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1、专升本句子翻译合集句子翻译完整2004年:1.It is a fact that this countrys using up energy faster than we produce it1.这个国家消耗的能源比我们生产的要快。2.Unless every person in every block does his part ,the future looks pretty dim.2.如果每个街区的人都不尽责的话,前途看上去会相当黯淡。3.It is natural that a tree would grow best in a climate with plenty of sunl

2、ight and rainfall.3.树木在阳光和雨水充足的地方生长的最好,这很自然。4.To find out the weather of ten years ago .count the ring far from the outside to the inside.4.要想了解十年前的天气状况,从外向里数一数树干的年轮。5.We are sure this was just due to carelessness in quality control ,and that you will send another shipment of shirts promptly to repl

3、ace this faulty one .5.我们相信这是由于质量控制不慎导致的问题,并希望你们尽快给我们再次发货以替代这次的残次品。6.我们希望您能接受我们的邀请,并期盼在北京与您见面。6.We hope you can accept our invitation and look forward to meeting you in Beijing.7.就他的经验而言,他并不十分适合这个职位。7.As to his experience ,he is not very suitable for this position.8.长城是中华民族的象征,是世界八大奇迹之一。8.The Great

4、Wall is the symbol of the Chinese Nation ,and it is one of the eight great wonders in the world.9.保护自然环境不受污染是人类的责任。9.It is human beings duty to protect the natural environment from being polluted.10.如果天气许可,我们将明天清晨出发。3.If the weather permits ,we are going to set out tomorrow morning.2005年:1.Experts h

5、ave long thought that depression could be bad for your heart.1.长期以来,专家们相信抑郁会对人们的心脏有害,一项新的研究表明了抑郁会造成多么大的伤害。2.In the end ,they found that people with major depression were at least three times as likely to die of heart disease as were patients who werent depressed.2.最后,专家们发现患有抑郁症的人患心脏病的可能性比不抑郁的人们至少高三倍

6、。3.All lawyers have had expensive and highly specialized training ,and they work long ,difficult hours for the money they earn .3.所有的律师都受过价格高昂且专业化的训练,他们的收入需要有长期而又艰辛的工作才能换取。4.These are just a few of the main situation in which the men and women who are public interest lawyers serve to extend justice

7、throughout society.4.只有在为数不多的情况下,那些需要帮助的人们才能得到公众利益律师的帮助。5.To make things worse ,the nations agricultural adjustment has forced more than 50 million rural workers to quit farming .5.使情况变得更糟的是,国家对农业的调整迫使超过一亿五千万的农民进城找工作。6.估计已经有1000多万人从这项工程中收益。6.Its estimated that more than 10 million people had been be

8、nefited from this project.7.如果你想获得成功,除了努力工作以外别无选择。7.There is no other choices but hard working if you want to be successful.8.我们应该勇敢的面对遇到的任何困难,否则我们将无法取得更大的进步。8.We will not make greater development unless we face any difficulties bravery .9.她把所有的闲暇时间都用来学习英语,目的就是尽快适应国外的生活。9.She spends all her free tim

9、e in learning English to get herself accustomed to living in foreign countries.10.尽管警察怀疑这名年轻人,但还没有足够的证据证明他就是罪犯。10.Although this young person is under suspicion ,there is no proof to show he is the criminal.2006年:1.His ignorance of the companys financial situation resulted in his failure to take effe

10、ctive measures.1.对公司财务形势的忽视,致使他没有采取有效的措施。2.Although some areas suffered from serious natural disasters ,the total grain output was higher than that of last year.2.尽管一些地区遭受严重的自然灾害,但是作物的产量较去年有很大的增长。3.Pessimistic forecasts say that there is only enough coal for 450 years ,enough natural gas for 50 year

11、s and that oil might run out in 30 years.3.不乐观的说法是,煤的储量只能供450年之用,天然气只能满足50年之需,而石油只能用30年。4.For one reason or another ,all countries impose trade barriers on certain goods crossing their borders .4.为了某种考虑,所有国家都会对过境的某种外国商品贸易壁垒。5.Every employer wants and needs employees who can suggest improvements in a

12、n honest constructive manner.5.每一个雇主都需要那些诚恳而富于建设性方式提出改进意见的雇员。6.我代表公司对你所做的一切向你表示感谢。6.On be half of our company ,thank you very much for what you have done for us .7.高昂的学费使一些贫穷的学生不能进入大学。7.High fee keeps some poor students off the university.8.我们最关心的是那个城市的饮用水的质量。8.What we are concerned about most is th

13、e quality of the drinking water in the city.9.鉴于政府在解决失业问题上效果不佳,他们在选举中获胜的机会似乎不太大。9.Seeing that the government did poorly made a poor erect in solving the problem of unemployment ,there is little chance for them to win the voters. 10.我们做出决定前,必须确定我们已将所有有关因素考虑进去。10.Before making the decision,we must mak

14、e sure that we have taken all the related factors into consideration/account.2007年: 1.Thewordsandphrasesgiveninthisdictionaryarethosethatarelikelytobeneededbyeveryperson.1.本字典提供的单词和词组是每个人有可能要用的。2.Thepeopletherewillpaytwoorthreetimesasmuchastheyusedtopayforahouse.2.那里的人们买一栋房子将比过去多付一两倍的钱。3.AsfarasanAd

15、vertisingandSalesManagerisconcerned,excellentoralEnglishisalsoanecessaryrequirement.3.对广告和销售经理而言,娴熟的英语口语能力也会是必要的条件。4.Itisreportedthatsofar,foreigninsurancecompanieshavemadetheirwayinto19 citiesinChina.4.据报道,迄今为止,外国保险公司已打入中国19个城市。5.Airmovesfromplaceswherethepressureishightoplaceswherethepressureislow

16、.5.空气从压力高的地方向压力低的地方流动。6.是我们自己的所为和所不为决定着我们的未来。6.Our future depends on what we should do or not do .7.他要是知道她的电话的话,就用不着费那么多事了。7.It would not take a lot of trouble if he had known her telephone number.8.比尔盖茨是世界上最富裕的人,没有他买不起的东西。8.Bill Gates is the richest man in the world and he can afford anything .9.他会

17、讲法语,德语,西班牙语,更不用说英语了。9.He can speak French ,German ,and Spanish , let alone English.10.我仍然记得20年前我第一次遇见我老师的情景。I still remember the scene in which I first met teacher twenty years ago.2008年:1.Bypoolingtheirresourcestogether,smallgroupsofstudentsgenerallygainadvantagesoverindividualswhoprefertostudyalon


19、sometimesveryseriously.4.很少刷牙且吃糖果太多会导致蛀牙,有时会非常严重。5.Afewyearsagoitwaspopulartospeakofagenerationgap,adisagreementbetweenyoungpeopleandtheirelders.5.几年前谈论代沟是普遍的事,它是指年轻人和长辈之间的分歧 。6.通常一顿西餐可能包括汤、鱼、肉和甜点,也许还会有水果和奶酪。6.GenerallyaWestern-stylefoodmayhavesoup,fish,meatanddesert,andperhapsfruitandcheese.7.要达到他们


21、omprehensivewhilewritingmakespeopleprecise. 2009年:1.Heneverwentoutside buthewassickofstayinghomeandwantedtogooutforonce1.他从来没有出去过,但是他厌倦了呆在家里,想出去一次。2ShewassurprisedtofindalltheseCDsandshepickedoneupandsatdownonthebedandshestartedtoopenone.2.她吃惊地发现了这些光盘,于是捡起了一个,坐到床上打开了它。3In the United States, elementa

22、ry and middle schools are advised to give students two and a half hours of physical activity a week .3.在美国,人们建议小学中学给学生每周两个半小时的体育活动时间。4Thestudyalsofoundthat22percentofallschoolsdidnotrequirestudentstotakeanyPE4.研究还发现:在这些学校中,22的学校不要求学生上体育课。5SomeparentsliketheideaofavoidingcompetitivesportsinPEclass.5.


24、ofequipmentcanbefixedwithinseveralhours.10我们的实验现在已经到了最后也是最重要的一个阶段。10.We have come to the last and most important stage of the experiment.2010年:1.Sometimes,thesefactorscangeneratemuchmoremeaningthanthewordsthemselves1.有时,这些因素能比词汇本身产生更多的含义。2.Afterall,languageisreflectionoftheculturefromwhichitdevelope


26、Hes still busy around the clock ,but now he dedicated evenings and weekends to charity work and local politics instead of second job.5.他仍然没日没夜的忙碌,不过现在却把晚上和周末的时间用在慈善工作和当地的整治工作上,而不再是打第二份工了。6.要申请这份工作,你应该先填写这个表格。6.You should first fill out this from if you want to apply for this job.7.他有礼貌的说:“我开窗户您介意吗?”

27、7.“Would you mind if I open the windows ?”he asked politely.8.我们的英语老师经常做一些教育研究。8.Our English teacher often does some research on education.9.这是小王的私人信件,在未获得它的允许的情况下你无权翻阅。9.This is a private letter of Xiao Wang, and you have no right to read it without his permission.10.尽管我和玛丽具体有不同的国籍,我们对音乐却有着共同的爱好。10

28、.Although Mary and I are of different nationalities ,we have much in common in the music that we like .2011年:1.Professors will help students who need it ,but prefer that their students not be over-dependent on them .1.教师会帮助需要帮助的学生,但是也希望学生不要过于依赖他们。2.Since some college or university courses are “appli

29、ed” rather than theoretically ,they stress “doing ”and “involvement”.2.由于有些学院和大学里的课程是“应用型”而非“理论型”,因此更强调动手和参与。3.However, like many newly-rich Chinese ,they seem a little uncomfortable when asked about wealth.3.然而,与许多新富起来的中国人一样,他在被问及财富时似乎有些不安。4.In recent years a new and serious problem has arisen for

30、international airlines and their passengers .4.近年来一个过去未有过的严重问题出现在国际航空公司和乘客面前。5.It is only after all these checks that a passenger is allowed to board the plane .5.只有经过所有这些安检后,乘客才获准等机。6.你最好穿件毛衣以防天气变冷。6.Youd batter put on a sweater in case it should become cold .7.如果你方便的话,请于明天上午十点到办公室找我。7.Please come to the office at ten oclock tomorrow morning at your convenience for you.8.你越解释我越糊涂。8.The more you explain ,the more confused I am.9.大多数父母所关心的是尽可能为孩子提供最好的教育。9.W

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