear explanations,is _very popular website()Aa,a Ba,the Cthe,/ D/; a15A discove

7、ry is said to be accident meeting prepared mind()Athe; a Ban; a Cthe; the Dan; the16There is no _ exact definition of _word happinessHappy people are happy for all sorts of reasons,(); a B,the; the C,不填;the D.不填;不填17If you want to study in foreign countries,_ good knowledge of the culture is reg

8、arded as _ must for you to live happily()A/;/ Ba; a Cthe; the Dthe; a18One hundred thousand years ago,_choice was simple when it came to_drink there was no choiceIt was water or nothing()Athe; a Ba;不填 Cthe;不填 Da; the19_ Brown Bear in Russia is more or less _ same animal as the Grizzly Bear in North

9、America()AThe; the BA; a CThe; a DA; the20According to _ survey conducted last month,_ fourth of the post.90s college graduates prefer online jobhunting()Aa; a Ba; the Cthe; a Dthe; the21application of transgenic technology(转基因技术) should be restricted on all food production and the government should

10、 takescientific attitudetoward genetically modified food,Yuan Long ping said()AThe; a BAn; the CThe; the DAn; a22As he was accustomed to the coffee from Columbia,Governor John said that coffee should always be strong()A/; a Bthe; a Ca; the D/;/23Its reported that customers could start using their ph

11、ones to buy _coffee in some stores,which is_first paybyphone practice in the USA()Aa;the B不填;不填 Ca;不填 Dthe;the24Margaret Thatcher,famous figure in British 20th century politics,died at age of 87after suffering a stroke()Athe;/ Ba; a Ca; the D/; the25_president of the United States,Barack Obama,has w

12、on _reelection,hardfought victory()AThe; a Ba CA; a Dthe26Those who have _good knowledge of something dont necessarily teachknowledge well()Aa; the Ba;/ Cthe; the Dthe; a27A recent study has come up with _ unexpected conclusion that _ Africa elephants should be divided into two different species()Aa

13、,the Ban,the Can,an Dthe,the28Air conditioners made in China have won worldwide attentions and GREE hasbecomepopular name()Aa,the B/,a C/,the Dthe,a29Mary heard _ strange sound at _ midnight outside his house and got scared()Aa;/ Bthe;/ C/; the D/; a30Did Michael take _ place of Allen as the guitari

14、st?NoHe gave the performance in _ place of Rocky()Athe; the Bthe;/ C/; the D/;/31Children should get close tonature by joining inseries of outdoor activities()Athe;不填 Bthe;a C不填;the D不填;a32For _ film of Schindlers List,Spielberg won _ Oscar,Hollywoods highest prize()Aa; an Ba; the Cthe; an D不填; the3

15、3Which bottle is yours?_ one with _ red cover()A/;/ BA; a CA; the DThe; a34What _shame that Tony missed _ concert by Li Yundi in Han Dan last week()Aa; a Ba; the Cthe; a Dthe; the35Having failed to reach the writer on _ phone,the student sent _ email instead()Athe; a Bthe; an C/; a D/; an36After _se

16、ries of unsuccessful attempts,he has finally passed driving test()A/;/ Ba; the Cthe; a Da;/37We had_ really cold February this yearI cant remember_ spring when it snowed in Ganzhou()Aa;不填 B不填;the Cthe; a Da; a38It will be _ wonderful world if all nations live in _ peace with each other()Aa;a Bthe;th

17、e Ca;the Da;/39Jumping out of _ airplane at ten thousand feet is quite _ exciting experience()Aan; an B/; the C/; an Dthe; the40Although its at _ dusk,the children dont get tired of playing _ football outside()Athe; the B/;/ C/; the Dthe;/41Lee MinHo,_ handsome and cute actor in South Korea,plays _a

18、ttractive role in the popular TV show The Heirs()Aa; the Bthe; an Ca; an Da;/42Students should be encouraged to use _ Internet as _ resource()A不填;a B不填; the Cthe; the Dthe; a43Does the girl standing at the gate have possession of _ car?NoThe car is in _ possession of her father()A/;/ B/;a Cthe;the D

19、a;the44I often chat with John over _ telephone,while I chat with Tom by email()Athe; a Ba;the Cthe;不填 D不填;不填45What about _ supper yesterday?Well,_ most delicious one indeed()Athe; a B不填; a Ca; the D不填; the46In _ 1860s,the Italian archaeologist Giuseppe Fiorelli was made _ director of the Pompeii dig

20、()A不填; the Bthe; the C不填; 不填 Dthe; 不填47After dinner he gave MrRichardson _ ride to _ Capital Airport()Athe; a Ba; the C不填; a D不填; the48Shall I go over to have a chat with you this evening?Nice of you!It is _ great comfort to keep me _ company,when Im alone at home()Aa; the B/; a Ca;/ Dthe;/49A red,r

21、ed rose,_ romantic poem,is written by Robert Burns,quite a few of whose books involve the theme of_ nature()Aa; the Bthe; the Ca; 不填 Dthe; 不填50As _ whole,I think the program has achieved _ desired purpose()Athe; the Ba; a Ca; the Dthe; a51If you read the poem _second time,youll have_ better understa

22、nding of it()Athe;/ Ba; the Cthe; a Da,a52I cant remember when exactly the Robinsons left _ cityI only remember it was _ Monday()Athe,the Ba,the Ca,a Dthe,a53Have you seen a book?I left it hereIs it _English textbook?Mike picked it up()Aa Bthe C不填 Dan54This book tells _ life story of John Smith,who

23、left _ school and worked for anewspaper at the age of 16()Athe; the Ba;the Cthe;不填 Da;不填55In _ accident _ knowledge of first aid can make _ real difference()Athe; a; the Ban; a; aCan; the; 不填 Da; a; 不填56It isshock that Huang Shicheng,old fisherman from Taiwan,was killed by Philippine military vessel

24、 on May 9,2013()A;the Bthe;a Ca;an Dan;/57There are more than 1.3billion people in this country,and we are still onlong journey toward modernizationThat requiresinternational environment of lasting peace()Aa; the Bthe; 不填 Ca; an D不填; the58_ party they held last night was completely _failure()AA; a B

25、The; the CThe; a DThe;/59Iron Lady_ former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher played _ key role in the peaceful handover of Hong Kong()Athe,the Bthe,a C/,a D/,the60With his wise thoughts about nature and the world,Confucius is a great thinker in _ history of China()Athe Ba C/ Dan高中英语冠词练习题参考答案与

26、试题解析一选择题(共60小题)1(2014春淄博期末)Jane did _ good job in the exam and as _ reward,her parents took her to Beijing last September()Aa; the Ba; a C不填; a D不填; the【分析】Jane在考试中表现不错,所以作为奖励,她的父母去年9月带她去了北京【解答】答案是B本题job为可数名词,单数可数名词前要接不定冠词,且do a good job是常用短语做得好,干得好,所以根据第一空排除C和D;reward表示奖励,奖赏,是可数名词,单数可数名词前加不定冠词,表示一个

27、,一种,本题中泛指一种奖励答案是B定冠词the 表示特指这,这种,不符合题意,所以排除A【点评】掌握冠词要关注两大方面:一是积累有关不定冠词、定冠词和零冠词的相关的规则;二是积累特殊的短语2(2014秋达州期末)My mother asked me to repeat _ telephone number _ second time so that she could write it down()Athe; a Ba; the Ca; a Dthe; the【分析】妈妈让我把电话号码再重复一遍以便她能够记下来【解答】答案是A本题第一空后面的电话号码是特指双方都知道的电话号码,所以用the,排

28、除B和C;第二空后面是序数词second序数词前往往加定冠词the表示顺序第;但是如果表示再一,又一时序数词前要加a;本题表示再一次,所以第二空用a,由此判断答案是A【点评】掌握冠词要关注两大方面:一是积累有关不定冠词、定冠词和零冠词的相关的规则;二是积累特殊的短语3(2014春咸阳期末)Customers can use _ information on the side of the packet to help have _ healthier diet()Athe; the B/; the Cthe; a D/; a【分析】顾客可以运用包装盒一侧的信息来帮助形成一种更为健康的饮食【解答】答案是C本题第一空后的information被on the side of the packet所修饰,是特定的信息,特指用定冠词the,所以由第一空排除B和D;第二空后的diet可以是抽象不可数名词饮食也可以是具体的饮食;本题中是强调形成一种更为健康的饮食

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