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1、高考英语专题训练方位介词高考专题训练方位介词1A plane shot _ the sky and then in a flash it was _.()Aover;vanished Bthrough;disappeared Cinto;missed Dacross;gone2What effect do you think technology will have _ art in the future?()Aon Bto Cin Dat3One doesnt have to look far to realize the direct connection smoking and canc

2、er()Aof Bwith Cto Dbetween4Although I soon convinced him_ my innocence, I think he still has serious doubts about my sanity()Aof Babout Con Din5Does this Tshirt fit you well?Not so perfect, but a little tight _ the shoulders()Aat Bon Cto Dacross6Dont fear hardship and failureRemember:A kite rises _

3、the wind rather than with it()Abeyond Btowards Cagainst Dalong7I have some trouble_ physics I would be grateful _you if you could give me some advice on it()Awith;for Bin;to Cin;with Dwith;to8_ to his surprise, the soup he likes is not _ his taste at all this time()AMuch, in BGreat, in CMuch, to DGr

4、eat, to9Towards evening,the boat struck a rock and the girl jumped into the sea()Aadj Bpron Cv Dprep10The Mekong River becomes rapids as it passes _ deep valleys, travelling _ western Yunnan Province()Aacross; through Balong; through Cover; across Dthrough; across11Body language is particularly impo

5、rtant when we attempt to communicate _ culture()Aacross Bover Cbeneath Dthrough12The next train to arrive at Platform One will be the 10:58 Abellio Greater Anglia service to London Liverpool Street,calling _ Ingatestone,Shenfield,Stratford and London Liverpool Street()Aon Boff Cfor Dat13I told you t

6、o keep the dog _ the bedI dont want dog hair all over the bedspread()Aover Balong Ctowards Doff14Last year was the warmest year on record,with global temperature 0.68_ the average()Abelow Bon Cat Dabove15When I was pushed onto the stage,I felt all the eyes in the hall _ me()Athrough Bacross Cinto Do

7、n16Excuse meIs there a bus stop nearby?YesWalk that wayThe bus stop is _ the left,_ the supermarket()Aat,cross from Bon,across from Cin,across to Dto,cross to17Then Wang Ping flashed a switch _ a computer screen, and a table and some chairs rose _ under the floor as if by magic.()Aon; off Bin; from

8、Con; from Din; off18The hunter shot at the birds _ the big tree,only to shoot _()Aon; nothing Bon; neither Cin; none Din; no one19Dont bother your father tonight hes got a lot _ his mind()Aon Bto Cin Daround20Every summer,many tourists come to this island _ the coast of France to cool themselves()Ao

9、n Balong Coff Dat21In some countries,friends kiss both cheeks when they say goodbye()Aon Bin Cat Dof22With a school built in the village,the children neednt climb the mountain for study()Aat Bfor Cover Din23We have to go_ a forest and _ a river in order to get there.()Athrough,across Bacross,through

10、 Cover,through Dacross,over.24There was an excited expression _ his face when he heard the good news()Aof Bon Cat Dover25The capital will further limit the number of rushhour subway passengers to cope with the growing pressure _ the networkAto Bat Con Dwith26Glancing _ his shoulder,Eric could see th

11、e dog was running after him()Aover Bacross Cthrough Donto27Those students with unrealistic goals often put themselves_ more stress than others()Aon Boff Cover Dunder28The Boston Marathon bombings killed 3 people,including a Chinese citizen _Shenyang()Ain Bfrom Cacross Dto29She looked _ her handbag,b

12、ut her keys were not there()Afor Bto Cat Din30If you want your children to be independent,put some responsibilities _ their shoulders()Aby Bover Con Dbeyond31Do you think this shirt is too tight _ the shoulders?()Aat Bon Cto Dacross32New Zealand is a beautiful island that lies the eastern coast of A

13、ustralia()Aoff Balong Con Dfrom33The young man is upset because he doesnt know how he can get it _ to the pretty girl how much he loves her()Aacross Bup Cdown Daround34Girls are said to be more diligent and attentive at school,who score well _ average in most subjects()Aover Bon Cof Dabove35The Well

14、 Hotel stands in a quiet place the main road()Ato Bfor Coff Dout36Im sorry its _ my power to make a final decision on the project()Aover Babove Cbeneath Dbeyond37Tom,supper is readyCome and lay the cloth _the table()Aon Bover Cacross Dabove38The man pulled his hat low down_ his eyes in order not to

15、be recognized by his acquaintances(熟人)()Aunder Bbelow Con Dover39He was a good student and scored _ average in most subjects()Abelow Bof Con Dabove40Large earthquakes _ the ocean can create a series of huge,destructive waves called tsunamis that flood coasts for many miles()Abeyond Bbeneath Coff Dac

16、ross41_more information,write to the address below()ATo BOn CFrom DFor42Sean has formed the habit of jogging the treelined avenue for two hours every day()Abetween Balong Cbelow Dwith43In some cases, different approaches_ the same scientific problem lead to conflicting theory()Ato Bin Cof Dfor44Work

17、ers in this factory have to work _ more than 18hours to make enough money()Ain Bon Cuntil Dup to45At the feast there was food and drink _ abundance()Ain Bwith Cat Dof46Here we buy eggs_ the dozen()Ain Bto Cby Dat47In autumn, yellow leaves fall _ trees _ themselves()Afrom; by Boff; of Cfrom; of Doff;

18、 by48The damp weather rotted_ the wooden desk()Aon Baway Cin Dof49Your grade is _ average()Abelow Bunder Cbeneath Ddown50The car has been well maintained and is _ excellent condition()Ain Bunder Con Dwith参考答案与试题解析1A plane shot _ the sky and then in a flash it was _.()Aover;vanished Bthrough;disappea

19、red Cinto;missed Dacross;gone【分析】一架飞机向天空射击,然后瞬间就消失了。【解答】A.over在.上面;vanished消失;B.through通过;disappeared消失;C.into进入;missed消失;D.across横过;gone消失。整个天空,遍布,横跨天空,用介词across;through一般指通过立体空间;前三个词语意为消失,是不及物动词,前面不能有be动词,gone意为消失是形容词作表语。故选:D。【点评】单项选择题考查内容广泛,涉及词汇、语法、习语、日常用语等。在有限的题量中注意知识的覆盖面,设计特定的语境综合考查学生在一定的语境中运用语

20、言知识的能力。2What effect do you think technology will have _ art in the future?()Aon Bto Cin Dat【分析】你认为在未来技术将会对艺术产生什么样的影响?【解答】答案:A.根据题意,你认为在未来技术将会对艺术产生什么样的影响?其中have an effect on sth可以翻译成对有影响。故填介词on.故选:A。【点评】单项选择题考查内容广泛,涉及词汇、语法、习语、日常用语等。在有限的题量中注意知识的覆盖面,设计特定的语境综合考查学生在一定语境中运用语言知识的能力。3One doesnt have to look

21、 far to realize the direct connection smoking and cancer()Aof Bwith Cto Dbetween【分析】一个人不需要有什么远见就能明白吸烟和癌症之间的直接联系【解答】答案:D题干中smoking and cancer表示两个事物;connection联系,通常与with/to连用,后接某个事物;句意表达的是两者之间的联系,故选:D【点评】介词用法灵活,搭配较多学习时要注意积累,对常考的搭配结构要注意掌握4Although I soon convinced him_ my innocence, I think he still ha

22、s serious doubts about my sanity()Aof Babout Con Din【分析】虽然我很快便让他相信我是清白的,但是我想他仍然非常怀疑我是否神志正常【解答】分析句子的结构可知,本句考查动词短语convince sb of sth的搭配使用,意为使某人相信某事,为一固定短语故选:A【点评】考查介词的辨析,在平时的学习中要对这些短语进行积累,再根据具体的语境确定答案5Does this Tshirt fit you well?Not so perfect, but a little tight _ the shoulders()Aat Bon Cto Dacross

23、【分析】这件T恤衫适合你吗?不那么完美,但是肩膀有点紧【解答】D,考查介词,此处指肩膀有点紧,此处使用across the shoulders从肩膀的一边到另一边,at在,on在上面,to朝着,across穿过故选:D。【点评】考查介词的辨析,在平时的学习中要对这些短语进行积累,再根据具体的语境确定答案6Dont fear hardship and failureRemember:A kite rises _ the wind rather than with it()Abeyond Btowards Cagainst Dalong【分析】不要害怕困难和失败记住:风筝是逆风升起的,而不是随风升

24、起的【解答】本题考查介词词义辨析A项意为超过;B项意为朝着;C项意为逆着,反对;D项意为沿着,根据句意和A kite rises 可知答案故选:C【点评】本题考查介词词义辨析,考生在平时的学习中应注意积累相应的词汇和搭配,并牢记其意思在做题时,将词义和题干相结合,从语法、句子结构尤其是句意上去判断,句意通顺,符合逻辑,即正确答案7I have some trouble_ physics I would be grateful _you if you could give me some advice on it()Awith;for Bin;to Cin;with Dwith;to【分析】我的

25、物理有麻烦如果你给我一些建议我将感激不尽【解答】答案:D考查介词句意:我的物理有麻烦如果你给我一些建议我将感激不尽have some trouble with 做有麻烦;be grateful to 对感激不尽都是固定用法故选:D【点评】介词的题目要认真掌握好常用介词的主要用法及动词与介词的搭配这是考查的重点,也是做题的基础在具体的题目中,要首先判断考查方式,是考查介词辨析,介词短语,还是带介词的定语从句,判断后再做分析8_ to his surprise, the soup he likes is not _ his taste at all this time()AMuch, in BGr

26、eat, in CMuch, to DGreat, to【分析】令他大吃一惊的是,他喜欢的汤一直不符合他的口味【解答】答案:C考查介词句意:令他大吃一惊的是,他喜欢的汤一直不符合他的口味much to ones surprise意思令某人大吃一惊的是;much 是指整件事的发生,是出乎他意料的、始料未及的to ones taste意思合某人的口味故选:C【点评】介词的题目要认真掌握好常用介词的主要用法及动词与介词的搭配这是考查的重点,也是做题的基础在具体的题目中,要首先判断考查方式,是考查介词辨析,介词短语,还是带介词的定语从句,判断后再做分析9Towards evening,the boat

27、 struck a rock and the girl jumped into the sea()Aadj Bpron Cv Dprep【分析】傍晚时分,船撞上了一块岩石,女孩跳进了海里【解答】答案:D考查介词句意:傍晚时分,船撞上了一块岩石,女孩跳进了海里towards是介词趋向,接近,所以答案选D故选:D【点评】介词的题目要认真掌握好常用介词的主要用法及动词与介词的搭配这是考查的重点,也是做题的基础在具体的题目中,要首先判断考查方式,是考查介词辨析,介词短语,还是带介词的定语从句,判断后再做分析10The Mekong River becomes rapids as it passes _

28、 deep valleys, travelling _ western Yunnan Province()Aacross; through Balong; through Cover; across Dthrough; across【分析】湄公河流经云南西部的深谷时,变成了急流【解答】本题考查方位介词 across, through都有穿过通过的意思,但用法不相同across多指从一定范围的一边到另一边,且在物体的表面上或沿着某一条线的方向而进行的动作,其含义常与介词on有关through也可表示从某一范围的一端到另一端的动作,但它表示的动作是在空间里进行,其含义常与介词in有关本题第一空为穿过深谷, 动作在空间进行,用 through deep valleys, 第二空穿过云南西部,动作在表面进行,用travel across Yunnan Province故选:D【点评】本题考查方位介词考生应弄清楚各个介词的含义以及它们之间的区别,了解某些介词的特殊用法,然后根据上下文的语境选择正确答案11Body language is particularly important when we attempt to communicate _

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