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1、学年高中英语阶段综合检测2外研版必修5阶段综合检测(二).阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)ALift Evry VoiceLillian MWhitlow$34.99 hardcover|$23.99 softcover|$3.99 ebookLillian MWhitlows Lift Evry Voice is a collection of short biographies of several African-Americans in history who have provided America with their great gifts in music,sp

2、orts,art,literary works,theatre and other fields.It Came by LossBill McCausland$34.99 hardcover |$23.99 softcover|$3.99 ebookIt Came by Loss is a story about Pete Gordon and his struggles(挣扎) after the death of his mother,the disastrous death of his friend and how he was able to rise from these bad

3、experiences.The Making of a PhysicianHarry LGraber,M.D.F.A.C.C.$29.99 hardcover|$19.99 softcover|$3.99 ebookThis book was written to help readers develop a greater appreciation of their own environmental experiences and consider them as influences in the decision-making of their lives.It has a messa

4、ge to encourage others to pursue(追求) a medical profession.The Special and the OrdinaryDavid Clapham$26.95 hardcover|$16.95 softcover|$3.99 ebookThe Special and the Ordinary shares the unusual story of two young people as they come of age and step into the future,each with a different idea on what it

5、 means to be true to themselves.iUniverse gave The Special and the Ordinary the Editors Choice award(奖)【语篇解读】本文是应用文。文章介绍了四本书的作者、价格及主要内容。1What can we learn about Lift Evry Voice?AIt presents influential African-Americans in history.BIt is about American culture and sports.CIt centres on classical lit

6、erature.DIt is a musicians biography.A细节理解题。根据Lift Evry Voice部分中的Lift Evry Voice is a collection of short biographies of several African-Americans in history.and other fields可知,Lift Evry Voice是一本收集了许多为美国做出卓越贡献的非裔美国人的传记集。2Whats the authors purpose of writing The Making of a Physician?ATo show people

7、how to make right decisions.BTo share his environmental protection stories.CTo encourage people to practice medicine.DTo describe his life experiences.C细节理解题。根据The Making of a Physician部分中的It has a message to encourage others to pursue a medical profession可知,The Making of a Physician旨在鼓励人们考虑将医生作为自己未

8、来的职业。3Which book earned the Editors Choice award?ALift Evry Voice.BIt Came by Loss.CThe Making of a Physician.DThe Special and the Ordinary.D细节理解题。根据The Special and the Ordinary部分中的iUniverse gave The Special and the Ordinary the Editors Choice award可知应选D项。BI have a new hero.It is GM.Hennen.I found h

9、im in the old newspapers as I was doing my research for the column A Look Back in History.In 1958,he retired as a newspaper carrier from the Sherman Herald Democrat.He was 77 years old and had delivered four million copies of the Democrat.He had gone through 17 automobiles and had thrown on average

10、400 newspapers a day,six days a week.He drove 100 miles a day,including the day he collected.Before he was a newspaper carrier,he was also a teacher and a construction worker.He opened the first motor delivery route in the newspapers history.Driving a Model T Ford,his route consisted of Pottsboro,Go

11、rdonville,Sadler and Southmayd.Before he started in delivery,he solicited (征求) subscriptions (订阅) riding horseback over the county.Mr.Hennen had only one wreck in 30 years.The car spun (疾驶) out of control and flipped on its top.That didnt stop him.A man with a truck used a tow rope to flip the car b

12、ack over and tied the doors shut,leaving Mr.Hennen to continue on his way.Now that was determination!Mr.Hennen told of the time his headlights went out as he was delivering newspapers.He borrowed a kerosene lantern (煤油灯) from a farmer to light the way and continued his route.What a story!I complain

13、when I have to drive to work when it is snowing,and I only have to travel three miles.I could never be that tough.【语篇解读】本文讲述了一位报纸投递员的工作,他非常热爱自己的工作,即使遇到困难仍然继续坚持,值得每个人学习!4According to the second paragraph,how many newspapers did Mr.Hennen throw a week?A1,600. B2,000.C2,400. D2,800.C细节理解题。根据第二段第三句“.had

14、 thrown on average 400 news papers a day,six days a week”可知,海恩每周投递2 400份报纸。5Which of the following jobs did Mr.Hennen NOT serve as?AA newspaper carrier.BA teacher.CA construction worker.DA doctor.D细节理解题。根据第三段可知,海恩先生做过教师、建筑工人和报纸投递员,只有D项文中没有涉及。6What does the underlined word “wreck”mean in the fifth pa

15、ragraph?ALuck. BSuccess.CFailure. DAccident.D词义猜测题。由本段后文的具体描述可知,此处指海恩先生出过的唯一一次事故,故选D项。7What do we learn from the underlined sentence in Para.5?AMr.Hennen was a successful worker.BMr.Hennen was devoted to his job.CMr.Hennen was not afraid of death.DMr.Hennen was silly.B句意理解题。作为一名报纸投递员,30年的职业生涯里,海恩先生只

16、出过一次事故,且在事故发生后,他继续上路,故选B项。C Would you be happier if you spent more time discussing the state of the world and the meaning of lifeand less time talking about the weather?It may sound counterintuitive,but people who spend more of their day having deep discussions and less time on small talk seem to be

17、 happier,said Matthias Mehl,a psychologist who published a study in Psychological Science.“We found this so interesting,because it could have gone the other waypeople usually believe that as long as you surf on the shallow(浅的) level of life youre happy,and if you go into the depths(深度) youll be unha

18、ppy,”Dr.Mehl said.But,he suggested,deep conversations seemed to hold the key to happiness for two main reasons:both because human beings are driven to find and create meaning in their lives,and because we are social animals who want and need to connect with other people.“By making meaningful convers

19、ations,we manage to work out the meaning of this world,” Dr.Mehl said.“And,as you find this meaning,you connect with your partner,and we know that interpersonal (人与人之间) connection and communication is a basis of happiness.” The study involved 79 college students wearing an electronic recorder that r

20、ecorded their conversation every 12.5 minutes for four days.Researchers then went through the tapes and classified (分类) the conversation as small talk about the weather or having watched a TV show,and more meaningful talk about current affairs,philosophy,or the role of education.A conversation about

21、 a TV show wasnt always considered small talk; it could be classified as deep if the speakers studied the characters.The research found that about 45.9 percent of the days conversations the happiest person had were important and serious,while only 21.8 percent of the unhappiest persons conversations

22、 were important and serious.Small talk made up only 10 percent of the happiest persons conversations,while it made up almost three times as much of the unhappiest persons conversations.Next,Dr.Mehl wants to see if people can actually make themselves happier by having more deep conversations.【语篇解读】本文

23、是一篇说明文。一项最新研究认为深度交流有利于增进人的幸福感。8What does the underlined word“counterintuitive”in Paragraph 2 mean?AAgainst expectation.BWidely known.CObvious or natural.DScientific and true.A词义猜测题。文章先介绍了最新的研究成果people who spend more of their day having deep discussions and less time on small talk seem to be happier,

24、下文中又说people usually believe that as long as you surf on the shallow(浅的) level of life youre happy,由此可知,最新研究得出的结论和人们固有的观念是不一样的,所以A项正确。9According to the research,which of the following most probably makes you happier in general?ATalking about the weather.BTalking about a TV show.CTalking about philoso

25、phy.DTalking about fashion.C细节理解题。根据研究者的分类,一般而言,A、B、D项都是small talk,只有C项是deep conversations。根据该研究,deep conversations会让人更快乐。10The author of the text seems to .Abelieve the more deep talk,the happierBdoubt the conclusions of the researchCbe confused about the researchDreport fairly on the researchD观点态度

26、题。本文是一篇说明文,介绍了一项最新研究成果及其研究的过程。文章大量引用了研究者的观点以及研究数据,作者并没有在文中表达自己的观点,所以正确答案是D。11Whats the best title for the text?AWhat Is Deep Talk?BTalk Deeply,Be Happy?CHow to Talk Deeply?DSuggestions on ConversationB标题归纳题。文章介绍了一项最新的研究deep conversations会让人更快乐,并且介绍了研究的过程,解释了原因。DWeve all been there:The little one cau

27、ses a problem,and its up to you as the parent to remind them to apologize for their wrongdoing.Being regretful for hurtful behavior is something everyone should know about.But its not the right way to go,according to one expert.“Apologizing can be a great way to make things better between children,b

28、ut forcing them to do it is teaching all the wrong lessons.”Laura Markhamauthor of “Peaceful Parent,Happy Siblings:How to Stop the Fighting and Raise Friends for Life”said.Why not?Mainly because forced apologies dont really change behavior and only make the child feel ashamed and angry.Heres what Ma

29、rkham suggests you do instead:Get the child to realize what their wrong has done,and help them find ways to make changes.“If I were the parent of a young perpetrator,I would say to my child,Oh no,Henry is crying,lets see how we can help him,”said Markham.“You want to make your child see himself as a

30、 generous person who can make things better when hes done something hurtful.”Then,after Henry has recovered(恢复),his parent can make a positive response.“If I were the parent of the hurt child,I would put my arm around him and say,We are so sorry that Gabriel hurt you;he forgot to use his words.Were

31、so glad you feel better,”she suggested.“This will encourage the person at fault”(有错) to make a sincere apology.and your child have a relationship rupture(破裂),you apologize and find ways to reconnect.”【语篇解读】本文是议论文。有专家认为,不要强迫孩子犯错后道歉,这样会让孩子感到羞愧。12How does Markham look at apologies?AThey usually make things worse.BIt is wrong to force kids to make them.CThey may help kids control their anger.DIt is often useless for people to apologize.B细节理解题。根据第二段中的Apologizing can be a great way to make things better between children,but forcing t

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