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1、天津市高等教育自学考试课程考试大纲1天津市高等教育自学考试课程考试大纲课程名称: 营销英语(Marketing English) 课程代码:3321第一部分 课程性质与设置目标一、 课程性质与特点营销英语是高等教育自学考试英语国际贸易专业本科段的必修课。为了使学生更好地掌握国外先进的营销策略及理论,同时具备娴熟的语言驾驱能力,特开设了国际营销英语这门专业英语课程。该课程既涵盖了国际先进的营销专业理论,又提供了营销学中常采用的包括营销策划、市场调研等的技巧和方法的案例。这是一门英语技能与营销知识并重的课程。它用英语比较系统地介绍了国际一流公司在品牌建立与市场主导,市场进入与行业壁垒、全球营销策略

2、与管理、网上营销与电子商务、营销中的商业文化等方面的成功与失败的教训。并对营销活动中的社会、经济、商业的文化背景,以及较新的词汇和专业术语作了详尽的介绍。二、 课程设置的目的和要求该课程本着培养学生营销技巧和能力的宗旨,让国内学生了解国际经济舞台上的营销商务活动,走进国际一流公司,并通过实际操练,将理论与实践结合起来。同时,在学习营销知识的同时,通过各种语言现象,进一步巩固和提高学生在基础英语阶段所学的语言知识和技能。结合具体的国际商贸活动,掌握相关的专业术语,进而提高阅读和理解与商贸知识有关的英文资料的能力。为将来从事国际商贸活动打下坚实的基础。三、 与本专业其他课程的关系本课程与英语课程以

3、及其他相关专业课程的总体培养目标是一致的。学生在学习该课程之前应具备一定的英语基础,较好地掌握了英语语音、语法和一定的词汇量。这样才能比较顺利地完成本课程的学习和考试。一方面,学生已掌握的语言知识和技能在本课程中得到进一步的实践和运用。另一方面,本课程又有助于进一步提高在基础英语课程中学到的语言知识和技能。成为既懂英语又具备专业知识的复合型人才。同其他专业英语一样,营销英语从另一个角度和层次使考生对英语在国际经贸领域中的运用有一个全方位的了解。第二部分 考核内容与考核目标Part One : Brand-Building & Market Leadership 品牌建立与市场主导Unit 1

4、Wal-Mart Stores Strategies for Market Dominance沃尔玛特商店:保持市场主导的策略一、学习目的和要求通过案例分析,了解沃尔玛公司如何保持市场的主导地位。 掌握有关词语和术语。二、考核知识点1. 营销知识1) The two main objectives of Wal-Marts marketing strategies (重点)2) Wal-Marts marketing strategies (重点)3) The two retail formats stated in the passage (次重点)4) Wal-Marts applicat

5、ion of the concept of “green marketing” (一般)2. 生词与短语variety-store, defunct, adjacent, emulate, scanner cash register, replenishment, liquidate, sagging, laggard, relocate, turbulent, renovate, controversial, incorporate, proliferate3. 商业术语competitive edge, green marketing, human resources management

6、, profit-sharing program, corporate culture, achieve merchandise dominance, retail formatsUnit 2 The long March 中国品牌走向世界, 来日方长一、 学习目的和要求通过案例分析, 了解中国品牌走向国际市场的潜力, 开发国际市场的策略以及存在的问题和障碍。掌握有关词语和术语。二、考核知识点1. 营销知识1) The reasons and features of Chinese products that most likely appeal to foreign markets.(重点)

7、2) The strategies and SWOT of each example cited in this passage (重点)3) The prospect of Chinese products to go global and existing problems (次重点)4) Analysis of one best or worst example given in this passage (一般)2. 生词与短语novelty, ubiquitous, attain, on the threshold of, trendsetting, hamper, sponsor,

8、 dynamic, glamorous, incorporate, captivate, propel3. 商业术语distribution channels, brand recognition, gain speedier access to (market), mergers and acquisitions (M&A), management expertise, after-sale serviceUnit 3 Haagen-Dazs Ice-cream the Making of a Global Brand哈根达斯冰淇淋: 全球品牌的建立一、 学习目的和要求了解美国哈根达斯公司如

9、何以独特的促销策略将美国冰淇淋品牌打入欧洲市场,建立起全球品牌。掌握有关词语和术语。二、考核知识点1营销知识1) Haagen-Dazs main marketing means in leading Haagen-Dazs to success in Europe expansion. (重点)2) Haagen-Dazs marketing plan (重点)3) Analysis of Haagen-Dazs unique marketing strategy (次重点)4) The perception of ice-cream that Haagen-Dazs bring to Eu

10、ropean consumers in differentiating its product from its rivals. (一般)2. 生词与短语premium, world-beating, opt (for), up-market, stockist, texture, artificial flavoring, stabilizers, pasteurize, voucher, econometric, meticulous, assault, jolt, 3. 商业术语mission statement, executive summery, undifferentiated

11、marketing, brand equity, brand extension, concept testingPart Two Market Entry & Industry Barriers 市场进入与行业壁垒Unit 4 How Do I Love Thee? - De Beers Woos Chinese Couples with More Than Romance戴 比尔公司如何赢得消费者的青睐一、学习目的和要求了解戴比尔公司如何通过广告手段营造钻石饰品浓浓的浪漫之情,从而赢得顾客的青睐。掌握有关词语和术语。二、考核知识点1营销知识1) The marketing research

12、 conducted by De Beers in China (重点)2) De Beers way to generate a deep emotional attachment to a gem by advertising (次重点)3) Definition of some business terms such as Engles Laws, micromarketing and comparative advertising (一般)2. 生词与短语elaborate, gems, formula, feat, imperative, culminate, spontaneous

13、, sway, wrangling, obligatory, brain-teasing, indispensable3. 商业术语Engles Laws, micromarketing, comparative advertising, corporate identity, public relationshipUnit 5 How Legend Lives up to Its Name 联想电脑何以不负其名一、学习目的和要求了解中国联想电脑控股公司如何利用优质产品和服务树立良好的企业形象。掌握有关词语和术语。二、考核知识点1营销知识1) The competitive edges pos

14、sessed by both Legend and U.S. PC makers (重点)2) Analysis of Legends SWOT (重点)3) The biggest entry barrier to market for foreign PC makers when selling PC in China (次重点)4) The competition between Dell Computer Corp. and Legend (一般)2. 生词与短语teem, hipster, state-of-the-art, stigma, synonymous, torrid, h

15、emorrhage, aviation, frenetic, spell, swell, stylus3. 商业术语groupware and database software, speech-recognition software, state-of-the-art PCs, high-tech prowess, ICP(Internet content provider), virtual reality, cyber-cafeUnit 6 NutraSweet in China 纽特健康糖在中国一、 学习目的和要求了解Monsanto公司在中国实施的销售计划,销售渠道以及促销方法。掌

16、握有关词语和术语。二、考核知识点1营销知识1) The way that MNCs entered the Chinese market and its distribution channel (重点)2) Monsantos keys to success (重点)3) The promotion means used by Monsanto in the case (次重点) 4) Comparison between the original and revised positioning (一般)2. 生词与短语calorie, hindsight, leverage, graphi

17、cs, ethnicity, booth, endorsements, intuition, retain, accrue, momentum, on the back burner3. 商业术语test marketing, in-store promotions, purchase behavior, brand manager, market feedback mechanism, start-up phasePart Three Global Marketing Plan & Market Survey 全球营销计划与市场调研Unit 7 Unilever Marketing Plan

18、Personal Care Products in China 联合利华营销计划: 个人护理产品在中国一、学习目的和要求了解英荷联合利华公司的市场调研,SWOT分析以及市场计划。掌握有关词语和术语。二、考核知识点1营销知识1) Unilevers marketing strategies stated in its marketing plan (重点)2) The marketing research carried out by Unilever (重点)3) The factors that should be considered in making out a marketing p

19、lan (次重点)4) Analysis of Unilevers marketing plan in 200-400 words (应用)2. 生词与短语culinary products, margarine, deodorant, etergent, expenditure, infrastructure, bureaucracy, integrate, incorporate, hygiene, criteria, convertibility, disposable, SWOT analysis, 3. 商业术语high-profile image, barrier to (mark

20、et) entry, executive committee, high-income bracket, emerging markets, feasibility study, purchasing power, product differentiationUnit 8 Market Research Report of Influences on Consumer Purchasing Patterns in China 对“影响中国市场消费者购买方式诸因素” 的市场调查报告一、 学习目的和要求了解市场调查报告的步骤和内容。掌握有关词语和术语。二、考核知识点1营销知识1) Learnin

21、g how to establish various tables for analysis(重点)2) Learning how to analyze and study the information available (次重点) 3) Learning how to develop a written report of conclusion on the research in around 200 -400 words (应用)2. 生词与短语exponential, powerhouse, Agenda, perception, attribute, tag, subsidize

22、, salient, robust, elasticity, clustering, profile3. 商业术语durable goods, product attributes, population density, consumption patterns, paid vacations, price differentialUnit 9 Questionnaire of Service for Washer Market 对“洗衣机市场服务”的问卷调查一、 学习目的和要求学习如何通过问卷形式进行市场调研。掌握有关词语和术语。二、考核知识点1营销知识1) Learning how to

23、 make a marketing research by means of questionnaire (重点)2) Comprehension of the questionnaire of service for washer market (次重点) 3) Learning how to write the final report based on the general results (一般)2. 生词与短语questionnaire, submit, catalogue, overcharge, substitute, cushion, periodically, retire

24、e, personnel3. 商业术语to build customer database, to establish the service pattern, marketing research, warranty period, prompt response for early field repair, delivery to door and installation, Part Four Competitive Advantage Lies in Marketing & Product Differentiation竞争优势取决于营销与产品区分Unit 10 Singapore

25、Airlines: Using Technology for Service Excellence 新加坡航空公司:运用技术优势提供优质服务一、学习目的和要求掌握新加坡航空公司所提供的优质服务和其他航空公司所提供的服务的不同之处,及其具体的技术优势。掌握相关词语和术语。二、考核知识点1 营销知识1) The factors that constitute SIAs quality service. (重点)2) To compare SIA with American Airlines. (次重点)3) SIAs Goal (次重点)4) The benefits that a member

26、of Priority Passenger Service Program may enjoy. (一般)2 生词与短语:complacency, terminal, snoozer, retrench, trade-off, fine-tune, curtail, arbitrary, pivotal, retrieve3 商业术语:preferential treatment, operating profit, follow-up surveys, economic downturn, press conference, video conferencingUnit 11 Consumi

27、ng Passions 皮尔斯伯利公司如何激发消费者的热情一、学习目的和要求掌握公司如何利用与众不同的品牌形象来吸引消费者,及品牌建立的重要性。掌握相关词语和术语。二、考核知识点1 营销知识1) Wanchai Ferry Dumplings strategy in differentiating its products from those of rivals (重点)2) Pillsburys strategy in building a brand image (次重点)3) Discussion on the features of companies in Food Industr

28、y (一般)2 生词与短语:zero, titan, pastry, toaster, jostle, scant, outrageous, luscious, allegedly, breach.3 商业术语:marketing muscle, branding expertise, forge a partnership with, fold it into a new company, jostle for market share, supply chainUnit 12 Eyes on Amazon 亚马逊网上书店的“眼睛”服务一、学习目的和要求掌握网络营销的特点和优势。掌握相关词语

29、和术语。二、考核知识点1 营销知识1) Amazons good and new idea (重点)2) The concept of “microfranchising opportunity” (次重点)3) The specific service provided by Amazon (一般)2 生词与短语:accessible, barcode, manifest, savvy, allure, blurb, interactive, serendipity quotient, margin, motivate3商业术语:interactive multi-media, e-tail

30、ing, hacker, Y2K, PC elite, zero inventory, just-in-time deliveryUnit 13 Microsoft Moves to Dominate Online Sales微软力争垄断网上销售一、学习目的和要求掌握微软公司的网络销售目标及策略,及商业垄断的相关知识。掌握相关词语和术语。二、考核知识点1 营销知识1) The targets of Microsofts online services (重点)2) Microsofts strategies under pressure (次重点)3) How Microsoft reshap

31、ed the economics of the markets its entering (一般)2 生词与短语:usher, tailor, vigorish, repository, chide, paranoid, predator, haggle, blips, vision3 商业术语:win away, undercut competitors, play down, information intermediary, startups/upstarts, dot-comsUnit 14 Nokia Consumer Electronics 诺基亚消费者电子产品一、学习目的和要求掌握诺基亚公司的全球营销策略,及传统营销方案中的四个“P”(产品product、地点place、促销promotion、价格price)和第五个P:品牌市场定位(positioning)的关系。掌握相关词语和术语。二、考核知识点1 营销知识1) The factors influencing consumers buying decisions. (重点)2) Nokia Branding Proposals (重点)A. Schmohls decision of positioning for Nokia.B. Various

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