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1、小学英语教案小学英语精品课程教学设计小学英语教案:小学英语精品课程教学设计小学英语教案:小学英语精品课程教学设计第一课时一课程概况:I. 内容:Touch and say, Lets talk, Sing the songII. 源自:Unit 5 NumbersIII. 课型:新授课IV. 执教:V.学校: 二教学流程图:1. Daily greeting. 2. Daily speech.1. Lead the students to learn the words: train and two.2. Practice the words one by one.3. Lead the st

2、udents to learn the words: car and five.4. Practice the words role by role.5. Lead the students to learn the words: teddy bear and four.6. Practice the words group by group.7. Lead the students to learn the number: three.8. Practice the number count and say.9. Lead the students to learn the number a

3、nd the sentence structure: one, how many?10. Practice the number and sentence structure.1. Students put the word cards on the blackboard.2. Students count the numbers and guess whats this?3. Students look at the pictures and say the numbers.4. First, ask and answer. Second, students sing the song.5.

4、 Students look at the pictures and answer the questions.6. Pair work.Lead the students to learn the special numbers.1. Students sing the song.2. Students remember the especial number.三教学目标:1知识与技能目标:(1). 学会本课八个单词: a train, a car, a teddy bear, one, two, three, four, five.(2). 学会句型:How many?One/ Two/

5、Three/ Four/ Five.(3). 学会歌曲。2情感目标:(1)通过小组学习,学生能体验合作的快乐;(2)通过听故事、编故事去锻炼阅读理解能力;四教学重难点:1教学重点:Grasp the eight new words and numbers: a train, a car, a teddy bear, one, two, three, four, five.2教学难点:(1). The pronunciation of some words: train, three and five.(2). Can say and use the sentences: How many? O

6、ne/ Two/ Three/ Four/ Five.五、教学策略:1.教学准备:(1)学生准备:课前演讲(2)教师准备:单词卡、图片、课件、歌曲视频、字母发音视频2教学策略:(1).合作学习法。让学生通过Pair work读单词、group work编、演故事等活动,让学生能通过彼此地合作去互相学习,互相交流。(2)故事教学法。将学生所要掌握的单词编成故事,把单词放入文章中去让学生了解意思,也通过这有趣的故事形式将学生带入语音学习中来。(3)游戏、活动法。设置多种学生喜欢的游戏、活动,如歌谣动作表演及故事复述与表演等,营造一个宽松、民主、和谐、愉悦的学习氛围,调动学生学习的积极性。 六教学过

7、程:Teaching Procedure Time1. Daily Greeting.2. Daily speech.(Purpose:学生通过演讲,语音、语调以及胆量等得到训练,增强了自信,提高了语言的表达能力,同时其他小朋友也得到了听音和变音的训练,既长知识,扩视野,而且还养成了良好的“倾听”习惯,从而促进英语口语的提高。) 53. Presentation. The teacher tells a story to present the eight new words and sentence structure: a train, a car, a teddy bear, one,

8、two, three, four, five, how many?( There are eleven parts. You pass, the wolf cant eat the little girl. Are you ready? Lets begin! )Purpose:本节课将要学习5个数字和3个单词,本人特地创设情景,编了一个故事把这5个数字和3个单词自然有序地联系在一起。老师边讲故事,边演示,同时还有课件和道具作为辅助材料。学生听得非常入神,很快5个数字和3个单词生动,具体地全部呈现在他们的面前,学生学习趣味十足。). Part 1 The teacher teaches the

9、 word and number: a train and two.Part 2 The teacher teaches the word and number: a car and five.Part 3 The teacher teaches the word and number: a teddy bear and four.Part 4 The teacher teaches the number: three.Part 5 The teacher teaches the number and sentence structure: one, how many? One, two, t

10、hree, four, five. 134. Drills.( Now, the wolf is still hungry. The little girl is happy, but the wolf is angry. The wolf says: You,you, I come again.) Part 6 Look and put. Students put the word cards on the blackboard. Part 7 Count and guess.Students count the numbers and guess whats this? Part 8 Bi

11、g eyes.Students look at the pictures and say the numbers. Part 9 Sing a song.First, ask and answer. Second, students sing the song.(Purpose:在游戏中操练新词,形式多样,而其动员全员参与,更加调动每个学生学习的积极性,在快乐中学习,学生掌握知识也将更加牢固。) Part 10 Ask and answer.Students look at the pictures and answer the questions. Part 11 Pair work.(Th

12、e wolf comes again. Look, whos she? Yes, Little girl. And this is Little girls friend. Her names Hello Kitty. Look, there are pencils, lemons, cats, monkeys and train. Now, I am Little girl. Who wants to be Hello Kitty?)(Purpose:再次延伸情境,在情境中引出新句型。)Students do the pair work with their partners.(The wo

13、lf is angry, and he runs away. The Little girl goes to her grandmothers house.)(Purpose:学习新句型,在游戏中操练句型。把学到的新知识灵活运用起来,通过学生与学生进行一对一的练习,学生的沟通能力和合作能力得到了进一步的提升。) 155. Learn some special numbers. The teacher shows some pictures and teaches the special numbers.( When we are in trouble, some special numbers

14、 can help us. We should remember them, OK? What special number? Lets look!). 110 for the police man. 120 for the doctor. 122 for the traffic doctor. 114 for the telephone number. 121 for the weather.(Purpose:这个环节是本节课的升华部分。知识总结环节,综合运用本课所学的所有知识。从创设的情境中延伸到学生的现实生活中,带领学生从课堂走向生活实际,学以致用。) 56. Homework. Stu

15、dents sing the song. Students remember the especial number.(Purpose: 作业让学生把课堂学到的知识真正运用到生活中去。作业除了运用这节课所学知识外,也让小朋友们走向生活实际,学以致用。)2七、板书设计八、教学检测安排:1. 学生能看图说单词。2. 学生能听懂句型并回答问题。3学生能运用单词与句型进行日常对话。九、课堂练习Ask and answer in pairs. 两人一小组进行对话练习。 十、课堂故事材料。(自编)Look at the picture, this is the forest. In the forest,

16、 there is a little girl and a wolf. The wolf is hungry, he wants to eat the little girl. The little girl is scared. We help her put out the wolf. OK?.There are eleven parts. You pass, the wolf cant eat the little girl. Are you ready? Lets begin! . Now, the wolf is still hungry. The little girl is ha

17、ppy, but the wolf is angry. The wolf says: You, you, I come again.The wolf comes again. Look, whos she? Yes, Little girl. And this is Little girls friend. Her names Hello Kitty. Look, there are pencils, lemons, cats, monkeys and train.The wolf is angry, and he runs away. The Little girl goes to her

18、grandmothers house.第二课时一课程概况:I. 内容:Numbers 6-10 ,sentence structures: How many_ can you see?I can see _.II. 源自:Unit5 NumbersIII. 课型:新授课IV. 执教:李玲老师V.学校:纪中三鑫双语学校二教学流程图:1. Free talk2. Daily Speech Sing the song 1. Present the numbers: six-ten2. Lead the students to learn the words.3. Lead the students

19、to learn the words: a ball /a doll. Have the kids to look and found the missing words or numbers.1. Present the sentence: I can see_.2. Present the sentence structure:-How many _s can you see?-I can see_.3. Ask and answer in pairs1. Sing the song together.2. Students sing and do actions.3. Students

20、have a competition in groups.Sing the song with your friends.三教学目标:1知识与技能目标:(1). 学会本课六个单词: six, seven, eight, nine, ten , a ball and a doll.(2). 学会使用句型:How many_ can you see? I can see _.(3).学会唱,并开心地唱唱跳跳。2情感目标:(1)通过小组学习,学生能体验合作的快乐;(2)通过听故事去锻炼阅读理解能力;(3)、通过演唱儿歌,学生能快乐地学习英语。四教学重难点:1教学重点:掌握该课时中的单词和单词的发音。

21、2教学难点:(1). 学会运用本课重点句型。(2). 人人能自信、快乐地演唱英语儿歌。五、教学策略:1.教学准备:(1)学生准备:课前演讲(2)教师准备:单词卡、图片、课件、歌曲视频2教学策略:(1).合作学习法。让学生通过Pair work练习句型、group work比赛演唱儿歌等活动,让学生能通过彼此地合作去互相学习,互相交流。(2)故事教学法。将学生所要掌握的单词随着一个贯穿整堂课的故事情景带入课堂,把单词放入故事中去让学生了解意思,也通过这有趣的故事形式将学生带入英语学习中来。(3).游戏、活动法。设置多种学生喜欢的游戏、活动,如歌谣动作表演及两人小组对话等,营造一个宽松、民主、和谐

22、、愉悦的学习氛围,调动学生主动思考的学习积极性。 六教学过程:Teaching Procedure Time1. Free talk 22. Daily speechPurpose: Its easy to raise the Ss learning interests by sing the song. And it is important to form a better English learning surrounding for the Ss.【设计意图】通过自然,友好的相互问候将孩子们带入课堂。课前演讲以轮流的形式进行,学生们有机会对演讲作出评价。这一环节不仅给孩子们提供了口头

23、表达的机会,也让孩子的听、说能力起到了提高的作用。53. Review. Students sing the song together (Look, this is the little girl. Yesterday, Mr. Wolf wants to eat her ,but she wins Mr. Wolf. So shes happy. Shes dancing. Her friendsLittle animals come to greet her. Lets have a party with them ,ok?First of all, Lets sing a song.)

24、Purpose: It provides situations to review what they have learned and get ready for the new lesson.【设计意图】通过唱歌激发学生学习英语的兴趣,老师为了让同学们更快地记得歌谣,别出新载地给歌谣编了与歌词内容相符,并具有律动感的动作,孩子们唱起来更加愉悦,孩子们的热情被再一次激起。54. Present the words. The teacher continues to tell a story and teaches the words(Suddenly, Mr. Wolf comes agai

25、n. Little girl is scared. She wantsto run away. Mr. Wolf says: Dont go away, little girl. Im sorry.Be my friend, ok? Look, there are some gifts for you:1,2,3,4,5!Lets open the gifts together!. Have the students to learn the new words:six, seven, eight, nine, ten , a ball and a doll.Have the students

26、 to practice reading words in games: one by one, bomb gamePurpose: With the help of the teacher, the Ss are expected to know the new story. 【设计意图】通过故事导入本课新句型,将孩子们带入了一个逼真的英语的环境。孩子们乐在故事中,故事将孩子们的学习热情紧紧抓住。55. Missing game. Students read words together. Students play a missing game to practice and rememb

27、er the words.Purpose: With the help of the games, the Ss get more familiar with the new words.【设计意图】孩子们乐在故事中,故事将孩子们的学习热情紧紧抓住。再利用多样的小游戏,让孩子们在玩的过程中不知不觉也对新知识更加熟练了。 106. Learn the sentence structures. Have the students look and found the numbers in a picture.(So many numbers are missing; Lets try to fin

28、d the numbers.).Learn the sentence: I can see_.(The teacher asks: What number can you see?).Two students do the pair work to find out the numbers in the picture.Learn the sentence: How many _ can you see? I can see_.(Lets go back to see the little girl and Mr. Wolf. Oh, they are friends now. Welcome

29、 to my party, Mr. Wolf. Look, they are my friendsmonkeys, birds,Ducks and cats.)The teacher asks: How many _s can you see?.Two students ask and answer in pairs.Purpose: With the left parts of the story, the Ss are expected to know the new sentences. And practice the sentences in pairs helps the kids learn to use English. 【设计意图】通过故事的进一步演绎,讲课堂带入生动的故事高潮,将孩子们带入了一个更加拟真的英语的环境。孩子们乐在故事中,故事将孩子们的学习热情紧紧抓住。通过两人下组活动,为学生创造了生生交流的机会,讲所学句型进行了充分的练习。57. Listen and sing. Have students to listen , and follow the flash to sing the song.Use the sentence structure

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