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1、unittheunitedkingdom说课学习教案稿doc必修 5 unit2 The United Kingdom课题名称: unit2 the united kingdom课型名称: warming up 、pre-reading and reading教材版本:人教版普通高中课程标准实验教科书教学内容:高一英语必修 5 unit2 The United Kingdom第一课时 warming up 、pre-reading and reading(puzzles ingeography)一、教学目标 Teaching AimsKnowledge aims(知识目标) :1.To lea

2、rn the usage of the important words and phrases. 掌握重点词汇与短语2. To get some information on the United Kingdom.学习有关英国的知识。Ability aims(技能目标)1 Help the Ss read the passage effectively and have a better understanding of UK.帮助学生通读全文,更好的理解英国。2 Assist the Ss to improve the self-regulated and cooperativelearni

3、ng abilities.提高学生的自主学习,合作学习的能力。Emotional aims(情感目标) :1.Widen the Ss international vision扩.展学生的眼界2.Form the Ss consciousness of cross-culture communication形成.学生间的跨文化 (背景 )的交流意识二、教材分析 Teaching material analysis本单元主要话题是 “英国”。( 通过阅读使学生了解英国的历史和地理位置,国家的构成及名胜古迹。 )( 本单 元内容 由多 个学习模 块构成 。 其重 点为 阅 读部分,即Pre-rea

4、ding, Reading and Comprehending。)本 课 时 的 学 习 内 容 为 warming up pre-reading 以 及reading 三个部分。重点是 reading 部分。三、教学方法: Teaching Methods(教学方法)Task-based approach( 任务教学法 )1.任务型教学法:每一教学环节设定任务,让学生通过合作的方式,一起完成教学任务,从而提高教学效果。四、教学手段 Teaching aids :multimedia五、教学重难点 Teaching Importance and Difficulties.Important p

5、oints (教学重点)1.Have a total and detailed comprehension of the UK from history, geogra phy, politics, and culture etc。使学生对英国的历史,地理,人口,和文化有一个整体的了解。2.Develop the Ss the ability of reading quickly but effectively through fast reading in order to grasp the structure and main idea of the wholepassage.通过速读,

6、培养学生快速阅读,把握文章结构及大意3.Enable the Ss to be good at finding and studying the details by intensive reading, and to develop the skill of guessing the meaning of a word from the context through practicing.通过精读,培养学生善于求索细节的能力, 通过练习提高根据上下文猜词义的能力。Difficult points (教学难点)a. Some sentences are hard to understand重

7、点.词汇,短语的学习,重点句子的理解。b. How to improve the Ss fast reading ability提.高学生的概括归纳能力和速读能力 。六、学生分析 Analysis of students学生在日常生活中,通过电视、网络等媒体,对于英国等几个国家已经有了一定的了解 ( ,为这一单元的学习奠定了一定的基础。 ) 而学生正处于能静能动,非常有主见( assert )的阶段,(需要通过设计一些活动或让他们多发言,给些奖励并多夸奖学生来激励他们努力) 。综合以上两点,设计了以下教学流程,力求达到最好的教学效果。五、教学步骤Teaching procedures教学步骤设

8、计说明Step1. Leading in and Warming up(5min.)课前在等待上课时,1. Before the class begins, in the quitting time, I will 放一段具有英国特色show some pictures of British features, and ask the Ss的图片,比如说威斯to tell me the name of these things appearedin the特敏斯特大教堂、英pictures.国女皇、伦敦塔、牛2. Then Im going tomake them work in pairs

9、to津剑桥等,由此可以do this quiz and find out how much you know about t 自然导入英国这个话he UK. (Page 9 Warming Up)题。展示了这些图片1. How many countries does the UK consist of?接着就留2min让学A. two B. three C. four4生做问答题来检测他2. How long does it take to fly from Beijing to London们自己对英国的了解Heathrow Airport?有多少。A. about six hours大约

10、10 小 和学生对答案后,大B. about ten hours时致了解他们对英国的C .about sixteen hours 熟悉程度,接下来就3. Who rule the UK: the Prime Minister or the Queen?进行阅读前准备。A. the Prime Minister首相 B. the QueenC. both4. What are the provinces called in England?郡B. departments C. statesA. counties5.Which is the longest river in England? A.

11、 The River Avon B. The River Thames C. The River Severn338kmNow, all of the Ss may get the idea of how much do 在阅读前,我将把学you know about UK, here comes the next part: 生分为四人一组,共Pre-reading.八组。让他们来完成Step 2 Pre-reading(8min)下面的问题,并告诉In this part, Im planning to divide them into 8他们,接下来有很多groups, each gro

12、up has 4 Ss. Let them to finish the问题需要举手抢答,following questions.抢到并答对的小组会1. Can you name the capital cities of the countries of 在下课 前给与小礼the UK? What do you know any other cities or 物。towns in the UK? 每一次抢答后,对答2. England can be divided into three main areas. Do 对的小组进行表扬并you know what they are? 记录下来;

13、答错或者3.Predict what the passage is about by looking at the没抢到的小组进行勉 title and the pictures in the reading passage. 励,告诉他们接下来 Afterwards, in the fast reading section, check if you还有机会表现。 were right.Step 3 Reading(23min)TimeFast reading 8minIntensive 15min reading1 Fast Reading(8min)Task 1:接下来是最重要的部Pur

14、pose 分阅读。我将阅Improve the 读分成了两部分:速ability to 读和精读。速读是为filtrate( 筛 选 ) 了让学生对这篇文章the important 的大意 有大概的了information 解,以便于理解这篇Help the Ss 文章;精读则是为了totally 让学生 吃透这篇文understand the 章,学会文章中的表whole passage 达方式,把文章中的信息牢记在脑海里。第一部分,速读。学生在快速阅读的过Question: What kinds of information are mentioned in 程中要完成以下两个the t

15、ext?任务。一是文中提到(Sports, geography, history, flag, London, The biggest c了哪些方面的信息?ountry England, flag, invasions).二是全文可分为几部分?每一部分的大意Task 2:是什么?How many parts can this passage be divided into and what the main idea of each part is?Part1 (para1-4) How the UK came into b eingPart2 (para5) England is divid

16、ed into 3任务完成后,下面的zones精读部分将分成 3 部Part3 (para6) The reason why London分,均以任务问答进became the cultural capit行。al of England.我将对文中一些内容:进行提问。: .第一部分,我将问学:生比如英国的四大部分,英国和英国国旗2. Careful reading(15min)的形成历史,四大部Part 1分的共同点和区别。1)T: Very good! So could you tell me how many count ries the UK consists of and what t

17、hey are?S: The UK consists of four countries; theyare England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.2)T: Exactly! Then does these four countries united in one day?S:No.T:Then how does the UK come into being?S:First there was only England, then in the 13th cent ury AD, Wales was linked to the England

18、 and in 1603, the two were joined to Scotland to make the Great Brit ain come into being. Later, Northern Ireland was unite d to the Great Britain to form the UK.T:Wonderful job! Actually the history can be shown in the national flag that is called the Union Jack.3) T: By the way, you see, the flag

19、Union Jack only unites England, Scotland and Northern Ireland, with Wales第二部分,我会问英left out. So do you know why?格兰岛的 3 大部分及S:Because it is usually assumed to be part of England.每一部分的特点。T:Yes! And according to the passage, although the four countries belong to the UK, they are still quite differe nt i

20、n some aspects, so in what ways are the four countr ies different?S:They are different in international relations. They ha ve different educational and legal systems as well as football teams.第三部分Part 2我将问为什么伦敦是T:Among the four countries, England is the largest, an文化中心,为什么伦d for connivance it is div

21、ided into 3 zones. What are t敦有那么多的历史遗hey?迹瑰宝。S:The South of England, the Midlands and the NorthT:Good! And now could you tell me what the featureof each zone?S: Most population settled in The South of England. M最后会问四次侵略英ost of the large industrial cities are in国的对象和为什么他the North and the Midlands.们会

22、离开英国。Many cities have famous football teams.Part 3整篇文章结束后剩下1) T: So we all know the UK has a long history and of 四分钟我会布置作业course rich culture and the cultural center is, obviously,和对答对问题的小组the capital city London. So why can London become t给与小礼物,小礼物 he cultural center?可以是一些糖果或小S:Because there is a l

23、ot of historical treasure in Londo本子等。并鼓励学生n.多努力,无论有没有T:Why there are so many historical treasures in Londo得到奖品,都要再接n?再厉,以后的课程也S: London has been influenced by some invaders.会有这样的活动,没2) T: Actually, in the England history, altogether there有的小组还有很多机are four invasions; do you know what they are?会。S: T

24、he Romans; The Anglo-Saxons; the Vikings; the N ormans.我的讲课就结束了,T: Why did they left in England?谢谢!S:the Romans left towns and roads, the Anglo-Saxons language and government; the Vikings influence the vo cabulary and place-names of the North and the Norma nscastles and words for food.Step4 Homework and prizes giving(1) Write a summary of the reading.(2) Finish the practice in page 12 to 13Prizes giving: candies or notebooksWhether they received the gifts or not, I will encourage them to make persistent efforts for there are much more opportunities.So much for todays class, thanks!

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