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1、昆仑概念楼书扉页 Preface道始归原 Tao starts from the original巍巍昆仑,天地之始,雄浑归原。Lofty Kunlun, derives from the nature and returns to the original1-2【山】shn“藐姑射之山,有神人居焉。乘云气,御飞龙,而游乎四海之外。”庄周逍遥游MountainOn Gushe Mountain, some god-men reside there. They ride clouds or pterosaurs to travel all over the world.- Zhuang Zhou

2、, the Travel of Peripateticism雄浑,渊兮,天地之始昆仑气势,渊,博,浑,厚,归原,本真,天之始,地之溯。Grandeur, profoundity, the origin of the worldVerve of Kunlun features,Profoundity, breadth, grandeur and stoutness,Which allow the apartment go back to origin and genuineness. 3-4瞰天下,惟昆仑莽莽昆仑公寓,放量全球,仅有专署领地,谈笑间,尽揽天下。搏扶摇而上者九万里,绝云气,负青天。

3、容思想放任,领域尊崇,博通古今,惟属昆仑。For vastness, its Kunlun rather than anything else under the sunBeing sold to customers worldwide, Kingland, your exclusive territory, allows you fully look over the world in the moment of talking or laughing. Its a place for you to rise steeply to the heaven where there is no c

4、loud but blue sky. No other apartment but Kingland allows you indulge yourself in thinking from the old days to the present. 5-6巍巍昆仑,万象之宗凭昆仑以瞰雾露兮。屈原楚辞橘颂巍巍昆仑屹立东方,驰骋大地广袤无边。华夏民族精神图腾,为无数圣贤神往,气韵千古。君子凭道修身,厚德载物,取舍之间,尚怀若谷。昆仑公寓饱蘸亘古渊远气魄,自天地始然。Lofty Kunlun, the source of everythingBasing on the Kunlun Mountain

5、, we can overlook the fogs and dews. - Qu Yuan,Lofty Kunlun Mountain stands towering in the orient, covering boundless ground. Its one of national spirit totems for Chinese, making numerous oracles be lost in thought. A man of honor cultivates his morality by right of Tao, regards moral rather than

6、substance. Kingland has its unique verve derived from the ancient times. 7-8昆仑之道,繁衍生息道生一。一生二。二生三。三生万物。汇五千年风雨雷电,巍然不动。山者水之源,水者山之委,诸山皆发脉于昆仑。昆仑之脉,枝干分明,秉之若五气,合诸五形。江与河、戈壁与大漠,广阔于是自在,高耸于是圣洁。五千年风华风云再起,等待,万人敬仰。Kinglands Tao will be far propagatedTao generates one, one generates two, two generates three, three

7、 generates the world. Through over 5000 years of extreme weathers, the mountain is still towering and motionless. The mountain is the source of the water, while the water is essential to the mountain, and all the mountains are derived from Kunlun. Kunlun mountains feature obvious branches and trunks

8、, which show various changes. For river and stream, gobi and desert, they feel free since they are spacious, they are saintly since they are lofty. 5000 years of elegance and talent will resurge surprisingly and is waiting for veneration from the public. 9-10通神天地,云中灵致干,天也。昆仑山为柱,气上通天。山海经海内西经有云:“昆仑之虚,

9、方八百里,高万仞百神之所在。”万象之宗,海纳世间灵气,上至天界,下通万物,黄帝玄囿,王母瑶池,流传万千传说。绝顶星河峰巅日月,玉立雪山寒威千里。皑皑白雪,层云飘渺,绰绰身姿,谈笑天地,至性至灵。Connecting the heaven and the earth, standing among the cloudsIts the nature to determine to do or not. Kunlun Mountain is the column between the heaven and the earth, exceeding lofty or great. Mountain

10、and Sea Classics - West China Classics says: its said that Kunlun Mountain is 400km long and 400km wide, the mountain is too high to see the peak. 100 gods are residing in the mountain.Its the source of everything, including the nimbus from the world. This place is connected to the heaven upwards an

11、d to the earth downwards, thus the Yellow Emperor built up his imperial garden here and the Fairy Mother Goddess also built her abode here, which makes numerous legends go round. The peaks silently enjoy the sunlight, moonlight and starlight above the world, and the snow mountains show their cold fo

12、rces to further places. Pure white snow, misty cloud and beautiful appearance11- 12【道】do道可道,非常道。【道】do TaoIf a Tao can be explained, its not a Tao any more.大音希声,大象无形明道若昧,上德若谷,大音希声,大象无形。感触,境由心生,观其行道,听之以心。天籁之音,反无声可闻;天象之形,反无象可寻。居所亦入一道,以方寸之间论社稷苍生,则君子大隐于世,却决胜千里,所谓,执大象,天下往。Large sound has little tone, larg

13、e image is intangibleThe obvious Tao seems to be hidden, the upper moral seems like grain, the large sound has little tone, and the large image is intangible. Feeling, derived from the heart, can be seen in its ways and listened with heart. The sounds of nature have no sound to hear; the images of n

14、ature have no form to seek for. The residence is one of Taos, we can discuss the society and the common people in small compartment. The man of honor is concealed in the world but can make final bid far away. As the saying is, once you hold the great power, then you will be followed by the world. 13

15、-14致虚极,守静笃有物混成,先天地生。归根曰静,静曰复命,复命曰常,知常曰明。致虚极,守静笃;夫物芸芸,各复归其根。宇宙无疆,承载自然变幻,昆仑之道融于自然,听之不闻其声,视之不见其形。如而复终,止而又行。尖端科技通达宇宙,至高视野论旷世之道。君子,以虚无纳无限疆域。Virtual circumstance and quietnessOnly one thing is generated prior to the nature,Its quietness. One can be quiet, then one will adhere to the fate; adhering to the

16、fate allows one to be common; anyone know what the common is, then one is enlightened. Due to virtual circumstance and quietness, everything will return to their roots respectively. The universe is boundless but bears many natural changes, Kunluns Tao is blended into the nature, without any sound an

17、d form. In such circle, it halts, and then continues to move forward. The cutting-edge technologies allow the people travel in the universe; and the superhigh visual field is discussing the remarkable way of many ages. Man of honor is included boundless territory with vanity. 15-16少则得,多则惑万象从心起,少则明朗,

18、多则使人迷惑。一如圣人必先修其身,养其气,炼其精,方能达自在之境。生万物者无为,成万物者有为。万象皆发端昆仑,层峰之上孕生二十三宅,萃天地精魂,运筹于心,却不露棱角锋芒。If you just expect a little, you surely obtain it; if you want too much, you are surely puzzledEverything is raised from your heart, if you require little, then the condition is clear; if you require too much, you w

19、ill be puzzled. Its like to saints to build up their moral, to foster their characters, to refine their spirit in priority, and then they just reach the free condition. Inaction generates everything, but the action creates the nature. Everything is derived from Kunlun Mountain; among the peaks, 23 a

20、partments are conceived to absorb the essence from the heaven and the earth.Plan at heart without any personality disclosure. 17-18太初之道,溯源昆仑万物繁衍生息,皆始于昆仑。执古之道以御今之有。能知古始,是谓道纪。昆仑之峰巅,心神皈依,宁静而致远。体味生命初临的纯净,无色无味,无欲无求。以豁达之心看待人生,追寻世间万物的本真,复归婴儿,造化于梵天梦中。The Tao of Taichu trace to origins in KunlunThe generatio

21、n of everything is started in Kunlun. We could use the old Taos for todays operation. Its called Tao that anyone can know the origin in the old days. In the peak of Kunlun, one can convert his mind and realize Tao further since quietness. To experience the purity in the early stages of life allow on

22、e have no appetency and requirement at all. To look on the life with open mind allow one to seek for the genuine of the nature. Reverting to be an infant, we can be indulged n the intoxication of Brahma. 19-20纵天,擘云昆仑巅峰,自在挥洒,辽阔纵横天下,任风云波澜。Vast sky, huge cloudIn the peak of Kunlun, you can conduct ever

23、ything freely,Overlook the expansive world, and the great waves of wind and cloud. 21-22【人】rn【人】rn Human至人无己,神人无功,圣人无名。A genuine human has no selfish idea, a god-man has no demand to contribution, and a saint has no demand to reputation. 至人,大任于世视野远瞩,胸襟豁达,融君子魄力非凡角度,质素非常人所及。为人上人,至清至静,在杳杳冥冥之中,洞观万物至微至妙的

24、造化机缘。一如昆仑峰顶高不可及,气势雄浑。Genuine human, assumes the great duties to the worldFar-sighted visual field, open mind, uncommon vigor, unmatched diathesis. It requires having few desires and being quiet for being an unmatched person. Imperceptibly but inexorably, you can make insight on everything due to goo

25、d luck. Unreachable and vigorous, just like Kunlun23-24国之脊梁巅峰之境乃是笑看风云,坐怀不乱,方为砥柱中流。子曰:“修身,治国,平天下。”中国巅峰阶层,关系国之命脉发展,是看不见的力量。他们,是无名的勇者,民族的脊梁。National ridgeOn the peak, you can look at the wind and cloud with smile without any chaos in heart, and then you can be the axial column. Confucius say: cultivate

26、 ones morality, manage state affairs, and then make the world peaceful.The highest level is related to the development of China, and they are an invisible strength. They are innominate warrior and the national ridge. 25-26根祖,华夏昆仑神山,五千年来生生不息,以其仁智在东方大地生根成长,博大气脉繁衍千万后代,昆仑山脉穿起华夏大地的龙魂。帝京茫茫胸怀,昆仑公寓居龙脉之首,傲然俯

27、瞰世界,凝聚五千年华夏历史精髓。Root, ChinaKunlun Mountain is vigorous in the past 5000 years. It takes roots and grows in the oriental earth with its humanity and wisdom. With its vast vein to cultivate numerous offspring, Kunlun Mountain is the dragon spirit in China. In the boundless breast of Beijing, capital o

28、f todays China and the royal city for the past emperors, Kingland is standing on the head of the dragon vein, proudly overlooking the world and agglomerating the historical essentiality from the over 5000 years of Chinese history. 27-28紫禁,神韵紫禁城从建都规划,便承继了昆仑山脉之神韵。周礼冬官匠人十三经注疏本,从礼制、伦理角度,对王城规划进行阐发:“匠人营国,

29、国中九经九纬,经涂九轨。”城与河拱卫王城,威严与神采独具。源神山昆仑与神水大泽地脉,延华夏龙脉之根,古老帝京孕育生长。深厚历史文化底蕴,传承昆仑万物之始,伸延龙脉神采灵韵。The Forbidden City, verveSince the early planning of founding a capital, the Forbidden City has inherited the verve of Kunlun Mountain. , thirteen classics notes and commentaries vision, explains the royal city pla

30、nning for the angle of social institutions and ethics: the craftsman build up a national city where there are nine longitudes and nine parallels, coated with nine tracks.” The city wall and river surround and protect the royal city, featuring stateliness and expression. Sourcing from floor vein of h

31、oly mountain Kunlun and holy water Daze, the old royal city gestates growth since it extends the root of Chinese vein. With the profound historical culture background, the apartment inherits the original of Kunlun and extends the verve of the dragon vein. 29-30紫气东来“紫气东来必有异人通过。”典出关令尹内传。尹喜眼观天象,霞光万道迎老子至。紫气之来,象征万物涅盘回归本初,由东方延伸繁衍,祥瑞升腾,辉映光芒万丈,万山之宗,夺目东方。东方,希望之方向,承载千百万年,光明与璀璨。宇宙偏东,世界东半球,中原之东,昆仑巍峨屹立。古老神秘,旖旎静谧,卧虎藏龙,帝京大气、庄重、内敛,又不失闲适、清雅。Purple gas comes from the east“O

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