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1、复习专题语法填空知识点梳理及经典练习超详细复习专题语法填空知识点梳理及经典练习(超详细)一、英语语法填空汇编1阅读下面短文,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 Strangely enough, some inventions are lost _people cant imagine their _(valuable). A use may need to be invented along with the invention. An example is the fax machine. The technology for faxing _(invent) in

2、the 1800s. It took more than one hundred years, however, for the fax to be seen as useful. In 1843 Alexander Bain invented a machine to _(electrical) transmit(传输) writing. At first, it was considered _(use) since few people thought there was _need for transmitting writing over _(wire). Eventually th

3、e value of the invention was realized, and it was improved _office use. By the 1980s, the fax machine became a piece of standard _(equip) in offices. The reason is _it can very quickly transmit written documents. Who knows how many other inventions just need to be recognized as valuable?【答案】 because

4、;value;was invented;electrically;useless;a/any;wires;for;equipment;that 【解析】【分析】主要讲了一些发明因为人们不能想象它们的价值而失去,列举传真机器的发明来说明这点。 (1)句意:足够奇怪的是,因为人们不能想象它们的价值,所以一些发明消失了。后句表示原因,所以用because;形容词修物主代词修饰名词,their它们的,形容词修物主代词,所以后面用形容词valuable的名词value,不可数名词,故填because,value。 (2)句意:传真的科技在19世纪被发明。invent发明,实义动词,主语technolog

5、y是动作invent的承受者,时态是一般过去时,所以用一般过去时的被动语态,结构是was/were+动词过去分词,主语technology是不可数名词,所以用was,invent的过去分词是invented,故填was invented。 (3)句意:1843年,亚历山大贝恩发明了一种电子传输文字的机器。electrical电子的,形容词,副词修饰实义动词,transmit传输,实义动词,所以用副词electrically,电子地,故填electrically。 (4)句意:起初,它被认为是无用的,因为很少有人认为有必要通过电线传输文字。be considere形容词,表示被认为怎么样,固定搭

6、配,根据后文可知传真的作用后来才被认可,所以起初被认为是无用的,use使用,实义动词,其形容词是useless,无用的;原因是很少人认为有必要,few表示否定,所以用a/any;wire,电线,可数名词,前面没有表示单数的a或者one,所以用复数wires,故填useless;a/any;wires。 (5)句意:最终,这项发明的价值得以实现,并被改进为办公用途。为了办公用途才被改进,所以用for,为了,故填for。 (6)句意:到了20世纪80年代,传真机已成为办公室的标准设备。equip,装备,实义动词,形容词修饰名词,standard,标准的,形容词,所以用equip的名词equipme

7、nt,设备,不可数名词,故填equipment。 (7)句意:原因是它能很快地传送书面文件。the reason is that.,原因是,固定搭配,故填that。 【点评】考查语法填空,考查词汇在语篇中的运用能力。注意理解句意,首先读一遍,然后再逐一作答。注意句型、搭配、短语及语境。2语法填空 I recently heard a story about a famous scientist. Because of his great achievements, he was thought to be more creative than the common person. When h

8、e _(ask)why he was able to do this, he gave the answer. It all came from an experience with his mother when he was about three years old. I _(try)to get a bottle of milk from the fridge when I dropped the bottle and it fell. spilling(滋出)the milk all over the floor-a sea of milk!I was frightened and

9、I didnt know what to do! he said. His mother heard the noise and got into the kitchen. I _(consider)how to explain all this to you. Mum. he said. Instead of _him, she said. Robert, what a great mess you have made! I _(not see)such a huge sea of milk before! Well, since the milk has already been spil

10、led, would you like _(play)in the milk for a while? We _(clean)it up after that. Then, he did so. After a few minutes. His mother said. You know. Robert. whenever you _a mess like this, finally you have to clean it up. He used a sponge(海绵)and together they cleaned up the spilled milk. His mother the

11、n said. You know, we _how to successfully carry a big milk bottle with two tiny hands just now. Lets go to the yard and fill the bottle with water to see if you _(discover)a way to carry it. Then the little boy learned that if he grasped (抓紧)the bottle at the top with both hands, he could carry it w

12、ithout dropping it. What a wonderful lesson!【答案】 was asked;was trying;am considering;punishing;havent seen;to play;will clean;make;failed;can discover 【解析】【分析】大意:本文讲述一位著名科学家的故事,作者从冰箱里拿牛奶时,不小心把奶瓶掉下地了,牛奶溅到到处都是,但是他妈妈并没有因此惩罚他,而是借此教育了他,他学会了如果他抓紧瓶子顶部,他便可以把它拿起而不会掉下它。 (1)句意:当他被问为什么他会这样做,他给了答案。根据was,可知用过去时,a

13、sk问,he和ask之间是被动关系,用过去时的被动语态,其结构为be+过去分词,主语是he,be动词用was,ask的过去分词是asked,故填was asked。 (2)句意:我正在努力从冰箱里拿一瓶牛奶的时候,突然我落下的瓶子,并且它掉了下来。此处表示我正在努力去牛奶的时候,恰好这时另一件事发生了,主句用过去将来时,主语是I,be动词用was,故填was trying。 (3)句意:他说“妈妈,我正在考虑怎样向你解释整个这件事。”consider考虑,动词,他妈妈金厨房时,他正在考虑怎样向妈妈解释,直接引语用现在进行时,其结构为be+现在分词,主语是I,be动词用am,consider的现

14、在分词是considering,故填am considering。 (4)句意:没有惩罚他,她说。“罗伯特,你搞得多么乱啊!我以前没有看见如此多的牛奶。根据常识,一般弄掉了牛奶,应该会受到惩罚,但是主人公的母亲并没有惩罚他,punish惩罚,动词,instead of后接动名词,punish的动名词是punishing,故填punishing。 (5)句意:没有惩罚他,她说。“罗伯特,你搞得多么乱啊!我以前没有看见如此多的牛奶。see看见,描述过去的动作对现在造成影响,用现在完成时,其结构为have+过去分词,根据not,可知用否定句,主语是I,构成否定句要借助助动词havent,see的过去

15、分词是seen,故填havent seen。 (6)句意:因为牛奶已经被溅出,你想玩一会儿牛奶吗?would like to do sth想做某事,play玩, 故填to play。 (7)句意:我们然后将会把它打扫干净。描述将要发生的事情,用一般将来时,其结构为will+动词原形,clean打扫,故填will clean。 (8)句意:无论什么时候你向这样搞得乱七八糟,最终你必须打扫干净。make a mess搞得乱七八糟,固定搭配,描述客观事实,用一般现在时,主语是you,动词用原形,故填make。 (9)句意:他妈妈然后说。”你知道,我们刚才不能用两个小手成功的拿两个大奶瓶。由于寻找拿奶

16、瓶的方法,可知不能用小手拿起奶瓶,用fail,失败,fail to do sth不能做某事/失败做某事,根据just now可知,用一般过去时,fail的过去式是failed,故填failed。 (10)句意:我们一起去院子里用水装满这个瓶子看是否你能发现一种拿它的方法。用水填瓶子的目的是看是否可以发现拿它的方法,discover发现,can可以,能,此次用can discover,可以发现,故填can discover。 【点评】考查语法填空。首先理解文章大意,答题的过程中,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素,最后得出正确的答案。3阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个恰当的词或括号内单词的正确形

17、式。 The topic of this programme is environmental protection. We human beings _(do) a lot of things at the cost of the environment to develop economy quickly in the past few years. I do think it is time for us to understand the _(important) of protecting the environment and do something about it. And

18、today I would like _(introduce) some simple but useful ways that we can follow _(easy) in our daily life. Firstly, turn _lights if it is unnecessary. Then, go out in environmentfriendly ways such as by bus, by subway or by bike. We can even walk to work when possible,_it is really helpful for both o

19、f our budget and health. Thirdly, try best to _(use)things like books, paper, magazines and so on. And we can also take a cloth bag when we go _(shop). Please dont use plastic ones. Of course the public should raise environmental awareness and realize it is _(everyone) duty to protect the environmen

20、t. Last but not least, the government should make laws to guide peoples _(behave).【答案】 have done;importance;to introduce;easily;off;because;use;shopping;everyones;behavior 【解析】【分析】文章大意:我们人类在过去的几年里为了快速发展经济,做了很多牺牲环境的事情。我认为是时候让我们了解保护环境并采取措施了。今天我想介绍一些简单但有用的方法。首先,如果不必要,要关闭灯。然后,绿色出行,比如坐公共汽车、坐地铁或骑自行车。如果可能的

21、话,我们甚至可以步行去上班。第三,尽量使用如书籍、纸张、杂志等这样的东西。当我们去购物时,我们也可以带一个布袋。当然,公众应该提高环境意识,认识到保护环境是每个人的责任。最后,政府应该制定法律来指导人民的行为。 (1)句意:在过去的几年里,为了快速发展经济,我们人类以牺牲环境为代价做了很多事情。根据 in the past few years,可知现在完成时态,现在完成时的结构是have done。主语是复数,故答案是have done。 (2)句意:我认为是时候让我们了解保护环境的重要性并采取措施了。 the importance of.,的重要性,固定搭配,故答案是importance。

22、(3)句意:今天,我想介绍一些简单但有用的方法,would like to do,想要干某事,固定搭配,故答案是to introduce。 (4)句意:我们可以在日常生活中很容易地遵循。 副词修饰动词,follow是动词,故答案是easily。 (5)句意:首先,如果没有必要的,关闭灯。关掉,turn off,固定搭配,故答案是off。 (6)句意:如果可能的话,我们甚至可以步行去上班,因为这对我们的预算和健康都很有帮助。 这是一个原因状语从句,能够构成原因状语从句的是because,故答案是because。 (7)句意:第三,尽量使用书籍、纸张、杂志等物品。try best to do,尽力

23、做某事,固定搭配,故答案是use。 (8)句意:我们也可以在购物时带一个布袋。go shopping,去购物,固定搭配,故答案是shopping。 (9)句意:当然,公众应该提高环境意识,认识到保护环境是每个人的责任。duty名词,前面需要所有格, 每个人的,故答案是everyones。 (10)句意:最后,政府应该制定法律来指导人们的行为。peoples是名词所有格,后面加名词,故答案是behavior。 【点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章,字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍,检查验证。4语法填空 A k

24、idnapped 3-year-old boy _ (name) Aiden helped police find himself on Tuesday, Jan. 13, after answering _ (he) mums phone in her stolen car- find out how he pulled it off! Authorities said they found a 3-year-old boy who was sitting _ a car stolen outside a Utah day care on Tuesday after he _ (answer

25、) his mothers cellphone and honked the horn to draw their attention. The boys mother, Elizabeth Barrios, left the car unlocked and running _ a snowy morning as she dropped off another child, a baby, at the day care around 7 am in Ogden, a town about 40 miles north of Salt Lake City, the police said.

26、 When she walked out, she saw someone _ (drive) her car away with her 3-year old son Aiden inside. Police arrived and called her cellphone, which was in the car, hoping _ (reach) the thief and negotiate the boys release. Instead, the boy answered the phone. He told his mother that a _ (strange) had

27、driven away her car and was going through her purse. She told him _ (stay) calm as the man took things from her purse _ ran away. He is a very smart child, the police praised the kid. He did a great job.【答案】 named;his;in;answered;on;driving;to reach;stranger;to stay;and 【解析】【分析】本文讲述了一个3岁的男孩通过在被偷的车里接

28、了妈妈的电话后,帮助警方找到了他的事情。 (1)句意:1月13日,星期二,一个被绑架的名叫艾登的3岁男孩在被偷的车里接了妈妈的电话后,帮助警方找到了他。 helped是谓语动词,故此处是非谓语动词,name与boy是被动关系,故用过去分词做后置定语,named,名字叫的,故填named。 (2)句意:1月13日,星期二,一个被绑架的名叫艾登的3岁男孩在被偷的车里接了妈妈的电话后,帮助警方找到了他。phone是名词其前是形容词性物主代词,he是主格,他,其形容词性物主代词是his,他的,故填his。 (3)句意:当局说,他们发现一个3岁的男孩坐在一辆被偷走的车里,星期二他在犹他州一家日托所外接了

29、他母亲的手机,并按了喇叭以引起他们的注意。根据was sitting,可知表示正坐在某处,in the car,在车里,表示地点,故填in。 (4)句意:当局说,他们发现一个3岁的男孩坐在一辆被偷走的车里,星期二他在犹他州一家日托所外接了他母亲的手机,并按了喇叭以引起他们的注意。根据and honked the horn,可知and前后时态一致是一般过去时,故填answered。 (5)句意:警方称,男孩的母亲伊丽莎白巴里奥斯早上7点左右在盐湖城以北40英里的小镇奥格登接受日托时,在一个下雪的早晨,将另一个孩子,一个婴儿,放下后,车没锁,就跑了。根据a snowy morning,可知morn

30、ing前有形容词时用介词on,表示在的早上,故填on。 (6)句意:当她走出来的时候,她看到有人开车带着她3岁的儿子艾登走了。see sb doing sth,看见某人正在做某事,故此处是现在分词,故填driving。 (7)句意:蒂姆斯科特中尉说,警察到了,打电话给她车里的手机,希望能找到小偷,并与他协商释放男孩的事宜。hope to do,希望做某事,故此处是不定式,故填to reach。 (8)句意:他告诉他妈妈一个陌生人开着她的车走了,正在翻她的钱包。不定冠词a后是名词单数,strange是形容词,stranger,是名词,陌生人,故填stranger。 (9)句意:她让他保持冷静,因

31、为那个男人从她的钱包里拿走了东西就跑开了。tell sb to do,固定搭配,告诉某人做某事,故此处是不定式,故填to stay。 (10)句意:她让他保持冷静,因为那个男人从她的钱包里拿走了东西就跑开了。此处表示并列关系,拿走东西并且跑掉,故是并列连词and,故填and。 【点评】考查语法填空,注意谓语的时态,语态,非谓语动词,词性,连词搭配等多种用法。5阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入适当的词或使用括号中单词的正确形式填空。 Exam time! Most kids dont like exams, _we cant live without them. They play an important role in our lives. Exams are not all the same. There are _kinds. One kind tests our knowledge and skills. The other kind helps f

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