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A Study of Emily Bronte and Her Different Love Patterns in Wuthering Heights.docx

1、A Study of Emily Bronte and Her Different Love Patterns in Wuthering HeightsA Study of Emily Bronte and Her Different Love Patterns in Wuthering Heights Name: Number: Supervisor: Major: English Specialty: English literature Department: Foreign Languages DepartmentMay 11, 2015ContentsAbstractOutlineI

2、ntroduction.1. The background of Wuthering Heights.1. The life experience of Emily Bronte .4. Three kinds of love in Wuthering Heights .6. The warning for modern females .10Conclusion.11Bibliography.13A Study of Emily Bronte and Her Different Love Patterns in Wuthering HeightsAbstract: As an outstan

3、ding writer, Emily Bronte devoted her whole life into the masterpiece, Wuthering Heights, through her own experience. The paper attempts to find out the connection between the author and her work by collecting material from documents and books. With the help of presenting the background of Wuthering

4、 Heights, we can further understand how Emily Bronte wrote such a novel. It can give our modern females some enlightenment after discussing it.Key words: Emily Bronte; love value; Catherine; Linton; Heathcliff对艾米丽勃兰特及其在呼啸山庄中不同爱情观的研究【摘要】艾米丽勃朗特是一位杰出的作家,为撰写呼啸山庄,她投入了毕生的心血。这部著作中时时流露出作者自身对于爱情和婚姻的观点。本论文展示了

5、该作品的写作背景,通过收集文献和书籍来揭示该著作与其作者自身经历之间的联系,以期为现代女性提供一些爱情和婚姻方面的建议。【关键词】艾米丽勃兰特;爱情观;凯瑟琳;林顿;希斯克利夫A Study of Emily Bronte and Her Different Love Patterns in Wuthering HeightsThesis statement: Through studying those different love patterns in Wuthering Heights, we can learn something about Emily Bronte attitud

6、e towards love and present a lesson for modern females.OutlineIntroductionI. The background of Wuthering HeightsA. Literary background B. Social backgroundII. The life experience of Emily Bronte A. Emily Bronte family B. Emily Bronte life experience C. Emily Bronte character. Two kinds of love in Wu

7、thering Heights A. The love between Catherine and Linton . Material factors . Marriage bond . Sincere loveB. The love tragedy between Catherine and Heathcliff . Environmental factors . Spiritual attractions . Fanatical love.The warning for modern females Conclusion A Study of Emily Bronte and Her Di

8、fferent Love Patterns in Wuthering HeightsIntroduction Wuthering Heights tells a story of superhuman love and revenge portrayed on the English moors. The story really begins with Mr. Earnshaw, who leaves town on business and brings back with him an orphan who is named as Heathcliff. The author, Emil

9、y Bronte, who is based on her own experience, writes such a masterpiece in terms of different love patterns, which is also worth of our thinking in modern times.Back to 1934, Cecil and David only concentrated on those horrible atmospheres which were set up in Wuthering Heights. In 1990, this masterp

10、iece attracted great attentions of scholars and reviewers, represented by Delamotte, Eugenia C. She began to make a lot of researches about female gothic writing style, which was definitely a symbol of feminism.In this thesis, it will have some new discussions over love patterns in Wuthering Heights

11、 and the author, Emily Bronte herself, which is meant to give some inspirations to modern females. The background of Wuthering Heights A. Social background Emily Bronte was born in the early 19th century, namely the early unrest Victorian period. The industrial revolution had a great impact on Briti

12、sh society, and even the whole world. Increasingly aggravating contradiction between workers and capitalists and a number of laws issued aiming to protect the interests of the rich class widened the gap between the rich and the poor. Charter movement broke out, triggering relentless strikes and soci

13、al conflicts. This period even made it impossible for those landlords to leave who lived in the northern remote areas unscathed, and every British man seemed to have experienced a horrible hurricane. As for females, they began to get rid of restraints and gained independence for themselves. Their st

14、atus had been largely improved in political, economical and social aspects. Of these statuses, political status was the easily solved one, and the social status was the most hardly changed one. With the development of industrialization, British political power and economical power tended to combine

15、with each other as one. Breaking the monopolized situation in state political circle and establishing democratic political mode was the common goal of capitalist class and the working class. Because liberalism emphasizes individual freedom and the equality of everyone before the law, therefore, how

16、to deal with the females whose population accounts for half of the total population became an unavoidable fact. Feminism which called for liberty began to emerge, and British females self-consciousness started to awaken. Based on liberalism and liberal feminism, females could take part in social pol

17、itical activities, carry out feminist campaigns and fight for their own emancipation. Upper-class females were always the main characters of political fighting and the backer of politician. They usually directly chose to participate in political conflicts in order to raise their political status.Eco

18、nomically, females actively committed to work aiming to earn money to support their family. However, these jobs mostly belonged to the extended part of housework, rather than the professional and high-paid jobs. In 1851, 80% of the working females had their jobs in service industry, textile industry

19、 and clothing industry. Compared with the wage of men, those of females were relatively low in some way and easily influenced by the fluctuation of price and working time. Therefore, although the employment of females in the 19th century had been improved in a large scale, they were still at disadva

20、ntage in terms of working. In addition, with the advancement of economical status of females, their rights regarding using property were also guaranteed even if men still hold the speak right in domination. Socially, at that time, British society centered on males, while sidelining females. Females

21、did not have a relatively independent income, thus, “good daughter, good wife and good mother” became the limited standard inside their heart and fettered their freedom. This concept of the family deeply affected their requirements and positioning as the role of women. In addition to taking care of

22、their family, they had to ensure a warm family atmosphere, offer a spiritual haven for men (not only their husbands), and prevent the daily life from spiritual pollution so as to ensure that children can grow up in a pure environment. In order to support themselves, females had to become the private

23、 property of men or go out to work in school or as private teachers. Before getting married, women depended on their father, after their marriage, they relied on their husbands. They, like proletarians, were oppressed at the bottom of this society without any dignity. Therefore, as a guarantee of th

24、e rest life, marriage seemed to be particularly important for women. However, money, property and social class became the main condition for women to choose their husband. Women, who were born in poor family, had no right to determine their destiny and had to seek help from men. Influenced by patria

25、rchal hierarchy, human mind was circled in a tiny space, rather than fighting for their proper right, they had to be subject to reality and suffer from abuse. Wuthering heights was written by Emily Bronte under such circumstances.B. Literary background In the nineteenth century, British literature d

26、eveloped from romanticism to realism. There were plenty of distinguished female writers, such as, Jane Austin, Mary Shelley, the Bronte sisters, Eliot and so on. However, as a matter of fact, in that patriarchal society, only a few female writers were recognized by the public. They were often critic

27、ized as women other than writers. Therefore, their confusion and worrying was reflected in their works.First, the imagination and extension of female gothic novel had been developed rapidly in the nineteen century. Emily betrayed the literature mainstream of the 19th century Victoria period and deve

28、loped a new narrative way. She belongs to female gothic school which is strange and mysterious to her. A plenty of gothic images are created in a horrible environment, which demonstrates anxious and frightened feeling of females under the patriarchal society. With profound history and cultural eleme

29、nts, female gothic novels are focused on realistic features, reflects the social reason why they suffer from psychological trauma and personality oppression, which weakens the super-natural elements of traditional gothic novels. Through certain limited space, female gothic works express rather than

30、violent murderous and horrible mysterious power, but those worries and terror experienced by women. In realistic literature, Wuthering heights written by Emily is a classical work of female gothic work, which conveys the inner voice of seeking their nature, sent out by females.Second, those works of

31、 19 century were influenced by realistic aesthetics. At that time, realism aimed to describe every aspect of life that people had experienced. It emphasized the way to describe the life, instead of the life itself. Since Jane Austin put up her disagreements towards gothic and sentimental novels, and called for succinct style of narration, a lot of outstanding female writers appeared to make a try in this regard.Third, in the early phase of the birth of Wuthering Heights, females writers were on the embryonic stage of feminist, and they began to realize the changes around them

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