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1、二年级英语演讲稿二年级英语演讲稿篇一:小学二年级演讲稿大全英语一个快乐女孩(a happy girl) im a happy english name is you happyim very have a good name is cheng xin has a pair of big like her.i like birthday is in a good ten years inclass seven grade teachers name is yao hui is a good teacher!i likeher.what color do you like i like pink

2、and want a rabbit for mylike to eat like to go to shool. i have a good have a good father. oh,no!im hugry! mumy! im hugry! goodbye! 我的可爱老师(my lovely teacher)我们班有个可爱的老师,我们学生都把他当成我们的朋友,我们愿意把自己的喜怒哀乐告诉他,他不仅在学习上帮助我们,也会在其它事上指导我们,我很高兴有这样的老师。 本文译文:there is a lovely teacher in our class. we like him as our f

3、riends. we would liketo tell him everything, happiness and sadness. he helps us on our lessons and guidesus on other things. i am happy to have such a good teacher.最好的朋友(best friends) i have many you know who they areare they my pet they my classmatesno. let me tell you:they are my favourit book. i

4、like books very like reading science book,cartoonbook so onlylet me know how wonderful the word is but also teach me how to be a good person inthe society,they give me great love books!美丽的老师(sweet teacher)my english teacher is ms peng. her eyes are big, her mouth is small, and her hairis long. she i

5、s very young and likes cakes and chocolate. she often plays games with all like her and her english class. she loves us very much. she is a goodteacher.秋天的颜色(the colour of autumn) look ! birds are flying from the north to the south. the leaves are yellow. someare hanging on the trees, some are on th

6、e ground ,some are dancing in the wind. someonewould say autumn is are so many fruits in autumn in xinxing . pears ,peaches. mangos, orangesand so on. theyre fresh and healthy. oh! i see. autumn is a harvest season. autumn is colourful. what a beautifulseason !篇二:二年级英语下学期家长会发言稿 亲爱的二年级家长们:你们好!很高兴我们又见

7、面了。我们的孩子们已经学习了将近两个学期的英语了,孩子们的英语在一点一点地进步着。同时也有很多的困惑与困难。本次家长会我想重点讲讲关于我们孩子的听读。综合孩子们的课堂学习习惯、听读检查情况以及一些家长们的电话咨询,我发现孩子在回家的听读完成情况上存在较多的困惑。首先我们来看下新制定的国家义务教育英语课程标准一级总目标。 能根据教师的简单指令做动作、做游戏、做事情(如涂颜色、连线)。 能做简单的角色扮演。能唱简单的英文歌曲,说简单的英语歌谣。 能在图片的帮助下听懂和读懂简单的小故事。 能交流简单的个人信息,表达简单的情感和感觉。 能模仿范例书写词句。 在学习中乐于模仿,敢于表达,对英语具有一定的

8、感知能力。 对英语学习中接触的外国文化习俗感兴趣。从总目标中,我们明确一下我们一二年级的目标:培养良好的学习习惯和语音语调。 培养和发展孩子们学英语,用英语的兴趣和爱好 大家知道,二年级英语一周的课时量非常少。一个星期只有整整四十分钟的时间是属于英语课的。加上课堂内检查听读作业、教师教授新内容的时间,虽然我很注意让孩子们尽可能有机会表达,但实际剩下给孩子们真正自己练习发音的机会少之又少。所以一二年级的英语更加注重学生在家里的听读。这张表格我在上学期的家长会上也出示过。左边是孩子们课内课外我们预期他们能达到的目标;右边是家长们能对孩子们做出的帮助。 经过我们将近两个学期对英语课本光盘的大量重复地

9、听读,大部分孩子已经建立了良好的听读习惯与发音习惯。随之而来的一个问题比较明显,学校校本教材录制的听读光盘内容比较少,没有视频与图像。慢慢地孩子们对听读学校光盘的兴趣降低了,甚至觉得乏味无趣。所以这个学期开学初,我对孩子们听读的内容做出了调整。一个星期学校听读光盘保证5分钟的听读即可,其他时间可以利用一些其他的听读材料和自己的朗读来代替。现在市面上以及上一些关于少儿英语的儿歌、视频都比较多,家长们可以购买或下载到电脑上,建议可以让孩子们去听去看。但如果是英语小动画的话,建议家长们选择一些简单的、没有中文字幕的材料。时间不要太长。保护好孩子们的眼睛。 如果家长有一定的英语基础,可以从上下载一些英

10、语儿童绘本,为孩子讲述英语故事。这样可以与孩子进行英语互动,也是一个很不错的办法。学生的抽象思维能力较低,形象思维能力强,但注意力容易分散。适合以故事、小品、漫画或动画等形式展示,并配以丰富的色彩,从而增强学生的兴趣和注意力。根据教育心理学,如果学生对于一件事物有极大的兴趣,他们就会全身心地投入到知识的学习中去。接下来我想以一场story time的形式向各位家长介绍一下络上、市面上一些常见的英语材料。方便大家扩展孩子的听读内容和提升孩子的英语兴趣。 wawayaya开心英语/双语童话故事系列软件 (内容非常丰富,趣味性十足。) helloteddy 北大魔力宝贝 棒棒英语flash (双语故

11、事绘本系列) 剑桥少儿英语 牛津英语 新标准英语(一年级起点) 阶梯英语you and me. 新概念英语青少版 其他一些英语故事绘本孩子年纪尚小,不可轻易从众,要根据自己孩子学习英语的实际情况对孩子提出基本和提高的要求。不可学习难度过高的课程,更不可几门类似课程都上,那样除了令他们体力不支,更会在高难度面前,遭受自信心的打击。 1.为孩子准备好学习用具(电脑、英语材料) 2.适时关心孩子口头作业完成情况。 3.培养孩子能自觉自发进行听说读的预习及复习的习惯。 4.周末请家长在英语书处签名及日期,方便我跟踪孩子在家中学习。 1.留意孩子是否张嘴大声跟读。 2.观察孩子读书的时候是否是看着书,或

12、手指着书本相应部分。 3. 鼓励读得流利的孩子,向更高目标努力脱离图画,认读句子。 作业方面 口头作业:包括读课文和背诵课文 ,认读单词。 听力作业:主要是听英语课文材料 如何抓作业:督促孩子听英语课文材料和朗读课文,请家长照实际情况签名。您对孩子们学习的关注是孩子学习的最大动力! 您对孩子们学习的关注是对我们工作最大的支持! 让我们携手同行共同见证孩子的成长!谢谢!篇三:小学英语演讲稿 hello , dear teachers and friends. im very glad to stand here and give my speech.the name of my speech i

13、s “respect the freedom of animals”example, you keep a pet dog or cat in your house; your parents often take youto visit animals in the zoo ; you put a bird in a cage to feed it every day and soon. but is it right to keep the animals we love in cages or houses i dont thinkits right. you and i live on

14、 the earth. the animals also live here. the earth isnot only our home, but also the animals. why do people caged lots of wild animals,and make them lose their freedom . in lots of zoos, animals are trained to earn moneyfor people. but what do most of the zoos care for more, money or animals if you w

15、erean animal, would you be happy so why let the animals be sick to death in a zooi once read a story about a kid who saved his allowance for years and bought a rareturtle from a zoo to take it back to its wild home. if you truly care about animals,do something like that. wise mankind, start on it no

16、w. respect our animal friendsand the freedom they should enjoy. 尊重动物的自由 如果我问你到那儿去看野生动物,你首先会想到哪里?50年以前您可能会说“到野生森林”但现在就可能会说“动物园”对吗?现在许多动物被关进动物园失去自由,许多动物园训练动物来赚钱,这完全限制了动物们的自由。但是动物园更关心钱还是动物?如果您是一个动物,被束缚在有限的空间不能自由活动,您会快乐吗?那么为什么让动物们在动物园中痛苦至死!我曾读过一个小男孩自己十年的零花钱积攒起来,买下一种珍贵的乌龟将它放归大自然的故事。明智的人类如果真的关心动物,象小男孩一样行动

17、起来,尊重我们的动物朋友和他们影响由的自由。respect the freedom of animals money or animals if you were an animal, would you be happy being cramped by azoo into a limited space where you could not move freely so why let the animals besick to death in a zoo i once read a story about a kid who saved his allowance foryears

18、and bought a rare turtle from a zoo to take it back to its wild home. if youtruly care about animals, do something like that. wise mankind, start on 尊重动物的自由 如果我问你到那儿去看野生动物,你首先会想到哪里?50年以前您可能会说“到野生森林”但现在就可能会说“动物园”对吗?现在许多动物被关进动物园失去自由,许多动物园训练动物来赚钱,这完全限制了动物们的自由。但是动物园更关心钱还是动物?如果您是一个动物,被束缚在有限的空间不能自由活动,您会快乐

19、吗?那么为什么让动物们在动物园中痛苦至死!我曾读过一个小男孩自己十年的零花钱积攒起来,买下一种珍贵的乌龟将它放归大自然的故 a clever manas a result of weather delays, bostons logan international airport was teemingwith frustrated travelers. when i checked in for my flight, i could see from the sizeof the crowd that boarding was going to be a lengthy process. o

20、ne well-dressed young man handled the situation with true yankee ingenuity .i watched as he sat down next to a mother who was coping with a baby and two preschool children, tie struck up a conversation with her, makinga point of learning the youngsters boarding call for passengers with young childre

21、n was announced. may i helpyou with rob and jenny the young man asked. tucking his briefcase under one arm ,he gave each child a helping hand and followed mother and baby to the plane聪明的人由于天气延迟,波斯顿的洛根国际机场是拥挤着沮丧的旅行者。当我办理住宿登记时我要搭的班机,我就可以看出来人群的规模,寄宿将会是一个漫长的过程。 一个穿着考究的年轻人处理这件用真正的洋基的才智。我亲眼看到他坐下来一个母亲,她正应对

22、一个婴儿和两个学龄前儿童、领带他与她交谈,使有必要学习年轻人的名字。 登机呼吁名乘客和年幼的孩子被宣布了。“我可以帮助你罗伯和詹妮吗”年轻人问。豪公文包,另一只手还夹他给每个孩子一个帮助之手,跟从了妈妈和宝宝的飞机four seasonsof a tree by author unknown, source unknowndont judge a life by one difficult season. there was a man who had four sons. he wanted his sons to learn to not judge thingstoo quickly.

23、so he sent them each on a quest, in turn, to go and look at a pear treethat was a great distance away. the first son went in the winter, the second in the spring, the third in summer,and the youngest son in the fall. the first son said that the tree was ugly, bent, and twisted. the second son saidno

24、 - it was covered with green buds and full of third son disagreed, he said it was laden with blossoms that smelled so sweetand looked so beautiful, it was the most graceful thing he had ever seen. the last son disagreed with all of them; he said it was ripe and drooping withfruit, full of life and f

25、ulfillment. the man then explained to his sons that they were all right, because they hadeach seen but one season in the trees life. if you give up when its winter, you will miss the promise of your spring, thebeauty of your summer, fulfillment of your fall. dont let the pain of one seasondestroy th

26、e joy of all the rest.一棵树的四季 不要只在某人某段艰难的岁月里去判断他的一生。 从前,一个父亲有4个儿子。他希望儿子们能学会凡事勿匆下结论,于是轮番派遣他们到很远的地方去寻一棵梨树。大儿子是冬天去的,二儿子春天启程,老三去时已是炎热的夏季,老么于金秋时节踏上了征程。待他们全都寻树归来以后,父亲把他们叫到一起,听他们各自描述自己的所见。大儿子数落说大树枝弯干斜,很难看。二儿子连忙否认,说树上发满嫩绿的新芽,生机盎然。 老三不同意了,树上明明开满鲜花,吐露芬芳,漂亮极了。他们的说法实在让老么哑然,枝头上坠满的难道不是累累果实,在彰显生机与收获吗?父亲解释说,儿子们的说法都没

27、错,因为他们看到的是大树一年四个季节里的不同情景。他告诉儿子们说,不能以一季来判断树,更不能以一时来判断人,因为人之本质源自他们喜、乐、爱的根本只有在其生之了结时,才可盖棺论定。倘若你在冬季就已放弃,那无疑会错过春季的生机、夏季的美丽和秋季的收益。勿为一季的痛苦而破坏了所有的欢乐。篇四:小学生英语演讲稿:我的梦想 my dream凉州区中坝镇中坝小学 俞晓凤good afternoon everyone:my name is yu xiao feng. im twelve years old,im from zhongba primary has a dream,now ill talk ab

28、out my dream,what is my dream i often i am a young girl with a new dreamto be a doctor. i want to be a famousdoctor, helping the sick and saving their lives. why has my dream changed well, atthe age of 11 i was ill, badly ill. i had to leave both my school and my friends andgo to the h

29、ospital. every day i suffered the troubles caused by this want to try my best to help the poor treat an illness. i want to let them havean opportunity to receive excel-lent treatments for their illnesses without havingto pay much or any do every bit to cure the incurable. i hope to see a world, wher

30、e there isno fatal diseases. im confident that through the joint efforts of you and me, manwill put an end to his bodily sufferings and this dream of mine will one day be broughtinto reality. 我的梦想大家下午好:我的名字是俞晓凤。我12岁了,我来自中坝小学。每个人都有一个梦想,现在我将谈论我的梦想,我的梦想是什么?我常常问自己。篇二:小学二年级英语演讲稿篇一:小学生英语演讲稿一个快乐女孩(a happy

31、girl) im a happy english name is you happy im very have a good name is cheng xin has a pair of big like her.i like birthday is in a good ten years in class seven grade teachers name is yao hui is a good teacher!i like her. what color do you like i like pink and want a rabbit for my like to eat like to go to shool.i have a good have a good father. oh,no!im hugry! mumy! im hugry! good bye! 我的可爱老师(my lovely teacher)我们班有个可爱的老

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