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1、新闻时事翻译9And thats what makes The Antidote so refreshing. Rather than offering pat answers up front, Burkeman conducts a serious investigation into the various negative paths to happiness. In admitting that these paths dont lead to one logical, conclusive method, Burkeman invites us to choose our own.

2、这正是解毒剂一书给人耳目一新之感的原因所在。伯克曼并没有直截了当地提供了一套现成的解决方案,而是对各种通往幸福的替代路径进行了一番严肃的调研。当伯克曼承认这些路径无法引导出一个合乎逻辑的终极方法时,他其实是在邀请我们选择一条属于我们自己的幸福之路。In years past, you couldnt talk to me before 10:00 in the morning, much less expect me to get anything useful done. And the weekends? Forget it. If the time had a.m. attached t

3、o the end of it, youd better believe I was face-down in a pillow. Nowadays, however, despite my best efforts I cannot sleep past 8. Im mentally forming my to-do list before I even open my eyes. I find that my best writing is done within the first few hours after I wake up, and my go-getter mentality

4、 has dimmed into a quieter energy come late afternoon.过去,在上午10点之前你根本就不可能和我说上话,更不可能希望我完成什么有意义的事。周末?算了吧。如果时间安排后面标注着“上午”,你最好相信我正抱头大睡。但是,现在呢,一过早晨8点钟我就怎么也睡不着了。甚至在睁眼之前,我就已经开始在大脑中列数今天要做的事项清单了。我发现我最好的文章都是在刚醒来的最初几个小时内写就的,而傍晚时分我的勤奋精进会化作一种更为安静的能量。So whats my secret?那么,我的秘诀是什么呢?1. For starters, night time prep

5、is half the battle.1. 首先,晚间准备是成功的一半A few minutes at night to set up the coffee pot, lay out an outfit, and get your lunch together for the following day can be a godsend come sun-up.晚上拿出几分钟时间设置好咖啡壶,收拾好一套衣服,准备好第二天的午餐,你会感到早晨如有神助。2. Set two alarms.2. 设两个闹钟。The first one is gentle, within reach and set

6、for five minutes before you really need it. This soothing sound will slowly wake you up. The second one should be louder, placed across the room and set for the time you actually need to get up.第一个闹钟比较柔和,在你够得着的范围内,设置在你真正想起床的5分钟之前,温柔的铃音会慢慢将你唤醒。第二个闹钟声音要大一些,放在房间另一端,设置成你真正需要起床的时间。3. Do something that is

7、 genuinely, authentically YOU.3. 真正为你自己做些事。Give yourself a little me time before the hustle begins. Enjoy your coffee slowly. Take a walk or do 10 minutes of yoga. If you walk out the door with peace in your heart, youll carry it with you throughout the day.在繁忙的一天开始之前,给自己一点“自我”时间,慢慢地享用一杯咖啡,散个步,或者做10

8、分钟瑜伽。如果你在出门时心情平静,那么一整天都会如此。If you generally thrive in the evening hours, dont push yourself too hard to go against nature. Lean into your afternoon energy but use these tips to help you embrace those tough mornings with a bit more grace. In time you might find yourself transition into a morning pers

9、on after all!如果你通常都是在晚上才能精力旺盛,也不要逼自己太紧而违背天性。继续利用好下午的好精力,但是可以运用这些小贴士来帮助你在拥抱痛苦的清晨时更从容一点。假以时日,你可能就会发现自己最终转变成“晨型人”了!A woman baked chapatti for members of her family and an extra one for a hungry passerby. She kept the extra chapatti on the window sill. Every day, a hunchback came and took away the chapa

10、tti. Instead of expressing gratitude, he muttered the following words as he went his way: “The evil you do remains with you: The good you do, comes back to you!”一个女人给家人烤薄饼,还留出一个给饥肠辘辘的路人。她总是把留出的那个放在窗台上,每天都有一个驼背的人来拿走薄饼。他没说过一句“谢谢”,反而总是边走边咕哝着:“善有善报,恶有恶报!”The woman felt irritated. “Not a word of gratitud

11、e,” she said to herself “Everyday this hunchback utters this jingle! What does he mean?” One day, she decided to do away with him. She added poison to the chapatti she prepared for him!女人很生气,她自言自语地说:“这个驼背人从没说过谢谢,却每天都重复这句话,是什么意思呀?”一天,她决定弄死他,就在为他准备的薄饼上下了毒。As she was about to keep it on the window sill

12、, her hands trembled. “What is this I am doing?” she said. Immediately, she threw the chapatti into the fire, prepared another one. As usual, the hunchback came, picked up the chapatti and muttered the words: “The evil you do, remains with you: The good you do, comes back to you!”她正要把饼放在窗台上,手就开始颤抖了,

13、她说:“我在做什么?”她马上把饼扔进了火里,重新做了一张。一切照旧,驼背人来了,拿起薄饼,咕哝着:“善有善报,恶有恶报!”Every day, as the woman placed the chapatti on the window sill, she offered a prayer for her son who had gone to a distant place to seek his fortune.每天女人把饼放窗台上时都为去远方赚钱的儿子祈祷。That evening, there was a knock on the door. As she opened it, she

14、 was surprised to find her son standing in the doorway. He was hungry and weak. As he saw his mother, he said, “Mom, its a miracle Im here. While I was but a mile away, I was so famished that I collapsed. I would have died, but just then an old hunchback passed by. He was kind enough to give me a wh

15、ole chapatti. He said, “Your need is greater than mine!”那天晚上,有人敲门,她打开门惊讶地发现儿子站在门口,他很饿很虚弱。一看见妈妈他就说:“妈妈,我能回来真是奇迹。离家还有一英里远的时候,我太饿了走不动了。我差点儿就死了,但就在那时一个老驼背人路过,他很善良给了我一整张饼。他说:你比我更需要它。”She remembered the poisoned chapatti that she had made that morning. Had she not burnt it in the fire, it would have been

16、eaten by her own son!她想起了那天早上做的有毒的饼,要不是她把饼烧了,就会被她儿子吃了!It was then that she realized the significance of the words: “The evil you do remains with you: The good you do, comes back to you!” Do good and dont ever stop doing good, even if it is not appreciated at that time.那时她才意识到这句话的重要性:“善有善报,恶有恶报!”多行善举

17、,即使当时不被人感激也要坚持下去。金句: 穿上了新人。这新人在知识上渐渐更新,正如造他主的形像。 (Put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him. Colossians 3:10 梵高(Van Gogh)买了一面镜子,画出许多自画像;林布兰(Rembrandt)也同样以自己为模特儿,创作了近100幅自画像。上帝是这些艺术家的好榜样,他按照自己的样式创造出万物之冠(创世记1章27节)。Vincent Van Gogh bought a mirror and

18、used his own likeness in many of his paintings. Rembrandt also used himself as a model, completing nearly 100 self-portraits. These artists had a good example, that of God Himself, who used His own likeness as the pattern for His crown jewel of creation (Gen. 1:27).19世纪著名的牧师亨利毕杰(Henry Ward Beecher)曾

19、说:每个艺术家,都把自己的灵魂凝聚于笔下,将自己的性情融入画作。在我们所创作的每件事物中举凡艺术品、音乐、文学,甚至我们的孩子都流露出我们的一点样式。上帝也是如此,我们每个人都流露出他的一点形象。这个形象或许已被玷污,但它始终存在,且无法消除。 Henry Ward Beecher, the famous 19th-century clergyman, said, “Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures.” In everything we createw

20、orks of art, music, literature, even our childrena bit of ourselves is revealed. The same is true of God; each of us reveals a bit of Him. The image may be tarnished, but its always there and is never beyond repair.然而,外表的变化无法解决我们真正的问题。服饰、化妆品及整形手术,只能使我们变得像其他人,而非像上帝为我们每个人设计的独特作品。我们需要一个全新的自我(歌罗西书3章10节)

21、,就是用他的形象来更新自己,并穿上怜悯、恩慈、谦虚、温柔和忍耐的衣袍(12节)。 Superficial changes wont fix whats wrong with us, however. Clothes, cosmetics, and surgical procedures can make us look like everyone else, not like the unique masterpiece God designed each of us to be. We need a whole new “self” (Col. 3:10), one that is rene

22、wed in His image and dressed in the wardrobe of mercy, kindness, humility, meekness, and longsuffering (v.12).要改进你的自我形象,就要披戴上帝的个性,展示他荣耀的形象。JAL To improve your “self” image, put on the character of God and display His image in all its glory. Julie Ackerman Link主,我愿像你,主,我愿像你,荣耀的救主,像你纯洁;愿你的甘甜,愿你的丰盛,愿你的

23、圣形印我心灵。ChisholmO to be like Thee! O to be like Thee,Blessed Redeemer, pure as Thou art;Come in Thy sweetness, come in Thy fullness;Stamp Thine own image deep on my heart. Chisholm 上帝的儿女要反映出天父的形象。 Gods children should reflect their Fathers likeness.Recently, I was running a race and thought it was ov

24、er. The finish line was within sight, so I started my final sprint. As I cornered the last bend in the road, the finish line was not where I believed it to be. In fact, it was still a good half mile down the road. Since I had misjudged the end of the race, I had expended all of my energy and could o

25、nly coast the remaining distance to the finish line.最近,我参加了一次赛跑,参加完我就以为是结束了。终点线就在眼前,我开始了最后的冲刺。然而当我转过最后一个弯,我坚信一定会在那里的终点线却不在。事实上,它还在半英里之外。由于我对赛跑终点的错误判断,我耗尽了全部的体力而且只能慢慢跑完剩余的路程。This analogy holds truth for many things in life. Dont misjudge the finish line in your race.生活中其他事情也是类似的。不要在赛跑中错误估计终点线。The Rac

26、e Is Longer Than You Think路程比你想象的长Success takes perseverance. And there are no shortcuts to hard work, dedication, and honing of your skills.成功需要毅力。在工作时没有捷径,必须要奉献,而且磨练你的技能。“The race is always longer than you think.” There is no such thing as overnight success. Yes, there are flashes in the pan, but

27、they are gone as quickly as they sparkle. Make sure that you are ready to run the long race to completion. Here are 5 Ways to Ensure You Are Prepared to Go the Distance:“赛跑的路程通常比你想象的要长。” 罗马不是一夜建成的。是的,也许有昙花一现,但是它闪光之后很快就会消逝。确保你做好了长距离赛跑的准备。这里有五个方法来确保你已经做好了准备:1. Plan for the Long Race长跑前制定计划Plan for a l

28、ong race. Winning is not done in short sprints, but rather long endurance challenges.制定一个长跑计划。胜利不是一蹴而就的,而是一个长期的耐力挑战。2. Know the Finish Line知道终点线在哪里If the race you are running doesnt have a finish line you will not know when you are done. Ensure that your goals have deadlines, and thus finish lines (

29、or at least checkpoints along the way.)如果你在进行的比赛没有终点线,那你就不知道什么时候结束。确信你的目标有最后期限,正如那条终点线(或者至少在路上有关卡)。3. Always Have a Reserve做好储备One of my early mentors said, “a true leader always has a reserve.” When everyone else is exhausted and spent, it is the leader who still has some left in their tank to pers

30、evere.我先前的一个导师说,“一个真正的领导通常都有所储备。” 当其他人筋疲力尽,有所储备的领导才能坚持下来。4. Train for the Distance赛跑训练Make sure you have trained for the distance you are running. Dont go out to run a half marathon, if you have never completed more than a short jog. By train, I mean practice, learn, and prepare for the project you

31、are undertaking.确信你已经为了赛跑的长度有所训练。如果你没慢跑过,不要去跑一个半程马拉松。训练,我指的是练习、学习,并为你要经历的事做准备。5. Never Go Empty不要走空I am always amazed by those that run “to empty” and are then stuck on the side of road. Running to empty doesnt accomplish anything other than setting you back in the big picture.我通常对那些走空了站在路边的人十分不解。走空

32、只能把你放在背景里,什么也不能帮你完成。Be Ready to Go the Distance准备完成这段距离The race is never short. Those who think that life is a sprint are incorrect. Yes, there are periods of fast change and rapid movement. However, life is a long distance run with many hills, turns, and obstacles.赛跑从来都不短。认为生活就是短跑是不对的。是的,会有快速变化、运动的时期。然而生活是一次充满山峰、转角和障碍的长跑。So, dont misjudge where your finish line is. And always be ready to go the distance.因此,不要错误判断你的终点线。随时准备好去远方。

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