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初中英语Do it yourself教案 译林牛津版1.docx

1、初中英语Do it yourself教案 译林牛津版1Period : Grammar&Integrated skills (第三课时)第一部分 教案设计教学内容Grammar(第4748页),展示祈使句和情态动词及短语should,had better.Integrated skills(第4950页),本课为听、说、读、写的综合训练课程。教材分析本课时语法课,主要则向学生要求学生掌握祈使句的构成方式和运用,同时学会使用情态动词should, had better进行提建议。Integrated skills部分主要根据从录音中获取的信息完成如何做水果沙拉的提示题,以锻炼通过听力迅速找出主要

2、信息的能力。从中找出细节信息,根据听力材料的细节内容完成相应的关于“做水果沙拉”的会话。教学目标基础知识掌握词汇:cut, sentence, grape, strawberry, spoon, salad, mix, add,example ,leave, correct,finished词组:on the other side of ., :mix them together, add some salad cream, for example,leave it in the air,句型:Put up a picture on the wall.Dont paint the cat.Pl

3、ease fix the shelf for me.Dont touch the wet paint, please.You should know a little about DIY.You should not put so many books on the shelf.Your watch is broken. You had better buy a new one.You had better not be late for school.Cut some of the larger fruit into small pieces.基本技能:1学会运用祈使句表达指令, 用shou

4、ld和had better来提出建议。2能通过听录音获取相关信息。3学会用英语交流D1Y话题。综合素质:1. 能学会运用祈使句表达指令。2. 提高学生听、说、读、写的语言综合运用能力。教学重难点及突破重点:掌握基本的四会单词、词组及句型。难点:掌握学会运用祈使句表达指令或建议。教学突破: 通过教师的讲解,开展多种形式的活动,帮助学生自己总结知识,应用知识。教学准备教师准备:多媒体课件。学生准备:1.制作卡片的图片。2.制作沙拉的图片或视频。教学设计GrammarA Giving instructionsStep I Presentation(呈现)1Suzys cousin thinks he

5、s good at DIY. Does his mother agree? Why do you think so?用祈使句来表达指令。2总结祈使句的构成:We start a sentence with the base form of a verb when we want to tell people what to do. We add do not/dont in front of the verb when we want to tell people not to do something. We often add please in a sentence if we want

6、 to give instructions politely.3 Now open your books and turn to page 47, please. Lets read the sentences together.Step II Practice(操练)1 Please look at these four pictures. Whats Millie doing? Do you know how to make cards? What should we do first?根据图片猜测生词cut的含义,教师领读并解释。2Open your books and turn to

7、page 47. Look at the pictures carefully. Can you help Millie complete the instructions?观察课本第47页图片,并完成填空练习。3 Lets read the sentences together.集体朗读句子并核对答案。B Using should and had betterStep I Presentation(呈现)1 Suzy doesnt think her cousin knows much about DIY either. What did she advise him to do? What

8、 do you think she said to him about this?2 Do you think we can use had better instead of should in this sentence?思考并体会两个句子的意义。3 Here are some more sentences. Can you work out when to use should and had better?4 We use should and had better when giving advice and telling people what we think is the b

9、est or right thing to do. The tone of had better is stronger than should.5 Please open your books and turn to page 48. Lets read the sentences together.体会表达建议的不同气。Step II Practice(操练)1 Suzy is giving DIY advice to her classmates. Can you help her make sentences with should (not)/had better (not)?完成课

10、本第48页的练习,朗读句子并核对答案。2 Youre giving advice to your friends. Rewrite the following sentences using should (not) and had better (not). 3 Boys and girls, you have learnt how to give advice. I have a problem and I need your help. I cant sleep well at night and I feel tired during the day. Can you give me

11、some advice?给出自己的建议:You should drink a glass of milk before going to bed./You should not watch TV just before going to sleep./You had better do some reading before you go to sleep./.4 Work in pairs. Talk about your problems and try to give useful advice.Integrated skills (学习Integrated skills)Step I

12、Presentation(呈现)1 What did you have for breakfast/lunch today? What food do you like best? Do you have a healthy diet? Can you cook dinner on your own?根据实际情况回答。2 Look at the picture. This is my favourite food. What is it? Yes, its a salad. Salad is healthy. Do you like it? Do you think its easy to m

13、ake a salad? Can you make a salad?联系实际作答。3 What do you need when making a salad?板书spoon和 cream,领读并解释词义。Step II Listening(听力)1 Open your books and turn to page 49. Look at the pictures in Part Al.复习已学过的有关食物和食物制作工具的单词, When we make a salad, we need some tools and we can add anything we like. Can you n

14、ame the things in the pictures?板书grape和strawberry,根据图片复习有关水果的单词。2 Amy and Suzy are making a fruit salad. Theyre talking about what they need. Listen to their conversation and tick the things they need.播放录音。3核对答案,再播放一遍录音,并在相关信息处停顿,进行解释。4 Why arent watermelons good for a fruit salad? (Because watermel

15、ons have too much water in them.)5 Amy is making some notes of how to make a fruit salad. Read her notes and put the sentences in the correct order.完成课本第49 页A2部分的练习。6朗读句子并核对答案。Step III Listening(听力)1 Amy wants to make a fruit salad. Shes asking Suzy for some tips. Please listen to their conversation

16、 and help Amy complete her notes in Part A3 on page 50.听课本第50页A3部分的录音,并完成课本填空练习。2朗读句子并核对答案。Step IV Activity(活动)1谈论并向其他成员推荐一种擅长制作的食物:2不同层次的学生上台展示。Speak up: Lets make some sandwiches.StepI Present “Speak up”(呈现Speak up)1 Well done! Many of you are good at making food. Who often cooks in your family?2

17、What food do your parents usually make? Do you know how to make it?鼓励学生和同伴交流。Step II Activity(活动)1 Lots of people make their food at home. Now Sandy and her mum are talking about what to eat for lunch. Listen to them and answer the questions.播放录音,根据录音回答问题。2完成第50页B部分,跟随录音朗读,要求注意模仿正确的语音语调。4 Work in pa

18、irs. Its your turn to make similar dialogues. Talk about what you can make for lunch. You can use Sandy and her mothers conversation as a model.可以使用前面讨论过的食物。5 Ill ask some of you to come to the front to act out your dialogues.教材习题教材第47页 Part A 1.Cut 2.Write 3.Draw 4.Look 5. try 6. dont give 7. Keep教

19、材第48页Part B1.You should/had better buy some to learn more about it.2. You should/had better join a DIY club to learn more about it.3. You should not/had better not begin your work without reading them.4. You should not/had better not play with them when you do DIY jobs.5. You should/had better be pa

20、tient.教材第49页Part A1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. Part A2 2-4-3-1教材第50页Part A3 1. in season 2. fresh 3. different 4. as good as 5. pears 6. oranges7. just before 8. turn brown 9. in the air随堂小练习根据所给中英文意思完成句子1. Can you make a _(句子) with “fill”?2. My bike is broken. It needs _(修理)。3. Its _(危险的)to climb such a

21、big rock .4. Some workers are _(剪)the grass in the garden .5. Dont _(触摸)the big dog. It may bite you .6. _ (not let) the boy play computer games again .7. _(give) us five years and just see what our town will be like .8. _(be) careful! The bus is coming .9. My mother advised me _(learn) how to cook

22、yesterday .10. The boy can read out his text _(clear).Keys:1.sentence repair 3.dangerous 4.cutting 5.touch 6.Dont let 7.Give learn 10.clearlyStep III Homework(家庭作业)1复习语法部分内容,掌握其中出现的语法知识及词汇、词组和句型。2记忆本课所学的词汇、词组和句型。3熟读或背诵B部分的对话。板书设计Unit 4 Do it yourselfGrammar&Integrated skillsWords:cut,s

23、entence,grape,strawberry,spoon,salad,correct,finished, mix,add,example ,leave,Phrases:on the other side of ., :mix them together, add some salad cream, for example,leave it in the air,Sentences:Put up a picture on the wall.Dont paint the cat.Please fix the shelf for me.Dont touch the wet paint, plea

24、se.You should know a little about DIY.You should not put so many books on the shelf.Your watch is broken. You had better buy a new one.You had better not be late for school.Cut some of the larger fruit into small pieces.教学探讨与反思:本课时教学活动主要采用任务型教学策略,结合学生实际学习情况,设计了切实可行又有效的任务活动。将语法教学融入具体的语言情境中,同时在整个教学过程中

25、,创造性地处理教材,恰当运用多媒体辅助教学,提高了课堂效率,增加了学习的趣味性。并按照需要适当调整了教学内容的先后顺序,并结合教材插人学生感兴趣的图片,以丰富学生知识,拓展他们的视野,实现有限知识到无限应用的结合。第二部分 讲解分析一、 新词的导学与解读1. base【用法】n. 基础 vt.以为基础【举例】The harbor was once an important naval base. 该港曾经是一个重要的海军基地。She based his conclusions on the evidence given by the captured prisoners.他根据俘虏提供的证据得

26、出了自己的结论。【拓展】base. .on.把建立在上be based on以 为基础【举例】This new film is based on a novel by D. H. Lawrence.这部新影片是根据D. H.劳伦斯的小说改编的。【实践】根据汉语意思完成句子他们一定要从人民的利益出发。They must_ the interests of the people.【点译】base ourselves on2. cut out【用法】切断;删去;停止;关掉【举例】I cut it out and pinned it on the wall.我把它剪了下来, 钉在墙上。The curt

27、ains were drawn to cut out the sunlight. 窗帘拉上以遮挡阳光。【拓展】cut off切断冲断;使死亡;cut down削减;砍倒;杀死;删节cut in插嘴;超车;插入;cut into打断;侵犯;cut down on削减,减少cut up切碎;抨击;cut back on削减.缩减;减低;cut away切掉,砍掉【举例】 The accident is often caused by the driver who tries to cut in.司机超车抢道造成了这起意外事故。The knife easily cut into the big ca

28、ke. 刀一下子就切进了这个大蛋糕。【实践】单项选择As soon as she entered the room, she_ the hat and sat down.A. took off B. gave out C. got away D. cut down【点译】A3. finished【用法】adj. 完结的,完成的;精巧的【举例】He would like to be judged after the drama is finished.他希望大家能在剧集完结之后再来评判他的表演。【实践】根据汉语意思完成句子完成后的产品如图3所示。The_ is shown in Figure 3

29、.【点译】finished product4. mix together【用法】vt.混合【举例】First, mix an egg, two teaspoons of salt two pounds of ground beef together.首先,把一个鸡蛋、两茶匙盐和两磅碎肉搅在一起。In a bowl, mix together flour, sugar, and salt.在一个碗里面,把面粉、糖和盐混合。【拓展】mix with和混合mix in混合;相处; mix up混堵;梓和;调和【举例】In my job, he mix with all sorts of people

30、.他在工作中常和各种人打交道。【应用】单项选择I need some help. Can you_ the apples for fruit salad?一Yes, Mum. Ill do it right away.A. put up B. eat up C. cut up D. mix up【点译】C5make sure【用法】确信;证实【举例】Make sure you have the truth on your side,and that your idea makes sense.要保证让真相站在你这一边,这样你的见解才能站得住脚。Make sure you understand

31、these requirements and clearly define them.一定要了解这些需求并明确地定义它们。【拓展】for sure确实;毫无疑问地 ;sure enough果然,果真;not so sure不太确定 ;as sure as千真万确地; be sure of oneself自信;有自信心; make sure of确定;确保;尽力做到; thats for sure那是肯定的;be sure to do 一定做某事;确定做【举例】What do he know for sure?他肯定的事情是什么?Well be sure to do better next time.我们下次一定做好些。【实践】单项选择一I hear Jack is working at history very hard.一Im_

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