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what do you do教案打印.docx

1、what do you do教案打印科普版小学英语五年级下册What do you do? 市直九小 徐娜 What do you do?一、教学内容:科普版小学英语五年级下册第五课What do you do?Lets learn部分。二、教材分析:本课将复习以前学过的职业名词teacher,worker, cook,doctor,nurse,driver,policeman并引出新的职业名词postman以及地点名词factory, hospital, post office,并在此基础上学会如何询问对方的职业及工作地点,通过这节课的学习进一步提高用英语进行交际的能力。三、学情分析:根据学

2、生已有的认知基础和小学英语的总体目标,确立本课能听说读写有关职业及工作地点的单词,能理解和掌握本课重点句型,并能用来进行对话。四、教学目标:1、知识目标:能听说读写单词postman,factory, hospital, post office。能理解和掌握本课重点句型并能用来进行会话。What do you do? Where do you work?2、能力目标:能运用所学知识进行简单的日常交流。 能在相关的语境中进行交际。 会运用这些语句进行真实交流和交际。3、情感目标: 使学生体验学习,参与合作,竞争的乐趣;能团结同学,能与好朋友交流,询问他人的职业。 让学生懂得尊重每一份职业,鼓励学

3、生为自己未来理想工作而努力学习。4、创新目标: 在认知和技能掌握的基础上,发挥学生的想象力能与对方面对面交流。五、教学重、难点:理解掌握词汇 postman,post office,hospital,factory。理解并掌握询问对方的职业What do you do? 及其答语I am a .询问对方的工作地点Where do you work ? 及其答语I work in a 六、教法:1.启发式教学 通过游戏和活动所在教学过程中启发引导学生思维,模仿,练习反应速度,培养不同层次的学生大胆用英语交际。 2.利用小组活动培养组员之间的团结协作能力。七、教学准备: 图片,课件。八、教学过程:

4、Step 1: Greeting.Step 2:warm up:Finger play(创设氛围,激发学生兴趣) One finger, one finger, turn, turn, turn, turn to a toothbrush , shua, shua, shua. (两只手各出示一只手指,变成一个牙刷的样子,在嘴边上下刷动Two fingers, two fingers, turn, turn, turn, turn to a rabbit, jump, jump, jump.(两只手各出示两只手指,转一下,变成一个兔子的样子,上下跳)Three fingers, three f

5、ingers, turn, turn, turn, turn to glasses, look, look, look.(两只手各出示三只手指,转一下,变成一副眼镜的样子,左右晃动)Four fingers, four fingers, turn,turn,turn, turn to a cat , meow,meow ,meow. (两只手各出示四只手指,转一下,变成一个猫的样子,在嘴边划动)Five fingers, five fingers, turn,turn,turn , turn to a tiger , aw,aw,aw. (两只手各出示五只手指,转一下,变成一个老虎的样子,两只

6、手举起来假装扑向孩子)Step 3: Revision:(复习旧知,做好铺垫) T: Boys and girls, please look at pictures, and say the words together. S: Cook, nurse, driver, dancer, policemanStep 4: Presentation:(创设情境,传授新课)a.Draw four pictures, learn the new word “postman”.T: You are so great! Now I will draw some pictures on the blackb

7、oard. (利用简笔画,画出worker, teacher, doctor, postman. 引出新词postman,并认读)b. Have a free talk with students. T: Hello, boy. Im a teacher. Are you a teacher? S1: Yes, Im a teacher, too. T: Hello, girl. Im a teacher. Are you a teacher? S2: No, Im a doctor(通过对话练习,让学生熟悉句型Im a )c. Learn the sentence “Im a”T: When

8、 we introduce own job, we can say “Im a” Please practice sentence pattern “I am a ”d. Learn the sentence “What do you do?”T: (After practice) When we want to ask peoples job, what should we say? We can say “What do you do?” This is our topic today. Let me write it on the blackboard.T: (After read an

9、d practice) Lets make sentences according to my pictures. -What do you do? -Im a(First, boys ask, girls answer. Second, girls ask, boys answer. At last, ask and answer together.)e.Draw pictures, learn the new word “factory, hospital, post office”.T: Boys and girls, please look here. Now think about

10、this question. Where can we see these four people? Let me draw some pictures.Picture1: This is a school. Im a teacher, I work in a school. Picture2: This is a factory. Im a worker, I work in a factory. Picture3: This is a hospital. Im a doctor, I work in a hospital. Picture4: This is a post office.

11、Im a postman , I work in a post office.(利用简笔画,引出school, 以及新授词factory, hospital, post office。由新词factory, hospital, post office过渡到短语in a factory, in a hospital, in a post office, 再深入到句型I work in a factory. I work in a hospital. I work in a post office.通过教师的领读,达到熟练掌握的效果。)f. Learn the sentence “I work i

12、n a”T: When we introduce own work place, we can say “I work in a” Please practice sentence pattern “I work in a ” with pictures on the blackboard.T: Now I will dress up myself. Please say the sentences according to me. For example, I dress up as a doctor, and you say the sentence “Im a doctor, I wor

13、k in a hospital.”(Teacher dress up as a worker, policeman, nurse, cleaner, teacher. And students say the sentences together.)g. Learn the sentence “Where do you work?”T: Do you know how to ask peoples work place? We can say “Where do you work?”(领读) Please ask and answer with pictures on the blackboa

14、rd.T: Lets have a chant. -Teacher, teacher, where do you work? -School, school, I work in a school. -Worker, worker, where do you work? -Factory, factory, I work in a factory. -Doctor, doctor, where do you work? -Hospital, hospital, I work in a hospital. -Postman, postman, where do you work? -Post o

15、ffice, post office, I work in a post office. (Practice between TS,BG)Step5: Summary:Summary key sentences:-What do you do? -I am a.-Where do you work? - I work in aT: Today we have learned four sentences. I want to have a talk with somebody.-T: What do you do? -S1: I am a.-T: Where do you work? -S1:

16、 I work in a-T: You can ask the same questions to your good friend?-S1:OK. Hello, S2. What do you do?-S2: .Step6: Pair Work:T: Now practice in your group. Four people in a group. Please chat with your group members. Then we will have a show.T: (After show) If we change the subject to he or she, we c

17、an ask and answer like that:-What does she/he do? -She/He is a -Where does she/he work? - She /He works in a Step7: Ending:T: Please look at some pictures. They are cleaners. They get up early every morning. They work in the rain. They work in the snow. Because of them, our city has become more and

18、more beautiful. What should we do for them? First, please dont drop things everywhere, second we should say “thank you” to them.T: We have so many jobs in the world. I think you have your own ideal job. Now please study hard, and your dream will come true.Step8: Homework: You are a reporter. Please interview the different occupation people around you. Step9: Blackboard design:

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