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012 The Rise to Power P1723.docx

1、012 The Rise to Power P172301.2 The (raise: vt. -) Rise (vi.) to Power 国力的崛起01.2.1 Of (=On) Race (=competition) and (front-) Frontiers国力的竞争和领土扩张(With) the war (was) over (=After the war was finished/ over南北战争结束后), the national government (was) consolidated (=enhanced/ strengthened巩固) its power (政权)

2、and Americans changed a key (=important) verb (are-is). Before the war and in recognition (n.承认) of the power of the states, people used the plural form: “The United States are ” After the war, with the nation (unite-union) achieved (vt.实现了国家的统一), they substituted (=replaced取代) the singular form (is

3、): “The United States is ”*Box 1.2 The Gettysburg Address (=speech演讲)Four score (1)二十; (2)n. 分数; (3)vt.得分 and seven years ago our fathers (=founder祖先) brought forth (=brought about带来) on this continent, a new nation, conceived (构思) in Liberty (n.自由), and dedicated to the (propose: vt.建议-) propositio

4、n (=proposal/ belief主张) that all men are created equal (所有人生而平等). Now we are engaged in (=involved in) a great civil war, testing (考验) whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure (经受长期的考验). We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate

5、 a portion (=part) of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live (=exist). It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate we can not consecrate (奉献)-we can not hallow (把视为神圣)-this groun

6、d. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated (使变得神圣) it, far above our poor power to add (=praise表演) or detract (贬低, 评判). The world will little (=seldom: adv.很少) note (=notice注意), nor long remember what we say here, but it (=the world) can never forget what they did here.

7、It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to (专注于) the unfinished work (未尽的事业) which they who fought here have thus far so nobly (=obviously) advanced (=promoted推进). It is rather for us to be here dedicated to (=devote oneself to sth.投身于事业) the great task remaining before (=facing摆在我们面前的

8、) us- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion (专注于) to that cause (事业) for which they gave their last full measure (=means手段) of devotion (献出了最后一滴血)-that we here highly resolve (决心) that these dead shall not have died in vain (徒劳)-that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth o

9、f freedom (获得自由的新生)-and that government of the people, by the people, for the people (民有,民治,民享的政府), shall not perish (=disappear消失) from the earth.Abraham Lincoln, 1863*In 1867, the US purchased Alaska from Russia and the government began to reconstruct the South in the national image (形象). Three co

10、nstitutional amendments (修正案) (13th, 14th, 15th)-during the period called Reconstruction (重建时期)-freed (vt.) the slaves, provided citizenship (公民权), and gave the vote to black men (see Appendix).Southern whites responded by requiring (illiterate文盲的literate识字的-) literacy (n.识字) tests and poll taxes (人

11、头税) for voting, leasing (=setting free释放) convicts (=prisoners of war战俘, 囚犯) to private individuals (解甲归田), refusing to allow blacks to sit on juries (陪审团), and organizing the Ku Klux Klan (三K党). In 1877, Southern resistance had exhausted (vt.耗尽-pipe排气管) government efforts and led (=forced) Presiden

12、t Rutherford B. Hayes to end (=finish) Reconstruction and announce (宣布) that the South would be left alone to deal with its “negro (黑奴/ 黑鬼) problem.” Let it alone, and it will let you alone.你不惹它,它不惹你! By the 1890s, lynch (私刑) mobs (暴徒) killed over (=more than) a hundred African Americans a year. The

13、n, in 1896, the US Supreme Court ruled (裁决, 规定) that “separate but equal” school rooms, hospitals, libraries, hotel (accommodate接纳-) accommodations (住宿), and streetcars (有轨电车) were in the spirit of the Constitution. The nation was officially segregated (discriminate隔离, 歧视).During the last quarter of

14、 the nineteenth century, the country filled up (=expanded) as (=when) the government helped itself, railroad interests, and homesteaders (自耕农) to the land Indians had believed to be theirs “as long as (只要) the wind blows, as long as the grass grows, as long as the rivers flow” -as ran the official p

15、hrasing used in treaties granting (=permitting准许,授权) property (财产poverty: n.贫穷) rights to Indian tribes. The governments resolve (n./vt.决心) to finish the Indian wars was accelerated (加速) by an event (事件) that occurred (=appeared) during the nations cent-: (1)百分之一; (2)一百 centennial (百年的) celebration.

16、 In late June 1876 along the Little Big Horn River in Montana territory, a brash (傲慢的) army colonel (上校) set out to destroy a group of Indians. Surprised by one of the largest concentrations (聚集) of tribes in the history of the West, George Armstrong Custer and his command of some 250 men were kille

17、d by the forces of Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse and Rainin-the-Face. Whites cried for (号召) revenge, and, to destroy Indian resistance (抵抗) and culture, army snipers (狙击手) helped professional hunters kill nearly 30 million buffaloes. The wars ended with the surrender (投降) of Geronimo and his group of Ap

18、aches (印第安人的一支系) in 1886.The West belonged to the white man. Laws allowed homesteaders to settle on 160 acres, without cost, if they would cultivate (耕种) the land. Many families built little houses on the prairie (北美大草原plain) and began farming (农业). Railroad companies received enormous (=huge) subsi

19、dies (补贴) in the form of land grants (vt./n.土地使用的授权)-1040 square miles of land for each mile of railroad built, an area equal to one-sixth of all Western lands. Timber (木材) and mining companies were soon cutting and digging everywhere. During the cowboy era (=times时代), herds of cattle were driven fr

20、om the grazing fields in Texas to stockyards (牲畜栏) and slaughterhouses (屠宰场) in the Midwest.In 1893, historian Frederick Jackson Turner put forth his “frontier thesis (论点,论文)” that the experience of isolation (与外界隔离) and the (available可得到的-) availability of free land had shaped American democracy an

21、d institutions (政府结构) (Turner,1966). Turner inscribed (刻写) the frontier (国境, 边疆, 边境) as the crucible (坩锅) where the American traits (个性,特征) of individualism (自由主义) and (acquire: vt.获得-) acquisitiveness (=greed贪婪) originated and he described (描述) the central place frontiers occupy in the American ima

22、gination 特纳认为,边疆是一个大熔炉,冶炼出美国人自私和贪婪的特性, 而开疆拓土在美国人意识中具有举足轻重的重要性. The rhetoric (修辞, 虚夸的言辞) of the frontier continues in contemporary America as (when) leaders speak of foreign policy or business challenges as new frontiers to be explored, conquered, and made safe (有待探索,开垦和确保的国家利益).1.2.2 The Gilded Age

23、(镀金时代)The first transcontinental railroad connecting San Francisco (旧金山) with New York City was completed in 1869. By 1900, the United States had 258,000 miles of track (=railway), one-third of all the railroad mileage (里程) in the world. Railroad companies merged (联合) with investment banking firms a

24、nd large corporate (社团, 法人的) law firms to help create modern managerial (管理上的) capitalism (资本财团). John D. Rockefellers oil company and Andrew Carnegies steel factories led the way by integrating (结合) production processes to control all aspects of the production of a single product (vertical integrat

25、ion纵向结合) or to gain (=get) a monopoly (垄断) over a single step in production (horizontal integration横向结合). In fact, developments sped (加速) along so fast that the industrialists and bankers, who saw themselves as “industrial statesmen (政治家),” seemed to be “robber barons (男爵, 强盗式资本家)” to the general pu

26、blic. Writer Mark Twain called the period The Gilded (镀金) Age (1873) because the rise of huge industry, big cities, and commerce looked golden; but to scratch off (抢夺) the gold revealed (=showed显示) only the ugliness of base (=humble) (卑贱的) metal.The philosophy (意识) of the marketplace reflected the e

27、ras conservative (保守的) tone (n.基调-tune: vt. 调台) as (因为) economic policy followed free market principles. This laissez-faire (=let it do放任主义, 资本主义的自由竞争) approach (=method) stressed self-sufficiency (自给自足) and self-interest (=selfishness自私自利) in a climate (=atmosphere) of limited governmental interven

28、tion (干涉), excepting tariff (关税) protection in international trade. The American creed (信条) of equal opportunity contributed to this, but so did the belief in natural selection (物竞天择) and evolutionary change put forth by Charles Darwin and adapted adapt oneself to the environment改编-adaptor适配器adopt采用

29、,收养 into a philosophy that natural laws (=jungle law自然法则, 森林法则) govern (=control) peoples place (=status) in society- labeled by Herbert Spencer as “(survive-) survival of the fittest (适者生存).” Then, William Graham Sumner summarized (总结) these beliefs by arguing that the (acquire-) acquisition of pri

30、vate property was the most important goal for individuals. Andrew Carnegie also promoted (recommend推荐) this “Gospel 圣经新约福音书 of Wealth” and agreed that any government interference (干涉)-such as welfare (福利)-hindered (阻碍) progress and hurt society because in any free society operating under evolutionar

31、y principles, wealth and power would naturally go to those most deserving (值得的) of it.As they have done throughout their history-in change alter- alternate: 交替出现- alternating (交替出现) cycles (周期) of liberal reforms and conservative retrenchments (删除)-Americans looked at their country and adjusted it.

32、A new type of investigative journal=magazine杂志-journalism新闻学-journalist新闻工作者,专栏作家 journalism (新闻学/ 杂志) led the way (引领了社会潮流), with social commentary (评论) and photographs, such as Jacob Riiss How the Other Half Lives (1890), Lincoln Steffens The Shame of the Cities (1904), and Upton Sinclairs The Jungle (1906). Americans searched for order, called for (号召,呼唤) government action, and considered (solve-) solutions (解决方案) to reform community (=society) in the face of (=facing) unprecedented immigration, i

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