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Book5Unit5 高二英语词汇讲练课.docx

1、Book5Unit5 高二英语词汇讲练课Book5 Unit5 学案一 Word Study 一、 目标导航:1、 学习本单元新单词的读音、意义、构词法。2、 掌握部分音标规则和构词法规则。3、 通过不同的语言活动较好地熟悉本单元新单词的音、形、义、二、 目标起航:(一)观察与联系:构词法规律观察与联系 例:poison (n.毒药;毒害)-poisonous(adj.有毒的)1. injury (n.损伤;伤害)-_(v.损伤;伤害)-_ (adj.受伤的)2. bleed(v.流血)-_(n.血)-_ (adj.血污的)3.variety(n.多样性)-_(v.变化)- _(adj.各种各

2、样的)4. swell(vt.肿胀;隆起)-_(n.肿胀处)-_(adj.隆起的;肿胀的)5.unbearable(adj.难以忍受的)-_(v.忍受)- _(adj.忍受得住的)6.infection(n.传染;感染)- _(v.传染;感染)-_(adj.受到感染的)7.tight(adj.紧的)-_(adv.紧地)-_(n.紧)-_(v.使变得更紧)8.firm(adj.稳定的;坚定的)-_(n.稳固;结实)-_(adv.稳定地)9.bravery(n.勇敢;大胆)-_(adj.勇敢的)- _(adv.大胆地)10.apply(v.申请;应用)-_(n.申请;申请书)-_(n.申请人)11

3、.pressure(n.压力;挤压)-_(v.挤压)-_(adj.有压力的)(二)你中有我:构词法实践应用 1. He was very_about his operation, and his_moved us deeply.(brave)2. The_of the water will cause the dam to crack, so it should be_with sand and earth.(press)3. All the _should know the rule that theory should be_to practice. (apply)4. Those who

4、 are_with the _disease will be treated in the special place.(infect)5.My mother is_when she is in a bad temper, which often happens after I failed in the exam.(bear)6.His_on his face made all of us face the challenge_.(firm)7.He got_in the accident, and the severe_made him stay in bed for two months

5、.(injure)8.They kept the window _closed, and now it is too_for me to open it.(tight)(三)亲亲单词:在句中学单词1. You can slow _(流血) by _(应用) _(压 力) to the _(损伤).2. While waiting for the _(救护车) to come, we should perform _(急救).3. The teenager showed great _(勇敢) when he tried to stop the man _(刺伤) the woman.4. He

6、r _(症状) showed that she got first degree burns on her _(手腕).5. Our _(皮肤), which is one of the _(最重要的)_(器官), has three _(层次).6. The skin can protect our body against disease, _(毒害) and the suns harmful _(射线).7. At the _(典礼), the host shook hands _(稳定地) with the guest.8. A heavy rain _(倒) down and the

7、 land soon became _(潮湿的).9. Burnt by hot _(液体), his finger is _(肿胀的) and red.10. It is _(至关重要的) to _(治疗) _(瘀伤) properly.(四)正中下怀:选词填空aid, injury, poison, treat, variety, vital, pour, tight, firm, apply, pressure, fall ill,1. The policeman suffered severe _ to his right arm in the fight.2. Water and a

8、ir are _ to us.3. People go traveling for a _ of reasons.4. My feet hurt because the shoes are too _ for me.5. We usually _ some oil into a pan before frying vegetables.6. A kind man kept _ her to continue her study.7. Burning rubbish will send out _ gas.8. Now many young people suffer from the _ of

9、 modern life.9. He is going to _ for a higher position in the company.10. This chair is not _ enough for such a fat man to sit on.学案 二 Intensive Reading 一、 目标导航:1. 掌握略读技巧,把握文章的中心主旨要义。2. 掌握寻读技巧,快速把握关键细节。3. 进一步学习用关键词和概括性词语归纳文章摘要。4. 能就文章内容进行口头问答和口头复述文章大意。二、目标起航:Step 1 Lead-inWhat is first aid?First aid

10、 is a_ given to someone who suddenly _ or _ before a doctor can be found. Step 2 Skimming Task1: Skim the text and summarize the main idea of the text by drawing out the mind map of the text.The passage mainly tells us the _ of skin and the_, _, _ for _ _ burns. ( Mind map)Step 3 Scanning for detail

11、ed information.Task2: Read part 1 and find out the functions of the skin: The functions of the skin:1) Protect you against , and _.2) Keep you or .3) Prevent you from _ . 4) Give you . Task3: Read part 2-5 and find out more information about the causes, characteristics and treatments for different d

12、egree burns.(mind map)Step 4: PracticeTask4: Tell the types of burns in these pictures and explain your reason according to what you have learnt. ( ) ( ) ( )Task 5: Look at the pictures and tell what types of burns they are and give your first aid treatments to them. Task 6: Find out the Dos and Don

13、ts in the first aid treatment for burns in Part 5.(pre-set exercise 前置性作业)Step 5: Retell the text.Step 6: Discussion Task 7: Please tell whether they give the correct treatment in the following accidents. If not, give your reason. (Ex 4 on page 35) (1). Sam knocked over a kettle full of boiling wate

14、r onto this legs. His legs became red, swollen and covered with blisters. Sam broke the blisters and poured icy water from the fridge onto the skin. ( ) (2). While ironing clothes, Miss Good accidentally touched the iron. Her wrist blistered and became watery. It hurt a lot. She put her wrist under

15、the cold water tap and then kept placing cool, clean, damp cloths on it until it was less painful. Then she went to see the doctor. ( ) (3). Mrs Caseys sleeve caught fire while she was cooking. Her arm looked terrible but it didnt hurt. The skin was charred. Her husband took off her blouse and picke

16、d off bits of the blouse stuck to the burn. He then placed butter on the burn and covered it with a wet bandage. ( ) (4). After an hour in the sun, Lily noticed her arms were red and hurt a bit. She went home and put them under cool running water. ( )Step 7: Assignment:1. Search as much information

17、as you can about first aidhttp:/www. healthy. net/clinic/first aid/http:/kids health. org/parent/first aid_ safe/2. Read the text aloud and find out the difficult sentences in the text(三)细节阅读:阅读课文,然后选出最佳答案1. What is the main idea of the passage?A. Types of burns B. Causes of burnsC. First aid treatm

18、ent for burns D. Characteristics of burns2. Which function of skin is not mentioned in the passage?A. To keep you warm or cool. B. To prevent your body from losing too much water.C. To give you your sense of touch. D. To breathe.3. Which type of burns affect all three layers of the skin?A. First deg

19、ree burns. B. Second degree burns.C. Third degree burns. D. All the three types of burns.4. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. Remove clothing unless it is stuck to the burn.B. Place burns under cool water unless they are third degree burns.C. Put butter, oil or ointment on burns if ne

20、cessary.D. Send the victim to the doctor or hospital at once if the burns are severe.5. What can be concluded from the passage?A. The skin is the most important part of our body.B. We should carry out different treatment for different types of burns.C. There are three types of burns.D. We should sen

21、d the injured to the hospital whenever someone is burned.(四)课文复述:根据课文内容完成空格,然后脱稿口头复述。You have three layers of skin which act as a 1._ against disease, poisons and the suns harmful rays. You can get 2._ by a variety of things. There are three types of burns 3._ on which layers of the skin are burned.

22、 Different burns have different 4._. First aid is a very important step in the 5._ of burns. You should remove 6._ using scissors if necessary unless it is 7._ to the skin. It is best to place burns under 8._ for about 10 minutes. Do not rub, as this may break any 9._ and the wound may be 10._. Neve

23、r put 11._on burns as they keep the heat in the wounds and may cause 12._. If the injuries are second or third degree burns, it is vital to get the victim to the 13._at once.(五)角色扮演:口语训练:假设你遇见了Lily, 你问她1-3的问题;你向同桌了解急救的情况,问了4-8的问题。 Pair work: Ask and answer the following questions. 1. 皮肤的功能是什么?2. 为什么

24、急救在我们日常生活中很重要?3. 烧伤后你知道怎么办吗?4. How many layers of skin do we have?5. How many types of burns are there?6. Which layer of the skin do the second degree burns affect?7. Which type of burns cant be put cold water on?8. If the injuries are third degree burns, what should you do at once to the victim?学案三

25、 Grammar Study一、目标导航: 1. 学习并掌握省略句的省略规律。二、目标起航单元同步语法:省略句(一) 观察与归纳:从课文句子中观察语法现象并归纳总结其规律。 1. Burns are called _, _ or third degree burns. 2. First degree burns turns white when _. 3. These burns are not serious and _ better within a day or two. 4. Remove clothing using scissors if _ unless it is stuck

26、to the burn. 5. If burns are on arms or legs, keep them higher than the heart, if _. 总结归纳: 为了使句子简洁,避免重复,省略句中的一个或几个句子成分,这种语法现象叫作省略。 1. 省略某些相同成分。I think English easy and (I think) Russian difficult. My mother is a teacher and my father (is) a doctor. 2. 在when, though, if, unless, once, until 等引导的状语从句中

27、,如果从句中的谓语有助动词“be”,且从句和主句的主语相同,则主语和be助动词可以省略。If (I am) invited, I will attend his wedding.I made a lot of friends while (I was) studying in Beijing University.3. when / if / as soon / as fast as / + possible / necessary, 可理解成中间省略了it is (was).4. 省略宾语从句,用so或not代替上文中的一部分或整句。 -I think this scenic spot is worth visiting.-I think so.-Can you come to take part in my birthday party?-I am afraid not.5. 省略不定式to后动词,常见于be afraid / glad / able / go

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