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1、职称英语卫生类B级阅读理解专项试题二职称英语卫生类B级阅读理解专项试题(二)一、阅读理解(共35小题,共105.0分)下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题,每道题后面有4个选项。请根据文章的内容,从每题所给的4个选项中选择1个最佳答案,涂在答题卡相应的位置上。 第1题 Giving Up SmokingA number of devices are available to help a person quit smoking. Nicotine (尼古丁) patches axe small, nicotine-containing adhesive (黏着性的) discs applied

2、to the skin. The nicotine is slowly absorbed through the skin and enters the bloodstream. Over time, the nicotine dose is reduced and eventually the desire for nicotine is eased. Nicotine gum works in a similar manner, providing small doses of nicotine when chewed.The benefits of giving up smoking i

3、nclude the immediate reduction of harm to the health of the smoking and easily admission to social activities and institutions that ban smoking. In a 1988 report, the US Surgeon General declared cigarette smoking to be more harmful and expensive than the use of cocaine (可卡因), alcohol, or heroin. Rec

4、ent evidence supports this claim.The United States government has collected a special tax on cigarettes for several decades. The rate rose from 8 cents per pack of 20 cigarettes in 1951 to 24 cents per pack in 1993. In other developed countries, the cigarette tax rate is much higher, ranging from 50

5、 percent in Switzerland to 85 percent in Denmark.In the United States, the first direct action to check smoking was the regulation of a warming on cigarette packages by the Federal Trade Commission. This warning took effect in 1964 and was strengthened in 1969 to read: Warning: The Surgeon General H

6、as Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. In 1971 all cigarette advertising was banned from radio and television, and cities and states passed laws requiring nonsmoking sections in public places and workplaces.Which of the following can help a person quit smoking?A Using nico

7、tine patches.B Reading cigarette advertisements.C Chewing ordinary gum.D Participating in social activities.【正确答案】:A【本题分数】:3.0分【答案解析】解析 利用常识首先排除B这个备选项“读香烟广告肯定对戒烟没有帮助”。再借助原文:利用题干中的核心词“help”和“quit smoking”作为答案线索词,在文章中找到直接答案相关句:A number of devices are available to help a person quit smokingNicotine(尼古丁

8、)patches(与A内容呼应)are small涉及到我们选定的答案相关结构的句子说“有一些方法能帮助人们戒烟”,然后紧接着就提到了“nicotine patches(尼古丁贴片)”,到这里不用看F文也能顺着逻辑(总结概括句+举例说明)推断出“nicotine patches (尼古丁贴片)”就是其中的一种方法,因此判断答案是A。第2题 Nicotine gum is used to help a smokerA stop smokingB reduce weightC clean his teethD absorb nicotine immediately【正确答案】:A【本题分数】:3.

9、0分【答案解析】解析 利用题干中的特征词“Nicotine gum”作为答案线索词,在文章中找到直接答案相关句:Nicotine gum works in a similar manner,providing small doses of nicotine when chewed划线结构说“尼古丁口香糖也起类似的作用”,参考上文:上文例举了尼古丁贴片如何帮助戒烟,因此判断该划线结构的含义是“尼古丁门香糖与尼古丁贴片一样,都是用宋帮助戒烟的方法。”第3题 The benefits of giving up smoking include all the following EXCEPT_.A t

10、he reduction of expensesB the formation of a good habitC the reduction of harm to ones healthD easier access to institutions that ban smoking【正确答案】:B【本题分数】:3.0分【答案解析】解析 分别利用备选项中的核心词“benefits”作为答案线索词,注意到备选项中涉及到较多的细节信息,因此也利用备选项中的核心词(特征词)作为答案线索(A:expenses;B:a good habit;C: reduction of harm;D:easier ac

11、cess to institutions),找到答案相关句:The benefits of giving up smoking include the immediate reduction of harm to the health of the smoking(与C呼应)and easily admission to social activities and institutions that ban smoking(与D呼应)In a 1988 report,the US Surgeon General declared cigarette smoking to be more har

12、mful and expensive(与A呼应)than the use of cocaine(可卡因),alcohol,or heroin显然只有B没有被提到。第4题 Which of the following is said to be the most expensive and harmful?A Consuming alcohol.B Using heroin.C Smoking cigarettes.D Taking cocaine.【正确答案】:C【本题分数】:3.0分【答案解析】解析 利用备选项中的特征结构“the most expensive and harmful”作为答

13、案线索,这样在文章中找到直接答案相关句In a 1988 report,the US Surgeon General declared cigarette smoking to be more harmful and expensive than the use of cocaine(可卡因),alcohol,or heroin该句说“吸烟是最有害的,花钱也最多”,因此判断C是答案。第5题 Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a step to control smoking?A Collecting a special tax on ciga

14、rettes.B Forbidding smoking in all public places.C Banning cigarette advertising from radio and TV.D Requiring a warning on each cigarette package.【正确答案】:B【本题分数】:3.0分【答案解析】解析 利用备选项中的核心结构作为答案线索(A:collecting a special tax;B:all public places: C:cigarette advertising;D:cigarette package),在文章中找到相应的答案相关句

15、:The United States government has collected a special tax(与A呼应)on cigarettes for several decadesIn the United States,the first direct action to check smoking was the regulation of a warning on cigarette packages(与D呼应)by the Federal Trade CommissionIn 1971 all cigarette advertising(与C呼应)was banned fr

16、om radio and television,and cities and states passed laws requiring nonsmoking sections in public places and workplaces因此判断作为控制吸烟的于段只有B没有被提到。第6题 Common Problems, Common SolutionsThe chances are that you made up your mind about smoking a long time ago-and decided its not for you.The chances are equally good that you know a lot

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