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本文(江苏省连云港市新浦中学八年级英语下册《8B Unit 3 Online travel》导学案.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

江苏省连云港市新浦中学八年级英语下册《8B Unit 3 Online travel》导学案.docx

1、江苏省连云港市新浦中学八年级英语下册8B Unit 3 Online travel导学案江苏省连云港市新浦中学八年级英语下册8B Unit 3 Online travel导学案(无答案)牛津版1. 在线旅游 2.我不知道3. 看上去像台电视 4.我同意。5.你同意吗? 6. 同意某人的观点、看法7. 遥控器 8 打开 /关闭9.被打开 10 换频道11 举行写作比赛 12. 写写关于他最喜欢的教育光盘13 电脑的不同用途 14绘画与设计15搜索资料、查找资料 16 文档处理17 收发邮件 19你用电脑来干什么?二、完成P41,Parts A练习。【教案】教学内容8B Unit 3Welcome

2、 to the unit课型:新授课时间:主备审核教学目标1.To introduce the topic of computer2.To activate existing vocabulary and identify the meaning of new words related to the topic3.To guess meaning from pictures教学重难点1.To introduce the topic of computer2.To activate existing vocabulary and identify the meaning of new word

3、s related to the topic教学方法task-centered approach教具准备课件教学步骤教师活动学生活动Step 1 Having a free discussionA: What do you like doing? B: I like reading online.A: Do you like watching TV? B: Yes, I do. A: Which do you like better, watching TV or playing computer games? B: I like playing computer games better.

4、A: Why? B: Because it makes my excited.Step 2 PresentingDo you have a computer? Do you often use your computer? What do you use them for? Can you tell me different uses of computers? (Show pictures in Part A on page 41) Picture 1 We can use them for drawing and designing. Picture 2 We can use them f

5、or searching for information. Picture 3 We can use them for word processing. Picture 4 We can use them for playing games. Picture 5. We can use them for writing computer programs. Picture 6 We can use them for sending and receiving e-mails. Step 3 Having a discussionWhat do you usually use computers

6、 for? Theres a dialogue between Daniel and Simon. Read it and answer: What does Simon usually use his computer to do? How often does he use it to search for information? Work in pairs to talk about the different uses of computers. Use the conversation in Part B on page 41 as a model. Step 4 Presenti

7、ngTheres a story happening between our old friends Eddie and Hobo. They have no ideas about computers. Lets look at the pictures. What does Eddie regard the mouse as? A remote control. Why does Eddie think the mouse is a remote control? Because when Eddie moves the mouse, something appears on the sc

8、reen. They think the computer is a television. Step 5 Finding and writing expressionsYou are to go over page 40 and 41 again to find out and write down all the useful expressions. Make sentences of your own with them after class. Step 6 Doing a listening taskNow, listen to the dialogue, and then ans

9、wer the following questions: 1. Do they know anything about the computer? 2. What does Hobo think the computer looks like? 3. Why does Eddie think the mouse is the remote control? Usually, when a blank screen screensaver is on, the screen remains dark as if the computer is off. When any of the keys

10、or the mouse is clicked / moved, the screen would turn on at once. That is why Eddie thinks he has turned it on. The joke here is that both Eddie and Hobo have never seen a computer and so Eddie thinks the computer is a TV and the mouse is a remote control. Step 7 Reading it aloudRead the dialogue a

11、loud, and then act it out. Step 8 Doing homeworka. Read the comic strips and try to recite it. b. Try to revise the phrase and sentences in this period.进行free talk 导入到本单元的话题。指导学生完成Part A引导学生讨论电脑的用途。让学生合上书,听磁带,回答问题。1. Do they know anything about the computer? 2. What does Hobo think the computer look

12、s like? 3. Why does Eddie think the mouse is the remote control? 布置学生分角色朗读并表演对话。学生回答问题合作完成Part AWork in pairs to talk about the different uses of computers.学生合上书,听磁带,回答问题。 分角色朗读并表演对话。作业设计1. 背诵本课的单词与词组2. 完成导学案上本课时的作业3. 预习Reading,完成预习作业板书设计 8B Unit 3Welcome to the unithold a writing competition differ

13、ent uses of computers draw and design search for information word processing send and receive e-mails What do you use your computer for? fast and easy 被动语态: be+过去分词教学反思【当堂巩固】一、用所给动词的正确形式填空1. How lucky you were (see) Yang Liwei at the airport!2. Theyll have a lot of fun (play) cards over there.3. The

14、 radio says the rain (not, keep) long.4. He (show) me a map of the world and asked me many questions.5. Would you like something to eat? Thank you. I (eat) my lunch.6. Betty (borrow) the book five days ago and (return) it tomorrow.7. She (not, write) to him since she (leave).8. We couldnt stop (shou

15、t) while the dancer was performing.9. Its great fun (jump) into the river and (swim )in summer.10. If you (not, be) careful, you would not pass the exam.二、 翻译下列句子1. 自从2000年以来,这座城市发生了巨大变化。 in this city 2000.2. 热能把冰变成水 Heat .3. 这东西看起来像电视。 It .4. 我不明白你的意思。 I .5. 我同意你们的观点。 I .6. 电视现在开着。 7. 这部电影太无聊,我们都觉得

16、很无聊。 8. 你朋友隔多久给我写信?每月两次。 ? 9. 你通常用电脑干什么? 10. 他们有树林里寻找走失的小孩子。 Reading【背景知识】八十天周游世界 内容提要 Around the World in Eighty Days,中文译名为八十天周游世界,这是一部充满传奇、冒险与幻想的科幻巨著,它由法国著名作家、“现代科幻小说之父”儒勒凡尔纳编著。英国人福格先生和朋友打赌,要在八十天内环游地球一周。福格带着随从路路通,历经曲折,终于完成了八十天环游地球一周的壮举,并收获了美好的爱情。八十天周游世界(中文导读英文版)一经出版,很快就成为当时最受关注和最畅销的科幻作品,至今已被译成多种文字

17、,并多次被改编成电影。书中所展现的神奇故事伴随了一代又一代人的美丽童年、少年直至成年。无论作为语言学习的课本,还是作为通俗的文学读本,八十天周游世界(中文导读英文版)对当代中国的青少年都将产生积极的影响。为了使读者能够了解英文故事概况,进而提高阅读速度和阅读水平,在每章的开始部分增加了中文导读。八十天周游世界(中文导读英文版) 目录第一章 福格和他的新仆人路路通/Chapter 1 In which Phileas Fogg and Passepartout accept each other, the one as master, the other as man 1第二章 路路通坚信找到了

18、理想的工作/Chapter 2 In which Passepartout is convinced that he has at last found his ideal 6第三章 一次让福格付出沉重代价的谈话/Chapter 3 In which a conversation takes place which seems likely to cost Phileas Fogg dear 10第四章 福格让他的仆人路路通惊得目瞪口呆/Chapter 4 In which Phileas Fogg astounds Passepartout, his servant 17第五章 伦敦证券市场

19、上出现了一支新股票/Chapter 5 In which a new species of funds, unknown to the moneyed men, appears on Change 22第六章 侦探费克斯焦急万分/Chapter 6 In which Fix, the detective, betrays a very natural impatience 26第七章 侦探在护照上没有发现任何有价值的东西/Chapter 7 In which once more demonstrates the uselessness of passports as aids to detec

20、tives 31第八章 路路通的话太多/Chapter 8 In which Passepartout talks rather more, perhaps, than is prudent 35第九章 福格顺利渡过红海和印度洋/Chapter 9 In which the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean prove propitious to the designs of Phileas Fogg 40第十章 路路通丢了鞋却幸运地逃脱了/Chapter 10 In which Passepartout is only too glad to get off with

21、 the loss of his shoes 47第十一章 福格花天价买了一头坐骑/Chapter 11 In which Phileas Fogg secures a curious means of conveyance at a fabulous price 52第十二章 福格一行冒险穿越印度森林和随之发生的事/Chapter 12 In which Phileas Fogg and his companions venture across the indian forests, and what ensued 61第十三章 路路通再次证明幸运总是青睐勇者/Chapter 13 In

22、which Passepartout receives a new proof that fortune favors the brave 68第十四章 沿美丽的恒河谷而下,福格却无心欣赏风景/Chapter 14 In which Phileas Fogg descends the whole length of the beautiful valley of the Ganges without ever thinking of seeing it 76第十五章 装钞票的袋子又少了几千英镑/Chapter 15 In which the bag of bank-notes disgorge

23、s some thousands of pounds more 82第十六章 费克斯假装什么都不知道/Chapter 16 In which Fix does not seem to understand in the least what is said to him 89第十七章 从新加坡到香港途中发生的事情/Chapter 17 Showing what happened on the voyage from singapore to Hong Kong 95第十八章 福格、路路通和费克斯各行其是/Chapter 18 In which Phileas Fogg, Passepartou

24、t, and Fix go each about his business 101第十九章 路路通处处维护主人/Chapter 19 In which Passepartout takes a too great interest in his master, and what comes of it 106第二十章 费克斯和福格正面交锋/Chapter 20 In which Fix comes face to face with Phileas Fogg 113第二十一章 “唐卡戴尔号”船主差点丢了两百英镑的奖金.(共三十七章)【自学探究】一、 翻译下列词组。1. 好消息 2. 教育光盘存

25、储器3. 问世、出版 4. 听起来有趣5. 同时 6. 在线旅行者7.躺在草地上 8. 睡着9. 看美丽的天气 10. 做个奇怪的梦11. 带你到一个地方 12. 周游世界13. 扮演.角色 14. 由设计二、用括号中所给词的正确形式填空。1. The girl _ (call) Jane Eyre is the main character of the book.2. Do you know who was the _(design)of the Peoples Hall? 3. What _ (write) on the sign?4. Tom fell _ (sleep) when h

26、e was listening to music. 5. I help the child by _ (teach) him English. 6. In his dream, he saw a _ (gold) cloud. 7. Bob was so clever that he answered all the questions _ (correct). 8. Do you think its _ (wonder) news?【教案】教学内容8B Unit 3 Reading课型:新授课时间:主备审核:教学目标To understand the aim of an educationa

27、l CD-ROM and what the character can doTo infer meaning from keywords, context and existing knowledgeTo identify true or false statements based on the reading passageTo identify specific details by completing a conversation 教学重难点To infer meaning from keywords, context and existing knowledgeTo identif

28、y specific details by completing a conversation 教学方法Task-centered approach教具准备课件教学步骤教师活动学生活动Step 1 Having a revisionA: What do you usually use your computer for? B: I usually use it to look for information online.A: Why? B: Because I have to write lots of articles.A: How often do you use your comput

29、er to email?B: Once a week. Step 2 PresentingDo you often use your computer to play computer games? Do you have any CD-ROMs? What are they? Do you have any CD-ROMs that are good for your study? /that are connected with education? We can call them educational CD-ROMs. (Show students an educational CD

30、-ROM.) You can travel around the world in eight hours, can you imagine? I have a new educational CD-ROM called Around the world in Eight Hours. It sounds interesting, doesnt it? First, let me introduce it to you. Its designed by Nancy Jackson. It can help you learn English and geography at the same

31、time. The main character of it is Itchy Feet. How to play it? Step 3 Reading the text and underlining the expressionsRead the passage, and try to get its main idea. Guess the meaning of the words, finishing Part B on page 44. Read the passage again to underline all the useful expressions, and write them down in Expre

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